Exemplo n.º 1
    def get_columns(self, connection, table_name, schema=None, **kw):
        if table_name is None:
            return []

        columns = []
        rows = self._get_columns(connection,
        table_name = self.denormalize_name(table_name)
        for row in rows:
            (colname, coltype, length, precision, scale, nullable, default, identity, is_distribution_key) = \
                (row[0], row[1], row[2], row[3], row[4], row[5], row[6], row[7], row[8])

            # FIXME: Missing type support: INTERVAL DAY [(p)] TO SECOND [(fp)], INTERVAL YEAR[(p)] TO MONTH

            # remove ASCII, UTF8 and spaces from char-like types
            coltype = re.sub(r'ASCII|UTF8| ', '', coltype)
            # remove precision and scale addition from numeric types
            coltype = re.sub(r'\(\d+(\,\d+)?\)', '', coltype)
                if coltype == 'VARCHAR':
                    coltype = sqltypes.VARCHAR(length)
                elif coltype == 'CHAR':
                    coltype = sqltypes.CHAR(length)
                elif coltype == 'DECIMAL':
                    # this Dialect forces INTTYPESINRESULTSIFPOSSIBLE=y on ODBC level
                    # thus, we need to convert DECIMAL(<=18,0) back to INTEGER type
                    # and DECIMAL(36,0) back to BIGINT type
                    if scale == 0 and precision <= 18:
                        coltype = sqltypes.INTEGER()
                    elif scale == 0 and precision == 36:
                        coltype = sqltypes.BIGINT()
                        coltype = sqltypes.DECIMAL(precision, scale)
                    coltype = self.ischema_names[coltype]
            except KeyError:
                util.warn("Did not recognize type '%s' of column '%s'" %
                          (coltype, colname))
                coltype = sqltypes.NULLTYPE

            cdict = {
                'name': self.normalize_name(colname),
                'type': coltype,
                'nullable': nullable,
                'default': default,
                'is_distribution_key': is_distribution_key
            if identity:
                identity = int(identity)
            # if we have a positive identity value add a sequence
            if identity is not None and identity >= 0:
                cdict['sequence'] = {'name': ''}
                # TODO: we have to possibility to encode the current identity value count
                # into the column metadata. But the consequence is that it would also be used
                # as start value in CREATE statements. For now the current value is ignored.
                # Add it by changing the dict to: {'name':'', 'start': int(identity)}
        return columns
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _fixed_lookup_fixture(self):
     return [
         (sqltypes.String(), sqltypes.VARCHAR()),
         (sqltypes.String(1), sqltypes.VARCHAR(1)),
         (sqltypes.String(3), sqltypes.VARCHAR(3)),
         (sqltypes.Text(), sqltypes.TEXT()),
         (sqltypes.Unicode(), sqltypes.VARCHAR()),
         (sqltypes.Unicode(1), sqltypes.VARCHAR(1)),
         (sqltypes.UnicodeText(), sqltypes.TEXT()),
         (sqltypes.CHAR(3), sqltypes.CHAR(3)),
         (sqltypes.NUMERIC, sqltypes.NUMERIC()),
         (sqltypes.NUMERIC(10, 2), sqltypes.NUMERIC(10, 2)),
         (sqltypes.Numeric, sqltypes.NUMERIC()),
         (sqltypes.Numeric(10, 2), sqltypes.NUMERIC(10, 2)),
         (sqltypes.DECIMAL, sqltypes.DECIMAL()),
         (sqltypes.DECIMAL(10, 2), sqltypes.DECIMAL(10, 2)),
         (sqltypes.INTEGER, sqltypes.INTEGER()),
         (sqltypes.BIGINT, sqltypes.BIGINT()),
         (sqltypes.Float, sqltypes.FLOAT()),
         (sqltypes.TIMESTAMP, sqltypes.TIMESTAMP()),
         (sqltypes.DATETIME, sqltypes.DATETIME()),
         (sqltypes.DateTime, sqltypes.DATETIME()),
         (sqltypes.DateTime(), sqltypes.DATETIME()),
         (sqltypes.DATE, sqltypes.DATE()),
         (sqltypes.Date, sqltypes.DATE()),
         (sqltypes.TIME, sqltypes.TIME()),
         (sqltypes.Time, sqltypes.TIME()),
         (sqltypes.BOOLEAN, sqltypes.BOOLEAN()),
         (sqltypes.Boolean, sqltypes.BOOLEAN()),
Exemplo n.º 3
def _custom_auditor(make_row=None):
    if make_row is None:
        def make_row(**_):
            return {'changed_at': audit_alembic.CommonColumnValues.change_time}

    custom_table = Table('custom_alembic_history', MetaData(),
                         Column('changed_at', types.DateTime()))
    return audit_alembic.Auditor(custom_table, make_row)
Exemplo n.º 4
def str_to_sqltype(expr):
    import re
    import sqlalchemy.types as sqltypes
    norm_expr = expr.lower()
    if norm_expr.startswith('integer'):
        match_result = re.match(r'integer\((\d+)\)', norm_expr)
        if match_result is not None:
            return sqltypes.BIGINT() if int(match_result.group(1)) > 11 else sqltypes.INTEGER()
        return sqltypes.BIGINT()
    if norm_expr == 'decimal':
        return sqltypes.DECIMAL()
    if norm_expr == 'date':
        return sqltypes.DATETIME()
    if norm_expr == 'bool' or norm_expr == 'boolean':
        return sqltypes.BOOLEAN()
    if norm_expr.startswith('string'):
        match_result = re.match(r'string\((\d+)\)', norm_expr)
        if match_result is not None:
            maxlen = int(match_result.group(1))
            return sqltypes.VARCHAR(maxlen) if maxlen < 65536 else sqltypes.TEXT
        return sqltypes.TEXT()
    raise RuntimeError("Unsupported data type [" + expr + "]")
Exemplo n.º 5
def stdtype_to_sqltype(stdtype):
    import sqlalchemy.types as sqltypes
    if isinstance(stdtype, stdtypes.StringType):
        return sqltypes.VARCHAR(length=stdtype.max_len) if 0 < stdtype.max_len < 65536 else sqltypes.TEXT()
    if isinstance(stdtype, stdtypes.BoolType):
        return sqltypes.BOOLEAN()
    if isinstance(stdtype, stdtypes.DateType):
        return sqltypes.DATE() if stdtype.only_date else sqltypes.TIMESTAMP()
    if isinstance(stdtype, stdtypes.IntegerType):
        return sqltypes.BIGINT() if stdtype.length > 11 else sqltypes.INTEGER()
    if isinstance(stdtype, stdtypes.DecimalType):
        return sqltypes.DECIMAL()
    if isinstance(stdtype, stdtypes.ArrayType):
        return sqltypes.ARRAY(item_type=stdtype.item_type)
Exemplo n.º 6
def gen_types_from_pandas_to_sql(table):
    Generate a dictionnary with the database types related to the dataframe dtypes
    dtypedict = {}
    for i, j in zip(table.columns, table.dtypes):
        if 'object' in str(j):
            dtypedict.update({i: types.NVARCHAR(length=500)})
        if 'datetime' in str(j):
            dtypedict.update({i: types.DateTime()})
        if 'float' in str(j):
            dtypedict.update({i: types.Float(precision=3, asdecimal=True)})
        if 'int' in str(j):
            if max([l for l in table[i].tolist() if not pd.isnull(l)
                    ]) > cp.INT_LIMIT:
                dtypedict.update({i: types.BIGINT()})
                dtypedict.update({i: types.INT()})
    return dtypedict
Exemplo n.º 7
def np_to_sql_type(input_type):
    Returns the SQL data type (as encoded by sqlalchemy)
    corresponding to a numpy dtype

    input_type is an element of a numpy.dtype array
    name = input_type.name
    size = input_type.itemsize
    if name.startswith('float'):
        return satypes.Float(precision=16)
    if name == 'int64':
        return satypes.BIGINT()
    if name == 'int32':
        return satypes.Integer()
    if name.startswith('str') or str(input_type).startswith('S') or str(input_type).startswith('|S'):
        return satypes.String(length=size)

    raise RuntimeError("Do not know how to map %s to SQL" % str(input_type))
Exemplo n.º 8
def cast_value(value, required_type, field_name):
    # TODO: make it less ugly.. or avoid using pandas to not require this.
        if isinstance(required_type, type(db_types.DATE())):
            if isinstance(value, str):
                return datetime.strptime(value,
                                         "%Y-%m-%d")  # assuming iso format
            elif isinstance(value, pd.Timestamp):  # == datetime
                return value.to_pydatetime().date()
            elif isinstance(value, date):
                return value
            elif pd.isnull(value):
                return None
                return required_type.python_type(value)
        if isinstance(required_type, type(db_types.DATETIME())):
            if isinstance(value, str):
                return datetime.strptime(
                    value, "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")  # assuming iso format
            elif isinstance(value, pd.Timestamp):
                return value.to_pydatetime()
            elif pd.isnull(value):
                return None
                return required_type.python_type(value)
        elif isinstance(required_type, type(db_types.VARCHAR())):
            return None if pd.isnull(value) else str(value)
        elif isinstance(required_type, type(db_types.INT())):
            return None if pd.isnull(value) else int(float(value))
        elif isinstance(required_type, type(db_types.BIGINT())):
            return None if pd.isnull(value) else long(value)
        elif isinstance(required_type, type(db_types.FLOAT())):
            return None if pd.isnull(value) else float(value)
            return required_type.python_type(value)
    except Exception as e:
        logger.error(u"cast_value issue: {}, {}, {}, {}, {}.".format(
            field_name, value, type(value), required_type, str(e)))
        return None
Exemplo n.º 9
 def _fixed_lookup_fixture(self):
     return [
         (sqltypes.String(), sqltypes.VARCHAR()),
         (sqltypes.String(1), sqltypes.VARCHAR(1)),
         (sqltypes.String(3), sqltypes.VARCHAR(3)),
         (sqltypes.Text(), sqltypes.TEXT()),
         (sqltypes.Unicode(), sqltypes.VARCHAR()),
         (sqltypes.Unicode(1), sqltypes.VARCHAR(1)),
         (sqltypes.UnicodeText(), sqltypes.TEXT()),
         (sqltypes.CHAR(3), sqltypes.CHAR(3)),
         (sqltypes.NUMERIC, sqltypes.NUMERIC()),
         (sqltypes.NUMERIC(10, 2), sqltypes.NUMERIC(10, 2)),
         (sqltypes.Numeric, sqltypes.NUMERIC()),
         (sqltypes.Numeric(10, 2), sqltypes.NUMERIC(10, 2)),
         (sqltypes.DECIMAL, sqltypes.DECIMAL()),
         (sqltypes.DECIMAL(10, 2), sqltypes.DECIMAL(10, 2)),
         (sqltypes.INTEGER, sqltypes.INTEGER()),
         (sqltypes.BIGINT, sqltypes.BIGINT()),
         (sqltypes.Float, sqltypes.FLOAT()),
         (sqltypes.TIMESTAMP, sqltypes.TIMESTAMP()),
         (sqltypes.DATETIME, sqltypes.DATETIME()),
         (sqltypes.DateTime, sqltypes.DATETIME()),
         (sqltypes.DateTime(), sqltypes.DATETIME()),
         (sqltypes.DATE, sqltypes.DATE()),
         (sqltypes.Date, sqltypes.DATE()),
         (sqltypes.TIME, sqltypes.TIME()),
         (sqltypes.Time, sqltypes.TIME()),
         (sqltypes.BOOLEAN, sqltypes.BOOLEAN()),
         (sqltypes.Boolean, sqltypes.BOOLEAN()),
         (sqlite.DATE(storage_format="%(year)04d%(month)02d%(day)02d", ),
             storage_format="%(hour)02d%(minute)02d%(second)02d", ),
                          "%(hour)02d%(minute)02d%(second)02d", ),
Exemplo n.º 10
class PrestoEngineSpec(BaseEngineSpec):  # pylint: disable=too-many-public-methods
    engine = "presto"
    engine_name = "Presto"
    allows_alias_to_source_column = False

    _time_grain_expressions = {
        "date_trunc('second', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))",
        "date_trunc('minute', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))",
        "date_trunc('hour', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))",
        "date_trunc('day', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))",
        "date_trunc('week', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))",
        "date_trunc('month', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))",
        "date_trunc('quarter', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))",
        "date_trunc('year', CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))",
        "date_add('day', 5, date_trunc('week', "
        "date_add('day', 1, CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))))",
        "date_add('day', -1, date_trunc('week', "
        "date_add('day', 1, CAST({col} AS TIMESTAMP))))",

    def get_allow_cost_estimate(cls, extra: Dict[str, Any]) -> bool:
        version = extra.get("version")
        return version is not None and StrictVersion(version) >= StrictVersion(

    def update_impersonation_config(
        connect_args: Dict[str, Any],
        uri: str,
        username: Optional[str],
    ) -> None:
        Update a configuration dictionary
        that can set the correct properties for impersonating users
        :param connect_args: config to be updated
        :param uri: URI string
        :param impersonate_user: Flag indicating if impersonation is enabled
        :param username: Effective username
        :return: None
        url = make_url(uri)
        backend_name = url.get_backend_name()

        # Must be Presto connection, enable impersonation, and set optional param
        # auth=LDAP|KERBEROS
        # Set principal_username=$effective_username
        if backend_name == "presto" and username is not None:
            connect_args["principal_username"] = username

    def get_table_names(cls, database: "Database", inspector: Inspector,
                        schema: Optional[str]) -> List[str]:
        tables = super().get_table_names(database, inspector, schema)
        if not is_feature_enabled("PRESTO_SPLIT_VIEWS_FROM_TABLES"):
            return tables

        views = set(cls.get_view_names(database, inspector, schema))
        actual_tables = set(tables) - views
        return list(actual_tables)

    def get_view_names(cls, database: "Database", inspector: Inspector,
                       schema: Optional[str]) -> List[str]:
        """Returns an empty list

        get_table_names() function returns all table names and view names,
        and get_view_names() is not implemented in sqlalchemy_presto.py
        if not is_feature_enabled("PRESTO_SPLIT_VIEWS_FROM_TABLES"):
            return []

        if schema:
            sql = ("SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.views "
                   "WHERE table_schema=%(schema)s")
            params = {"schema": schema}
            sql = "SELECT table_name FROM information_schema.views"
            params = {}

        engine = cls.get_engine(database, schema=schema)
        with closing(engine.raw_connection()) as conn:
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            cursor.execute(sql, params)
            results = cursor.fetchall()

        return [row[0] for row in results]

    def _create_column_info(cls, name: str,
                            data_type: types.TypeEngine) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Create column info object
        :param name: column name
        :param data_type: column data type
        :return: column info object
        return {"name": name, "type": f"{data_type}"}

    def _get_full_name(cls, names: List[Tuple[str, str]]) -> str:
        Get the full column name
        :param names: list of all individual column names
        :return: full column name
        return ".".join(column[0] for column in names if column[0])

    def _has_nested_data_types(cls, component_type: str) -> bool:
        Check if string contains a data type. We determine if there is a data type by
        whitespace or multiple data types by commas
        :param component_type: data type
        :return: boolean
        comma_regex = r",(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"
        white_space_regex = r"\s(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"
        return (re.search(comma_regex, component_type) is not None
                or re.search(white_space_regex, component_type) is not None)

    def _split_data_type(cls, data_type: str, delimiter: str) -> List[str]:
        Split data type based on given delimiter. Do not split the string if the
        delimiter is enclosed in quotes
        :param data_type: data type
        :param delimiter: string separator (i.e. open parenthesis, closed parenthesis,
               comma, whitespace)
        :return: list of strings after breaking it by the delimiter
        return re.split(
            r"{}(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)".format(delimiter), data_type)

    def _parse_structural_column(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches
        parent_column_name: str,
        parent_data_type: str,
        result: List[Dict[str, Any]],
    ) -> None:
        Parse a row or array column
        :param result: list tracking the results
        formatted_parent_column_name = parent_column_name
        # Quote the column name if there is a space
        if " " in parent_column_name:
            formatted_parent_column_name = f'"{parent_column_name}"'
        full_data_type = f"{formatted_parent_column_name} {parent_data_type}"
        original_result_len = len(result)
        # split on open parenthesis ( to get the structural
        # data type and its component types
        data_types = cls._split_data_type(full_data_type, r"\(")
        stack: List[Tuple[str, str]] = []
        for data_type in data_types:
            # split on closed parenthesis ) to track which component
            # types belong to what structural data type
            inner_types = cls._split_data_type(data_type, r"\)")
            for inner_type in inner_types:
                # We have finished parsing multiple structural data types
                if not inner_type and stack:
                elif cls._has_nested_data_types(inner_type):
                    # split on comma , to get individual data types
                    single_fields = cls._split_data_type(inner_type, ",")
                    for single_field in single_fields:
                        single_field = single_field.strip()
                        # If component type starts with a comma, the first single field
                        # will be an empty string. Disregard this empty string.
                        if not single_field:
                        # split on whitespace to get field name and data type
                        field_info = cls._split_data_type(single_field, r"\s")
                        # check if there is a structural data type within
                        # overall structural data type
                        column_spec = cls.get_column_spec(field_info[1])
                        column_type = column_spec.sqla_type if column_spec else None
                        if column_type is None:
                            column_type = types.String()
                                "Did not recognize type %s of column %s",
                        if field_info[1] == "array" or field_info[1] == "row":
                            stack.append((field_info[0], field_info[1]))
                            full_parent_path = cls._get_full_name(stack)
                                    full_parent_path, column_type))
                        else:  # otherwise this field is a basic data type
                            full_parent_path = cls._get_full_name(stack)
                            column_name = "{}.{}".format(
                                full_parent_path, field_info[0])
                                    column_name, column_type))
                    # If the component type ends with a structural data type, do not pop
                    # the stack. We have run across a structural data type within the
                    # overall structural data type. Otherwise, we have completely parsed
                    # through the entire structural data type and can move on.
                    if not (inner_type.endswith("array")
                            or inner_type.endswith("row")):
                # We have an array of row objects (i.e. array(row(...)))
                elif inner_type in ("array", "row"):
                    # Push a dummy object to represent the structural data type
                    stack.append(("", inner_type))
                # We have an array of a basic data types(i.e. array(varchar)).
                elif stack:
                    # Because it is an array of a basic data type. We have finished
                    # parsing the structural data type and can move on.
        # Unquote the column name if necessary
        if formatted_parent_column_name != parent_column_name:
            for index in range(original_result_len, len(result)):
                result[index]["name"] = result[index]["name"].replace(
                    formatted_parent_column_name, parent_column_name)

    def _show_columns(cls, inspector: Inspector, table_name: str,
                      schema: Optional[str]) -> List[RowProxy]:
        Show presto column names
        :param inspector: object that performs database schema inspection
        :param table_name: table name
        :param schema: schema name
        :return: list of column objects
        quote = inspector.engine.dialect.identifier_preparer.quote_identifier
        full_table = quote(table_name)
        if schema:
            full_table = "{}.{}".format(quote(schema), full_table)
        columns = inspector.bind.execute(
            "SHOW COLUMNS FROM {}".format(full_table))
        return columns

    column_type_mappings = (
            re.compile(r"^boolean.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^tinyint.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^smallint.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^integer.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^bigint.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^real.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^double.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^decimal.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^varchar(\((\d+)\))*$", re.IGNORECASE),
            lambda match: types.VARCHAR(int(match[2]))
            if match[2] else types.String(),
            re.compile(r"^char(\((\d+)\))*$", re.IGNORECASE),
            lambda match: types.CHAR(int(match[2]))
            if match[2] else types.CHAR(),
            re.compile(r"^varbinary.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^json.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^date.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^timestamp.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^interval.*", re.IGNORECASE),
            re.compile(r"^time.*", re.IGNORECASE),
                    re.IGNORECASE), Array(), utils.GenericDataType.STRING),
                    re.IGNORECASE), Map(), utils.GenericDataType.STRING),
                    re.IGNORECASE), Row(), utils.GenericDataType.STRING),

    def get_columns(cls, inspector: Inspector, table_name: str,
                    schema: Optional[str]) -> List[Dict[str, Any]]:
        Get columns from a Presto data source. This includes handling row and
        array data types
        :param inspector: object that performs database schema inspection
        :param table_name: table name
        :param schema: schema name
        :return: a list of results that contain column info
                (i.e. column name and data type)
        columns = cls._show_columns(inspector, table_name, schema)
        result: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        for column in columns:
            # parse column if it is a row or array
            if is_feature_enabled("PRESTO_EXPAND_DATA") and (
                    "array" in column.Type or "row" in column.Type):
                structural_column_index = len(result)
                cls._parse_structural_column(column.Column, column.Type,
                result[structural_column_index]["nullable"] = getattr(
                    column, "Null", True)
                result[structural_column_index]["default"] = None

