def genFaceEmbedding(self):
        # Grab the paths to the input images in our dataset
        print("[INFO] quantifying faces...")
        imagePaths = list(paths.list_images(self.args.dataset))

        # Initialize the faces embedder
        embedding_model = face_model.FaceModel(self.image_size, self.model,
                                               self.threshold, self.det)

        # Initialize our lists of extracted facial embeddings and corresponding people names
        knownEmbeddings = []
        knownNames = []

        # Initialize the total number of faces processed
        total = 0

        # Loop over the imagePaths
        for (i, imagePath) in enumerate(imagePaths):
            # extract the person name from the image path
            print("[INFO] processing image {}/{}".format(
                i + 1, len(imagePaths)))
            name = imagePath.split(os.path.sep)[-2]

            # load the image
            image = cv2.imread(imagePath)
            # convert face to RGB color
            nimg = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB)
            nimg = np.transpose(nimg, (2, 0, 1))
            # Get the face embedding vector
            face_embedding = embedding_model.get_feature(nimg)

            # add the name of the person + corresponding face
            # embedding to their respective list
            total += 1

        print(total, " faces embedded")

        # save to output
        data = {"embeddings": knownEmbeddings, "names": knownNames}
        f = open(self.args.embeddings, "wb")
    def __init__(self):

            self.image_size = '112,112'
            self.model = "./insightface/models/model-y1-test2/model,0"
            self.threshold = 1.24
            self.det = 0
            self.model_filename = 'C:/Sasi/sasi/DLCVNLP/Face Recognition/FaceRecog1/src/model_data/mars-small128.pb'
            #self.model_filename = 'C:/Sasi/sasi/DLCVNLP/Face Recognition/FaceRecog1/src/faceEmbeddingModels/my_model.h5'
            self.encoder = gdet.create_box_encoder(self.model_filename,

            # # Initialize detector
            self.detector = MTCNN()

            # Initialize faces embedding model
            self.embedding_model = face_model.FaceModel(
                self.image_size, self.model, self.threshold, self.det)

            self.embeddings = "./faceEmbeddingModels/embeddings.pickle"
            self.le = "./faceEmbeddingModels/le.pickle"

            # Load embeddings and labels
   = pickle.loads(open(self.embeddings, "rb").read())
            self.le = pickle.loads(open(self.le, "rb").read())

            self.embeddings = np.array(['embeddings'])
            self.labels = self.le.fit_transform(['names'])

            # Load the classifier model
            self.model = load_model(ConfigurationsPOJO.clssfr_ModelPath)

            self.cosine_threshold = 0.8
            self.proba_threshold = 0.85
            self.comparing_num = 5

            # # Tracker params
            self.trackers = []
            self.texts = []
        except Exception as e: