Exemplo n.º 1
    def interface(cls, name, uselist=True):

        mapper = class_mapper(cls)
        table = mapper.local_table
                                    backref='_backref_%s' % table.name)

        if uselist:
            # list based property decorator
            def get(self):
                if getattr(self, attr_name) is None:
                    setattr(self, attr_name, GenericAssoc(table.name))
                return getattr(self, attr_name).targets
            setattr(cls, name, property(get))
            # scalar based property decorator
            def get(self):
                return getattr(self, attr_name).targets[0]
            def set(self, value):
                if getattr(self, attr_name) is None:
                    setattr(self, attr_name, GenericAssoc(table.name))
                getattr(self, attr_name).targets = [value]
            setattr(cls, name, property(get, set))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def interface(cls, name, uselist=True):

        mapper = class_mapper(cls)
        table = mapper.local_table
                                    backref='_backref_%s' % table.name)

        if uselist:
            # list based property decorator
            def get(self):
                if getattr(self, attr_name) is None:
                    setattr(self, attr_name, GenericAssoc(table.name))
                return getattr(self, attr_name).targets
            setattr(cls, name, property(get))
            # scalar based property decorator
            def get(self):
                return getattr(self, attr_name).targets[0]
            def set(self, value):
                if getattr(self, attr_name) is None:
                    setattr(self, attr_name, GenericAssoc(table.name))
                getattr(self, attr_name).targets = [value]
            setattr(cls, name, property(get, set))
Exemplo n.º 3
def addressable(cls, name, uselist=True):
    """addressable 'interface'.

    if you really wanted to make a "generic" version of this function, it's straightforward.

    # create_address function, imitaes the rails example.
    # we could probably use property tricks as well to set
    # the Address object's "addressabletype" attribute.
    def create_address(self):
        a = Address(table.name)
        if uselist:
            getattr(self, name).append(a)
            setattr(self, name, a)
        return a

    mapper = class_mapper(cls)
    table = mapper.local_table
    cls.create_address = create_address
    # no constraints.  therefore define constraints in an ad-hoc fashion.
    primaryjoin = and_(
            list(table.primary_key)[0] == addresses.c.addressable_id,
            addresses.c.addressable_type == table.name
    foreign_keys = [addresses.c.addressable_id]
    mapper.add_property(name, relationship(
            primaryjoin=primaryjoin, uselist=uselist, foreign_keys=foreign_keys,
            backref=backref('_backref_%s' % table.name, primaryjoin=list(table.primary_key)[0] == addresses.c.addressable_id, foreign_keys=foreign_keys)
Exemplo n.º 4
def config_keyable(cls,name="settings"):
    """Object - List Mixin/Mutator"""
    mapper = class_mapper(cls)
    table = mapper.local_table
    cls_name = str(cls)
    cls_name = cls_name[cls_name.rfind('.')+1:cls_name.rfind('\'')].lower()
    mapper.add_property(name, dynamic_loader(ConfigAttribute, 
        backref='%s' % table.name))
    # initialize some stuff
    def on_new(self):
        self.object_type = cls_name
    setattr(cls, "on_new", on_new)
Exemplo n.º 5
def userlistable(cls,name="users"):
    """User - List Mixin/Mutator"""
    mapper = class_mapper(cls)
    table = mapper.local_table
    cls_name = str(cls)
    cls_name = cls_name[cls_name.rfind('.')+1:cls_name.rfind('\'')].lower()
    mapper.add_property(name, dynamic_loader(UserAttribute, 
        backref='%s' % table.name))
    #log.debug("userlistable table.name = %s" % table.name)
    # initialize some stuff
    def on_new(self):
        self.object_type = cls_name
    setattr(cls, "on_new", on_new)
Exemplo n.º 6
def versionable(cls,name):
    """Versionable Mixin/Mutator"""
    mapper = class_mapper(cls)
    table = mapper.local_table
    cls_name = str(cls)
    cls_name = cls_name[cls_name.rfind('.')+1:cls_name.rfind('\'')].lower()
    mapper.add_property('versions', dynamic_loader(Version, 
        backref='%ss' % table.name))
    # most recent version
    def version_latest(self):
        if self.versions is None:
            return None
        return self.versions.order_by(version.c.version.desc()).first()
    setattr(cls, "version_latest", property(version_latest))
Exemplo n.º 7
    def add_property(self, name, property, check_duplicate=True):
        if check_duplicate and name in self.properties:
            raise Exception("property '%s' already exist in '%s' ! " %
                            (name, self.entity.__name__))
        self.properties[name] = property

#FIXME: something like this is needed to propagate the relationships from
# parent entities to their children in a concrete inheritance scenario. But
# this doesn't work because of the backref matching code.
#        if self.children and self.inheritance == 'concrete':
#            for child in self.children:
#                child._descriptor.add_property(name, property)

        mapper = self.entity.mapper
        if mapper:
            mapper.add_property(name, property)
            if DEBUG:
                print "mapper.add_property('%s', %s)" % (name, repr(property))
Exemplo n.º 8
    def add_property(self, name, property, check_duplicate=True):
        if check_duplicate and name in self.properties:
            raise Exception("property '%s' already exist in '%s' ! " %
                            (name, self.entity.__name__))
        self.properties[name] = property

#FIXME: something like this is needed to propagate the relationships from
# parent entities to their children in a concrete inheritance scenario. But
# this doesn't work because of the backref matching code. In most case
# (test_concrete.py) it doesn't even happen at all.
#        if self.children and self.inheritance == 'concrete':
#            for child in self.children:
#                child._descriptor.add_property(name, property)

        mapper = self.entity.mapper
        if mapper:
            mapper.add_property(name, property)
            if DEBUG:
                print "mapper.add_property('%s', %s)" % (name, repr(property))