Exemplo n.º 1
def plot_contours_evaluated(row = None, session_wise = False):
    Plot contours for all cells, selected cells and non selected cells, and saves it in
    figure_path = '/data/interim/component_evaluation/trial_wise/meta/figures/contours/'
    :param row: one analysis state row
    index = row.name

    corr_min = round(eval(row['source_extraction_parameters'])['min_corr'],1)
    pnr_min = round(eval(row['source_extraction_parameters'])['min_pnr'],1)
    r_min = eval(row['component_evaluation_parameters'])['rval_thr']
    snf_min = eval(row['component_evaluation_parameters'])['min_SNR']

    output_source_extraction = eval(row.loc['source_extraction_output'])
    corr_path = output_source_extraction['meta']['corr']['main']
    cn_filter = np.load(db.get_file(corr_path))

    output_component_evaluation =  eval(row.loc['component_evaluation_output'])
    cnm_file_path = output_component_evaluation['main']
    cnm = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))
    figure, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3)

    coordinates = cm.utils.visualization.get_contours(cnm.estimates.A, np.shape(cn_filter), 0.2, 'max')
    for c in coordinates:
        v = c['coordinates']
        c['bbox'] = [np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 1])),
                     np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 0]))]
        axes[0].plot(*v.T, c='w')
    axes[0].set_title('All components')
    axes[0].set_ylabel('Corr=' + f'{corr_min}' + ', PNR = ' + f'{pnr_min}' + ', PCC = ' + f'{r_min}' + ', SNR =' + f'{snf_min}')

    idx = cnm.estimates.idx_components
    coordinates = cm.utils.visualization.get_contours(cnm.estimates.A[:,idx], np.shape(cn_filter), 0.2, 'max')

    for c in coordinates:
        v = c['coordinates']
        c['bbox'] = [np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 1])),
                     np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 0]))]
        axes[1].plot(*v.T, c='b')
    axes[1].set_title('Accepted components')

    idx_b = cnm.estimates.idx_components_bad
    coordinates_b = cm.utils.visualization.get_contours(cnm.estimates.A[:,idx_b], np.shape(cn_filter), 0.2, 'max')

    for c in coordinates_b:
        v = c['coordinates']
        c['bbox'] = [np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 1])),
                     np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 0]))]
        axes[2].plot(*v.T, c='r')
    axes[2].set_title('Rejected components')

    figure_path = '/home/sebastian/Documents/Melisa/calcium_imaging_analysis/data/interim/component_evaluation/trial_wise/meta/figures/contours/'
    if session_wise:
        figure_path = '/home/sebastian/Documents/Melisa/calcium_imaging_analysis/data/interim/component_evaluation/session_wise/meta/figures/contours/'
    figure_name = figure_path + db.create_file_name(5,index) + '.png'
    return figure
Exemplo n.º 2
def plot_traces_multiple_evaluated(row = None, session_wise = False):
    Plots different versions of contour images that change the inicialization parameters for source extraccion.
    The idea is to see the impact of different seed selection in the final source extraction result.
    :param row: one analysis state row
    :return: figure

    corr_min = round(eval(row['source_extraction_parameters'])['min_corr'],1)
    pnr_min = round(eval(row['source_extraction_parameters'])['min_pnr'],1)
    r_min = eval(row['component_evaluation_parameters'])['rval_thr']
    snf_min = eval(row['component_evaluation_parameters'])['min_SNR']

    output_source_extraction = eval(row.loc['source_extraction_output'])
    corr_path = output_source_extraction['meta']['corr']['main']
    cn_filter = np.load(db.get_file(corr_path))
    cnm_file_path = output_source_extraction['main']
    cnm = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))
    C = cnm.estimates.C

    output_component_evaluation =  eval(row.loc['component_evaluation_output'])
    cnm_file_path = output_component_evaluation['main']
    cnm_eval = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))
    idx = cnm_eval.estimates.idx_components
    idx_b = cnm_eval.estimates.idx_components_bad

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    C[0] += C[0].min()
    for i in range(1, len(C)):
        C[i] += C[i].min() + C[:i].max()
        if i in idx_b:
            color = 'red'
            color = 'blue'
        ax.plot(C[i],color = color)
    ax.set_xlabel('t [frames]')
    ax.set_title('Corr=' + f'{corr_min}' + ', PNR = ' + f'{pnr_min}' + ', PCC = ' + f'{r_min}' + ', SNR =' + f'{snf_min}')

    fig.set_size_inches([10., .3 * len(C)])

    fig_dir = 'data/interim/component_evaluation/trial_wise/meta/figures/traces/'
    if session_wise:
        fig_dir = 'data/interim/component_evaluation/session_wise/meta/figures/traces/'
    fig_name = fig_dir + db.create_file_name(5,row.name) + '.png'

Exemplo n.º 3
def plot_multiple_contours_session_wise(selected_rows, version = None , corr_array = None, pnr_array = None):
    Plots different versions of contour images that change the initialization parameters for source extraction.
    The idea is to see the impact of different seed selection in the final source extraction result.
    :param selected_rows: all analysis state selected
    :param version: array containing the version numbers of source extraction that will be plotted
    :param corr_array: array of the same length of version and pnr_array containing the min_corr values for those versions
    :param pnr_array: array of the same length of version and corr_array containing the min_pnr values for those versions
    :return: figure

    states_df = db.open_analysis_states_database()

    figure, axes = plt.subplots(len(corr_array), len(pnr_array), figsize=(15, 15))

    color = ['w','b','r','m','c']
    for row in range(len(selected_rows)):
        mouse_row = selected_rows.iloc[row]
        index = mouse_row.name
        output = eval(mouse_row.loc['source_extraction_output'])
        corr_path = output['meta']['corr']['main']
        cn_filter = np.load(db.get_file(corr_path))
        for ii in range(corr_array.shape[0]):
            for jj in range(pnr_array.shape[0]):
                axes[ii, jj].imshow(cn_filter)
                new_row = db.select(states_df, 'component_evaluation', mouse=index[0], session=index[1],
                                    trial=index[2], is_rest=index[3], cropping_v=index[5], motion_correction_v=index[6],
                                    source_extraction_v=version[ii * len(pnr_array) + jj])
                new_row = new_row.iloc[0]
                output = eval(new_row.loc['source_extraction_output'])
                cnm_file_path = output['main']
                cnm = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))
                coordinates = cm.utils.visualization.get_contours(cnm.estimates.A, np.shape(cn_filter), 0.2, 'max')
                for c in coordinates:
                    v = c['coordinates']
                    c['bbox'] = [np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 1])),
                                 np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 0]))]
                    axes[ii, jj].plot(*v.T, c = color[row])
                axes[ii, jj].set_title('min_corr = ' + f'{round(corr_array[ii],2)}')
                axes[ii, jj].set_ylabel('min_pnr = ' + f'{round(pnr_array[jj],2)}')

    fig_dir = 'data/interim/source_extraction/session_wise/meta/figures/contours/'
    fig_name = fig_dir + db.create_file_name(3, new_row.name)+'_corr_min' + f'{round(corr_array[0],1)}'+ '_pnr_min'+f'{round(pnr_array[0],1)}' + '_all.png'

    return figure
Exemplo n.º 4
def plot_source_extraction_result_specific_cell(mouse_row_new, cell_number):

    (Still need to be finished) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    In the first plot shows correlation image and contour of the selected neurons.
    In the second plot shows the traces for the selected neurons.
    :param mouse_row_new: data base row
    :param cell_number: array with the cells that are selected to be ploted
    :return: None
    corr_min = round(eval(mouse_row_new['source_extraction_parameters'])['min_corr'], 1)
    pnr_min = round(eval(mouse_row_new['source_extraction_parameters'])['min_pnr'], 1)

    output_source_extraction = eval(mouse_row_new.loc['source_extraction_output'])
    corr_path = output_source_extraction['meta']['corr']['main']
    cn_filter = np.load(db.get_file(corr_path))

    cnm_file_path = output_source_extraction['main']
    cnm = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))

    f, (a0, a1) = plt.subplots(2, 1, gridspec_kw={'height_ratios': [3, 1]})
    coordinates = cm.utils.visualization.get_contours(cnm.estimates.A, np.shape(cn_filter), 0.2, 'max')
    for i in cell_number:
        v = coordinates[i]['coordinates']
        coordinates[i]['bbox'] = [np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 1])),
                     np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 0]))]
        a0.plot(*v.T, c='w')
    a0.set_title('Contour Plot')

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    C = cnm.estimates.C
    C[0] += C[0].min()
    for i in range(cell_number):
        C[i] += C[i].min() + C[:i].max()
    a1.set_xlabel('t [frames]')
    a1.set_title('Calcium Traces')
    fig.set_size_inches([10., .3 * len(C)])

    fig_dir = 'data/interim/source_extraction/session_wise/meta/figures/'
    fig_name = fig_dir + db.create_file_name(3, mouse_row_new.name) + '_example.png'

Exemplo n.º 5
def plot_source_extraction_result(mouse_row_new):

    Generates and saves a contour plot and a trace plot for the specific mouse_row
    corr_min = round(eval(mouse_row_new['source_extraction_parameters'])['min_corr'], 1)
    pnr_min = round(eval(mouse_row_new['source_extraction_parameters'])['min_pnr'], 1)

    output_source_extraction = eval(mouse_row_new.loc['source_extraction_output'])
    corr_path = output_source_extraction['meta']['corr']['main']
    cn_filter = np.load(db.get_file(corr_path))

    cnm_file_path = output_source_extraction['main']
    cnm = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))

    figure, axes = plt.subplots(1)
    coordinates = cm.utils.visualization.get_contours(cnm.estimates.A, np.shape(cn_filter), 0.2, 'max')
    for c in coordinates:
        v = c['coordinates']
        c['bbox'] = [np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 1])),
                     np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 0]))]
        axes.plot(*v.T, c='w')
    axes.set_title('min_corr = ' + f'{corr_min}')
    axes.set_ylabel('min_pnr = ' + f'{pnr_min}')

    fig_dir = 'data/interim/source_extraction/session_wise/meta/figures/contours/'
    file_name = db.create_file_name(3, mouse_row_new.name)
    figure.savefig(fig_dir + file_name + '.png')
    ## up to here

    fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
    C = cnm.estimates.C
    C[0] += C[0].min()
    for i in range(1, len(C)):
        C[i] += C[i].min() + C[:i].max()
    ax.set_xlabel('t [frames]')
    fig.set_size_inches([10., .3 * len(C)])

    fig_dir = 'data/interim/source_extraction/session_wise/meta/figures/traces/'
    fig_name = fig_dir + db.create_file_name(3, mouse_row_new.name) + '.png'

Exemplo n.º 6
def plot_multiple_contours(rows, version = None , corr_array = None, pnr_array = None,session_wise = False):
    Plots different versions of contour images that change the initialization parameters for source extraction.
    The idea is to see the impact of different seed selection in the final source extraction result.
    :param row: one analysis state row
    :param version: array containing the version numbers of source extraction that will be plotted
    :param corr_array: array of the same length of version and pnr_array containing the min_corr values for those versions
    :param pnr_array: array of the same length of version and corr_array containing the min_pnr values for those versions
    :return: figure

    figure, axes = plt.subplots(len(corr_array), len(pnr_array), figsize=(15, 15))

