Exemplo n.º 1
    def copy_selection_access_string(self):
        """Copys access_string to selection to the clipboard

        An access string is Python code to reference the selection
        If there is no selection then a reference to the current cell is copied


        selection = self.get_selection()
        if not selection:
            cursor = self.grid.actions.cursor
            selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [tuple(cursor[:2])])
        shape = self.grid.code_array.shape
        tab = self.grid.current_table

        access_string = selection.get_access_string(shape, tab)

        # Copy access string to clipboard

        # Display copy operation and access string in status bar
        statustext = _("Cell reference copied to clipboard: {access_string}")
        statustext = statustext.format(access_string=access_string)

Exemplo n.º 2
    def _adjust_merge_area(self, attrs, insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis):
        """Returns an updated merge area

        attrs: Dict
        \tCell attribute dictionary that shall be adjusted
        insertion_point: Integer
        \tPont on axis, before which insertion takes place
        no_to_insert: Integer >= 0
        \tNumber of rows/cols/tabs that shall be inserted
        axis: Integer in range(2)
        \tSpecifies number of dimension, i.e. 0 == row, 1 == col


        assert axis in range(2)

        if "merge_area" not in attrs or attrs["merge_area"] is None:

        top, left, bottom, right = attrs["merge_area"]
        selection = Selection([(top, left)], [(bottom, right)], [], [], [])
        selection.insert(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis)
        __top, __left = selection.block_tl[0]
        __bottom, __right = selection.block_br[0]

        # Adjust merge area if it is beyond the grid shape
        rows, cols, tabs = self.shape

        if __top < 0 or __bottom >= rows or __left < 0 or __right >= cols:
            attrs["merge_area"] = None
            attrs["merge_area"] = __top, __left, __bottom, __right
Exemplo n.º 3
    def merge(self, merge_area, tab):
        """Merges top left cell with all cells until bottom_right"""

        top, left, bottom, right = merge_area

        cursor = self.grid.actions.cursor
        top_left_code = self.code_array((top, left, cursor[2]))

        selection = Selection([(top, left)], [(bottom, right)], [], [], [])

        # Check if the merge area overlaps another merge area

        error_msg = _("Overlapping merge area at {} prevents merge.")

        for row in xrange(top, bottom + 1):
            for col in xrange(left, right + 1):
                key = row, col, tab
                if self.code_array.cell_attributes[key]["merge_area"]:

        self.set_code((top, left, cursor[2]), top_left_code)

        attr = {"merge_area": merge_area, "locked": True}

        self._set_cell_attr(selection, tab, attr)

        tl_selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(top, left)])
        attr = {"locked": False}

        self._set_cell_attr(tl_selection, tab, attr)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def copy_selection_access_string(self):
        """Copys access_string to selection to the clipboard

        An access string is Python code to reference the selection
        If there is no selection then a reference to the current cell is copied


        selection = self.get_selection()
        if not selection:
            cursor = self.grid.actions.cursor
            selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [tuple(cursor[:2])])
        shape = self.grid.code_array.shape
        tab = self.grid.current_table

        access_string = selection.get_access_string(shape, tab)

        # Copy access string to clipboard

        # Display copy operation and access string in status bar
        statustext = _("Cell reference copied to clipboard: {access_string}")
        statustext = statustext.format(access_string=access_string)

        post_command_event(self.main_window, self.StatusBarMsg,
Exemplo n.º 5
    def set_border_attr(self, attr, value, borders):
        """Sets border attribute by adjusting selection to borders

        attr: String in ["borderwidth", "bordercolor"]
        \tBorder attribute that shall be changed
        value: wx.Colour or Integer
        \tAttribute value dependent on attribute type
        borders: Iterable over "top", "bottom", "left", "right", "inner"
        \tSpecifies to which borders of the selection the attr is applied


        selection = self.grid.selection
        if not selection:

        # determine selection for core cells and selection for border cells
        # Then apply according to inner and outer
        # A cell is inner iif it is not at the edge of the selection bbox

        if "inner" in borders:
            if "top" in borders:
                adj_selection = selection + (-1, 0)
                self.set_attr(attr + "_bottom", value, adj_selection)

            if "bottom" in borders:
                self.set_attr(attr + "_bottom", value)

            if "left" in borders:
                adj_selection = selection + (0, -1)
                self.set_attr(attr + "_right", value, adj_selection)

            if "right" in borders:
                self.set_attr(attr + "_right", value)

