Exemplo n.º 1
def gold_monster(ID):
    m = db.select('character', 'curfloor', ID)
    radon = random.randrange(0, 250)
    money = 300 * m + radon * m
    bal = db.select('character', 'gold', ID) + money
    db.update("character", "gold", ID, bal)
    return f"You have obtained {money}"
Exemplo n.º 2
def checkskill(ID):
    if existing_char(ID) != None:
        if db.select("character", "wornactskill", ID) != None or db.select(
                "character", "wornpassskill", ID) != None:
            return None  #exists and at least one skill
            return "exists but no skill"  #exists but no skill
        return "does not exist"  #does not exist
Exemplo n.º 3
def floor(ID):
    if existing_char(ID) != None:
        if db.select('character', 'highestfloor', ID) == 1:
            return f"You currently only have access to the first floor: The Amethyst Forest, please save the Amethyst Forest by beating the monstrous Orc Chef to access the next floor."
            a = db.select('character', 'highestfloor', ID)
            return f"Your highest floor is floor {a}, please beat the {db.select('character', 'boss', ID)} to reach higher floors."
        return "You don't have a character."
Exemplo n.º 4
def hp(ID):
        if db.select("character", "curhp", ID) == 0:
            return "1"
        elif db.select("monster", "hp", ID) == 0:
            return "2"
            return None
    except TypeError:
        return "3"
Exemplo n.º 5
def titleon(ID):
    h = existing_char(ID)
    if h != None:
        if db.select("character", "titleequipped", ID) == "God of Creation":
            return f" You currently have the title {db.select('character', 'titleequipped', ID)} equipped , this title can only be given to the creator of this bot."
        elif db.select('character', 'titleequipped', ID) == "Beginner":
            return f" You currently have the title {db.select('character', 'titleequipped', ID)} equipped. Thank you for trying out this game."
            return f" You currently have the title {db.select('character', 'titleequipped', ID)} equipped. Further details on titles coming soon."
        return "You don't have a character yet."
Exemplo n.º 6
def floorboss(ID):
    m = db.select("character", "boss", ID)
    curfloor = db.select("character", "curfloor", ID)
    with open("Boss.json", "r") as f:
        txt = json.load(f)
        if m == txt["Boss"][curfloor - 1][0]:
                m, ID, txt["Boss"][curfloor - 1][7],
                txt["Boss"][curfloor - 1][1], txt["Boss"][curfloor - 1][2],
                txt["Boss"][curfloor - 1][3], txt["Boss"][curfloor - 1][4],
                txt["Boss"][curfloor - 1][5], txt["Boss"][curfloor - 1][6])
Exemplo n.º 7
def add_hp(ID):  #only for testing purposes
    if existing_char(ID) != None:
        if db.select("character", "curhp", ID) < db.select(
                "character", "hp", ID):
            max_stamina = db.select("character", "hp", ID)
            db.update("character", "curhp", ID, max_stamina)
            return "You are full hp now."
            return "You are already full hp."
        return "You do not have a character yet. Use ^start to start your adventure."
Exemplo n.º 8
def useskill(ID):
    with open("Skills.json", "r") as file:
        b = json.load(file)
        c = len(b["Actives"])
        for i in range(0, c):
            if b["Actives"][i][0] == db.select("character", "wornactskill",
                dmg = round(((int(b["Actives"][i][1]) / 100) *
                             db.select("character", "ad", ID)) +
                            ((int(b["Actives"][i][2]) / 100) *
                             db.select("character", "ap", ID)))
                return dmg
Exemplo n.º 9
def actskillmana(ID):
    with open("Skills.json", "r") as file:
        b = json.load(file)
        c = len(b["Actives"])
        for i in range(0, c):
            if db.select("character", "wornactskill",
                         ID) in b["Actives"][i][0]:
                return int(b["Actives"][i][3])
Exemplo n.º 10
def dropboss(ID):
    with open("Drop.json", "r") as f:
        txt = json.load(f)
        bossname = db.select("boss", "name", ID)
        if bossname in txt:
            db.update_list("character", "inventory", ID, [txt[bossname][0]])
            db.update_list("character", "titleavailable", ID,
            return f"You have received the item: {txt[bossname][0]} and the title: {txt[bossname][1]}.{getexp(ID, txt[bossname][2])}{getgold(ID, txt[bossname][3])}"
Exemplo n.º 11
def shop(ID, m):
    h = existing_char(ID)
    if h != None:
        if m.lower() == "life potion":
            if db.select('character', 'gold', ID) >= 600:
                inventory = db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID)
                inventory.append("Life Potion")
                db.update_list("character", "inventory", ID, inventory)
                new_gold = db.select("character", "gold", ID) - 600
                db.update("character", "gold", ID, new_gold)
                return f"You have obtained a Life Potion. You have {db.select('character', 'gold', ID)} Gold remaining."
