Exemplo n.º 1
def mute(_c: Cursor, temp: bool, user_id: int, mod_id: int, date: datetime.datetime, guild_id: int, reason: str = None,
         until_date: datetime.datetime = None) -> None:
    Insert ban into db.
    :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param temp: Whether the mute is temporary
    :param user_id: Discord UserID
    :param mod_id: Discord UserID
    :param date: Date of mute
    :param guild_id: Discord GuildID
    :param reason: Reason for mute
    :param until_date: Date until the mute lasts
    :return: None
    # Parse arguments into correct data types for db
    temp = int(temp)

    date = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    if until_date:
        until_date = until_date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    # Insert into db
    _c.execute('INSERT INTO mutes VALUES (:mute_id, :temp, :user_id, :mod_id, :reason, :date, :until_date, :guild_id)',
               {'mute_id': generate_new_id(table='mutes', identifier='mute_id'),
                'temp': temp,
                'user_id': user_id,
                'mod_id': mod_id,
                'reason': reason,
                'date': date,
                'until_date': until_date,
                'guild_id': guild_id
Exemplo n.º 2
def generate_new_id(_c: Cursor, table: str, identifier: str) -> str:
    Generate a unique ID in table for identifier
    :param _c: Cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param table: Database table
    :param identifier: Identifier of id attribute
    :return: Unique ID
    unique = False
    count = 0
    random_id = None
    # Create new IDs until the id is unique
    while not unique:
        # Generate new ID
        random_id = util.random_base_16_code()

        # Get entries that have the same ID
        _c.execute("SELECT * FROM {} WHERE {}==? LIMIT 1".format(table, identifier), (random_id,))
        result = _c.fetchone()

        # Check whether the ID is already used
        if not result:
            unique = True

        # No infinite loop
        count += 1
        if count >= 1000000:
            raise DatabaseError('No unique code could be generated for table: {}'.format(table))

    return random_id
Exemplo n.º 3
def guild(_c: Cursor, guild_id: int, welcome_channel_id: int = None, cpr_channel_id: int = None,
          pr_settings_id: int = None,
          pr_category_id: int = None,
          mod_log_id: int = None,
          support_log_id: int = None,
          ticket_category_id: int = None,
          mute_role_id: int = None) -> None:
    Insert guild into db.
    :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param guild_id: Discord GuildID
    :param welcome_channel_id: Discord TextChannelID
    :param cpr_channel_id: Discord VoiceChannelID (cpr: create private room)
    :param pr_settings_id: Discord TextChannelID (pr: private room)
    :param pr_category_id: Discord CategoryChannelID (pr: private room)
    :param mod_log_id: Discord TextChannelID
    :param support_log_id: Discord TextChannelID
    :param ticket_category_id: Discord CategoryID
    :param mute_role_id: ID of Mute role
    # Insert into db
    _c.execute('''INSERT INTO guilds VALUES (:guild_id, :welcome_channel_id, :cpr_channel_id, :pr_settings_id, 
                :pr_category_id, :mod_log_id, :support_log_id, :ticket_category_id, :mute_role_id)''',
               {'guild_id': guild_id,
                'welcome_channel_id': welcome_channel_id,
                'cpr_channel_id': cpr_channel_id,
                'pr_settings_id': pr_settings_id,
                'pr_category_id': pr_category_id,
                'mod_log_id': mod_log_id,
                'support_log_id': support_log_id,
                'ticket_category_id': ticket_category_id,
                'mute_role_id': mute_role_id})
Exemplo n.º 4
def default_pr_settings(_c: Cursor, guild_id: int, name: str = None, game_activity: bool = False, locked: bool = False,
                        user_limit: int = 0, hidden: bool = False) -> None:
    Insert private room settings into db
    :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param guild_id: Guild of default settings (Table: guilds)
    :param name: Name of private room
    :param game_activity: Whether to show game activity in the name
    :param locked: Whether the private room is locked
    :param user_limit: Limit of private room (0 for no limit)
    :param hidden: Whether the private room is hidden
    # Parse bool to int
    locked = int(locked)
    hidden = int(hidden)
    game_activity = int(game_activity)