            # Adjust selection so that only bounding box edge is in selection
            bbox_tl, bbox_lr = selection.get_bbox()
            if "top" in borders:
                adj_selection = Selection([bbox_tl], [(bbox_tl[0], bbox_lr[1])
                                                      ], [], [], []) + (-1, 0)
                self.set_attr(attr + "_bottom", value, adj_selection)

            if "bottom" in borders:
                adj_selection = Selection([(bbox_lr[0], bbox_tl[1])],
                                          [bbox_lr], [], [], [])
                self.set_attr(attr + "_bottom", value, adj_selection)

            if "left" in borders:
                adj_selection = Selection([bbox_tl], [(bbox_lr[0], bbox_tl[1])
                                                      ], [], [], []) + (0, -1)
                self.set_attr(attr + "_right", value, adj_selection)

            if "right" in borders:
                adj_selection = Selection([(bbox_tl[0], bbox_lr[1])],
                                          [bbox_lr], [], [], [])
                self.set_attr(attr + "_right", value, adj_selection)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def _adjust_merge_area(self, attrs, insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis):
        """Returns an updated merge area

        :param attrs: Cell attribute dictionary that shall be adjusted
        :type attrs: dict
        :param insertion_point: Point on axis before insertion takes place
        :type insertion_point: int
        :param no_to_insert: Number of rows/cols/tabs that shall be inserted
        :type no_to_insert: int, >=0
        :param axis: Specifies number of dimension, i.e. 0 == row, 1 == col
        :type axis: int in range(2)


        assert axis in range(2)

        if "merge_area" not in attrs or attrs["merge_area"] is None:

        top, left, bottom, right = attrs["merge_area"]
        selection = Selection([(top, left)], [(bottom, right)], [], [], [])

        selection.insert(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis)

        __top, __left = selection.block_tl[0]
        __bottom, __right = selection.block_br[0]

        # Adjust merge area if it is beyond the grid shape
        rows, cols, tabs = self.shape

        if __top < 0 and __bottom < 0 or __top >= rows and __bottom >= rows or\
           __left < 0 and __right < 0 or __left >= cols and __right >= cols:

        if __top < 0:
            __top = 0

        if __top >= rows:
            __top = rows - 1

        if __bottom < 0:
            __bottom = 0

        if __bottom >= rows:
            __bottom = rows - 1

        if __left < 0:
            __left = 0

        if __left >= cols:
            __left = cols - 1

        if __right < 0:
            __right = 0

        if __right >= cols:
            __right = cols - 1

        return __top, __left, __bottom, __right
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_getitem(self):
        """Test __getitem__"""

        selection_1 = Selection([(2, 2)], [(4, 5)], [55], [55, 66], [(34, 56)])
        selection_2 = Selection([], [], [], [], [(32, 53), (34, 56)])

        self.cell_attr.append((selection_1, 0, {"testattr": 3}))
        self.cell_attr.append((selection_2, 0, {"testattr": 2}))

        assert self.cell_attr[32, 53, 0]["testattr"] == 2
        assert self.cell_attr[2, 2, 0]["testattr"] == 3
Exemplo n.º 8
    def redo(self):
        # Store content of deleted columns
        self.old_col_widths = copy(self.model.code_array.col_widths)
        self.old_cell_attributes = copy(self.model.code_array.cell_attributes)
        self.old_code = {}
        columns = list(range(self.first, self.last + 1))
        selection = Selection([], [], [], columns, [])
        for key in selection.cell_generator(self.model.shape, self.grid.table):
            self.old_code[key] = self.model.code_array(key)

        with self.model.removing_columns(self.index, self.first, self.last):
            self.model.removeColumns(self.column, self.count)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def redo(self):
        # Store content of deleted rows
        self.old_row_heights = copy(self.model.code_array.row_heights)
        self.old_cell_attributes = copy(self.model.code_array.cell_attributes)
        self.old_code = {}
        rows = list(range(self.first, self.last + 1))
        selection = Selection([], [], rows, [], [])
        for key in selection.cell_generator(self.model.shape, self.grid.table):
            self.old_code[key] = self.model.code_array(key)

