Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    #create a vpc
    ec2_client = EC2Client().get_client()
    vpc = VPC(ec2_client)

    vpc_response = vpc.create_vpc()

    print("VPC created:" + str(vpc_response))

    #add name tag to VPC
    vpc_name = "Boto3-VPC"
    vpc_id = vpc_response["Vpc"]["VpcId"]
    vpc.add_name_tag(vpc_id, vpc_name)

    print("Added " + vpc_name + " to " + vpc_id)

    #Create IGW
    igw_response = vpc.create_internet_gateway()

    #to attach IGW to VPC then see methof in vpc file
    igw_id = igw_response["InternetGateway"]["InternetGatewayId"]

    vpc.attach_igw_to_vpc(vpc_id, igw_id)

    #create a public subnet
    public_subnet_reponse = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, "")
    public_subnet_id = public_subnet_reponse["Subnet"]["SubnetId"]
    print("Subnet created for VPC " + vpc_id + ":" +

    #add name tag to public subnet
    vpc.add_name_tag(public_subnet_id, "Boto3-Public-Subnet")

    #create a public route table
    public_route_table_response = vpc.create_public_route_table(vpc_id)

    rtb_id = public_route_table_response["RouteTable"]["RouteTableId"]

    #Adding IGW to the public route table
    vpc.create_igw_route_to_public_route_table(rtb_id, igw_id)

    #Associate public subnet to route table
    vpc.associate_subnet_with_route_table(public_subnet_id, rtb_id)

    #allow auto assign public ip addresses for subnet

    #create a private subnet
    private_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, "")
    private_subnet_id = private_subnet_response["Subnet"]["SubnetId"]
    print("Created private subnet " + private_subnet_id + " for VPC " + vpc_id)

    #add name tag to private subnet
    vpc.add_name_tag(private_subnet_id, "Boto3-Private-Subnet")

    #EC2 instnaces remmeber ec2_client is the client for VPC.
    ec2 = EC2(ec2_client)

    #create keypair.
    key_pair_name = "Boto3-Keypair"
    key_pair_response = ec2.create_key_pair(key_pair_name)
    print("Created Key Pair with Name " + key_pair_name + ":" +

    #create a security group
    public_security_group_name = "Boto3-Public-SG"
    public_security_group_descritpion = "Public Security Group for Public Subnet Internet Access"
    public_security_group_response = ec2.create_security_group(
        public_security_group_name, public_security_group_descritpion, vpc_id)
    public_security_group_id = public_security_group_response["GroupId"]

    # add public access to SG
    print("Added public access rule to SG " + public_security_group_name)

    # create startup script
    user_data = """#!/bin/bash
                yum update -y
                yum install httpd24 -y
                service httpd start
                chkconfig httpd on
                echo "<html><body><h1>Hello from <b>Boto3</b> using python!</h1></body></html>" > /var/www/html/index.html"""

    #launch public instance
    ami_id = "ami-1b316af0"
    ec2.launch_ec2_instance(ami_id, key_pair_name, 1, 1,
                            public_security_group_id, public_subnet_id,
    print("Launching public EC2 instance using AMI 1b316af0")

    #for private instance
    #adding another security group for private ec2 instance
    private_security_group_name = "Boto3-Private_SG"
    private_security_group_description = "Private Security Group for Private Subnet"
    private_security_group_response = ec2.create_security_group(
        private_security_group_name, private_security_group_description,
    private_security_group_id = private_security_group_response["GroupId"]

    #adding rule to SG

    #launch instance
    ec2.launch_ec2_instance(ami_id, key_pair_name, 1, 1,
                            private_security_group_id, private_subnet_id,
Exemplo n.º 2
def main():
    # Create a VPC
    ec2_client = EC2Client().get_client()
    vpc = VPC(ec2_client)

    vpc_response = vpc.create_vpc()

    print('VPC created' + str(vpc_response))

    # Add name ag to VPC
    vpc_name = 'Boto3-VPC'
    vpc_id = vpc_response['Vpc']['VpcId']
    vpc.add_name_tag(vpc_id, vpc_name)

    print('added ' + vpc_name + ' to ' + vpc_id)

