def test_price_eq_0(self):
     assert discount_calc(
         0, 50) == "RESULT: This item appears to be currently free!"
     assert discount_calc(
         0, 0) == "RESULT: This item appears to be currently free!"
     assert discount_calc(
         0, 100) == "RESULT: This item appears to be currently free!"
    def test_wrong_input_list(self):
        """Tests if an error is raised if the arguments are lists."""

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            discount_calc(23, [0, 92, 23])

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
            discount_calc([0, 92, 23], 23)
    def test_wrong_input_string(self):
        """Tests if an error is raised if the arguments are strings."""

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            discount_calc("Twenty", 0)

        with pytest.raises(ValueError):
            discount_calc(345, "Fourteen")
 def test_general_correct_examples(self):
     assert discount_calc(52,
                          20) == "RESULT: The discounted price is $41.60!"
     assert discount_calc(243.9685,
                          35) == "RESULT: The discounted price is $158.58!"
 def test_discount_eq_100(self):
     assert discount_calc(
         17, 100) == "RESULT: This item appears to be currently free!"
     assert discount_calc(
         0, 100) == "RESULT: This item appears to be currently free!"
 def test_discount_eq_0(self):
     assert discount_calc(3500,
                          0) == "RESULT: The item doesn't have a discount."
     assert discount_calc(25.50,
                          0) == "RESULT: The item doesn't have a discount."
    def test_wrong_input_missing_arg(self):
        """Tests if an error is raised if the second argument is missing."""

        with pytest.raises(TypeError):
 def test_price_lt_0(self):
     assert discount_calc(
         -24000, 15) == "RESULT: The discounted price is $20400.00!"
 def test_discount_float(self):
     assert discount_calc(20,
                          25.5) == "RESULT: The discounted price is $15.00!"
     assert discount_calc(
         20, -0.2) == "RESULT: The item doesn't have a discount."
 def test_discount_lt_0(self):
     assert discount_calc(21.5,
                          -40) == "RESULT: The discounted price is $12.90!"
     assert discount_calc(
         21.5, -100) == "RESULT: This item appears to be currently free!"
 def test_discount_gt_100(self):
     assert discount_calc(
         53485, 101) == "ERROR: Choose a discount between 0 and 100."
     assert discount_calc(
         3400, 150) == "ERROR: Choose a discount between 0 and 100."