            if db.select('character', 'gold', ID) < 600:
                return "You do not have enough Gold."
        elif m.lower() == "stamina potion":
            if db.select('character', 'gold', ID) >= 600:
                inventory = db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID)
                inventory.append("Stamina Potion")
                db.update_list("character", "inventory", ID, inventory)
                new_gold = db.select("character", "gold", ID) - 600
                db.update("character", "gold", ID, new_gold)
                return f"You have obtained a Stamina Potion. You have {db.select('character', 'gold', ID)} Gold remaining."
            if db.select('character', 'gold', ID) < 600:
                return "You do not have enough Gold."
            return "This item is not in the shop"
        return "You do not have a character yet."
Exemplo n.º 12
def bossdefeat(ID):
    new_highest_floor = db.select('character', 'highestfloor', ID) + 1
    db.update('character', 'highestfloor', ID, new_highest_floor)
    db.update('character', 'curfloor', ID, new_highest_floor)
    with open("Floors.json", "r") as f:
        txt = json.load(f)
        floor = str(new_highest_floor)
        if floor in txt.keys():
            new_boss = txt[floor][6][0]
            db.update('character', 'boss', ID, new_boss)
            new_curfloorname = txt[floor][0][0]
            db.update('character', 'curfloorname', ID, new_curfloorname)
            return txt[floor][1][0]
Exemplo n.º 13
def floormonsters(ID, m):
    h = existing_char(ID)
    if h != None:
        if m <= db.select("character", "highestfloor", ID):
            with open("Floors.json", "r") as f:
                txt = json.load(f)
                floor = str(m)
                if floor in txt.keys():
                    return f"Monsters of Floor {floor} are : {txt[floor][2][0]}, {txt[floor][3][0]}, {txt[floor][4][0]} and {txt[floor][5][0]}"
                    return "Soon to come"
            return "You have not reached that floor yet thus you cannot see its informations."
        return "You don't have a character"
Exemplo n.º 14
def weartitle(ID, m):
    if m in db.select_list("character", "titleavailable", ID):
        cur_title = db.select("character", "titleequipped", ID)
        available = db.select_list("character", "titleavailable", ID)
        db.update_list("character", "titleavailable", ID, available)
        db.update("character", "titleequipped", ID, m)
        #db.update_list("character", "titleavailable", ID, cur_title)
        #db.update("character", "titleequipped", ID, m)
        #b = db.select_list("character", "titleavailable", ID)
        #b.remove(db.select("character", "titleequipped", ID))
        #db.update_list("character", "titleavailable", ID, b)
        return f"The title {db.select('character', 'titleequipped', ID)} has been equipped"
        return f"This is not an available title."
