Exemplo n.º 1
def prompt_date_range() -> dict[str, date]:
    """Get the first and last recorded Prompt dates."""
    dates = {}

    # Get the oldest prompt date
    sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `date` FROM prompts ORDER BY `date` ASC LIMIT 1"
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        dates["oldest"] = db.query(sql).one().date

    # Get the newest prompt date
    sql = "SELECT DISTINCT `date` FROM prompts ORDER BY `date` DESC LIMIT 1"
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        dates["newest"] = db.query(sql).one().date
    return dates
Exemplo n.º 2
def exists(*, pid: str, date: str) -> bool:
    """Find an existing prompt."""
    sql = """SELECT 1
    FROM prompts
    WHERE (tweet_id = :tweet_id OR date = :date)"""
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return bool(db.query(sql, tweet_id=pid, date=date).first())
Exemplo n.º 3
def update(permissions: dict) -> bool:
    """Update an API key's permissions."""
    # Convert the boolean fields to integers
    permissions = __bool_to_int(permissions)

    # Update the key
    sql = """UPDATE api_keys
        `desc` = :desc,
        has_api_key = :has_api_key,
        has_archive = :has_archive,
        has_broadcast = :has_broadcast,
        has_host = :has_host,
        has_prompt = :has_prompt,
        has_settings = :has_settings,
        has_subscription = :has_subscription
    WHERE token = :token
        with connect_to_db() as db:
            db.query(sql, **permissions)
            return True
    except DataError as exc:
        print(f"API key update exception: {exc}")
        return False
Exemplo n.º 4
def create(permissions: dict) -> Dict[str, str]:
    """Create an API key with specified permissions."""
    # Convert the boolean fields to integers
    permissions = __bool_to_int(permissions)

    # Generate a new token for the API key
    new_token = token_hex()

    # Create the record
    sql = """INSERT INTO api_keys (
        token, `desc`, has_api_key, has_archive,
        has_broadcast, has_host, has_prompt,
        has_settings, has_subscription
    ) VALUES (
        :token, :desc, :has_api_key, :has_archive,
        :has_broadcast, :has_host, :has_prompt,
        :has_settings, :has_subscription
        with connect_to_db() as db:
            db.query(sql, token=new_token, **permissions)
            return {"token": new_token}
    except DataError as exc:
        print(f"API key creation exception: {exc}")
        return {}
Exemplo n.º 5
def get_all() -> List[ApiKey]:
    """Get all recorded API key's permissions."""
    sql = "SELECT * FROM api_keys"
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return [
            for record in db.query(sql)
Exemplo n.º 6
def get_latest() -> list[Prompt]:
    """Get the newest prompt."""
    # Get the latest date in the database
    latest_date_sql = "SELECT date FROM prompts ORDER BY date DESC LIMIT 1"
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        latest_date = db.query(latest_date_sql).one().date