    for ii in range(corr_array.shape[0]):
        for jj in range(pnr_array.shape[0]):
            version_number = ii *corr_array.shape[0] + jj + 1
            if version_number in version:
                new_row = rows.query('(source_extraction_v == ' + f'{version_number}' + ')')
                new_row = new_row.iloc[0]
                output = eval(new_row.loc['source_extraction_output'])
                cnm_file_path = output['main']
                cnm = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))
                corr_path = output['meta']['corr']['main']
                cn_filter = np.load(db.get_file(corr_path))
                axes[ii, jj].imshow(cn_filter)
                coordinates = cm.utils.visualization.get_contours(cnm.estimates.A, np.shape(cn_filter), 0.2, 'max')
                for c in coordinates:
                    v = c['coordinates']
                    c['bbox'] = [np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 1])),
                                 np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 0]))]
                    axes[ii, jj].plot(*v.T, c='w')
                axes[ii, jj].set_title('min_corr = ' + f'{round(corr_array[ii],2)}')
                axes[ii, jj].set_ylabel('min_pnr = ' + f'{round(pnr_array[jj],2)}')

    fig_dir = 'data/interim/source_extraction/trial_wise/meta/figures/contours/'
    if session_wise:
        fig_dir = 'data/interim/source_extraction/session_wise/meta/figures/contours/'
    fig_name = fig_dir + db.create_file_name(3, new_row.name)+'_corr_min' + f'{round(corr_array[0],1)}'+ '_pnr_min'+f'{round(pnr_array[0],1)}' + '_.png'

    return figure
Exemplo n.º 7
def plot_session_contours(selected_rows, version = None , corr_array = None, pnr_array = None):
    Plots different versions of contour images that change the initialization parameters for source extraction.
    The idea is to see the impact of different seed selection in the final source extraction result.
    :param selected_rows: rows corresponding to different trials
    :param version: array containing the version numbers of source extraction that will be plotted
    :param corr_array: array of the same length of version and pnr_array containing the min_corr values for those versions
    :param pnr_array: array of the same length of version and corr_array containing the min_pnr values for those versions
    :return: (saves multiple figures)

    for ii in range(corr_array.shape[0]):
        for jj in range(pnr_array.shape[0]):
            figure, axes = plt.subplots(len(selected_rows) / 5, 5, figsize=(50, 10*len(selected_rows) / 5))
            version_rows = selected_rows.query('(source_extraction_v == ' + f'{ii * len(corr_array.shape[0] + jj)}' + ')')
            for day in range(len(selected_rows)/5):
                for trial in range(5):
                    new_row = version_rows.iloc[day*5+trial]
                    output = eval(new_row.loc['source_extraction_output'])
                    cnm_file_path = output['main']
                    cnm = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))
                    corr_path = output['meta']['corr']['main']
                    cn_filter = np.load(db.get_file(corr_path))
                    #axes[i].imshow(np.clip(cn_filter, min_corr, max_corr), cmap='viridis')
                    coordinates = cm.utils.visualization.get_contours(cnm.estimates.A, np.shape(cn_filter), 0.2, 'max')
                    for c in coordinates:
                        v = c['coordinates']
                        c['bbox'] = [np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 1])),
                                     np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 0]))]
                        axes[day,trial].plot(*v.T, c='w')
                    axes[day,trial].set_title('Trial = ' + f'{i+1}',fontsize=30)
                    axes[day,trial].set_xlabel('#cells = ' + f'{cnm.estimates.A.shape[1]}',fontsize=30)

            figure.suptitle('min_corr = ' + f'{round(corr_array[ii],2)}' + 'min_pnr = ' + f'{round(pnr_array[jj],2)}', fontsize=50)

            fig_dir = 'data/interim/source_extraction/session_wise/meta/figures/contours/'
            fig_name = fig_dir + db.create_file_name(3, new_row.name)+'_version_' + f'{version[ii*len(pnr_array)+jj]}'+'.png'

