Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_find_bad_dog(self):

        rules_text = """
            bad_dog(Dog) :-
               bites(Dog, Person),
            bites(fido, postman).


        query_text = """

            bad_dog( X )


        solver = Solver(rules_text)
        solutions = solver.find_solutions(query_text)

        self.assertTrue(len(solutions.get("X")) == 1)

        self.assertTrue("fido" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("X"))
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_rule_sub(self):

        rules_text = """

            descendant(X, Y) :- offspring(X, Y).
            descendant(X, Z) :- offspring(X, Y), descendant(Y, Z).
            offspring(abraham, ishmael).
            offspring(abraham, isaac).
            offspring(isaac, esau).
            offspring(isaac, jacob).


        query_text = """

            descendant(abraham, X).


        solver = Solver(rules_text)
        solutions = solver.find_solutions(query_text)

        self.assertTrue(len(solutions.get("X")) == 4)

        self.assertTrue("ishmael" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("X"))
        self.assertTrue("isaac" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("X"))
        self.assertTrue("esau" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("X"))
        self.assertTrue("jacob" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("X"))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_multi_variable_solutions(self):

        rules_text = """

            is_tall(jack, yes).
            is_tall(eric, no).
            is_tall(johnny, yes).
            is_tall(mark, no).


        query_text = """

            is_tall(Y, yes)


        solver = Solver(rules_text)
        solutions = solver.find_solutions(query_text)

        self.assertTrue(len(solutions.get("Y")) == 2)

        self.assertTrue("jack" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("Y"))
        self.assertTrue("johnny" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("Y"))
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_multiple_var_query(self):

        rules_text = """

            father(jack, susan).                            
            father(jack, ray).                             
            father(david, liza).                       
            father(david, john).                           
            father(john, peter).                
            father(john, mary).                     
            mother(karen, susan).                        
            mother(karen, ray).                              
            mother(amy, liza).                        
            mother(amy, john).                        
            mother(susan, peter).                            
            mother(susan, mary).                             
            parent(X, Y) :- father(X, Y).                    
            parent(X, Y) :- mother(X, Y).                    
            grandfather(X, Y) :- father(X, Z), parent(Z, Y).
            grandmother(X, Y) :- mother(X, Z), parent(Z, Y). 
            grandparent(X, Y) :- parent(X, Z), parent(Z, Y). 


        query_text = """

            grandparent(X, Y)


        solver = Solver(rules_text)
        solution_map = solver.find_solutions(query_text)
        solutions = list(zip(solution_map.get("X"), solution_map.get("Y")))

        self.assertTrue(len(solutions) == 8)

        self.assertTrue('(jack, peter)' in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions)
        self.assertTrue('(jack, mary)' in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions)
        self.assertTrue('(david, peter)' in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions)
        self.assertTrue('(david, mary)' in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions)
        self.assertTrue('(karen, peter)' in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions)
        self.assertTrue('(karen, mary)' in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions)
        self.assertTrue('(amy, peter)' in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions)
        self.assertTrue('(amy, peter)' in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def run_query(self):

        # Delete all of the text in our solutions display text box
        self.solutions_display.delete('1.0', END)


        # Fetch the raw rule / query text entered by the user
        rules_text = self.rule_editor.get(1.0, "end-1c")
        query_text = self.query_editor.get(1.0, "end-1c")

        # Create a new solver so we can try to query for solutions.
            solver = Solver(rules_text)
        except Exception as exception:
            self.handle_exception("Error processing prolog rules.", exception)

        # Attempt to find the solutions and handle any exceptions gracefully
            solutions = solver.find_solutions(query_text)
        except Exception as exception:
            self.handle_exception("Error processing prolog query.", exception)

        # If our query returns a boolean, we simply display a 'Yes' or a 'No' depending on its value
        if isinstance(solutions, bool):
            self.solutions_display.insert(END, 'Yes.' if solutions else 'No.')

        # Our solver returned a map, so we display the variable name to value mappings
        elif isinstance(solutions, dict):
            self.solutions_display.insert( END, "\n".join("{} = {}"
                                                        # If our solution is a list contining one item, we show that
                                                        # item, otherwise we display the entire list
                                                         .format(variable, value[0] if len(value) == 1 else value)
                                                         for variable, value
                                                         in solutions.items())

            # We know we have no matching solutions in this instance so we provide relevant feedback
            self.solutions_display.insert(END, "No solutions found.")

Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_simple_goal_query2(self):
        rules_text = """

            brother_sister(joe, monica).
            brother_sister(eric, erica).
            brother_sister(jim, rebecca).


        goal_text = """

            brother_sister(joe, rebecca).


        solver = Solver(rules_text)
        solution = solver.find_solutions(goal_text)

Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_simple_variable_query(self):

        rules_text = """

            father_child(mike, john).
            father_child(eric, sarah).
            father_child(bob, jim).


        query_text = """

            father_child(X, sarah).


        solver = Solver(rules_text)
        solutions = solver.find_solutions(query_text)

        self.assertTrue(len(solutions.get("X")) == 1)

        self.assertEqual(str(solutions.get("X").pop()), "eric")
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_rule_sub2(self):

        rules_text = """

            father_child(massimo, ridge).
            father_child(eric, thorne).
            father_child(thorne, alexandria).

            mother_child(stephanie, chloe).
            mother_child(stephanie, kristen).
            mother_child(stephanie, felicia).