Exemplo n.º 15
def monsterrecog(ID):
    m = db.select("character", "curfloor", ID)
    with open("Floors.json", "r") as f:
        txt = json.load(f)
        floor = str(m)
        if floor in txt.keys():
            randmon = [
                txt[floor][2][0], txt[floor][3][0], txt[floor][4][0],
            monster = random.choice(randmon)
            c = len(txt[floor])
            for i in range(2, c):
                if monster in txt[floor][i]:
                    db.new_monster(monster, ID, txt[floor][i][1],
                                   txt[floor][i][2], txt[floor][i][3])
                    return f"You will be fighting a {monster}"
Exemplo n.º 16
def monsteratt(ID):
    monst_dmg = db.select("character", "curhp", ID) - db.select(
        "monster", "dmg", ID)
    db.update("character", "curhp", ID, monst_dmg)
    if db.select("character", "curhp", ID) <= 0:
        db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
        dmg = db.select("monster", "dmg", ID)
        name = db.select("monster", "name", ID)
        return f"{name} attacked back. You have lost {dmg}hp and died."
        name = db.select("monster", "name", ID)
        return f"{name} attacked back. You have lost {db.select('monster', 'dmg', ID)}hp."
Exemplo n.º 17
def Yatori(ID):
    h = existing_char(ID)
    if h != None:
        if ID == 257115950623490049:
            if "God of Creation" not in db.select_list(
                    "character", "titleavailable",
                    ID) and "God of Creation" != db.select(
                        "character", "titleequipped", ID):
                add_title = db.select_list("character", "titleavailable", ID)
                add_title.append("God of Creation")
                db.update_list("character", "titleavailable", ID, add_title)
                db.update("character", "race", ID, "God")
                return "You have gotten your lost strength back"
                return "You already are divine, Master"

            return "You are not the creator of this bot"
        return "You have not created a character yet"
Exemplo n.º 18
def hp2(ID):
        if db.select("character", "curhp", ID) == 0 and db.select(
                "boss", "hp1", ID) == 0:
            return "1"
        elif db.select("character", "curhp", ID) == 0 and db.select(
                "boss", "hp2", ID) == 0:
            return "5"
        elif db.select("character", "curhp", ID) == 0:
            return "3"
        elif db.select("boss", "hp2", ID) == 0:
            return "4"
            return None
    except TypeError:
        return "5"
Exemplo n.º 19
def statpoints(ID):
    if existing_char(ID) != None:
        a = db.select("character", "statpoints", ID)
        return a
        return None
Exemplo n.º 20
def getgold(ID, amount):
    new_bal = db.select("character", "gold", ID) + amount
    db.update("character", "gold", ID, new_bal)
    return f" You have obtained {amount}gold as a bonus loot!"
Exemplo n.º 21
def getexp(ID, amount):  #make a func for gold too
    xp = db.select("character", "experience", ID)
    db.update("character", "experience", ID, xp + amount)
    obtained_statpoints = 0
    if db.select("character", "experience", ID) < db.select(
            "character", "experiencereq", ID):
        return f"You have obtained {amount} experience points."
    while db.select("character", "experience", ID) >= db.select(
            "character", "experiencereq", ID):
        newexp = db.select("character", "experience", ID) - db.select(
            "character", "experiencereq", ID)
        db.update("character", "experience", ID, newexp)
        newexpreq = db.select("character", "experiencereq", ID) * 1.5
        db.update("character", "experiencereq", ID, newexpreq)
        newlevel = db.select("character", "level", ID) + 1
        db.update("character", "level", ID, newlevel)
        new_stat_points = db.select("character", "statpoints", ID) + 5
        db.update("character", "statpoints", ID, new_stat_points)
        obtained_statpoints += 5
        heal_user = db.select("character", "hp", ID)
        db.update("character", "curhp", ID, heal_user)
        full_mana = db.select("character", "mana", ID)
        db.update("character", "curmana", ID, full_mana)
    return f" You have obtained {amount} experience points. You are now level {db.select('character', 'level', ID)} thus gaining {obtained_statpoints} free stat points. Use them with ^statpoints. "
Exemplo n.º 22
def chosen_statpoint(ID, m):
    m = m.lower()
    if m == "hp" or m == "strength" or m == "agility" or m == "intelligence" or m == "wisdom":
        if m == "hp":
            a = db.select('character', 'hp', ID)
            b = db.select('character', 'curhp', ID)
            c = db.select('character', 'statpoints', ID)
            db.update("character", "curhp", ID, a + 5)
            db.update("character", "hp", ID, b + 5)
            db.update("character", "statpoints", ID, c - 5)
            return "You have put 5 points into hp"
        elif m == "strength":
            a = db.select('character', 'ad', ID)
            b = db.select('character', 'statpoints', ID)
            db.update("character", "ad", ID, a + 5)
            db.update("character", "statpoints", ID, b - 5)
            return "You have put 5 points into strength"
        elif m == "agility":
            a = db.select('character', 'spd', ID)
            b = db.select('character', 'statpoints', ID)
            db.update("character", "spd", ID, a + 5)
            db.update("character", "statpoints", ID, b - 5)
            return "You have put 5 points into speed"
        elif m == "intelligence":
            a = db.select('character', 'ap', ID)
            b = db.select('character', 'statpoints', ID)
            db.update("character", "ap", ID, a + 5)
            db.update("character", "statpoints", ID, b - 5)
            return "You have put 5 points into intelligence"
        elif m == "wisdom":
            a = db.select('character', 'mana', ID)
            b = db.select('character', 'statpoints', ID)
            db.update("character", "mana", ID, a + 5)
            db.update("character", "statpoints", ID, b - 5)
            return "You have put 5 points into wisdom"
            return "Wrong answer. Please do ^statpoints again if you wish to level up a stat."
Exemplo n.º 23
def bossatt(ID):
    if db.select("boss", "mode", ID) == 1:
        monst_dmg = db.select("character", "curhp", ID) - db.select(
            "boss", "dmg1", ID)
        db.update("character", "curhp", ID, monst_dmg)
        if db.select("character", "curhp", ID) <= 0:
            db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
            dmg1 = db.select("boss", "dmg1", ID)
            bossname = db.select("boss", "name", ID)
            return f"{bossname} attacked back. You have lost {dmg1}hp and died."
            return f"{db.select('boss', 'name', ID)} attacked back. You have lost {db.select('boss', 'dmg1', ID)}hp."

    elif db.select("boss", "mode", ID) == 2:
        monst_dmg = db.select("character", "curhp", ID) - db.select(
            "boss", "dmg2", ID)
        db.update("character", "curhp", ID, monst_dmg)
        if db.select("character", "curhp", ID) <= 0:
            db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
            dmg2 = db.select("boss", "dmg2", ID)
            bossname = db.select("boss", "name", ID)
            return f"{bossname} attacked back. You have lost {dmg2}hp and died."
            return f"{db.select('boss', 'name', ID)} attacked back. You have lost {db.select('boss', 'dmg2', ID)}hp."
Exemplo n.º 24
def automode3(ID, m):  #for floorboss
    h = existing_char(ID)
    if h != None:
        if db.select("boss", "mode", ID) == 1:
            if hp2(ID) == None:
                if enoughmana(ID) != None:
                    if m.lower() == "sword":
                        new_hp1 = db.select("boss", "hp1", ID) - (
                            db.select("character", "ad", ID) +
                            db.select("character", "ap", ID))
                        db.update("boss", "hp1", ID, new_hp1)
                        if db.select("boss", "hp1", ID) <= 0:
                            db.update("boss", "hp1", ID, 0)
                            name = db.select("boss", "name", ID)
                            db.update("boss", "mode", ID, 2)
                            return f"{name} starts becoming redder and redder, {name} has entered the enraged state. His stats will exponentially increase!"