Exemplo n.º 8
def plot_traces_multiple(rows, version = None , corr_array = None, pnr_array = None, session_wise = False):
    Plots different versions of contour images that change the inicialization parameters for source extraccion.
    The idea is to see the impact of different seed selection in the final source extraction result.
    :param row: one analysis state row
    :param version: array containing the version numbers of source extraction that will be ploted
    :param corr_array: array of the same length of version and pnr_array containing the min_corr values for those versions
    :param pnr_array: array of the same length of version and corr_array containing the min_pnr values for those versions
    :param: session_wise bool that indicates where the figure is save
    :return: None

    for ii in range(corr_array.shape[0]):
        for jj in range(pnr_array.shape[0]):
            fig, ax = plt.subplots(1)
            new_row = rows.query('(source_extraction_v == ' + f'{ii *corr_array.shape[0] + jj + 1}' + ')')
            new_row = new_row.iloc[0]

            output = eval(new_row.loc['source_extraction_output'])
            cnm_file_path = output['main']
            cnm = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))
            C = cnm.estimates.C
            idx_components = cnm.estimates.idx_components
            C[0] += C[0].min()
            for i in range(1, len(C)):
                C[i] += C[i].min() + C[:i].max()
            ax.set_xlabel('t [frames]')
            fig.set_size_inches([10., .3 * len(C)])

            fig_dir = 'data/interim/source_extraction/trial_wise/meta/figures/traces/'
            if session_wise:
                fig_dir = 'data/interim/source_extraction/session_wise/meta/figures/traces/'
            fig_name = fig_dir + db.create_file_name(3,new_row.name) + '_corr_min' + f'{round(corr_array[ii], 1)}' + '_pnr_min' + f'{round(pnr_array[jj], 1)}' + '_.png'

Exemplo n.º 9
def plot_multiple_contours_session_wise_evaluated(selected_rows):

    ## IN DEVELOPMENT!!!!!!!
    Plots different versions of contour images that change the initialization parameters for source extraction.
    The idea is to see the impact of different seed selection in the final source extraction result.
    :param selected_rows: all analysis state selected
    :return: figure

    figure, axes = plt.subplots(3, 5, figsize=(50, 30))

    for row in range(len(selected_rows)):
        mouse_row = selected_rows.iloc[row]
        index = mouse_row.name
        output = eval(mouse_row.loc['source_extraction_output'])
        corr_path = output['meta']['corr']['main']
        cn_filter = np.load(db.get_file(corr_path))
        output = eval(mouse_row.loc['source_extraction_output'])
        cnm_file_path = output['main']
        cnm = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))
        coordinates = cm.utils.visualization.get_contours(cnm.estimates.A, np.shape(cn_filter), 0.2, 'max')
        for c in coordinates:
            v = c['coordinates']
            c['bbox'] = [np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 1])),
                         np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 0]))]
            axes[0,row].plot(*v.T, c = 'w', linewidth=3)
        axes[0,row].set_title('Trial = ' + f'{row}')

        output = eval(mouse_row.loc['component_evaluation_output'])
        cnm_file_path = output['main']
        cnm = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))
        idx = cnm.estimates.idx_components
        coordinates = cm.utils.visualization.get_contours(cnm.estimates.A[:, idx], np.shape(cn_filter), 0.2, 'max')
        for c in coordinates:
            v = c['coordinates']
            c['bbox'] = [np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 1])),
                         np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 0]))]
            axes[1,row].plot(*v.T, c='b', linewidth=3)

        idx_b = cnm.estimates.idx_components_bad
        coordinates_b = cm.utils.visualization.get_contours(cnm.estimates.A[:,idx_b], np.shape(cn_filter), 0.2, 'max')

        for c in coordinates_b:
            v = c['coordinates']
            c['bbox'] = [np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 1])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 1])),
                         np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 0])), np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 0]))]
            axes[2,row].plot(*v.T, c='r', linewidth=3)