        with self.model.removing_rows(self.index, self.first, self.last):
            self.model.removeRows(self.row, self.count)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_refresh_selected_frozen_cells(self):
        """Unit test for refresh_selected_frozen_cells"""

        cell = (0, 0, 0)

        code1 = "1"
        code2 = "2"

        self.grid.actions.cursor = cell

        # Fill cell
        self.grid.code_array[cell] = code1

        assert self.grid.code_array[cell] == 1

        # Freeze cell
        self.grid.actions.cursor = cell
        self.grid.current_table = cell[2]

        res = self.grid.code_array.frozen_cache[repr(cell)]
        assert res == eval(code1)

        # Change cell code
        self.grid.code_array[cell] = code2
        assert self.grid.code_array[cell] == 1

        # Refresh cell
        selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [cell[:2]])
        assert self.grid.code_array[cell] == 2
Exemplo n.º 11
    def change_frozen_attr(self):
        """Changes frozen state of cell if there is no selection"""

        # Selections are not supported

        if self.grid.selection:
            statustext = _("Freezing selections is not supported.")

        cursor = self.grid.actions.cursor

        frozen = self.grid.code_array.cell_attributes[cursor]["frozen"]

        if frozen:
            # We have an frozen cell that has to be unfrozen

            # Delete frozen cache content

            # We have an non-frozen cell that has to be frozen

            # Add frozen cache content
            res_obj = self.grid.code_array[cursor]
            self.grid.code_array.frozen_cache[repr(cursor)] = res_obj

        # Set the new frozen state / code
        selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [cursor[:2]])
        self.set_attr("frozen", not frozen, selection=selection)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def merge(self, merge_area, tab):
        """Merges top left cell with all cells until bottom_right"""

        top, left, bottom, right = merge_area
        selection = Selection([(top, left)], [(bottom, right)], [], [], [])
        attr = {"merge_area": merge_area}

        self._set_cell_attr(selection, tab, attr)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def unmerge(self, unmerge_area, tab):
        """Unmerges all cells in unmerge_area"""

        top, left, bottom, right = unmerge_area
        selection = Selection([(top, left)], [(bottom, right)], [], [], [])
        attr = {"merge_area": None, "locked": False}

        self._set_cell_attr(selection, tab, attr)
Exemplo n.º 14
    def _code_convert_1_2(self, key, code):
        """Converts chart and image code from v1.0 to v2.0"""

        def get_image_code(image_data, width, height):
            """Returns code string for v2.0"""

            image_buffer_tpl = 'bz2.decompress(base64.b85decode({data}))'
            image_array_tpl = 'numpy.frombuffer({buffer}, dtype="uint8")'
            image_matrix_tpl = '{array}.reshape({height}, {width}, 3)'

            image_buffer = image_buffer_tpl.format(data=image_data)
            image_array = image_array_tpl.format(buffer=image_buffer)
            image_matrix = image_matrix_tpl.format(array=image_array,
                                                   height=height, width=width)

            return image_matrix

        start_str = "bz2.decompress(base64.b64decode('"
        size_start_str = "wx.ImageFromData("
        if size_start_str in code and start_str in code:
            size_start = code.index(size_start_str) + len(size_start_str)
            size_str_list = code[size_start:].split(",")[:2]
            width, height = tuple(map(int, size_str_list))

            # We have a cell that displays a bitmap
            data_start = code.index(start_str) + len(start_str)
            data_stop = code.find("'", data_start)
            enc_data = bytes(code[data_start:data_stop], encoding='utf-8')
            compressed_image_data = b64decode(enc_data)
            reenc_data = b85encode(compressed_image_data)
            code = get_image_code(repr(reenc_data), width, height)

            selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(key[0], key[1])])
            tab = key[2]
            attrs = {"renderer": "image"}
            self.cell_attributes_postfixes.append((selection, tab, attrs))

        elif "charts.ChartFigure(" in code:
            # We have a matplotlib figure
            selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(key[0], key[1])])
            tab = key[2]
            attrs = {"renderer": "matplotlib"}
            self.cell_attributes_postfixes.append((selection, tab, attrs))

        return code
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_get_merging_cell(self):
        """Test get_merging_cell"""

        selection_1 = Selection([], [], [], [], [(2, 2)])
        selection_2 = Selection([], [], [], [], [(3, 2)])

        self.cell_attr.append((selection_1, 0, {"merge_area": (2, 2, 5, 5)}))
        self.cell_attr.append((selection_2, 0, {"merge_area": (3, 2, 9, 9)}))
        self.cell_attr.append((selection_1, 1, {"merge_area": (2, 2, 9, 9)}))

        # Cell 1. 1, 0 is not merged
        assert self.cell_attr.get_merging_cell((1, 1, 0)) is None

        # Cell 3. 3, 0 is merged to cell 3, 2, 0
        assert self.cell_attr.get_merging_cell((3, 3, 0)) == (3, 2, 0)

        # Cell 2. 2, 0 is merged to cell 2, 2, 0
        assert self.cell_attr.get_merging_cell((2, 2, 0)) == (2, 2, 0)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def OnTimer(self, event):
        """Update all frozen cells because of timer call"""

        self.timer_updating = True

        shape = self.grid.code_array.shape[:2]
        selection = Selection([(0, 0)], [(shape)], [], [], [])
Exemplo n.º 17
    def format_paste_format(self):
        """Pastes cell formats

        Pasting starts at cursor or at top left bbox corner


        clipboard = QApplication.clipboard()
        mime_data = clipboard.mimeData()

        grid = self.main_window.grid
        model = grid.model

        row, column, table = grid.current

        if "application/x-pyspread-cell-attributes" not in mime_data.formats():

        cas_data = mime_data.data("application/x-pyspread-cell-attributes")
        cas_data_str = str(cas_data, encoding='utf-8')
        cas = literal_eval(cas_data_str)
        assert isinstance(cas, list)

        tabu_attrs = "merge_area", "renderer", "frozen"

        description_tpl = "Paste format for selections {}"
        description = description_tpl.format([ca[0] for ca in cas])

        for selection_params, attrs in cas:
            if not any(tabu_attr in attrs for tabu_attr in tabu_attrs):
                selection = Selection(*selection_params)
                shifted_selection = selection.shifted(row, column)
                new_cell_attribute = shifted_selection, table, attrs

                selected_idx = []
                for key in shifted_selection.cell_generator(model.shape):

                command = CommandSetCellFormat(new_cell_attribute, model,
                                               selected_idx, description)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def _pys2attributes_10(self, line):
        """Updates attributes in code_array - for save file version 1.0"""

        splitline = self._split_tidy(line)

        selection_data = list(map(ast.literal_eval, splitline[:5]))
        selection = Selection(*selection_data)

        tab = int(splitline[5])

        attrs = {}

        old_merged_cells = {}

        for col, ele in enumerate(splitline[6:]):
            if not (col % 2):
                # Odd entries are keys
                key = ast.literal_eval(ele)

                # Even cols are values
                value = ast.literal_eval(ele)

                # Convert old wx color values and merged cells
                key_, value_ = self._attr_convert_1to2(key, value)

                if key_ is None and value_ is not None:
                    # We have a merged cell
                    old_merged_cells[value_[:2]] = value_
                except KeyError:
                attrs[key_] = value_

        self.code_array.cell_attributes.append((selection, tab, attrs))

        for key in old_merged_cells:
            selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [key])
            attrs = {"merge_area": old_merged_cells[key]}
            self.code_array.cell_attributes.append((selection, tab, attrs))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def redo(self):
        row, column, table = current = self.current

        # Remove and store frozen cache content
        self.res_obj = self.model.code_array.frozen_cache.pop(repr(current))

        # Remove the frozen state
        selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(row, column)])
        attr = selection, table, {"frozen": False}
        self.model.setData([], attr, Qt.DecorationRole)
        self.model.dataChanged.emit(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex())
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_append(self):
        """Test append"""

        selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(23, 12)])
        table = 0
        attr = {"angle": 0.2}

        self.cell_attr.append((selection, table, attr))

        # Check if 1 item - the actual action has been added
        assert not self.cell_attr._attr_cache
Exemplo n.º 21
    def redo(self):
        row, column, table = self.current