    # Create an IGW
    igw_response = vpc.create_internet_gateway()

    igw_id = igw_response['InternetGateway']['InternetGatewayId']

    vpc.attach_igw_to_vpc(vpc_id, igw_id)

    print('VPC ' + vpc_id + 'is attached to the internet gateway ' + igw_id)

    # Create a public subnet
    public_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, '')
    print('Subnet created for VPC ' + vpc_id + ': ' +

    # Create a public route table
    public_route_table_response = vpc.create_public_route_table(vpc_id)

    print("public_route_table_response " + str(public_route_table_response))
    rtb_id = public_route_table_response['RouteTable']['RouteTableId']

    # Adding IGW to the public route table
    vpc.create_igw_route_to_route_table(rtb_id, igw_id)

    public_subnet_id = public_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']

    # Associate subnet with the route table

    # Allow auto-assign public ip addresses for subnet

    # Create private subnet
    private_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id,
    private_subnet_id = private_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']

    print('Created private subnet ' + private_subnet_id + ' for VPC ' + vpc_id)

    # Add name tag to the private subnet
    vpc.add_name_tag(private_subnet_id, 'Boto3-Private-Subnet')

    # Add name tag to the public subnet
    vpc.add_name_tag(public_subnet_id, 'Boto3-Public-Subnet')

    # Create EC2 instances
    ec2 = EC2(ec2_client)

    # Create EC2 key pair
    key_pair_name = 'Boto3_EC2_Key_Pair'
    key_pair_response = ec2.create_key_pair(key_pair_name)

    print('Created key pair with the name: ' + key_pair_name +
          ' and the response is ' + str(key_pair_response))

    # Create Security Group
    public_security_group_name = 'Boto3-Public-SG'
    public_security_group_description = 'public security  group for  the public subnet'
    public_security_group_response = ec2.create_security_group(
        public_security_group_name, public_security_group_description, vpc_id)
    print('Created security group ' + public_security_group_name +
          ' with response ' + str(public_security_group_response))

    # Add rule to the security group
    public_security_group_id = public_security_group_response['GroupId']
    add_inbound_rule_response = ec2.add_inbound_rule_to_security_group(

    print('Added public access rule to the security group ' +

    user_data = """#!/bin/bash
                yum update -y
                yum install httpd -y
                service httpd start
                chkconfig httpd on
                echo "<html><body>Welcome to boto3</body></html>" > /var/www/html/index.html """

    image_id = 'ami-02bcbb802e03574ba'
    launch_ec2_instance_response_public_subnet_response = ec2.launch_ec2_instance(

    print('Launching instance in public subnet with AMI ' + image_id +
          ' and instanceId' +

    private_security_group_name = 'Boto3-Private-SG'
    private_security_group_description = 'Private Security Group for Private Subnet'
    private_security_group_response = ec2.create_security_group(
        private_security_group_name, private_security_group_description,

    private_security_group_id = private_security_group_response['GroupId']


    # Launch a private EC2 instance
    launch_ec2_instance_response_in_private_subnet_response = ec2.launch_ec2_instance(

    print('Launching instance in private subnet with AMI ' + image_id +
          ' and instanceId' +
Exemplo n.º 3

#Allocate Elastic IP
allocation_response = vpc.allocate_elastic_ip()
allocation_response_id = allocation_response['AllocationId']

#NAT Gateway
nat_gw_response = vpc.create_nat_gateway(allocation_response_id,public_subnet_id)
nat_gw_id  = nat_gw_response['NatGateway']['NatGatewayId']

#Add Tag to 'vpc01' Nat Gateway


# Associate Route Talbe with Public Subnet

#Associate Route Table with Private Subnet

#Private Route to Nat Gateway


cidrblock_2 = ''
vpc2_response = vpc.create_vpc(cidrblock_2)

vpc2_id = vpc2_response['Vpc']['VpcId']
vpc2_name = 'vpc02'
Exemplo n.º 4
def main():
    # Create a VPC
    ec2_client = EC2Client().get_client()
    vpc = VPC(ec2_client)

    vpc_response = vpc.create_vpc()

    print('VPC created:' + str(vpc_response))