                            return f"You have dealt {(db.select('character', 'ad', ID)+db.select('character', 'ap', ID))} dmg with your sword. {db.select('boss', 'name', ID)} has {db.select('boss', 'hp1', ID)}hp left."
                    elif m.lower() == "skill":
                        new_hp1 = db.select("boss", "hp1", ID) - useskill(ID)
                        db.update("boss", "hp1", ID, new_hp1)
                        new_curmana = db.select("character", "curmana",
                                                ID) - actskillmana(ID)
                        db.update("character", "curmana", ID, new_curmana)
                        if db.select("boss", "hp1", ID) <= 0:
                            db.update("boss", "hp1", ID, 0)
                            name = db.select("boss", "name", ID)
                            db.update("boss", "mode", ID, 2)
                            return f"{name} starts becoming redder and redder, {name} has entered the enraged state. His stats will exponentially increase!"
                            return f"You have dealt {useskill(ID)} dmg with {db.select('character', 'wornactskill', ID)}. {db.select('boss', 'name', ID)} has {db.select('boss', 'hp1', ID)}hp left."
                    elif m.lower() == "quit":
                        db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
                        return f"You have given up thus you have lost all your hp."
                        db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
                        return f"You have answered something else thus I consider that as you quitting. You have lost all your hp."

                    if m.lower() == "sword":
                        new_hp1 = db.select("boss", "hp1", ID) - (
                            db.select("character", "ad", ID) +
                            db.select("character", "ap", ID))
                        db.update("boss", "hp1", ID, new_hp1)
                        if db.select("boss", "hp1", ID) <= 0:
                            db.update("boss", "hp1", ID, 0)
                            name = db.select("boss", "name", ID)
                            db.update("boss", "mode", ID, 2)
                            return f"{name} starts becoming redder and redder, {name} has entered the enraged state. "
                            return f"You have dealt {(db.select('character', 'ad', ID)+db.select('character', 'ap', ID))} dmg with your sword. {db.select('boss', 'name', ID)} has {db.select('boss', 'hp1', ID)}hp left."
                    elif m.lower() == "quit":
                        db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
                        return f"You have given up thus you have lost all your hp."
                        db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
                        return f"You have answered something else thus I consider that as you quitting. You have lost all your hp."
                return f"You have no hp"
        elif db.select("boss", "mode", ID) == 2:
            if hp2(ID) == None:
                if enoughmana(ID) != None:
                    if m.lower() == "sword":
                        new_hp2 = db.select("boss", "hp2", ID) - (
                            db.select("character", "ad", ID) +
                            db.select("character", "ap", ID))
                        db.update("boss", "hp2", ID, new_hp2)
                        if db.select("boss", "hp2", ID) <= 0:
                            db.update("boss", "hp2", ID, 0)
                            name = db.select("boss", "name", ID)
                            db.update("boss", "mode", ID, 3)
                            return f"Congratulations, you have defeated the {name}. {dropboss(ID)}\n{bossdefeat(ID)}{floor_welcome(ID)}"
                            return f"You have dealt {(db.select('character', 'ad', ID)+db.select('character', 'ap', ID))} dmg with your sword. {db.select('boss', 'name', ID)} has {db.select('boss', 'hp2', ID)}hp left."
                    elif m.lower() == "skill":
                        new_hp2 = db.select("boss", "hp2", ID) - useskill(ID)
                        db.update("boss", "hp2", ID, new_hp2)
                        new_curmana = db.select("character", "curmana",
                                                ID) - actskillmana(ID)
                        db.update("character", "curmana", ID, new_curmana)
                        if db.select("boss", "hp2", ID) <= 0:
                            db.update("boss", "hp2", ID, 0)
                            name = db.select("boss", "name", ID)
                            db.update("boss", "mode", ID, 3)
                            return f"Congratulations, you have defeated the {name}. {dropboss(ID)}\n{bossdefeat(ID)}{floor_welcome(ID)}"
                            return f"You have dealt {useskill(ID)} dmg with {db.select('character', 'wornactskill', ID)}. {db.select('boss', 'name', ID)} has {db.select('boss', 'hp2', ID)}hp left."
                    elif m.lower() == "quit":
                        db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
                        return f"You have given up thus you have lost all your hp."
                        db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
                        return f"You have answered something else thus I consider that as you quitting. You have lost all your hp."
                    if m.lower() == "sword":
                        new_hp2 = db.select("boss", "hp2", ID) - (
                            db.select("character", "ad", ID) +
                            db.select("character", "ap", ID))
                        db.update("boss", "hp2", ID, new_hp2)
                        if db.select("boss", "hp2", ID) <= 0:
                            db.update("boss", "hp2", ID, 0)
                            name = db.select("boss", "name", ID)
                            db.update("boss", "mode", ID, 3)
                            return f"Congratulations, you have defeated the {name}. {dropboss(ID)}\n{bossdefeat(ID)}{floor_welcome(ID)}"
                            return f"You have dealt {(db.select('character', 'ad', ID)+db.select('character', 'ap', ID))} dmg with your sword. {db.select('boss', 'name', ID)} has {db.select('boss', 'hp2', ID)}hp left."
                    elif m.lower() == "quit":
                        db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
                        return f"You have given up thus you have lost all your hp."
                        db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
                        return f"You have answered something else thus I consider that as you quitting. You have lost all your hp."

                return f"You have no hp"
        elif db.select("boss", "mode",
                       ID) == 3:  #it does not reach here though

        return "You don't have a character yet"
Exemplo n.º 25
def use(ID, m):
    h = existing_char(ID)
    if h != None:
        if m.lower() == "life potion":
            m = "Life Potion"
            if m in db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID):
                if (db.select("character", "hp", ID) -
                        db.select("character", "curhp", ID)) < 50 and (
                            db.select("character", "hp", ID) -
                            db.select("character", "curhp", ID)) != 0:
                    gainedhp = db.select("character", "hp", ID) - db.select(
                        "character", "curhp", ID)
                    max_hp = db.select("character", "hp", ID)
                    db.update("character", "curhp", ID, max_hp)
                    inventory = db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID)
                    new_inventory = inventory.remove("Life Potion")
                    db.update_list("character", "inventory", ID, new_inventory)
                    return f"{gainedhp} hp have been added, you are now full health."
                elif (db.select("character", "hp", ID) -
                      db.select("character", "curhp", ID)) >= 50:
                    more_hp = db.select("character", "curhp", ID) + 50
                    db.update("character", "curhp", ID, more_hp)
                    inventory = db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID)
                    new_inventory = inventory.remove("Life Potion")
                    db.update_list("character", "inventory", ID, new_inventory)
                    return f"50 hp have been added. You currently have {db.select('character', 'curhp', ID)}/{db.select('character', 'hp', ID)}hp."
                elif (db.select("character", "hp", ID) -
                      db.select("character", "curhp", ID)) == 0:
                    return "You are already full health."
        elif m.lower() == "stamina potion":
            m = "Stamina Potion"
            if m in db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID):
                if (db.select("character", "mana", ID) -
                        db.select("character", "curmana", ID)) < 50 and (
                            db.select("character", "mana", ID) -
                            db.select("character", "curmana", ID)) != 0:
                    gained_stamina = db.select("character", "mana",
                                               ID) - db.select(
                                                   "character", "curmana", ID)
                    max_stamina = db.select("character", "mana", ID)
                    db.update("character", "curmana", ID, max_stamina)
                    inventory = db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID)
                    new_inventory = inventory.remove("Stamina Potion")
                    db.update_list("character", "inventory", ID, new_inventory)
                    return f"{gained_stamina}stamina has been added, you are now at max Stamina"
                elif (db.select("character", "mana", ID) -
                      db.select("character", "curmana", ID)) >= 50:
                    more_stamina = db.select("character", "curmana", ID) + 50
                    db.update("character", "curmana", ID, more_stamina)
                    inventory = db.select_list("character", "inventory", ID)
                    new_inventory = inventory.remove("Stamina Potion")
                    db.update_("character", "inventory", ID, new_inventory)
                    return f"50 Stamina has been added. You currently have {db.select('character', 'curmana', ID)}/{db.select('character', 'mana', ID)}stamina"
                elif (db.select("character", "mana", ID) -
                      db.select("character", "curmana", ID)) == 0:
                    return "You already are at max Stamina."
            return "You do not have that item in your inventory."
        return "You do not have a character yet."
