def main(self, tk): ''' Executes bot code and handles bot polling/lifecycle ''' my_persistence = PicklePersistence(filename='persistence') updater = Updater(tk, persistence=my_persistence, use_context=True) # for security purposes, everytime main will be called, the token # attribute will be erased from object memory del tk dp = updater.dispatcher jobQueue = updater.job_queue # commands start = Start(self, dp) start.registerToDispatcher() help = Help(self, dp) help.registerToDispatcher() info = Info(self, dp) info.registerToDispatcher() self.enableLogging() # start the bot updater.start_polling() updater.idle()
def Run(self): Info.Info() args = self.__args # generating script -> .plt ScriptParser(args) Info.Verbose("Exiting Script Parser") # .plt -> .tex gnuplotRunner = GnuplotRunner() if gnuplotRunner.Run(): Exiter.Exit("gnuplot does not exit successfully!") Info.Verbose("Exiting Gnuplot Runner") if not args.ignore: # .tex post-processing if args.postprocess: texPostProcessor = TexPostProcessor() if texPostProcessor.PostProcess(args.postprocess): Exiter.Exit( "TeX Post-Processor does not exit successfully!") Info.Verbose("Exiting Tex Post-Processor") # .tex -> .pdf latexRunner = LatexRunner() if latexRunner.Run(): Exiter.Exit("LaTeX does not exit successfully!") Info.Verbose("Exiting LaTeX Runner") # .pdf -> local path pdfcopier = Pdfcopier(args) if pdfcopier.Copy(): Exiter.Exit("copying does not finished successfully!") Info.Verbose("Exiting Pdfcopier") Exiter.Clean() return 0