    # Add name tag to VPC
    vpc_name = 'Boto3-VPC'
    vpc_id = vpc_response['Vpc']['VpcId']
    vpc.add_name_tag(vpc_id, vpc_name)

    print('Added ' + vpc_name + ' to ' + vpc_id)

    # Create an IGW
    igw_response = vpc.create_internet_gateway()

    igw_id = igw_response['InternetGateway']['InternetGatewayId']

    vpc.attach_igw_to_vpc(vpc_id, igw_id)

    # Create a public subnet
    public_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, '')

    public_subnet_id = public_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']

    print('Subnet created for VPC ' + vpc_id + ':' +

    # Add name tag to Public Subnet
    vpc.add_name_tag(public_subnet_id, 'Boto3-Public-Subnet')

    # Create a public route table
    public_route_table_response = vpc.create_public_route_table(vpc_id)

    rtb_id = public_route_table_response['RouteTable']['RouteTableId']

    # Adding the IGW to public route table
    vpc.create_igw_route_to_public_route_table(rtb_id, igw_id)

    # Associate Public Subnet with Route Table
    vpc.associate_subnet_with_route_table(public_subnet_id, rtb_id)

    # Allow auto-assign public ip addresses for subnet

    # Create a Private Subnet
    private_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, '')
    private_subnet_id = private_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']

    print('Created private subnet ' + private_subnet_id + ' for VPC ' + vpc_id)

    # Add name tag to private subnet
    vpc.add_name_tag(private_subnet_id, 'Boto3-Private-Subnet')

    # EC2 Instances
    ec2 = EC2(ec2_client)

    # Create a key pair
    key_pair_name = 'Boto3-KeyPair'
    key_pair_response = ec2.create_key_pair(key_pair_name)

    print('Created Key Pair with name ' + key_pair_name + ':' +

    # Create a Security Group
    public_security_group_name = 'Boto3-Public-SG'
    public_security_group_description = 'Public Security Group for Public Subnet Internet Access'
    public_security_group_response = ec2.create_security_group(
        public_security_group_name, public_security_group_description, vpc_id)

    public_security_group_id = public_security_group_response['GroupId']

    # Add Public Access to Security Group

    print('Added public access rule to Security Group ' +

    user_data = """#!/bin/bash
                yum update -y
                yum install httpd24 -y
                service httpd start
                chkconfig httpd on
                echo "<html><body><h1>Hello from <b>Boto3</b> using Python!</h1></body></html>" > /var/www/html/index.html"""

    #ami_id = 'ami-1b316af0'
    ami_id = 'ami-0c7fd3c68f6c6073f'

    # Launch a public EC2 Instance
    ec2.launch_ec2_instance(ami_id, key_pair_name, 1, 1,
                            public_security_group_id, public_subnet_id,

    print('Launching Public EC2 Instance using AMI ' + ami_id)

    # Adding another Security Group for Private EC2 Instance
    private_security_group_name = 'Boto3-Private-SG'
    private_security_group_description = 'Private Security Group for Private Subnet'
    private_security_group_response = ec2.create_security_group(
        private_security_group_name, private_security_group_description,

    private_security_group_id = private_security_group_response['GroupId']

    # Add rule to private security group

    # Launch a private EC2 Instance
    ec2.launch_ec2_instance(ami_id, key_pair_name, 1, 1,
                            private_security_group_id, private_subnet_id,

    print('Launching Private EC2 Instance using AMI' + ami_id)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main():
    ec2_client = EC2Client().get_client()
    vpc = VPC(ec2_client)

    vpc_response = vpc.create_vpc()
    print('vpc created' + str(vpc_response))

    # Add name tag to VPC
    vpc_name = 'Boto3-VPC'
    vpc_id = vpc_response['Vpc']['VpcId']
    vpc.add_name_tag(vpc_id, vpc_name)
    print("Added" + vpc_name + "to" + vpc_id)

    # Add IGW
    igw_response = vpc.create_internet_gateway()
    igw_id = igw_response['InternetGateway']['InternetGatewayId']

    vpc.attach_igw_to_vpc(vpc_id, igw_id)

    # Creat a public subnet
    public_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, '')
    public_subnet_id = public_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']
    print("Subnet created for " + vpc_id + ":" + str(public_subnet_response))
    # Add name tag to public subnet ID
    vpc.add_name_tag(public_subnet_id, 'Boto3-PublicSubnet')

    # Create public route table
    public_route_table_response = vpc.create_public_route_table(vpc_id)

    rtb_id = public_route_table_response['RouteTable']['RouteTableId']
    vpc.create_igw_route_to_public_route_table(rtb_id, igw_id)

    # Associate Public Subnet with Route Table
    vpc.associate_subnet_with_route_table(public_subnet_id, rtb_id)

    # Allow auto assign public IP address for subnet

    # Create private subnet
    private_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, '')
    private_subnet_id = private_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']
    print("Create private subnet " + private_subnet_id + " for vpc " + vpc_id)

    # Add name tag to private subnet
    vpc.add_name_tag(private_subnet_id, 'Boto3-PrivateSubnet')

    # EC2 Instances
    ec2 = EC2(ec2_client)
    print("Creating EC2 instance.....")

    # Creating a key pair
    key_pair_name = 'Boto3-KeyPair'
    key_pair_response = ec2.create_key_pair(key_pair_name)

    print("Create Key Pair with name " + key_pair_name + " : " +

    # Create a security group
    public_security_group_name = "Boto3-Public-SG"
    public_security_group_description = "Public SG for public subnet internet access"
    public_security_group_response = ec2.create_security_group(
        public_security_group_name, public_security_group_description, vpc_id)
    public_security_group_id = public_security_group_response['GroupId']

    # Add public access to security group
    print("Added public access rule group")

    user_data = """#!/bin/bash
                apt-get update
                apt-get upgrade
                apt-get install nginx -y
                service nginx restart"""
    ami_id = 'ami-03f0fd1a2ba530e75'

    # Launch a public EC2 instance
    ec2.launch_ec2_instance(ami_id, key_pair_name, 1, 1,
                            public_security_group_id, public_subnet_id,

    print("Launching public ec2 instance...")

    # Adding another SG for private EC2 instance

    private_security_group_name = "Boto3-Private-SG"
    private_security_group_description = "Private SG for private private instance"
    private_security_group_response = ec2.create_security_group(
        private_security_group_name, private_security_group_description,
    private_security_group_id = private_security_group_response['GroupId']

    # Add rule to private security group

    # Launch private EC2 instance
    ec2.launch_ec2_instance(ami_id, key_pair_name, 1, 1,
                            private_security_group_id, private_subnet_id, '')
Exemplo n.º 6
def main():
    # Create a VPC
    ec2_client = EC2Client().get_client()
    vpc = VPC(ec2_client)

    vpc_response = vpc.create_vpc()

    print('VPC created:' + str(vpc_response))

    # Add name tag to VPC
    vpc_name = 'Boto3-VPC'
    vpc_id = vpc_response['Vpc']['VpcId']
    vpc.add_name_tag(vpc_id, vpc_name)

    print('Added ' + vpc_name + ' to ' + vpc_id)

    # Create an IGW
    igw_response = vpc.create_internet_gateway()
    #igw_response_2 = vpc.create_internet_gateway()

    igw_id = igw_response['InternetGateway']['InternetGatewayId']

    vpc.attach_igw_to_vpc(vpc_id, igw_id)

    # Create a public subnet
    public_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, '')
    #public_subnet_response_2 = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, '')
    public_subnet_id = public_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']
    #public_subnet_id_2 = public_subnet_response_2['Subnet']['SubnetId']

    print('Subnet created for VPC ' + vpc_id + ':' +
    #print('Subnet created for VPC ' + vpc_id + ':' + str(public_subnet_response_2))
    # Add name tag to Public Subnet
    vpc.add_name_tag(public_subnet_id, 'Public-Subnet-1')
    #vpc.add_name_tag(public_subnet_id_2, 'Public-Subnet-2')

    # Create a public route table
    public_route_table_response = vpc.create_public_route_table(vpc_id)
    #public_route_table_response_2 = vpc.create_public_route_table(vpc_id)

    rtb_id = public_route_table_response['RouteTable']['RouteTableId']
    #rtb_id_2 = public_route_table_response_2['RouteTable']['RouteTableId']

    # Adding the IGW to public route table
    vpc.create_igw_route_to_public_route_table(rtb_id, igw_id)
    #vpc.create_igw_route_to_public_route_table(rtb_id_2, igw_id)

    # Associate Public Subnet with Route Table
    vpc.associate_subnet_with_route_table(public_subnet_id, rtb_id)
    #vpc.associate_subnet_with_route_table(public_subnet_id_2, rtb_id_2)

    # Allow auto-assign public ip addresses for subnet

    # Create a Private Subnet
    #private_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, '')
    #private_subnet_id = private_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']

    #print('Created private subnet ' + private_subnet_id + ' for VPC ' + vpc_id)

    # Add name tag to private subnet
    #vpc.add_name_tag(private_subnet_id, 'Boto3-Private-Subnet')

    # EC2 Instances
    ec2 = EC2(ec2_client)

    # Create a key pair
    key_pair_name = 'Boto3-KeyPair'
    f = open(
        "C:\\Users\\Neeraj Kunder\\PycharmProjects\\AWS\\boto3keypair.pem",
    key_pair_response = ec2.create_key_pair(key_pair_name)
    boto3keypair = str(key_pair_response['KeyMaterial'])

    print('Created Key Pair with name ' + key_pair_name + ':' +

    # Create a Security Group
    public_security_group_name = 'Boto3-Public-SG'
    public_security_group_description = 'Public Security Group for Public Subnet Internet Access'
    public_security_group_response = ec2.create_security_group(
        public_security_group_name, public_security_group_description, vpc_id)

    public_security_group_id = public_security_group_response['GroupId']

    # Add Public Access to Security Group

    print('Added public access rule to Security Group ' +

    user_data = """#!/bin/bash
                yum update -y
                yum install -y httpd 
                service httpd start
                chkconfig httpd on
                echo "<html><body><h1>
                Hello! <b>This is my USA Web Server</b> created using Python!
                </h1></body></html>" > /var/www/html/index.html"""

    ami_id = 'ami-0de53d8956e8dcf80'  #us-east-1

    # Launch a public EC2 Instance
    ec2.launch_ec2_instance(ami_id, key_pair_name, 1, 1,
                            public_security_group_id, public_subnet_id,
    #ec2.launch_ec2_instance(ami_id, key_pair_name, 1, 1, public_security_group_id, public_subnet_id_2, user_data_2)
    print('Launching Public EC2 Instance using AMI ' + ami_id)
    input("Press Enter to Continue")
def main():
    # create a VPC

    ec2_client = EC2Client().get_client()
    vpc = VPC(ec2_client)

    vpc_response = vpc.create_vpc()
    print("VPC created: " + str(vpc_response))

    #Add name tag to VPC
    vpc_name = 'Boto3_VPC'
    vpc_id = vpc_response['Vpc']['VpcId']
    vpc.add_name_tag(vpc_id, vpc_name)
    print('Added ' + vpc_name + ' to ' + vpc_id)

    #create an Internet Gateway
    ig_response = vpc.create_internet_gateway()

    ig_id = ig_response['InternetGateway']['InternetGatewayId']

    #attaching internet gateway to vpc
    vpc.attach_ig_to_vpc(vpc_id, ig_id)

    #Create a public subnet
    public_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, "")

    public_subnet_id = public_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']

    print('Subnet created for VPC ' + vpc_id + " : " +

    # Add name tag to public subnet
    vpc.add_name_tag(public_subnet_id, "Boto3-Public-Subnet")

    #Create a public route table
    public_route_table_response = vpc.create_public_route_table(vpc_id)

    #Adding Internet Gateway to Public Route Table
    rt_id = public_route_table_response['RouteTable']['RouteTableId']

    vpc.create_ig_route_to_public_route_table(rt_id, ig_id)

    # Associate public subnet with route table
    vpc.associate_subnet_with_route_table(public_subnet_id, rt_id)

    #Allow auto-assign public ip addresses for subnet

    #Create a private subnet
    private_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, '')
    private_subnet_id = private_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']

    print("Created private subnet " + private_subnet_id + " for VPC " + vpc_id)

    #Add name tag to private subnet
    vpc.add_name_tag(private_subnet_id, "Boto3-Private-Subnet")

    #EC2 Instances
    ec2 = EC2(ec2_client)

    #Create a key pair
    key_pair_name = "Boto3-KeyPair"
    key_pair_response = ec2.create_key_pair(key_pair_name)

    print("Created key pair with name " + key_pair_name + " : " +

    # Create a Security Group
    public_security_group_name = "Boto3-Public-SG"
    public_security_group_description = "Public Security Group for Public Subnet Internet Access"
    public_security_group_response = ec2.create_security_group(
        public_security_group_name, public_security_group_description, vpc_id)

    #Add public access to security group
    public_security_group_id = public_security_group_response['GroupId']

    # Add rule to public security group

    print("Added public access rule to security group " +

    user_data = """#!/bin/bash
                yum update -y
                yum install httpd24 -y
                service httpd start
                chkconfig httpd on
                echo "<html><body><h1>Hello from <b>Boto3</b> using Python!
                 </h1></body></html>" > /var/www/html/index.html"""

    ami_id = 'ami-xxxxxxx'

    #Launching public  EC2 Instance
    ec2.launch_ec2_instance(ami_id, key_pair_name, 1, 1,
                            public_security_group_id, public_subnet_id,

    print("Launching public EC2 Instance using AMI ami-ddddddddd")

    #Adding another security group for private EC2 Instance
    private_security_group_name = "Boto3-Private-SG"
    private_security_group_description = "Private Security Group for private subnet"
    private_security_group_response = ec2.create_security_group(
        private_security_group_name, private_security_group_description,

    private_security_group_id = private_security_group_response['GroupId']

    #Add rule to private security group

    #Launching private EC2 Instance
    ec2.launch_ec2_instance(ami_id, key_pair_name, 1, 1,
                            private_security_group_id, private_subnet_id,

    print("Launching private EC2 Instance using AMI ami-dddddddddd")
Exemplo n.º 8
def main():
    # Create a VPC
    # get ec2 client so that we can pass it into our vpc class
    ec2_client = EC2Client().get_client()
    # now get the vpc class and pass in the ec2_client
    vpc = VPC(ec2_client)

    vpc_response = vpc.create_vpc(
        '')  # creates a dictionary response

    print(f"VPC Created: {vpc_response}")

    # Add Name Tag to the VPC
    vpc_name = "Boto3-VPC"
    vpc_id = vpc_response['Vpc'][
        'VpcId']  # extracting the vpcid value from the dict
    vpc.add_name_tag(vpc_id, vpc_name)

    print(f"Added {vpc_name} to {vpc_id}")

    # Create an IGW
    igw_response = vpc.create_internet_gateway()

    # need to get IGW ID to attach it to the VPC
    igw_id = igw_response['InternetGateway']['InternetGatewayId']

    # now attach it to our VPC
    vpc.attach_igw_to_vpc(vpc_id, igw_id)

    # create a public subnet
    public_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(vpc_id, '')
    print(f"subnet created created for {vpc_id}: {public_subnet_response}")

    # Were going to use the default created VPC route table for the private subnet
    # and now create a new route table for the public subnet just created
    public_route_table_response = vpc.create_public_route_table(vpc_id)

    # to get the RouteTableID - see create_inernet_gateway boto3 documentation
    rtb_id = public_route_table_response['RouteTable']['RouteTableId']
    # to get SubnetId of the subnet created - see create_subnet boto3 documentation
    public_subnet_id = public_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']

    # add name tag to public subnet
    vpc.add_name_tag(public_subnet_id, "Boto3 Public Subnet")

    # adding the IGW to the public route table (the IGW has already been attached to the vpc)
    vpc.create_igw_route_for_public_route_table(rtb_id, igw_id)

    # associate subnet (public or private) with route table just created
    vpc.associate_subnet_with_route_table(public_subnet_id, rtb_id)