            # otherwise column is a basic data type
            column_spec = cls.get_column_spec(column.Type)
            column_type = column_spec.sqla_type if column_spec else None
            if column_type is None:
                column_type = types.String()
                    "Did not recognize type %s of column %s",
            column_info = cls._create_column_info(column.Column, column_type)
            column_info["nullable"] = getattr(column, "Null", True)
            column_info["default"] = None
        return result

    def _is_column_name_quoted(cls, column_name: str) -> bool:
        Check if column name is in quotes
        :param column_name: column name
        :return: boolean
        return column_name.startswith('"') and column_name.endswith('"')

    def _get_fields(cls, cols: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[ColumnClause]:
        Format column clauses where names are in quotes and labels are specified
        :param cols: columns
        :return: column clauses
        column_clauses = []
        # Column names are separated by periods. This regex will find periods in a
        # string if they are not enclosed in quotes because if a period is enclosed in
        # quotes, then that period is part of a column name.
        dot_pattern = r"""\.                # split on period
                          (?=               # look ahead
                          (?:               # create non-capture group
                          [^\"]*\"[^\"]*\"  # two quotes
                          )*[^\"]*$)        # end regex"""
        dot_regex = re.compile(dot_pattern, re.VERBOSE)
        for col in cols:
            # get individual column names
            col_names = re.split(dot_regex, col["name"])
            # quote each column name if it is not already quoted
            for index, col_name in enumerate(col_names):
                if not cls._is_column_name_quoted(col_name):
                    col_names[index] = '"{}"'.format(col_name)
            quoted_col_name = ".".join(
                col_name if cls._is_column_name_quoted(col_name
                                                       ) else f'"{col_name}"'
                for col_name in col_names)
            # create column clause in the format "name"."name" AS "name.name"
            column_clause = literal_column(quoted_col_name).label(col["name"])
        return column_clauses

    def select_star(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        database: "Database",
        table_name: str,
        engine: Engine,
        schema: Optional[str] = None,
        limit: int = 100,
        show_cols: bool = False,
        indent: bool = True,
        latest_partition: bool = True,
        cols: Optional[List[Dict[str, Any]]] = None,
    ) -> str:
        Include selecting properties of row objects. We cannot easily break arrays into
        rows, so render the whole array in its own row and skip columns that correspond
        to an array's contents.
        cols = cols or []
        presto_cols = cols
        if is_feature_enabled("PRESTO_EXPAND_DATA") and show_cols:
            dot_regex = r"\.(?=(?:[^\"]*\"[^\"]*\")*[^\"]*$)"
            presto_cols = [
                col for col in presto_cols
                if not re.search(dot_regex, col["name"])
        return super().select_star(

    def estimate_statement_cost(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
            cls, statement: str, cursor: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        Run a SQL query that estimates the cost of a given statement.

        :param statement: A single SQL statement
        :param database: Database instance
        :param cursor: Cursor instance
        :param username: Effective username
        :return: JSON response from Presto
        sql = f"EXPLAIN (TYPE IO, FORMAT JSON) {statement}"

        # the output from Presto is a single column and a single row containing
        # JSON:
        #   {
        #     ...
        #     "estimate" : {
        #       "outputRowCount" : 8.73265878E8,
        #       "outputSizeInBytes" : 3.41425774958E11,
        #       "cpuCost" : 3.41425774958E11,
        #       "maxMemory" : 0.0,
        #       "networkCost" : 3.41425774958E11
        #     }
        #   }
        result = json.loads(cursor.fetchone()[0])
        return result

    def query_cost_formatter(
            cls, raw_cost: List[Dict[str, Any]]) -> List[Dict[str, str]]:
        Format cost estimate.

        :param raw_cost: JSON estimate from Presto
        :return: Human readable cost estimate
        def humanize(value: Any, suffix: str) -> str:
                value = int(value)
            except ValueError:
                return str(value)

            prefixes = ["K", "M", "G", "T", "P", "E", "Z", "Y"]
            prefix = ""
            to_next_prefix = 1000
            while value > to_next_prefix and prefixes:
                prefix = prefixes.pop(0)
                value //= to_next_prefix

            return f"{value} {prefix}{suffix}"

        cost = []
        columns = [
            ("outputRowCount", "Output count", " rows"),
            ("outputSizeInBytes", "Output size", "B"),
            ("cpuCost", "CPU cost", ""),
            ("maxMemory", "Max memory", "B"),
            ("networkCost", "Network cost", ""),
        for row in raw_cost:
            estimate: Dict[str, float] = row.get("estimate", {})
            statement_cost = {}
            for key, label, suffix in columns:
                if key in estimate:
                    statement_cost[label] = humanize(estimate[key],

        return cost

    def adjust_database_uri(cls,
                            uri: URL,
                            selected_schema: Optional[str] = None) -> None:
        database = uri.database
        if selected_schema and database:
            selected_schema = parse.quote(selected_schema, safe="")
            if "/" in database:
                database = database.split("/")[0] + "/" + selected_schema
                database += "/" + selected_schema
            uri.database = database

    def convert_dttm(cls, target_type: str, dttm: datetime) -> Optional[str]:
        tt = target_type.upper()
        if tt == utils.TemporalType.DATE:
            return f"""from_iso8601_date('{dttm.date().isoformat()}')"""
        if tt == utils.TemporalType.TIMESTAMP:
            return f"""from_iso8601_timestamp('{dttm.isoformat(timespec="microseconds")}')"""  # pylint: disable=line-too-long
        return None

    def epoch_to_dttm(cls) -> str:
        return "from_unixtime({col})"

    def get_all_datasource_names(
            cls, database: "Database",
            datasource_type: str) -> List[utils.DatasourceName]:
        datasource_df = database.get_df(
            "SELECT table_schema, table_name FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.{}S "
            "ORDER BY concat(table_schema, '.', table_name)".format(
        datasource_names: List[utils.DatasourceName] = []
        for _unused, row in datasource_df.iterrows():
        return datasource_names

    def expand_data(  # pylint: disable=too-many-locals,too-many-branches
        cls, columns: List[Dict[Any, Any]],
        data: List[Dict[Any, Any]]) -> Tuple[List[Dict[Any, Any]], List[Dict[
            Any, Any]], List[Dict[Any, Any]]]:
        We do not immediately display rows and arrays clearly in the data grid. This
        method separates out nested fields and data values to help clearly display
        structural columns.

