Exemplo n.º 1
    def mapping(self, sorted_jobs, existing_plan, live_nodes, commcost,
        """def allocate(job, orders, jobson, prec, compcost, commcost):"""
        """ Allocate job to the machine with earliest finish time

        Operates in place

        ## TODO: add finished tasks
        jobson = dict()
        for (node, items) in existing_plan.items():
            for item in items:
                if item.state == ScheduleItem.FINISHED or item.state == ScheduleItem.EXECUTING:
                    jobson[item.job] = node

        new_plan = existing_plan

        def ft(machine):
            #cost = st(machine)
            runtime = compcost(task, machine)
            cost = st(machine, runtime) + runtime
            ##print("machine: %s job:%s cost: %s" % (machine.name, task.id, cost))
            ##print("machine: " + str(machine.name) + " cost: " + str(cost))

            return cost

        if len(live_nodes) != 0:
            ## in case if there is not any live nodes we just return the same cleaned schedule
            for wf, tasks in sorted_jobs:
                ##wf_dag = self.convert_to_parent_children_map(wf)
                wf_dag = HeftHelper.convert_to_parent_children_map(wf)
                prec = reverse_dict(wf_dag)
                for task in tasks:
                    st = partial(self.start_time, wf, task, new_plan, jobson,
                                 prec, commcost)

                    # ress = [(key, ft(key)) for key in new_plan.keys()]
                    # agent_pair = min(ress, key=lambda x: x[1][0])
                    # agent = agent_pair[0]
                    # start = agent_pair[1][0]
                    # end = agent_pair[1][1]

                    # agent = min(new_plan.keys(), key=ft)
                    agent = min(live_nodes, key=ft)
                    runtime = compcost(task, agent)
                    start = st(agent, runtime)
                    end = ft(agent)

                    # new_plan[agent].append(ScheduleItem(task, start, end))
                    Schedule.insert_item(new_plan, agent,
                                         ScheduleItem(task, start, end))

                    jobson[task] = agent

        new_sched = Schedule(new_plan)
        return new_sched
     def schedule(self, fixed_schedule_part=None, current_time=0.0):

         estimate = self.estimator.estimate_transfer_time
         # TODO: make common utility function with ScheduleBuilder
         def is_last_version_of_task_executing(item):
            return item.state == ScheduleItem.EXECUTING or item.state == ScheduleItem.FINISHED or item.state == ScheduleItem.UNSTARTED

         def _get_ready_tasks(children, finished_tasks):
            def _is_child_ready(child):
                ids = set([p.id for p in child.parents])
                result = False in [id in finished_tasks for id in ids]
                return not result
            ready_children = [child for child in children if _is_child_ready(child)]
            return ready_children

         if fixed_schedule_part is None:
            schedule_mapping = {node: [] for node in self.nodes}
            ready_tasks = [child.id for child in self.workflow.head_task.children]
            task_to_node = dict()
            finished_tasks = set()
            schedule_mapping = {node: [item for item in items] for (node, items) in fixed_schedule_part.mapping.items()}
            finished_tasks = [item.job.id for (node, items) in fixed_schedule_part.mapping.items() for item in items if is_last_version_of_task_executing(item)]
            finished_tasks = set([self.workflow.head_task.id] + finished_tasks)
            unfinished = [task for task in self.workflow.get_all_unique_tasks() if not task.id in finished_tasks]
            ready_tasks = [task.id for task in _get_ready_tasks(unfinished, finished_tasks)]
            task_to_node = {item.job.id: (node, item.start_time, item.end_time) for (node, items) in fixed_schedule_part.mapping.items() for item in items if is_last_version_of_task_executing(item)}

         def is_child_ready(child):
            ids = set([p.id for p in child.parents])
            result = False in [id in finished_tasks for id in ids]
            return not result

         def find_slots(node, comm_ready, runtime):
             node_schedule = schedule_mapping.get(node, list())
             free_time = 0 if len(node_schedule) == 0 else node_schedule[-1].end_time
             ## TODO: refactor it later
             f_time = max(free_time, comm_ready)
             f_time = max(f_time, current_time)
             base_variant = [(f_time, f_time + runtime + 1)]
             zero_interval = [] if len(node_schedule) == 0 else [(0, node_schedule[0].start_time)]
             middle_intervals = [(node_schedule[i].end_time, node_schedule[i + 1].start_time) for i in range(len(node_schedule) - 1)]
             intervals = zero_interval + middle_intervals + base_variant