            parent_child(X, Y) :- father_child(X, Y).
            parent_child(X, Y) :- mother_child(X, Y).

            sibling(X, Y) :- parent_child(Z, X), parent_child(Z, Y).


        query_text = """

            sibling(X, felicia)


        solver = Solver(rules_text)
        solutions = solver.find_solutions(query_text)

        self.assertTrue(len(solutions.get("X")) == 3)

        self.assertTrue("chloe" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("X"))
        self.assertTrue("kristen" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("X"))
        self.assertTrue("alexandria" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("X"))
Exemplo n.º 9
from src.Solver import Solver
import pandas as pd

if __name__ == "__main__":
    with open('examples/logical_rules', 'r') as content_file:
        content = content_file.read()
    solver = Solver(content)
    while True:
        inp = input("запрос> ")
        solution = solver.find_solutions(inp)
        if isinstance(solution, dict):
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_alternate_einstein_puzzle(self):

        rules_text = """ 

            exists(A, list(A, _, _, _, _)).
            exists(A, list(_, A, _, _, _)).
            exists(A, list(_, _, A, _, _)).
            exists(A, list(_, _, _, A, _)).
            exists(A, list(_, _, _, _, A)).

            rightOf(R, L, list(L, R, _, _, _)).
            rightOf(R, L, list(_, L, R, _, _)).
            rightOf(R, L, list(_, _, L, R, _)).
            rightOf(R, L, list(_, _, _, L, R)).

            middle(A, list(_, _, A, _, _)).

            first(A, list(A, _, _, _, _)).

            nextTo(A, B, list(B, A, _, _, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(_, B, A, _, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(_, _, B, A, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(_, _, _, B, A)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(A, B, _, _, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(_, A, B, _, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(_, _, A, B, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(_, _, _, A, B)).

            puzzle(Houses) :-
                  exists(house(red, british, _, _, _), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, swedish, _, _, dog), Houses),
                  exists(house(green, _, coffee, _, _), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, danish, tea, _, _), Houses),
                  rightOf(house(white, _, _, _, _), house(green, _, _, _, _), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, _, _, pall_mall, bird), Houses),
                  exists(house(yellow, _, _, dunhill, _), Houses),
                  middle(house(_, _, milk, _, _), Houses),
                  first(house(_, norwegian, _, _, _), Houses),
                  nextTo(house(_, _, _, blend, _), house(_, _, _, _, cat), Houses),
                  nextTo(house(_, _, _, dunhill, _),house(_, _, _, _, horse), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, _, beer, bluemaster, _), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, german, _, prince, _), Houses),
                  nextTo(house(_, norwegian, _, _, _), house(blue, _, _, _, _), Houses),
                  nextTo(house(_, _, _, blend, _), house(_, _, water_, _, _), Houses).

            solution(FishOwner) :-
              exists(house(_, FishOwner, _, _, fish), Houses).


        query_text = """



        solver = Solver(rules_text)
        solutions = solver.find_solutions(query_text)

        self.assertTrue(len(solutions.get("FishOwner")) == 1)

        self.assertTrue("german" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("FishOwner"))
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_einstein_puzzle(self):

        rules_text = """ 

            exists(A, list(A, _, _, _, _)).
            exists(A, list(_, A, _, _, _)).
            exists(A, list(_, _, A, _, _)).
            exists(A, list(_, _, _, A, _)).
            exists(A, list(_, _, _, _, A)).
            rightOf(R, L, list(L, R, _, _, _)).
            rightOf(R, L, list(_, L, R, _, _)).
            rightOf(R, L, list(_, _, L, R, _)).
            rightOf(R, L, list(_, _, _, L, R)).
            middle(A, list(_, _, A, _, _)).
            first(A, list(A, _, _, _, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(B, A, _, _, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(_, B, A, _, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(_, _, B, A, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(_, _, _, B, A)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(A, B, _, _, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(_, A, B, _, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(_, _, A, B, _)).
            nextTo(A, B, list(_, _, _, A, B)).

            puzzle(Houses) :-
                  exists(house(red, english, _, _, _), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, spaniard, _, _, dog), Houses),
                  exists(house(green, _, coffee, _, _), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, ukrainian, tea, _, _), Houses),
                  rightOf(house(green, _, _, _, _), 
                  house(ivory, _, _, _, _), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, _, _, oldgold, snails), Houses),
                  exists(house(yellow, _, _, kools, _), Houses),
                  middle(house(_, _, milk, _, _), Houses),
                  first(house(_, norwegian, _, _, _), Houses),
                  nextTo(house(_, _, _, chesterfield, _), house(_, _, _, _, fox), Houses),
                  nextTo(house(_, _, _, kools, _),house(_, _, _, _, horse), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, _, orangejuice, luckystike, _), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, japanese, _, parliament, _), Houses),
                  nextTo(house(_, norwegian, _, _, _), house(blue, _, _, _, _), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, _, water, _, _), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, _, _, _, zebra), Houses).

            solution(WaterDrinker, ZebraOwner) :-
                  exists(house(_, WaterDrinker, water, _, _), Houses),
                  exists(house(_, ZebraOwner, _, _, zebra), Houses).


        query_text = """

            solution(WaterDrinker, ZebraOwner)


        solver = Solver(rules_text)
        solutions = solver.find_solutions(query_text)

        self.assertTrue("norwegian" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("WaterDrinker"))
        self.assertTrue("japanese" in str(solution)
                        for solution in solutions.get("ZebraOwner"))