        Example: ColumnA is a row(nested_obj varchar) and ColumnB is an array(int)
        Original data set = [
            {'ColumnA': ['a1'], 'ColumnB': [1, 2]},
            {'ColumnA': ['a2'], 'ColumnB': [3, 4]},
        Expanded data set = [
            {'ColumnA': ['a1'], 'ColumnA.nested_obj': 'a1', 'ColumnB': 1},
            {'ColumnA': '',     'ColumnA.nested_obj': '',   'ColumnB': 2},
            {'ColumnA': ['a2'], 'ColumnA.nested_obj': 'a2', 'ColumnB': 3},
            {'ColumnA': '',     'ColumnA.nested_obj': '',   'ColumnB': 4},
        :param columns: columns selected in the query
        :param data: original data set
        :return: list of all columns(selected columns and their nested fields),
                 expanded data set, listed of nested fields
        if not is_feature_enabled("PRESTO_EXPAND_DATA"):
            return columns, data, []

        # process each column, unnesting ARRAY types and
        # expanding ROW types into new columns
        to_process = deque((column, 0) for column in columns)
        all_columns: List[Dict[str, Any]] = []
        expanded_columns = []
        current_array_level = None
        while to_process:
            column, level = to_process.popleft()
            if column["name"] not in [
                    column["name"] for column in all_columns

            # When unnesting arrays we need to keep track of how many extra rows
            # were added, for each original row. This is necessary when we expand
            # multiple arrays, so that the arrays after the first reuse the rows
            # added by the first. every time we change a level in the nested arrays
            # we reinitialize this.
            if level != current_array_level:
                unnested_rows: Dict[int, int] = defaultdict(int)
                current_array_level = level

            name = column["name"]
            values: Optional[Union[str, List[Any]]]

            if column["type"].startswith("ARRAY("):
                # keep processing array children; we append to the right so that
                # multiple nested arrays are processed breadth-first
                to_process.append((get_children(column)[0], level + 1))

                # unnest array objects data into new rows
                i = 0
                while i < len(data):
                    row = data[i]
                    values = row.get(name)
                    if isinstance(values, str):
                        row[name] = values = destringify(values)
                    if values:
                        # how many extra rows we need to unnest the data?
                        extra_rows = len(values) - 1

                        # how many rows were already added for this row?
                        current_unnested_rows = unnested_rows[i]

                        # add any necessary rows
                        missing = extra_rows - current_unnested_rows
                        for _ in range(missing):
                            data.insert(i + current_unnested_rows + 1, {})
                            unnested_rows[i] += 1

                        # unnest array into rows
                        for j, value in enumerate(values):
                            data[i + j][name] = value

                        # skip newly unnested rows
                        i += unnested_rows[i]

                    i += 1

            if column["type"].startswith("ROW("):
                # expand columns; we append them to the left so they are added
                # immediately after the parent
                expanded = get_children(column)
                    (column, level) for column in expanded[::-1])

                # expand row objects into new columns
                for row in data:
                    values = row.get(name) or []
                    if isinstance(values, str):
                        row[name] = values = cast(List[Any],
                    for value, col in zip(values, expanded):
                        row[col["name"]] = value

        data = [{k["name"]: row.get(k["name"], "")
                 for k in all_columns} for row in data]

        return all_columns, data, expanded_columns

    def extra_table_metadata(cls, database: "Database", table_name: str,
                             schema_name: str) -> Dict[str, Any]:
        metadata = {}

        indexes = database.get_indexes(table_name, schema_name)
        if indexes:
            cols = indexes[0].get("column_names", [])
            full_table_name = table_name
            if schema_name and "." not in table_name:
                full_table_name = "{}.{}".format(schema_name, table_name)
            pql = cls._partition_query(full_table_name, database)
            col_names, latest_parts = cls.latest_partition(table_name,

            if not latest_parts:
                latest_parts = tuple([None] * len(col_names))
            metadata["partitions"] = {
                "cols": cols,
                "latest": dict(zip(col_names, latest_parts)),
                "partitionQuery": pql,

        # flake8 is not matching `Optional[str]` to `Any` for some reason...
        metadata["view"] = cast(
            Any, cls.get_create_view(database, schema_name, table_name))

        return metadata

    def get_create_view(cls, database: "Database", schema: str,
                        table: str) -> Optional[str]:
        Return a CREATE VIEW statement, or `None` if not a view.

        :param database: Database instance
        :param schema: Schema name
        :param table: Table (view) name
        from pyhive.exc import DatabaseError

        engine = cls.get_engine(database, schema)
        with closing(engine.raw_connection()) as conn:
            cursor = conn.cursor()
            sql = f"SHOW CREATE VIEW {schema}.{table}"
                cls.execute(cursor, sql)
                polled = cursor.poll()

                while polled:
                    polled = cursor.poll()
            except DatabaseError:  # not a VIEW
                return None
            rows = cls.fetch_data(cursor, 1)
        return rows[0][0]

    def handle_cursor(cls, cursor: Any, query: Query,
                      session: Session) -> None:
        """Updates progress information"""
        query_id = query.id
        poll_interval = query.database.connect_args.get(
            "poll_interval", config["PRESTO_POLL_INTERVAL"])
        logger.info("Query %i: Polling the cursor for progress", query_id)
        polled = cursor.poll()
        # poll returns dict -- JSON status information or ``None``
        # if the query is done
        # https://github.com/dropbox/PyHive/blob/
        # b34bdbf51378b3979eaf5eca9e956f06ddc36ca0/pyhive/presto.py#L178
        while polled:
            # Update the object and wait for the kill signal.
            stats = polled.get("stats", {})

            query = session.query(type(query)).filter_by(id=query_id).one()
            if query.status in [QueryStatus.STOPPED, QueryStatus.TIMED_OUT]:

            if stats:
                state = stats.get("state")

                # if already finished, then stop polling
                if state == "FINISHED":

                completed_splits = float(stats.get("completedSplits"))
                total_splits = float(stats.get("totalSplits"))
                if total_splits and completed_splits:
                    progress = 100 * (completed_splits / total_splits)
                    logger.info("Query {} progress: {} / {} "  # pylint: disable=logging-format-interpolation
                                "splits".format(query_id, completed_splits,
                    if progress > query.progress:
                        query.progress = progress
            logger.info("Query %i: Polling the cursor for progress", query_id)
            polled = cursor.poll()

    def _extract_error_message(cls, ex: Exception) -> str:
        if (hasattr(ex, "orig")
                and type(ex.orig).__name__ == "DatabaseError"  # type: ignore
                and isinstance(ex.orig[0], dict)  # type: ignore
            error_dict = ex.orig[0]  # type: ignore
            return "{} at {}: {}".format(
        if type(ex).__name__ == "DatabaseError" and hasattr(
                ex, "args") and ex.args:
            error_dict = ex.args[0]
            return error_dict.get("message", _("Unknown Presto Error"))
        return utils.error_msg_from_exception(ex)

    def _partition_query(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments,too-many-locals
        table_name: str,
        database: "Database",
        limit: int = 0,
        order_by: Optional[List[Tuple[str, bool]]] = None,
        filters: Optional[Dict[Any, Any]] = None,
    ) -> str:
        """Returns a partition query