             #result = [(st, end) for (st, end) in intervals if st >= comm_ready and end - st >= runtime]
             ## TODO: rethink rounding
             result = [(st, end) for (st, end) in intervals if (current_time < st or abs((current_time - st)) < 0.01) and st >= comm_ready and (runtime < (end - st) or abs((end - st) - runtime) < 0.01)]
             return result

         def comm_ready_func(task, node):
                ##TODO: remake this stub later.
                if len(task.parents) == 1 and self.workflow.head_task.id == list(task.parents)[0].id:
                    return 0
                return max([task_to_node[p.id][2] + estimate(node, task_to_node[p.id][0], task, p) for p in task.parents])

         def get_possible_execution_times(task, node):
            ## pay attention to the last element in the resulted seq
            ## it represents all available time of node after it completes all its work
            ## (if such interval can exist)
            ## time_slots = [(st1, end1),(st2, end2,...,(st_last, st_last + runtime)]
            runtime = self.estimator.estimate_runtime(task, node)
            comm_ready = comm_ready_func(task, node)
            time_slots = find_slots(node, comm_ready, runtime)
            return time_slots, runtime

         while len(ready_tasks) > 0:
            choosed_index = random.randint(0, len(ready_tasks) - 1)
            task = self.task_map[ready_tasks[choosed_index]]

            #TODO: make checking for all nodes are dead.(It's a very rare situation so it is not consider for now)
            alive_nodes = [node for node in self.nodes if node.state != Node.Down]
            choosed_node_index = random.randint(0, len(alive_nodes) - 1)
            node = alive_nodes[choosed_node_index]

            time_slots, runtime = get_possible_execution_times(task, node)
            choosed_time_index = 0 if len(time_slots) == 1 else random.randint(0, len(time_slots) - 1)
            time_slot = time_slots[choosed_time_index]

            start_time = time_slot[0]
            end_time = start_time + runtime

            item = ScheduleItem(task, start_time, end_time)
            Schedule.insert_item(schedule_mapping, node, item)
            task_to_node[task.id] = (node, start_time, end_time)

            ##print('I am here')

            ready_children = [child for child in task.children if is_child_ready(child)]
            for child in ready_children:

         schedule = Schedule(schedule_mapping)
         return schedule
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __call__(self, chromo, current_time):

        (schedule_mapping, finished_tasks, ready_tasks, chrmo_mapping, task_to_node) = self._create_helping_structures(chromo)

        chromo_copy = dict()
        for (nd_name, items) in chromo.items():
            chromo_copy[nd_name] = []
            for item in items:

        alive_nodes = [node for node in self.nodes if node.state != Node.Down]
        if len(alive_nodes) == 0:
            raise Exception("There are not alive nodes")

        while len(ready_tasks) > 0:

            for node in alive_nodes:
                if len(chromo_copy[node.name]) == 0:
                if node.state == Node.Down:

                ## TODO: Urgent! completely rethink this procedure

                tsk_id = None
                for i in range(len(chromo_copy[node.name])):
                    if chromo_copy[node.name][i] in ready_tasks:
                        tsk_id = chromo_copy[node.name][i]

                if tsk_id is not None:
                    task = self.task_map[tsk_id]
                    #del chromo_copy[node.name][0]

                    time_slots, runtime = self._get_possible_execution_times(

                    time_slot = next(time_slots)
                    start_time = time_slot[0]
                    end_time = start_time + runtime

                    item = ScheduleItem(task, start_time, end_time)

                    # need to account current time
                    Schedule.insert_item(schedule_mapping, node, item)
                    task_to_node[task.id] = (node, start_time, end_time)


                    #ready_children = [child for child in task.children if self._is_child_ready(finished_tasks, child)]
                    ready_children = self._get_ready_tasks(task.children, finished_tasks)
                    for child in ready_children:

        schedule = Schedule(schedule_mapping)
        return schedule