    # Insert into db
    _c.execute('INSERT INTO default_pr_settings VALUES (:id, :name, :game_activity, :locked, :user_limit, :hidden, '
               {'id': generate_new_id(table='pr_settings', identifier='pr_settings_id'),
                'name': name,
                'game_activity': game_activity,
                'locked': locked,
                'user_limit': user_limit,
                'hidden': hidden,
                'guild_id': guild_id}
Exemplo n.º 5
def all_waiting_for_responses(_c: Cursor) -> None:
    Delete alle entries of waiting for responses
    :param _c: Database cursor (privided by decorator)
    # Delete all entries
    _c.execute('DELETE FROM waiting_for_responses')
Exemplo n.º 6
def ticket_user(_c: Cursor, ticket_id: str, user_id: str) -> None:
    Deletes an entry in table by keyword
    :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param ticket_id: TicketID of the ticket_user
    :param user_id: UserID of the ticket_user
    # Delete entry
    _c.execute("DELETE FROM ticket_users WHERE ticket_id==? AND user_id==?",
               (ticket_id, user_id))
Exemplo n.º 7
 def delete(
     db: Cursor,
     qq: int
 ) -> None:
     # unbind method, not really delete user record
         "UPDATE accounts SET code=NULL WHERE qq=?",
Exemplo n.º 8
    def closeDb(self, dbConnection: Connection, dbCursor: Cursor) -> None:
        """- 关闭数据库。

        - param
            - `dbConnection` 数据库连接
        if dbCursor != None:
        if dbConnection != None:
Exemplo n.º 9
 def inner(_c: Cursor, user_id: str, guild_id: str) -> None:
     Deletes all entries of a specific mod operation of user on guild
     :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
     :param user_id: UserID of the mod_operations
     :param guild_id: GuildID of the mod_operations
     # Delete entries
     _c.execute("DELETE FROM ? WHERE user_id==? AND guild_id==?",
                (table, user_id, guild_id))
Exemplo n.º 10
def guild_settings(_c: Cursor, guild_id: int, prefix: str = None, color: hex = None,
                   welcome_messages: bool = False, leave_messages: bool = False,
                   welcome_dms: bool = False, welcome_dm: str = None,
                   pr_text_channel: bool = False, pr_name: bool = True,
                   pr_privacy: bool = True, pr_limit: bool = True,
                   pr_visibility: bool = False) -> None:
    Insert guild_settings to db.
    :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param guild_id: Discord GuildID
    :param prefix: Prefix for the guild
    :param color: Color for the guild
    :param welcome_messages: Whether welcome messages are activated
    :param leave_messages: Whether leave messages are activated
    :param welcome_dms: Whether welcome direct messages are activated
    :param welcome_dm: The text that will be send to new members
    :param pr_text_channel: Whether textchannels for private rooms are activated on the guild
    :param pr_name: Whether the names of private rooms can be changed
    :param pr_privacy: Whether the private rooms can be locked
    :param pr_limit: Whether a user limit can be set for private rooms
    :param pr_visibility: Whether a private room can be made invisible
    # Parse bool into int
    welcome_messages = int(welcome_messages)
    leave_messages = int(leave_messages)
    welcome_dms = int(welcome_dms)
    pr_text_channel = int(pr_text_channel)
    pr_name = int(pr_name)
    pr_privacy = int(pr_privacy)
    pr_limit = int(pr_limit)
    pr_visibility = int(pr_visibility)