        :param table_name: the name of the table to get partitions from
        :type table_name: str
        :param limit: the number of partitions to be returned
        :type limit: int
        :param order_by: a list of tuples of field name and a boolean
            that determines if that field should be sorted in descending
        :type order_by: list of (str, bool) tuples
        :param filters: dict of field name and filter value combinations
        limit_clause = "LIMIT {}".format(limit) if limit else ""
        order_by_clause = ""
        if order_by:
            l = []
            for field, desc in order_by:
                l.append(field + " DESC" if desc else "")
            order_by_clause = "ORDER BY " + ", ".join(l)

        where_clause = ""
        if filters:
            l = []
            for field, value in filters.items():
                l.append(f"{field} = '{value}'")
            where_clause = "WHERE " + " AND ".join(l)

        presto_version = database.get_extra().get("version")

        # Partition select syntax changed in v0.199, so check here.
        # Default to the new syntax if version is unset.
        partition_select_clause = (
            f'SELECT * FROM "{table_name}$partitions"' if not presto_version
            or StrictVersion(presto_version) >= StrictVersion("0.199") else
            f"SHOW PARTITIONS FROM {table_name}")

        sql = textwrap.dedent(f"""\
        return sql

    def where_latest_partition(  # pylint: disable=too-many-arguments
        table_name: str,
        schema: Optional[str],
        database: "Database",
        query: Select,
        columns: Optional[List[Dict[str, str]]] = None,
    ) -> Optional[Select]:
            col_names, values = cls.latest_partition(table_name,
        except Exception:  # pylint: disable=broad-except
            # table is not partitioned
            return None

        if values is None:
            return None

        column_names = {column.get("name") for column in columns or []}
        for col_name, value in zip(col_names, values):
            if col_name in column_names:
                query = query.where(Column(col_name) == value)
        return query

    def _latest_partition_from_df(cls,
                                  df: pd.DataFrame) -> Optional[List[str]]:
        if not df.empty:
            return df.to_records(index=False)[0].item()
        return None

    def latest_partition(
        table_name: str,
        schema: Optional[str],
        database: "Database",
        show_first: bool = False,
    ) -> Tuple[List[str], Optional[List[str]]]:
        """Returns col name and the latest (max) partition value for a table

        :param table_name: the name of the table
        :param schema: schema / database / namespace
        :param database: database query will be run against
        :type database: models.Database
        :param show_first: displays the value for the first partitioning key
          if there are many partitioning keys
        :type show_first: bool

        >>> latest_partition('foo_table')
        (['ds'], ('2018-01-01',))
        indexes = database.get_indexes(table_name, schema)
        if not indexes:
            raise SupersetTemplateException(
                f"Error getting partition for {schema}.{table_name}. "
                "Verify that this table has a partition.")

        if len(indexes[0]["column_names"]) < 1:
            raise SupersetTemplateException(
                "The table should have one partitioned field")

        if not show_first and len(indexes[0]["column_names"]) > 1:
            raise SupersetTemplateException(
                "The table should have a single partitioned field "
                "to use this function. You may want to use "

        column_names = indexes[0]["column_names"]
        part_fields = [(column_name, True) for column_name in column_names]
        sql = cls._partition_query(table_name, database, 1, part_fields)
        df = database.get_df(sql, schema)
        return column_names, cls._latest_partition_from_df(df)

    def latest_sub_partition(cls, table_name: str, schema: Optional[str],
                             database: "Database", **kwargs: Any) -> Any:
        """Returns the latest (max) partition value for a table

        A filtering criteria should be passed for all fields that are
        partitioned except for the field to be returned. For example,
        if a table is partitioned by (``ds``, ``event_type`` and
        ``event_category``) and you want the latest ``ds``, you'll want
        to provide a filter as keyword arguments for both
        ``event_type`` and ``event_category`` as in
            event_category='page', event_type='click')``

        :param table_name: the name of the table, can be just the table
            name or a fully qualified table name as ``schema_name.table_name``
        :type table_name: str
        :param schema: schema / database / namespace
        :type schema: str
        :param database: database query will be run against
        :type database: models.Database

        :param kwargs: keyword arguments define the filtering criteria
            on the partition list. There can be many of these.
        :type kwargs: str
        >>> latest_sub_partition('sub_partition_table', event_type='click')
        indexes = database.get_indexes(table_name, schema)
        part_fields = indexes[0]["column_names"]
        for k in kwargs.keys():  # pylint: disable=consider-iterating-dictionary
            if k not in k in part_fields:  # pylint: disable=comparison-with-itself
                msg = "Field [{k}] is not part of the portioning key"
                raise SupersetTemplateException(msg)
        if len(kwargs.keys()) != len(part_fields) - 1:
            msg = ("A filter needs to be specified for {} out of the "
                   "{} fields.").format(
                       len(part_fields) - 1, len(part_fields))
            raise SupersetTemplateException(msg)

        for field in part_fields:
            if field not in kwargs.keys():
                field_to_return = field

        sql = cls._partition_query(table_name, database, 1,
                                   [(field_to_return, True)], kwargs)
        df = database.get_df(sql, schema)
        if df.empty:
            return ""
        return df.to_dict()[field_to_return][0]

    def get_function_names(cls, database: "Database") -> List[str]:
        Get a list of function names that are able to be called on the database.
        Used for SQL Lab autocomplete.

        :param database: The database to get functions for
        :return: A list of function names useable in the database
        return database.get_df("SHOW FUNCTIONS")["Function"].tolist()

    def extract_errors(cls, ex: Exception) -> List[SupersetError]:
        raw_message = cls._extract_error_message(ex)

        column_match = re.search(COLUMN_NOT_RESOLVED_ERROR_REGEX, raw_message)
        if column_match:
            return [
                        'We can\'t seem to resolve the column "%(column_name)s" at '
                        "line %(location)s.",
                    extra={"engine_name": cls.engine_name},

        table_match = re.search(TABLE_DOES_NOT_EXIST_ERROR_REGEX, raw_message)
        if table_match:
            return [
                        'The table "%(table_name)s" does not exist. '
                        "A valid table must be used to run this query.",
                    extra={"engine_name": cls.engine_name},

        return super().extract_errors(ex)

    def is_readonly_query(cls, parsed_query: ParsedQuery) -> bool:
        """Pessimistic readonly, 100% sure statement won't mutate anything"""
        return super().is_readonly_query(
            parsed_query) or parsed_query.is_show()

    def get_column_spec(  # type: ignore
        native_type: Optional[str],
        source: utils.ColumnTypeSource = utils.ColumnTypeSource.GET_TABLE,
        column_type_mappings: Tuple[Tuple[Pattern[str],
                                          GenericDataType, ],
                                    ..., ] = column_type_mappings,
    ) -> Union[ColumnSpec, None]:

        column_spec = super().get_column_spec(
            native_type, column_type_mappings=column_type_mappings)

        if column_spec:
            return column_spec

        return super().get_column_spec(native_type)
Exemplo n.º 11

def build_typeclass(class_name, sql_data_type, quoted):
    globals()[class_name] = DataType(class_name.lower(),

for dtype, sqlalchemy_type in quoted_types:
Exemplo n.º 12
    def create(
        """Autocreate a history table.