    # Using the latest date, fetch the prompt(s) for the date
    sql = """
    SELECT prompts.*, writers.handle AS writer_handle
    FROM prompts
        JOIN writers ON prompts.uid = writers.uid
    WHERE date = :latest_date
    ORDER BY date DESC
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return [Prompt(record) for record in db.query(sql, latest_date=latest_date)]
Exemplo n.º 7
def get_years() -> list[str]:
    """Get a list of years of recorded Prompts."""
    sql = """
    FROM prompts
    ORDER BY date ASC
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return flatten_records(db.query(sql).all())
Exemplo n.º 8
def get_all() -> List[Host]:
    """Get a list of all Hosts."""
    sql = """
    SELECT writers.uid, handle
    FROM writers
    ORDER BY handle
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return [Host(**host) for host in db.query(sql)]
Exemplo n.º 9
def create(host_info: dict) -> Optional[Host]:
    """Create a new Host."""
    sql = "INSERT INTO writers (uid, handle) VALUES (:uid, :handle)"
        with connect_to_db() as db:
            db.query(sql, uid=host_info["uid"], handle=host_info["handle"])
        return Host(**host_info)
    except DataError as exc:
        return None
Exemplo n.º 10
def update(host_info: dict) -> bool:
    """Update a Host's handle."""
    sql = "UPDATE writers SET handle = :handle WHERE uid = :uid"
        with connect_to_db() as db:
            db.query(sql, uid=host_info["uid"], handle=host_info["handle"])
        return True
    except DataError as exc:
        return False
Exemplo n.º 11
def get(*, uid: str = "", handle: str = "") -> Optional[Host]:
    """Get Host info by either their Twitter ID or handle."""
    sql = """
    SELECT writers.uid, handle
    FROM writers
    WHERE writers.uid = :uid OR UPPER(handle) = UPPER(:handle)
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        r = db.query(sql, uid=uid, handle=handle).one()
    return Host(**r) if r is not None else None
Exemplo n.º 12
def get_by_host(handle: str) -> list[Prompt]:
    """Get a prompt tweet by the Host who prompted it."""
    sql = """
    SELECT prompts.*, writers.handle AS writer_handle
    FROM prompts
        JOIN writers ON writers.uid = prompts.uid
    WHERE prompts.date <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()
        AND writers.handle = :handle
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return [Prompt(record) for record in db.query(sql, handle=handle)]
Exemplo n.º 13
def get_by_date(date: str) -> Optional[Host]:
    """Get the Host for the given date."""
    sql = """
    SELECT writers.uid, handle
    FROM writers
        JOIN writer_dates ON writer_dates.uid = writers.uid
    WHERE writer_dates.date = :date
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        r = db.query(sql, date=date).one()
    return Host(**r) if r is not None else None
Exemplo n.º 14
def exists_date(uid: str, date: str) -> bool:
    """Find an existing hosting date for the Host."""
    sql = """
    SELECT 1
    FROM writer_dates
        uid = :uid AND
        date = STR_TO_DATE(:date, '%Y-%m-%d')
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return bool(db.query(sql, uid=uid, date=date).first())
Exemplo n.º 15
def get_by_year_month(year: str, month: str) -> List[Host]:
    """Get all the Hosts in a year-month combination."""
    sql = """
    SELECT writers.uid, handle
    FROM writers
        JOIN writer_dates ON writer_dates.uid = writers.uid
        YEAR(writer_dates.date) = :year
        AND MONTH(writer_dates.date) = :month
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return [Host(**host) for host in db.query(sql, year=year, month=month)]
Exemplo n.º 16
def get_column_widths(year: int) -> Record:
    """Determine the best column widths for the yearly data."""
    sql = """
    MAX(LENGTH(word)) + 2 AS longest_word,
    MAX(LENGTH(handle)) + 2 AS longest_handle,
    MAX(LENGTH(handle)) + MAX(LENGTH(tweet_id)) + 29 AS longest_url
FROM prompts
JOIN writers ON writers.uid = prompts.uid
WHERE YEAR(`date`) = :year"""
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return db.query(sql, year=year).one()
Exemplo n.º 17
def search(word: str) -> list[Prompt]:
    """Search for prompts by partial or full word."""
    sql = """
    SELECT prompts.*, writers.handle AS writer_handle
    FROM prompts
        JOIN writers ON writers.uid = prompts.uid
    WHERE prompts.date <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()
        AND prompts.word LIKE CONCAT('%', :word, '%')
    ORDER BY UPPER(word)
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return [Prompt(record) for record in db.query(sql, word=word)]
Exemplo n.º 18
def get_by_year(year: str) -> List[Host]:
    """Get a list of all Hosts for a given year."""
    sql = """
    SELECT writers.uid, handle
    FROM writers
        JOIN writer_dates ON writer_dates.uid = writers.uid
    WHERE YEAR(writer_dates.date) = :year
        AND DATE_FORMAT(writer_dates.date, '%Y-%m') <=
    ORDER BY writer_dates.date ASC
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return [Host(**host) for host in db.query(sql, year=year)]
Exemplo n.º 19
def get(year: int) -> list[Record]:
    """Get the full word archive for the given year."""
    sql = """
    handle AS `writer_handle`,
FROM prompts
JOIN writers ON writers.uid = prompts.uid
WHERE YEAR(`date`) = :year
ORDER BY word ASC"""
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return db.query(sql, year=year)
Exemplo n.º 20
def create_date(host_info: dict) -> bool:
    """Create a new hosting date."""
    sql = """INSERT INTO writer_dates (
        uid, date
    ) VALUES (
        :uid, STR_TO_DATE(:date, '%Y-%m-%d 00:00:00')
        with connect_to_db() as db:
            db.query(sql, uid=host_info["uid"], date=host_info["date"])
        return True
    except DataError as exc:
        return False
Exemplo n.º 21
def update(prompt: dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> None:
    """Update an existing prompt."""
    sql = """
    UPDATE prompts
        date = :date,
        content = :content,
        word = :word,
        media = :media,
        media_alt_text = :media_alt_text
    WHERE tweet_id = :id
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        db.query(sql, **prompt)
Exemplo n.º 22
def login(username: str, password: str) -> bool:
    """Atempt to login a user."""
    # Query the database for this username
    sql = get_sql("user-login")
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        db.execute(sql, {"username": username.strip()})
        user_pass = db.fetchone()

    # That username can't be found
    if user_pass is None:
        return False

    # Confirm this is a correct password
    return pbkdf2_sha256.verify(password.strip(), user_pass["password"])
Exemplo n.º 23
def delete(uid: str) -> bool:
    """Delete a Host from the database by their Twitter ID.