    # Insert into db
    _c.execute('''INSERT INTO guild_settings VALUES (:setting_id, :prefix, :color, 
                :welcome_messages, :leave_messages, :welcome_dms, :welcome_dm, 
                :pr_text_channel, :pr_name, :pr_privacy, :pr_limit, :pr_visibility, :guild_id)''',
               {'setting_id': generate_new_id(table='guild_settings', identifier='setting_id'),
                'prefix': prefix,
                'color': color,
                'welcome_messages': welcome_messages,
                'leave_messages': leave_messages,
                'welcome_dms': welcome_dms,
                'welcome_dm': welcome_dm,
                'pr_text_channel': pr_text_channel,
                'pr_name': pr_name,
                'pr_privacy': pr_privacy,
                'pr_limit': pr_limit,
                'pr_visibility': pr_visibility,
                'guild_id': guild_id
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _delete_by_keyword(_c: Cursor, argument, **kwargs) -> None:
        Deletes an entry in table by keyword
        :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
        :param argument: Value for keyword (search condition)
        :kwargs: Additional conditions
        # Set up statement
        statement = "DELETE FROM {} WHERE {}=='{}'".format(
            table, keyword, argument)

        for k, v in kwargs.items():
            statement += " AND {}=='{}'".format(k, v)

        # Delete entry
Exemplo n.º 12
def role(_c: Cursor, role_id: int, type_: str, guild_id: int) -> None:
    Insert role into db.
    :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param role_id: Discord RoleID
    :param type_: Type of role ("MODERATOR", "ADMIN", "AUTOROLE" or "SUPPORTER")
    :param guild_id: Discord GuildID
    :return: None
    # Check type_ for requirements
    if not (type_ == 'MODERATOR' or type_ == 'ADMIN' or type_ == 'SUPPORTER' or type_ == 'AUTOROLE'):
        raise DatabaseAttributeError('type_', False, type_,
                                     "type_ has to be 'MODERATOR', 'ADMIN', 'AUTOROLE' or 'SUPPORTER'.")

    # Insert into db
    _c.execute('INSERT INTO roles VALUES (:role_id, :type, :guild_id)', {'role_id': role_id, 'type': type_,
                                                                         'guild_id': guild_id})
Exemplo n.º 13
def ticket_user(_c: Cursor, user_id: int, ticket_id: str, is_mod: bool = False) -> None:
    Insert ticket user into db
    :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param user_id: Discord UserID
    :param ticket_id: From table tickets
    :param is_mod: Whether the user is a mod of the ticket
    :return: None
    # Parse arguments into correct type
    is_mod = int(is_mod)

    # Insert ticket user into db
    _c.execute('INSERT INTO ticket_users VALUES (:user_id, :is_mod, :ticket_id)',
               {'user_id': user_id,
                'is_mod': is_mod,
                'ticket_id': ticket_id
Exemplo n.º 14
    def queryRecords(self, dbCursor: Cursor) -> Cursor:
        """- 查询数据库。

