def lfu(cls): from src.bus import Bus smallest_timestamp = {'timestamp': 9999999999999999} for instruct in cls.cache: if instruct['timestamp'] < smallest_timestamp['timestamp']: smallest_timestamp = instruct Bus.update_ram(smallest_timestamp['address'], smallest_timestamp) index = cls.cache.index(smallest_timestamp) del cls.cache[index]
def save_instruction(cls, bt_arr: list): cls.instruction = bt_arr b = Bus() print(str(bt_arr[1])) if re.match(r'0x(\w+)', bt_arr[1].decode('utf-8')): address = bt_arr[1].decode('utf-8') else: address = random.choice(string.ascii_uppercase) + str( random.randint(0, 9)) print('address: ', address) b.set_address_bus(address, cls.control) b.set_data_bus(cls.instruction, cls.control) b.send_to_ram(cls.control) b.send_interruption(address, cls.control) cls.control += 1
def check_cache(cls, ram_address, control): instruction = next( (instruct for instruct in cls.cache if ram_address in cls.cache), None) if instruction: return instruction else: from src.bus import Bus instruction = Bus.fetch_from_ram(ram_address, control) if len(cls.cache) >= 10: cls.lfu() cls.cache.append({ ram_address: instruction, 'timestamp': time.time() }) return instruction
def setUp(self): self.bus = Bus(22, "Ocean Terminal")
class TestBus(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.bus = Bus(22, "Ocean Terminal") #@unittest.skip("Delete this line to run the test") def test_has_route_number(self): self.assertEqual(22, self.bus.route_number) #@unittest.skip("Delete this line to run the test") def test_has_destination(self): self.assertEqual("Ocean Terminal", self.bus.destination) #@unittest.skip("Delete this line to run the test") def test_can_drive(self): self.assertEqual("Brum brum", #@unittest.skip("Delete this line to run the test") def test_starts_with_no_passengers(self): self.assertEqual(0, self.bus.passenger_count()) #@unittest.skip("Delete this line to run the test") def test_can_pick_up_passenger(self): person = Person("Guido van Rossum", 64) self.bus.pick_up(person) self.assertEqual(1, self.bus.passenger_count()) #@unittest.skip("Delete this line to run the test") def test_can_drop_off_passenger(self): person = Person("Guido van Rossum", 64) self.bus.pick_up(person) self.bus.drop_off(person) self.assertEqual(0, self.bus.passenger_count()) #@unittest.skip("Delete this line to run the test") def test_can_empty_bus(self): person = Person("Guido van Rossum", 64) self.bus.pick_up(person) self.bus.empty() self.assertEqual(0, self.bus.passenger_count()) #@unittest.skip("Delete this line to run the test") def test_can_pick_up_passenger_from_bus_stop(self): person_1 = Person("Guido van Rossum", 64) person_2 = Person("Carol Willing", 50) bus_stop = BusStop("Waverly Station") bus_stop.add_to_queue(person_1) bus_stop.add_to_queue(person_2) self.bus.pick_up_from_stop(bus_stop) self.assertEqual(2, self.bus.passenger_count()) self.assertEqual(0, bus_stop.queue_length())
def ask_for_ram(address, control): from src.bus import Bus print('cpu address: ', address) addr = Bus.fetch_from_ram(address, control) CPU.process_instruction(addr['instruction']) time.sleep(0.1)
from typing import Optional, List import asyncio from fastapi import FastAPI from pydantic import BaseModel from starlette.websockets import WebSocket from src.bus import Bus from src.redis_app import get_subscriber, redis_send CHANNEL = "main" app = FastAPI() websockets: List[WebSocket] = [] bus = Bus() class Item(BaseModel): name: str price: float is_offer: Optional[bool] = None # in-memory"/ws/write") async def post_ws(item: Item): global websockets for ws in websockets: await ws.send_text(item.json()) return {"item": item}