Exemplo n.º 1
def partition(items, start, end):
    if start >= end:
        return None

    partitioning_item = items[start]

    left = start
    right = end + 1
    while True:
        # scan from the left to find the item not in correct position, i.e., item > partitioning item
        left = left + 1
        while left <= end and lt_or_eq(items[left], partitioning_item):
            left = left + 1

        # scan from the right to find the item not in correct position, i.e., item < partitioning item
        right = right - 1
        while right > start and gt_or_eq(items[right], partitioning_item):
            right = right - 1

        # partitioning done. what's left is to move the partitioning item to the right position.
        if left >= right:

        exchange(items, left, right)

    exchange(items, start, right)

    return right
Exemplo n.º 2
    def _satisfy_binary_search_tree_property(self, node: Node):
        if node is None:
            return True

        node_satisfy = (node.left is None or gt_or_eq(node, node.left)) \
            and (node.right is None or lt_or_eq(node, node.right))

        return node_satisfy \
            and self._satisfy_binary_search_tree_property(node.left) \
            and self._satisfy_binary_search_tree_property(node.right)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _range(self, node, low, high):
        if node is None:
            return []

        node_satisfy = (low is None or gt_or_eq(node.key, low)) \
            and (high is None or lt_or_eq(node.key, high))
        result = [node] if node_satisfy else []

        if low is not None and lt(node.key, low):
            return result + self._range(node.right, low, high)
        if high is not None and gt(node.key, high):
            return result + self._range(node.left, low, high)
        return result + self._range(node.left, low, high) + self._range(
            node.right, low, high)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def range(self, low: Key = None, high: Key = None):
        result = []
        for item in self._items:
            key = item.key

            in_range = True
            if low is not None:
                in_range = gt_or_eq(key, low)
            if in_range and high is not None:
                in_range = lt_or_eq(key, high)

            if in_range:

        return result
Exemplo n.º 5
 def select_child(self, child1, child1_idx, child2, child2_idx):
     return child1_idx if gt_or_eq(child1, child2) else child2_idx
Exemplo n.º 6
 def hold_for_item(self, item, parent):
     return gt_or_eq(parent, item)