    source_extraction_parameters = eval(mouse_row['source_extraction_parameters'])
    corr_lim = source_extraction_parameters['min_corr']
    pnr_lim = source_extraction_parameters['min_pnr']
    component_evaluation_parameters = eval(mouse_row['component_evaluation_parameters'])
    pcc = component_evaluation_parameters['rval_thr']
    SNR = component_evaluation_parameters['min_SNR']
    figure.suptitle('Corr = ' + f'{corr_lim}' + 'PNR = ' + f'{pnr_lim}' + 'PCC = ' + f'{pcc}' + 'SNR = ' + f'{SNR}',
    fig_dir = 'data/interim/component_evaluation/session_wise/meta/figures/contours/'
    fig_name = fig_dir + db.create_file_name(3, index)+'_Corr = ' + f'{corr_lim}' + '_PNR = ' + f'{pnr_lim}' + '_PCC = ' + f'{pcc}' + '_SNR = ' + f'{SNR}' +'_.png'

    return figure
Exemplo n.º 10
def create_video(row, time_cropping, session_wise = False):

    This fuction creates a complete video with raw movie (motion corrected), source extracted cells and source extraction + background.
    :param row: pandas dataframe containing the desired processing information to create the video. It can use the session_wise or trial_wise video.

    if session_wise:
        input_mmap_file_path = eval(row.loc['alignment_output'])['main']
        input_mmap_file_path = eval(row.loc['motion_correction_output'])['main']

    #load the mmap file
    Yr, dims, T = cm.load_memmap(input_mmap_file_path)
    logging.debug(f'{row.name} Loaded movie. dims = {dims}, T = {T}.')
    #create a caiman movie with the mmap file
    images = Yr.T.reshape((T,) + dims, order='F')
    images = cm.movie(images)

    #load source extraction result
    output = eval(row.loc['source_extraction_output'])
    cnm_file_path = output['main']
    cnm = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))

    #estimate the background from the extraction
    W, b0 = cm.source_extraction.cnmf.initialization.compute_W(Yr, cnm.estimates.A.toarray(), cnm.estimates.C,
                                                               cnm.estimates.dims, 1.4 * 5, ssub=2)
    cnm.estimates.W = W
    cnm.estimates.b0 = b0
    # this part could be use with the lastest caiman version
    # movie_dir = '/home/sebastian/Documents/Melisa/calcium_imaging_analysis/data/processed/movies/'
    # file_name = db.create_file_name(5,row.name)
    # cnm.estimates.play_movie(cnm.estimates, images, movie_name= movie_dir + file_name + '.avi')

    frame_range = slice(None, None, None)
    # create a movie with the model : estimated A and C matrix
    Y_rec = cnm.estimates.A.dot(cnm.estimates.C[:, frame_range])
    Y_rec = Y_rec.reshape(dims + (-1,), order='F')
    Y_rec = Y_rec.transpose([2, 0, 1])
    # convert the variable to a caiman movie type
    Y_rec = cm.movie(Y_rec)

    ## this part of the function is a copy from a caiman version
    ssub_B = int(round(np.sqrt(np.prod(dims) / W.shape[0])))
    B = images[frame_range].reshape((-1, np.prod(dims)), order='F').T - \
        cnm.estimates.A.dot(cnm.estimates.C[:, frame_range])
    if ssub_B == 1:
        B = b0[:, None] + W.dot(B - b0[:, None])
        B = b0[:, None] + (np.repeat(np.repeat(W.dot(
            downscale(B.reshape(dims + (B.shape[-1],), order='F'),
                      (ssub_B, ssub_B, 1)).reshape((-1, B.shape[-1]), order='F') -
            downscale(b0.reshape(dims, order='F'),
                      (ssub_B, ssub_B)).reshape((-1, 1), order='F'))
            ((dims[0] - 1) // ssub_B + 1, (dims[1] - 1) // ssub_B + 1, -1), order='F'),
            ssub_B, 0), ssub_B, 1)[:dims[0], :dims[1]].reshape(
            (-1, B.shape[-1]), order='F'))
    B = B.reshape(dims + (-1,), order='F').transpose([2, 0, 1])