Exemplo n.º 26
def enough_hp(ID):
    if db.select("character", "curhp", ID) > 0:
        return "nice"
        return None
Exemplo n.º 27
def welcomemessage(ID):
    return db.select("boss", "welcome", ID)
Exemplo n.º 28
def enoughmana(ID):
    p = actskillmana(ID)
    if db.select("character", "curmana", ID) >= p:
        return "yes"
        return None
Exemplo n.º 29
def automode2(ID, m):
    h = existing_char(ID)
    if h != None:
        if hp(ID) == None:
            if enoughmana(ID) != None:
                if m.lower() == "sword":
                    sword_dmg = db.select("monster", "hp", ID) - (
                        db.select("character", "ap", ID) +
                        db.select("character", "ad", ID))
                    db.update("monster", "hp", ID, sword_dmg)
                    if db.select("monster", "hp", ID) <= 0:
                        db.update("monster", "hp", ID, 0)
                        name = db.select("monster", "name", ID)
                        xp = db.select("character", "curfloor", ID) * 450
                        return f"You have dealt {db.select('character', 'ap', ID)+db.select('character', 'ad', ID)}dmg with your sword and killed the {name}.{gold_monster(ID)} gold. {getexp(ID, xp)}"
                        return f"You have dealt {db.select('character', 'ap', ID)+db.select('character', 'ad', ID)} dmg with your sword. {db.select('monster', 'name', ID)} has {db.select('monster', 'hp', ID)}hp left."
                elif m.lower() == "skill":
                    skill_dmg = db.select("monster", "hp", ID) - useskill(ID)
                    db.update("monster", "hp", ID, skill_dmg)
                    skill_mana = db.select("character", "curmana",
                                           ID) - actskillmana(ID)
                    db.update("character", "curmana", ID, skill_mana)
                    if db.select("monster", "hp", ID) <= 0:
                        db.update("monster", "hp", ID, 0)
                        name = db.select("monster", "name", ID)
                        xp = db.select("character", "curfloor", ID) * 450
                        return f"You have dealt {useskill(ID)}dmg with {db.select('character', 'wornactskill', ID)} and killed the {name}.{gold_monster(ID)} gold . {getexp(ID, xp)}"
                        return f"You have dealt {useskill(ID)}dmg with {db.select('character', 'wornactskill', ID)}. {db.select('monster', 'name', ID)} has {db.select('monster', 'hp', ID)}hp left."
                elif m.lower() == "quit":
                    db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
                    return f"You have given up thus you have lost all your hp."
                    db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
                    return f"You have answered something else thus I consider that as you quitting. You have lost all your hp."

                if m.lower() == "sword":
                    sword_dmg = db.select("monster", "hp", ID) - (
                        db.select("character", "ap", ID) +
                        db.select("character", "ad", ID))
                    db.update("monster", "hp", ID, sword_dmg)
                    if db.select("monster", "hp", ID) <= 0:
                        db.update("monster", "hp", ID, 0)
                        name = db.select("monster", "name", ID)
                        xp = db.select("character", "curfloor", ID) * 450
                        return f"You have dealt {db.select('character', 'ap', ID)+db.select('character', 'ad', ID)}dmg with your sword and killed the {name}.{gold_monster(ID)} gold. {getexp(ID, xp)}"
                        return f"You have dealt {db.select('character', 'ap', ID)+db.select('character', 'ad', ID)} dmg with your sword.  {db.select('monster', 'name', ID)} has {db.select('monster', 'hp', ID)}hp left."
                elif m.lower() == "quit":
                    db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
                    return f"You have given up thus you have lost all your hp"
                    db.update("character", "curhp", ID, 0)
                    return f"You have answered something else thus I consider that as you quitting. You have lost all your hp."

            return f"You have no hp"
        return "You don't have a character yet"