        # Add frozen cache content
        res_obj = self.model.code_array[self.current]
        self.model.code_array.frozen_cache[repr(self.current)] = res_obj

        # Set the frozen state
        selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(row, column)])
        attr = selection, table, {"frozen": True}
        self.model.setData([], attr, Qt.DecorationRole)
        self.model.dataChanged.emit(QModelIndex(), QModelIndex())
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_clear(self):
        """Tests empty_grid method"""

        # Set up self.grid

        self.grid.code_array[(0, 0, 0)] = "'Test1'"
        self.grid.code_array[(3, 1, 1)] = "'Test2'"

        self.grid.actions.set_col_width(1, 23)
        self.grid.actions.set_col_width(0, 233)
        self.grid.actions.set_row_height(0, 0)

        selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(0, 0)])
        self.grid.actions.set_attr("bgcolor", wx.RED, selection)
        self.grid.actions.set_attr("frozen", "print 'Testcode'", selection)

        # Clear self.grid


        # Code content

        assert self.grid.code_array((0, 0, 0)) is None
        assert self.grid.code_array((3, 1, 1)) is None

        assert list(self.grid.code_array[:2, 0, 0]) == [None, None]

        # Cell attributes
        cell_attributes = self.grid.code_array.cell_attributes
        assert cell_attributes == []

        # Row heights and column widths

        row_heights = self.grid.code_array.row_heights
        assert len(row_heights) == 0

        col_widths = self.grid.code_array.col_widths
        assert len(col_widths) == 0

        # Undo and redo
        undolist = self.grid.code_array.unredo.undolist
        redolist = self.grid.code_array.unredo.redolist
        assert undolist == []
        assert redolist == []

        # Caches

        # Clear self.grid again because lookup is added in resultcache


        result_cache = self.grid.code_array.result_cache
        assert len(result_cache) == 0
Exemplo n.º 23
    def undo(self):
        row, column, table = self.key
        selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(row, column)])
        ca = selection, table, {"button_cell": self.text}
        self.grid.model.setData([self.index], ca, Qt.DecorationRole)

        if table == self.grid.table:
            # Only add widget if we are in the right table
            button = CellButton(self.text, self.grid, self.key)
            self.grid.setIndexWidget(self.index, button)
        self.grid.model.dataChanged.emit(self.index, self.index)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_get_new_cell_attr_state(self, cell, attr, before, next):
        """Unit test for get_new_cell_attr_state"""

        self.grid.actions.cursor = cell
        self.grid.current_table = cell[2]

        selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [cell[:2]])
        self.grid.actions.set_attr(attr, before, selection)

        res = self.grid.actions.get_new_cell_attr_state(cell, attr)

        assert res == next
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_undoable_append(self):
        """Test undoable_append"""

        selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(23, 12)])
        table = 0
        attr = {"angle": 0.2}

        self.cell_attr.undoable_append((selection, table, attr))

        # Check if 2 items - the actual action and the marker - have been added
        assert len(self.cell_attr.unredo.undolist) == 2
        assert len(self.cell_attr.unredo.redolist) == 0
        assert not self.cell_attr._attr_cache
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_adjust_cell_attributes(self, inspoint, noins, axis, src, target):
        """Unit test for _adjust_cell_attributes"""

        row, col, tab = src

        val = {"angle": 0.2}

        attrs = [(Selection([], [], [], [], [(row, col)]), tab, val)]
        self.data_array._adjust_cell_attributes(inspoint, noins, axis)

        for key in val:
            assert self.data_array.cell_attributes[target][key] == val[key]
Exemplo n.º 27
    def undo(self):
        if self.index not in self.grid.widget_indices:

        row, column, table = self.key
        selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(row, column)])
        ca = selection, table, {"button_cell": False}
        self.grid.model.setData([self.index], ca, Qt.DecorationRole)

        if table == self.grid.table:
            # Only remove widget if we are in the right table
            self.grid.setIndexWidget(self.index, None)
        self.grid.model.dataChanged.emit(self.index, self.index)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def _get_adjusted_merge_area(self, attrs, insertion_point, no_to_insert,
        """Returns updated merge area

        attrs: Dict
        \tCell attribute dictionary that shall be adjusted
        insertion_point: Integer
        \tPont on axis, before which insertion takes place
        no_to_insert: Integer >= 0
        \tNumber of rows/cols/tabs that shall be inserted
        axis: Integer in range(2)
        \tSpecifies number of dimension, i.e. 0 == row, 1 == col


        assert axis in range(2)

        if "merge_area" not in attrs or attrs["merge_area"] is None:

        top, left, bottom, right = attrs["merge_area"]
        selection = Selection([(top, left)], [(bottom, right)], [], [], [])

        selection.insert(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis)