        This table contains columns for:

        * user version
        * alembic version(s) prior to upgrade
        * alembic version(s) after upgrade
        * :paramref:`operation type <.Auditor.create.operation_column_name>`
        * :paramref:`operation direction <.Auditor.create.direction_column_name>`
        * operation direction
        * upgrade time

        The user may add their own columns and, to some extent, customize
        those provided. See the parameter list for details.

        :param user_version: a constant value or callable giving the user
            version to be stored with each migration step. If callable, it
            accepts the kwargs provided by alembic's on_version_apply
            callback. A good value for this might be your application's git
            version or current version tag.

        .. note::

            :paramref:`.Auditor.create.user_version` does not have to be
            provided. It can be null. It is intended to tie an alembic version
            to a specific point in your version control, so that you may
            consult that history and know exactly the content of the patch
            that was executed. Failing to include this information may
            seriously dilute the value of keeping these records at all. For
            that reason, we highly recommend providing *something* here.

            If you pass ``None``, a warning will be raised.

        :param user_version_nullable: Suppresses the above-mentioned warning.
        :param table_name: The name of the version history table.
        :param metadata: The SQLAlchemy MetaData object with which the table
            is to be created. If not provided, a new one will be created.
        :param extra_columns: A sequence of extra columns to add to the
            default table. Each element of the column is a 2-tuple
            ``(col, val)`` where ``col`` is a SQLAlchemy ``Column`` and
            ``val`` is a value for it, expressed the same way as
            :paramref:`~.Auditor.create.user_version`: as a constant,
            type-appropriate value, or a function of kwargs returning such a
        :param user_version_column_name: the name used for the column
            storing the value of :paramref:`~.Auditor.create.user_version`.
        :param user_version_type: the SQL type of
            :paramref:`~.Auditor.create.user_version`. If not specified, this
            is assumed to be VARCHAR(32).
        :param operation_column_name: the name of the column storing operation
            type. Currently supported values are ``migrate`` and ``stamp``,
            which indicate respectively that database changes are made, or
            that the version is changed without effecting any true changes.
            The field is nonnullable but unconstrained in case future Alembic
            versions support other migration types.
        :param direction_column_name: the name of the column storing the
            operation direction. This column is an enum (native on backends that
            support it, or given as a varchar with constraints) of the string
            values ``up`` and ``down``. It is left nullable in case future
            Alembic versions support migration types without an up/down
        :param alembic_version_column_name: The name of the column storing
            the "new" (i.e. after the operation is complete) alembic
            version(s) of the database. Note that this is distinct in theory
            from the "up" version of the migration operation, and distinct
            in practice when the operation is a downgrade.
        :param prev_alembic_version_column_name: The name of the column
            storing the "old" (i.e before the operation is complete) alembic
            version(s) of the database. Note that this is distinct in theory
            from the "down" version of the migration operation, and distinct
            in practice when the operation is a downgrade.
        :param alembic_version_separator: if multiple alembic versions are
            given for one of the alembic version columns, they are joined
            together with ``alembic_version_separator`` as the delimiter.
        :param change_time_column_name: the name of the column storing the
            time of this migration

        if not user_version_nullable:
            if user_version is None:
            elif callable(user_version):
                orig_user_version = user_version

                def user_version(**kw):
                    val = orig_user_version(**kw)
                    if val is None:
                    return val

        if metadata is None:
            metadata = MetaData()

        alembic_version_type = types.String(255)

        columns = [
                   types.BIGINT().with_variant(types.Integer, 'sqlite'),
            Column(alembic_version_column_name, alembic_version_type),
            Column(prev_alembic_version_column_name, alembic_version_type),
            CheckConstraint('coalesce(%s, %s) IS NOT NULL' %
            Column(operation_column_name, types.String(32), nullable=False),
            Column(direction_column_name, types.String(32), nullable=False),
            Column(user_version_column_name, user_version_type),
            Column(change_time_column_name, types.DateTime())

        def alembic_vers(f):
            return functools.partial(f, separator=alembic_version_separator)

        col_vals = {
            alembic_version_column_name: alembic_vers(ccv.new_alembic_version),
            operation_column_name: ccv.operation_type,
            direction_column_name: ccv.operation_direction,
            user_version_column_name: user_version,
            change_time_column_name: ccv.change_time,
        for col, val in extra_columns:
            if col.name in col_vals:
                raise exc.AuditCreateError('value %s used twice' % col.name)
            col_vals[col.name] = val

        auditor = cls(Table(table_name, metadata, *columns), col_vals)
        return auditor
def osm_delineation(param):

    osm.op_endpoint = param['osm']['op_endpoint']

    ### Load data

    # run_time_start = pd.Timestamp.today().strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
    # print(run_time_start)

    ## Read in source data
    print('--Reading in source data...')

    json_lst = get_json_from_api(param['plan_limits']['api_url'], param['plan_limits']['api_headers'])
    json_lst1 = json_filters(json_lst, only_operative=True, only_reach_points=True)
    gjson1, hydro_units, pts_alt, sg1 = geojson_convert(json_lst1)

    combined_zones1 = [j for j in json_lst if j['id'] == param['other']['combined_zones_id']][0]
    combined_zones2 = [s['id'] for s in combined_zones1['spatialUnit']]

    no_limit1 = [j for j in json_lst if j['id'] == param['other']['no_limit_id']][0]
    no_limit2 = [s['id'] for s in no_limit1['spatialUnit']][0]

    # pts = mssql.rd_sql(param['gis_waterdata']['server'], param['gis_waterdata']['database'], param['gis_waterdata']['pts']['table'], [param['gis_waterdata']['pts']['id']], where_in={param['gis_waterdata']['pts']['id']: pts_alt.id.unique().tolist()}, geo_col=True, username=param['gis_waterdata']['username'], password=param['gis_waterdata']['password'], rename_cols=[id_col])
    pts = mssql.rd_sql(param['gis_waterdata']['server'], param['gis_waterdata']['database'], param['gis_waterdata']['pts']['table'], [param['gis_waterdata']['pts']['id']], where_in={param['gis_waterdata']['pts']['id']: pts_alt.id.unique().tolist()}, geo_col=True, rename_cols=[id_col])

    ## Point checks
    excluded_points = pts_alt[~pts_alt.id.isin(pts.SpatialUnitId)].copy()
    if not excluded_points.empty:
        print('These points are in the Plan Limits db, but have no GIS data:')

    bad_geo = pts[pts.geom_type != 'Point']
    if not bad_geo.empty:
        print('These points do not have a "Point" geometry (likely "MultiPoint"):')
        pts = pts[~pts.SpatialUnitId.isin(bad_geo.SpatialUnitId)].copy()

    cwms1 = mssql.rd_sql(param['gis_prod']['server'], param['gis_prod']['database'], param['gis_prod']['cwms']['table'], param['gis_prod']['cwms']['col_names'], rename_cols=param['gis_prod']['cwms']['rename_cols'], geo_col=True, username=param['gis_prod']['username'], password=param['gis_prod']['password'])

    # zones3 = mssql.rd_sql(param['gis_waterdata']['server'], param['gis_waterdata']['database'], param['gis_waterdata']['allo_zones']['table'], [param['gis_waterdata']['allo_zones']['id']], where_in={param['gis_waterdata']['allo_zones']['id']: combined_zones2}, username=param['gis_waterdata']['username'], password=param['gis_waterdata']['password'], geo_col=True, rename_cols=[id_col])
    zones3 = mssql.rd_sql(param['gis_waterdata']['server'], param['gis_waterdata']['database'], param['gis_waterdata']['allo_zones']['table'], [param['gis_waterdata']['allo_zones']['id']], where_in={param['gis_waterdata']['allo_zones']['id']: combined_zones2}, geo_col=True, rename_cols=[id_col])

    pts['geometry'] = pts.geometry.simplify(1)

    ### Run query
    print('--Pull out the waterways from OSM')

    pts1, bad_points = osm.get_nearest_waterways(pts, id_col, param['other']['search_distance'], 'all')

    waterways, nodes = osm.get_waterways(pts1, 'all')

    print('--Delineating Reaches from OSM')

    site_delin = osm.waterway_delineation(waterways, True)
    osm_delin = osm.to_osm(site_delin, nodes)
    gdf1 = osm.to_gdf(osm_delin)

    gdf2 = gdf1.to_crs(pts.crs)

    gdf3 = gdf2.merge(pts1.rename(columns={'id': 'start_node'})[['start_node', id_col]], on='start_node')

    print('--Pulling out all of Canterbury...')

    cant2 = osm.get_waterways_within_boundary(cwms1, buffer=0, waterway_type='all')

    combined1, poly1 = vector.pts_poly_join(cant2, zones3, id_col, op='intersects')
    gdf3 = gdf3[~gdf3.way_id.isin(combined1.way_id.unique())].copy()

    all_others1 = cant2[~cant2.way_id.isin(combined1.way_id)]
    all_others2 = all_others1[~all_others1.way_id.isin(gdf3.way_id.unique().tolist())].copy()
    all_others2[id_col] = no_limit2

    print('--Combine all reach data')

    gdf4 = pd.concat([gdf3, combined1, all_others2]).reset_index(drop=True)

    gdf4.rename(columns={'way_id': 'OSMWaterwayId', 'waterway': 'OSMWaterwayType', 'name': 'RiverName', 'start_node': 'StartNode'}, inplace=True)
    gdf4['OSMWaterwayId'] = gdf4['OSMWaterwayId'].astype('int64')

    print('--Compare existing reaches in the database')

    cols = gdf4.columns.drop('geometry').tolist()

    # old1 = mssql.rd_sql(param['gis_waterdata']['server'], param['gis_waterdata']['database'], param['gis_waterdata']['reaches']['table'], cols, username=param['gis_waterdata']['username'], password=param['gis_waterdata']['password'], geo_col=True)
    old1 = mssql.rd_sql(param['gis_waterdata']['server'], param['gis_waterdata']['database'], param['gis_waterdata']['reaches']['table'], cols, geo_col=True)

    comp_dict = util.compare_dfs(old1.drop('OBJECTID', axis=1), gdf4, on=['SpatialUnitId', 'OSMWaterwayId'])
    new1 = comp_dict['new'].copy()
    diff1 = comp_dict['diff'].copy()
    rem1 = comp_dict['remove'][['SpatialUnitId', 'OSMWaterwayId']].copy()

    print('--Save to database')

    sql_dtypes = {'StartNode': types.BIGINT(), 'OSMWaterwayId': types.BIGINT(), 'RiverName': types.NVARCHAR(200), 'OSMWaterwayType': types.NVARCHAR(30), 'SpatialUnitId': types.NVARCHAR(8), 'SHAPE_': types.VARCHAR(), 'OBJECTID': types.INT(), 'ModifiedDate': types.DATETIME()}

    if not new1.empty:
        max_id = old1['OBJECTID'].max() + 1

        new1['ModifiedDate'] = today_str
        new1['OBJECTID'] = list(range(max_id, max_id + len(new1)))
        new1.rename(columns={'geometry': 'SHAPE'}, inplace=True)

        # mssql.update_table_rows(new1, param['gis_waterdata']['server'], param['gis_waterdata']['database'], param['gis_waterdata']['reaches']['table'], on=['SpatialUnitId', 'OSMWaterwayId'], index=False, append=True, username=param['gis_waterdata']['username'], password=param['gis_waterdata']['password'], geo_col='SHAPE', clear_table=False, dtype=sql_dtypes)
        mssql.update_table_rows(new1, param['gis_waterdata']['server'], param['gis_waterdata']['database'], param['gis_waterdata']['reaches']['table'], on=['SpatialUnitId', 'OSMWaterwayId'], index=False, append=True, geo_col='SHAPE', clear_table=False, dtype=sql_dtypes)

    if not diff1.empty:
        diff2 = pd.merge(diff1, old1[['SpatialUnitId', 'OSMWaterwayId', 'OBJECTID']], on=['SpatialUnitId', 'OSMWaterwayId'])
        diff2['ModifiedDate'] = today_str
        diff2.rename(columns={'geometry': 'SHAPE'}, inplace=True)

        # mssql.update_table_rows(diff2, param['gis_waterdata']['server'], param['gis_waterdata']['database'], param['gis_waterdata']['reaches']['table'], on=['SpatialUnitId', 'OSMWaterwayId'], index=False, append=True, username=param['gis_waterdata']['username'], password=param['gis_waterdata']['password'], geo_col='SHAPE', clear_table=False, dtype=sql_dtypes)
        mssql.update_table_rows(diff2, param['gis_waterdata']['server'], param['gis_waterdata']['database'], param['gis_waterdata']['reaches']['table'], on=['SpatialUnitId', 'OSMWaterwayId'], index=False, append=True, geo_col='SHAPE', clear_table=False, dtype=sql_dtypes)

    if not rem1.empty:
        # mssql.del_table_rows(param['gis_waterdata']['server'], param['gis_waterdata']['database'], param['gis_waterdata']['reaches']['table'], pk_df=rem1, username=param['gis_waterdata']['username'], password=param['gis_waterdata']['password'])
        mssql.del_table_rows(param['gis_waterdata']['server'], param['gis_waterdata']['database'], param['gis_waterdata']['reaches']['table'], pk_df=rem1)

    return gdf4, excluded_points, bad_geo, bad_points
Exemplo n.º 14
def long(**kwargs):
    return _vary(types.BIGINT(), long_map.copy(), kwargs)
Exemplo n.º 15

    df2 = pd.DataFrame(index=range(5), columns=['Picture'])
    df2.index.name = 'id'
                                 'id': types.BIGINT(),
                                 'Picture': types.BLOB(),

    connection = engine.raw_connection()
    cursor = connection.cursor()
    with open('sample.png', 'rb') as image:
        imager = image.read()

    query = "UPDATE pic  SET Picture = %s WHERE id  = %s"
    args = (imager, 2)
    cursor.execute(query, args)