        - param
            - `dbCursor` 数据库游标
        - return 游标
        sql: str = """
        select c.`fid` id, c.`内容` data, t.`标题` title
        from `资料库` c
        left join `标题` t on t.`ID` = c.`fid`
        where t.`标题` != '说明文档'
            and data is not null
        logging.info("Records fetched %s, %s, %s." \
            % (dbCursor.arraysize, dbCursor.rowcount, dbCursor.lastrowid))
        return dbCursor
Exemplo n.º 15
def export_submissions(cur: Cursor, contest: str = 'ahc001') -> None:
    data: List[Dict[str, Union[str, int, float]]] = []
    user_last_submission_id_map: Dict[Tuple[str, str], int] = {
    }  # [user_name, task] => submission_id
    for row in cur.execute(
            'SELECT submission_id, task, time_unix, user_name, score, status, magnification '
            'FROM submissions WHERE contest = ? AND time_unix >= ('
            '    SELECT start_time_unix FROM contests WHERE contest_slug = ?'
            ') AND time_unix < ('
            '    SELECT end_time_unix FROM contests WHERE contest_slug = ?'
            'ORDER BY submission_id ASC', (contest, contest, contest)):
        submission_id: int = row[0]
        task: str = row[1]
        user_name: str = row[3]
        if user_name == 'wata_admin':
            'submission_id': submission_id,
            'task': task,
            'time_unix': row[2],
            'user_name': user_name,
            'score': row[4] if row[6] == 1 else row[4] / row[6],
            'status': row[5]
        key: Tuple[str, str] = (user_name, task)
        if not (key in user_last_submission_id_map):
            user_last_submission_id_map[key] = submission_id
            if submission_id > user_last_submission_id_map[key]:
                user_last_submission_id_map[key] = submission_id
    last_submission_id_set: Set[int] = set(
    # for ahc001
    if contest == 'ahc001':
        provisional_score_mapper = AHCScoresCSV('./lib/result_ahc001.csv')
        data = provisional_score_mapper.fix_data(data, last_submission_id_set)
    # for hokudai-hitachi2020, etc
    elif contest in score_fix_ratio:
        problems: Dict[str, float] = score_fix_ratio[contest]
        for d in data:  # for all submissions
            if not (d['submission_id'] in last_submission_id_set):
            # assert d['submission_id'] in last_submission_id_set
            assert isinstance(d['task'], str)
            if not (d['task'] in problems):
            # assert d['task'] in problems
            ratio: float = problems[d['task']]
            if isinstance(d['score'], int) or isinstance(d['score'], float):
                d['score'] *= ratio
    with open(
            encoding='utf-8') as f:
        json.dump(data, f, separators=(',', ':'))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def update_by_keyword_id(_c: Cursor, argument: int, value=None) -> None:
        Updates the attribute in the table to value by guild_id.
        :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
        :param value: New value for the attribute
        :param argument: Value for keyword (search condition)
        :return: None
        if type(value) == bool:
            value = int(value)

        # Update the attribute in table
        if value is not None:  # Set to value if value != None
            _c.execute(f"UPDATE {table} SET {attribute}=? WHERE {keyword}==?",
                       (value, argument))
        else:  # Set to NULL if value == None
                f"UPDATE {table} SET {attribute}=NULL WHERE {keyword}==?",
                (argument, ))
Exemplo n.º 17
 def create(
     db: Cursor,
     qq: int,
     code: str
 ) -> None:
     user_dict = {
         "qq": qq,
         "code": code,
         "created_time": f"{datetime.now():%F %X}",
         "is_active": True,
         "recent_type": config.DEFAULT_RECENT_TYPE,
         "b30_type": config.DEFAULT_BEST30_TYPE
     db_arg_columns = [i for i in user_dict.keys()]
     db_arg_values = [str(i) for i in user_dict.values()]
         f"""INSERT INTO accounts ({','.join(db_arg_columns)})
         VALUES ({','.join(list('?' * len(user_dict)))})""",
Exemplo n.º 18
 def update(
     db: Cursor,
     qq: int,
     code: Optional[str] = None,
     is_active: Optional[bool] = None,
     best30_type: Optional[str] = None,
     recent_type: Optional[str] = None
 ) -> None:
     update_dict = {
         "code": code,
         "is_active": is_active,
         "recent_type": recent_type,
         "b30_type": best30_type
     db_arg_columns, db_arg_values = zip(
         *[(f"{i}=?", val) for i, val in update_dict.items() if val != None])
         f"UPDATE accounts SET {','.join(db_arg_columns)} WHERE qq=?",
         (*db_arg_values, qq))
Exemplo n.º 19
def waiting_for_reponse(_c: Cursor, user_id: int, channel_id: int, guild_id: int) -> str:
    Insert waiting for response
    :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param user_id: Discord UserID
    :param channel_id: Discord TextChaannelID
    :param guild_id: Guild of waiting
    :return: Id of created entry
    waiting_id = generate_new_id(table='waiting_for_responses', identifier='id')