    Due to database FK constraints, this will only succeed
    if the Host does not have any Prompts associated with them.
    The presence of any Prompts will stop all deletion so as to
    prevent orphaned records or an incomplete record.
    sql = "DELETE FROM writers WHERE uid = :uid"
        with connect_to_db() as db:
            db.query(sql, uid=uid)
        return True
    except IntegrityError:
        return False
Exemplo n.º 24
def get_date(handle: str) -> List[datetime]:
    """Get the hosting periods for the given Host."""
    sql = """
    SELECT date
    FROM writer_dates
    WHERE uid = (
        SELECT uid FROM writers
        WHERE handle = :handle
    ORDER BY date DESC
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return [
            datetime.combine(record["date"], datetime.min.time())
            for record in db.query(sql, handle=handle)
Exemplo n.º 25
def get_months(year: str) -> list[str]:
    """Make all Prompts dates for a given year into a unique set.

    For some months in 2017, November 2020, and in 2021 and beyond,
    there are multiple Hosts per month giving out the prompts.
    While the individual dates are stored distinctly,
    we need a unique month list in order to correctly display
    the year browsing page.
    sql = """
    FROM prompts
    WHERE YEAR(date) = :year AND
        :year <= YEAR(CURRENT_TIMESTAMP())
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return flatten_records(db.query(sql, year=year).all())
Exemplo n.º 26
def create(prompt: dict[str, Optional[str]]) -> bool:
    """Create a new prompt."""
    sql = """
    INSERT INTO prompts (
        tweet_id, date, uid, content, word, media, media_alt_text
    VALUES (
        :id, :date, :uid, :content, :word, :media, :media_alt_text
        with connect_to_db() as db:
            db.query(sql, **prompt)
            return True

    # A prompt with this ID already exists
    except IntegrityError as exc:
        print(f"Prompt creation exception: {exc}")
        return False
Exemplo n.º 27
def email_create(addr: str) -> bool:
    """Add a subscription email address."""
        sql = "INSERT INTO emails (email) VALUES (:addr)"
        with connect_to_db() as db:
            db.query(sql, addr=addr.lower())
        return True

    # That address aleady exists in the database.
    # However, to prevent data leakage, pretend it added
    except IntegrityError as exc:
        print(f"New subscription exception: {exc}")
        return True

    # An error occurred trying to record the email
    except DBAPIError as exc:
        print(f"New subscription exception: {exc}")
        return False
Exemplo n.º 28
def get_info(username: str) -> User:
    """Get the user's information."""
    sql = get_sql("user-fetch-info")

    # Start by getting the user's account info
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        db.execute(sql, {"username": username})
        user_info = convert_int_to_bool(dict(db.fetchone()))

    # Get the user's token permissions
    token_perms: dict = api.get("api-key",
                                params={"token": user_info["api_token"]})

    # Store the permissions in a dataclass too
    token_perms = {
        k: v
        for k, v in token_perms.items() if k.startswith("has_")
    token = Token(user_info["api_token"], **token_perms)
    return User(username, **user_info), token
Exemplo n.º 29
def get_by_date(date: str, *, date_range: bool = False) -> list[Prompt]:
    """Get prompts by a single date or in a date range."""
    # Base query info
    sql = """
    SELECT prompts.*, writers.handle as writer_handle
    FROM prompts
        JOIN writers ON prompts.uid = writers.uid"""

    # Use the proper filter depending on if
    # we want a date range or single date
    if date_range:
        sql = f"""{sql}
        WHERE DATE_FORMAT(prompts.date, '%Y-%m') = :date
            AND prompts.date <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()
        ORDER BY prompts.date ASC"""
        sql = f"""{sql}
        WHERE prompts.date = STR_TO_DATE(:date, '%Y-%m-%d')
            AND STR_TO_DATE(:date, '%Y-%m-%d') <= CURRENT_TIMESTAMP()"""

    # Finally perform the query
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        return [Prompt(record) for record in db.query(sql, date=date)]
Exemplo n.º 30
def delete(pid: str) -> Literal[True]:
    """Delete an existing prompt."""
    sql = "DELETE FROM prompts WHERE tweet_id = :id"
    with connect_to_db() as db:
        db.query(sql, **{"id": pid})
    return True