    Y_rec_2 = Y_rec + B
    Y_res = images[frame_range] - Y_rec - B

    images_np = np.zeros((time_cropping[1]-time_cropping[0],images.shape[1],images.shape[2]))
    images_np = images[time_cropping[0]:time_cropping[1],:,:]
    images_np = images_np / np.max(images_np)
    images_np = cm.movie(images_np)

    Y_rec_np = np.zeros((time_cropping[1]-time_cropping[0],images.shape[1],images.shape[2]))
    Y_rec_np = Y_rec[time_cropping[0]:time_cropping[1],:,:]
    Y_rec_np = Y_rec_np / np.max(Y_rec_np)
    Y_rec_np = cm.movie(Y_rec_np)

    Y_res_np = np.zeros((time_cropping[1]-time_cropping[0],images.shape[1],images.shape[2]))
    Y_res_np = Y_res[time_cropping[0]:time_cropping[1],:,:]
    Y_res_np = Y_res_np / np.max(Y_res_np)
    Y_res_np = cm.movie(Y_res_np)

    B_np = np.zeros((time_cropping[1]-time_cropping[0],images.shape[1],images.shape[2]))
    B_np = B[time_cropping[0]:time_cropping[1],:,:]
    B_np = B_np / np.max(B_np)
    B_np = cm.movie(B_np)

    mov1 = cm.concatenate((images_np, Y_rec_np), axis=2)

    mov2 = cm.concatenate((B_np, Y_res_np), axis=2)

    mov = cm.concatenate((mov1, mov2), axis=1)

    figure_path = '/home/sebastian/Documents/Melisa/calcium_imaging_analysis/data/interim/movies/'
    figure_name = db.create_file_name(5,row.name)
    mov.save(figure_path+figure_name+'_'+f'{time_cropping[0]}' + '_' + f'{time_cropping[1]}'+'.tif')

Exemplo n.º 11
                             _x - x_,
            axes[kk, 0].add_patch(rect)

            output_cropping = mouse_row['cropping_output']
            cropped_file = eval(output_cropping)['main']
            m = cm.load(cropped_file)
            axes[kk, 1].imshow(m[0, :, :], cmap='gray')

            output_source_extraction = eval(
            cnm_file_path = output_source_extraction['main']
            cnm = load_CNMF(db.get_file(cnm_file_path))
            corr_path = output_source_extraction['meta']['corr']['main']
            cn_filter = np.load(db.get_file(corr_path))
            axes[kk, 2].imshow(cn_filter)
            coordinates = cm.utils.visualization.get_contours(
                cnm.estimates.A, np.shape(cn_filter), 0.2, 'max')
            for c in coordinates:
                v = c['coordinates']
                c['bbox'] = [
                    np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 1])),
                    np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 1])),
                    np.floor(np.nanmin(v[:, 0])),
                    np.ceil(np.nanmax(v[:, 0]))
                axes[kk, 2].plot(*v.T, c='w', linewidth=3)
Exemplo n.º 12

        for i in range(len(selected_rows)):
            row = selected_rows.iloc[i]
            component_evaluation_hdf5_file_path = eval(
            corr_path = eval(
            cnm = load_CNMF(component_evaluation_hdf5_file_path)
            cn_filter = np.load(db.get_file(corr_path))

            A_list.append(cnm.estimates.A[:, cnm.estimates.idx_components])
            size = cnm.estimates.A[:, cnm.estimates.idx_components].sum(axis=0)
            for j in range(len(cnm.estimates.idx_components)):
                typical_size.append(size[0, j])
            C_list.append(cnm.estimates.C[cnm.estimates.idx_components, :])
            evaluated_trials.append((selected_rows.iloc[i].name[2] - 1) * 2 +
                                    selected_rows.iloc[i].name[3] + 1)

        ## add a size restriction on the neurons that will further be proceced. This restriction boudary
        # decision is based in the histogram of typical neuronal sizes