    # Insert waiting into db
    _c.execute('INSERT INTO waiting_for_responses VALUES (:id, :user_id, :channel_id, NULL, :guild_id)',
               {'id': waiting_id,
                'user_id': user_id,
                'channel_id': channel_id,
                'guild_id': guild_id

    return waiting_id
Exemplo n.º 20
def crawl_task(conn: Connection, cur: Cursor,
               contest: ContestListPage.Contest) -> bool:
    slug: str = contest.contest_slug
    cur.execute('SELECT COUNT(*) FROM tasks WHERE contest_slug = ?', (slug, ))
    count_result = cur.fetchone()
    exists_in_table = (count_result[0] > 0)
    if exists_in_table:
        print(f' -> There already exists in table')
        return False

    tlprr: TaskListPageRequestResult = TaskListPageRequestResult.create_from_request(
    if tlprr.is_closed:
        print(f' -> Task list: 404')
        return True
    print(f' -> Task size: {len(tlprr.task_list_page.tasks)}')
    seq_of_parameters: List[TaskDBInsertData] = tlprr.generate_insert_data()
    cur.executemany('INSERT INTO tasks VALUES (?,?,?,'
                    '?,?,?)', seq_of_parameters)
    return True
Exemplo n.º 21
 def get_by_code(
     db: Cursor,
     code: str
 ) -> Optional[schema.User]:
     user = db.execute(
         "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE code=?",
     if not user:
         return None
     return self.model(**user)
Exemplo n.º 22
 def get_by_qq(
     db: Cursor,
     qq: int
 ) -> Optional[schema.User]:
     user = db.execute(
         "SELECT * FROM accounts WHERE qq=?",
     if not user:
         return None
     return self.model(**user)
Exemplo n.º 23
def all_entries_of_guild(_c: Cursor, guild_id: str) -> None:
    Deletes everything related to guild_id out of database.
    :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param guild_id: ID of guild that should be deleted

    # Delete all pr_settings
        '''DELETE FROM pr_settings
                WHERE room_id IN (
                    SELECT room_id FROM private_rooms
                    WHERE guild_id==?
                )''', (guild_id, ))

    # Delete all ticket_users
        '''DELETE FROM ticket_users
                    WHERE ticket_id IN (
                        SELECT ticket_id FROM tickets
                        WHERE guild_id==?
                    )''', (guild_id, ))

    # Delete all entries of tables with guild_id attribute
    tables = [
        'guilds', 'guild_settings', 'roles', 'bans', 'mutes', 'warns',
        'reports', 'private_rooms', 'tickets', 'waiting_for_responses',

    for table in tables:
        _c.execute("DELETE FROM ? WHERE guild_id==?", (table, guild_id))
Exemplo n.º 24
def get_users(cur: Cursor, contest: str = 'ahc001') -> List[str]:
    users: List[str] = []
    for row in cur.execute(
            'SELECT DISTINCT user_name '
            'FROM submissions WHERE contest = ? AND time_unix >= ('
            '    SELECT start_time_unix FROM contests WHERE contest_slug = ?'
            ') AND time_unix < ('
            '    SELECT end_time_unix FROM contests WHERE contest_slug = ?'
            ')', (contest, contest, contest)):
        user_name: str = row[0]
        if user_name != 'wata_admin':
    return users
Exemplo n.º 25
def warn(_c: Cursor, user_id: int, mod_id: int, date: datetime.datetime, guild_id: int, reason: str = None) -> None:
    Insert ban into db.
    :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param user_id: Discord UserID
    :param mod_id: Discord UserID
    :param date: Date of warn
    :param guild_id: Discord GuildID
    :param reason: Reason for warn
    :return: None
    # Parse arguments into correct data types for db
    date = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')