    # allow auto-assign of public ip addresses to instances in the public subnet

    # create a private subnet
    # currently it will be associated with the default vpc route table which doesn't have the IGW as the default gateway
    private_subnet_response = vpc.create_subnet(
        '')  # remember the boto3 client connection returns dicts
    private_subnet_id = private_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']
    print(f"Created Private Subnet {private_subnet_id} for VPC {vpc_id}")

    # add name tag to private subnet
    # this uses the add_name_tag() method already defined
    vpc.add_name_tag(private_subnet_id, "Boto3 Private Subnet")
Exemplo n.º 9
def main():
    # Create a VPC
    ec2_client = Ec2Client().get_client()
    vpc = VPC(ec2_client)

    vpc_response = vpc.create_vpc()

    print('VPC Created' + str(vpc_response))

    # Add a name tag to VPC
    vpc_name = 'test-vpc-1'
    vpc_id = vpc_response['Vpc']['VpcId']
    vpc.add_name_tag(vpc_id, vpc_name)

    print('Added ' + vpc_name + ' to ' + vpc_id)

    # Create an IGW
    igw_response = vpc.create_internet_gateway()
    igw_id = igw_response['InternetGateway']['InternetGatewayId']
    vpc.attach_igw_to_vpc(vpc_id, igw_id)
    print('Attached Internet gateway' + igw_id + ' to vpc :' + vpc_id)

    # Create a public subnets
    public_subnet_response = vpc.create_Subnet(vpc_id, '',
    public_subnet_id1 = public_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']
    print('Public Subnet created for vpc ' + vpc_id + ' : subnet id ' +

    # Add a name tag to public subnet
    public_subnet_name1 = 'PublicSubnet1'
    vpc.add_name_tag(public_subnet_id1, public_subnet_name1)

    public_subnet_response = vpc.create_Subnet(vpc_id, '',
    public_subnet_id2 = public_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']
    print('Public Subnet created for vpc ' + vpc_id + ' : subnet id ' +

    # Add a name tag to public subnet
    public_subnet_name2 = 'PublicSubnet2'
    vpc.add_name_tag(public_subnet_id2, public_subnet_name2)

    public_subnet_response = vpc.create_Subnet(vpc_id, '',
    public_subnet_id3 = public_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']
    print('Public Subnet created for vpc ' + vpc_id + ' : subnet id ' +

    # Add a name tag to public subnet
    public_subnet_name3 = 'PublicSubnet3'
    vpc.add_name_tag(public_subnet_id3, public_subnet_name3)

    # Create a route table
    public_route_table_response = vpc.create_public_route_table(vpc_id)
    print('Route table created for vpc ' + vpc_id)
    rtb_id = public_route_table_response['RouteTable']['RouteTableId']

    # Adding a public Route
    add_public_route_response = vpc.create_igw_route_to_public_route_table(
        rtb_id, igw_id)

    # Associating subnet with public route table
    associate_route_tab_response = vpc.associate_subnet_with_route_table(
        public_subnet_id1, rtb_id)
    associate_route_tab_response = vpc.associate_subnet_with_route_table(
        public_subnet_id2, rtb_id)
    associate_route_tab_response = vpc.associate_subnet_with_route_table(
        public_subnet_id3, rtb_id)

    # Allow auto-assign public ip in public subnet resources
    allow_auto_assign_ip_address_for_subnet_response = vpc.allow_auto_assign_ip_address_for_subnet(
    allow_auto_assign_ip_address_for_subnet_response = vpc.allow_auto_assign_ip_address_for_subnet(
    allow_auto_assign_ip_address_for_subnet_response = vpc.allow_auto_assign_ip_address_for_subnet(

    # Create a private subnet
    private_subnet_response = vpc.create_Subnet(vpc_id, '',
    private_subnet_id = private_subnet_response['Subnet']['SubnetId']
    print('Private Subnet created for vpc ' + vpc_id + ' : subnet id ' +

    # Add a name tag to private subnet
    private_subnet_name = 'PrivateSubnet'
    vpc.add_name_tag(private_subnet_id, private_subnet_name)