    # Insert into db
    _c.execute('INSERT INTO warns VALUES (:warn_id, :user_id, :mod_id, :reason, :date, :guild_id)',
               {'warn_id': generate_new_id(table='warns', identifier='warn_id'),
                'user_id': user_id,
                'mod_id': mod_id,
                'reason': reason,
                'date': date,
                'guild_id': guild_id
Exemplo n.º 26
def private_room(_c: Cursor, room_channel_id: int, owner_id: int, guild_id: int, move_channel_id: int = None,
                 text_channel_id: int = None) -> str:
    Insert private_room into db
    :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param room_channel_id: Discord VoiceChannelID
    :param move_channel_id: Discord VoiceChannelID
    :param text_channel_id: Discord TextChannelID
    :param owner_id: Discord UserID
    :param guild_id: Discord UserID
    room_id = generate_new_id(table='private_rooms', identifier='room_id')
    # Insert into db
    _c.execute('INSERT INTO private_rooms VALUES (:room_id, :room_channel_id, :move_channel_id, :text_channel_id, '
               ':owner_id, :guild_id)',
               {'room_id': room_id,
                'room_channel_id': room_channel_id,
                'move_channel_id': move_channel_id,
                'text_channel_id': text_channel_id,
                'owner_id': owner_id,
                'guild_id': guild_id
    return room_id
Exemplo n.º 27
def ticket(_c: Cursor, main_user_id: int, text_channel_id: int, guild_id: int, voice_channel_id: int = None,
           topic: str = None) -> None:
    Insert support ticket into db
    :param _c: Database cursor (provided by decorator)
    :param main_user_id: Discord UserID of the user who created the ticket
    :param text_channel_id: Discord TextChannelID
    :param guild_id: Discord GuildID
    :param voice_channel_id: Discord VoiceChannel ID
    :param topic: Topic of the support ticket
    :return: None

    # Insert ticket into db
    _c.execute('''INSERT INTO tickets VALUES (:ticket_id, :main_user_id, :text_channel_id, :voice_channel_id, 
                :topic, :guild_id)''',
               {'ticket_id': generate_new_id(table='tickets', identifier='ticket_id'),
                'main_user_id': main_user_id,
                'text_channel_id': text_channel_id,
                'voice_channel_id': voice_channel_id,
                'topic': topic,
                'guild_id': guild_id
Exemplo n.º 28
def get_contests_after_ahc001(cur: Cursor) -> List[str]:
    """AHC001 以降のコンテスト slng 一覧を返す.

        cur (Cursor): [description]

        List[str]: コンテスト slng 一覧
    contest_slugs: List[str] = []
    for row in cur.execute(
            'SELECT contest_slug FROM contests WHERE start_time_unix >= 1614999600 '
            'ORDER BY end_time_unix ASC, contest_slug ASC'):
    return contest_slugs
Exemplo n.º 29
def crawl(conn: Connection, cur: Cursor) -> None:
    clprr: ContestListPageRequestResult = ContestListPageRequestResult.create_from_request(
    # slugs: List[str] = [contest.contest_slug for contest in clprr.contest_list_page.contests]
    slugs_crawled: Set[str] = set([
        row[0] for row in cur.execute(
            'SELECT contest_slug FROM contests WHERE crawl_completed = 1')

    for contest in clprr.contest_list_page.contests:
        if contest.contest_slug in slugs_crawled:
        print(f'[START {contest.contest_slug}]')
        if crawl_task(conn, cur, contest):
        crawl_contest(conn, cur, contest)
        print(f'[END {contest.contest_slug}]')
Exemplo n.º 30
def export_contests(cur: Cursor) -> List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]]:
    data: List[Dict[str, Union[str, int]]] = []
    for row in cur.execute(
            'SELECT contest_slug, contest_name, start_time_unix, end_time_unix FROM contests '
            'WHERE crawl_completed = 1 AND closed = 0 '
            'ORDER BY end_time_unix DESC, contest_slug DESC'):
            'contest_slug': row[0],
            'contest_name': row[1],
            'start_time_unix': row[2],
            'end_time_unix': row[3],
    with open(
            encoding='utf-8') as f:
        json.dump(data, f, separators=(',', ':'))
    return data