        __top, __left = selection.block_tl[0]
        __bottom, __right = selection.block_br[0]

        # Adjust merge area if it is beyond the grid shape
        rows, cols, tabs = self.shape

        if __top < 0 or __bottom >= rows or __left < 0 or __right >= cols:
            return None
            return __top, __left, __bottom, __right
Exemplo n.º 29
    def get_selection(self):
        """Returns selected cells in grid as Selection object"""

        # GetSelectedCells: individual cells selected by ctrl-clicking
        # GetSelectedRows: rows selected by clicking on the labels
        # GetSelectedCols: cols selected by clicking on the labels
        # GetSelectionBlockTopLeft
        # GetSelectionBlockBottomRight: For blocks selected by dragging
        # across the grid cells.

        block_top_left = self.grid.GetSelectionBlockTopLeft()
        block_bottom_right = self.grid.GetSelectionBlockBottomRight()
        rows = self.grid.GetSelectedRows()
        cols = self.grid.GetSelectedCols()
        cells = self.grid.GetSelectedCells()

        return Selection(block_top_left, block_bottom_right, rows, cols, cells)
Exemplo n.º 30
    def test_get_xfstyle(self, key, sec_key, subsec_key, style_key, val,
        """Test _get_xfstyle method"""

        row, col, tab = key

        pys_style = {style_key: val}

        dict_grid = self.code_array.dict_grid
        selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(row, col)])
        dict_grid.cell_attributes.append((selection, tab, pys_style))

        xfstyle = self.xls_in._get_xfstyle([], key)

        style = xlwt.easyxf(easyxf)

        assert getattr(getattr(xfstyle, sec_key), subsec_key) == \
            getattr(getattr(style, sec_key), subsec_key)
Exemplo n.º 31
    def _update_video_volume_cell_attributes(self, key):
        """Updates the panel cell attrutes of a panel cell"""

            video_cell_panel = self.grid_renderer.video_cells[key]
        except KeyError:

        old_video_volume = self.code_array.cell_attributes[key]["video_volume"]
        new_video_volume = video_cell_panel.volume

        if old_video_volume == new_video_volume:

        selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [key])

Exemplo n.º 32
    def test_adjust_cell_attributes(self, inspoint, noins, axis, src, target):
        """Unit test for _adjust_cell_attributes"""

        row, col, tab = src

        val = {"angle": 0.2}

        attrs = [(Selection([], [], [], [], [(row, col)]), tab, val)]
        self.data_array._adjust_cell_attributes(inspoint, noins, axis)

        if target is None:
            for key in val:
                # Should be at default value
                cell_attributes = self.data_array.cell_attributes
                default_ca = cell_attributes.default_cell_attributes[key]
                assert cell_attributes[src][key] == default_ca
            for key in val:
                assert self.data_array.cell_attributes[target][key] == val[key]
Exemplo n.º 33
class TestSelection(object):
    """Unit tests for Selection"""

    def setup_method(self, method):
        """Creates selection"""

        self.selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(32, 53), (34, 56)])
        self.SelectionCls = grid_actions.Selection

    def test_nonzero(self):
        """Unit test for __nonzero__"""


    def test_repr(self):
        """Unit test for __repr__"""

        assert str(self.selection) == \
               "Selection([], [], [], [], [(32, 53), (34, 56)])"

    def test_eq(self):
        """Unit test for __eq__"""


    def test_contains(self):
        """Unit test for __contains__

        Used in: ele in selection"""

        assert (32, 53) in self.selection
        assert not (23, 34534534) in self.selection

        # Test block selection

        selection = self.SelectionCls([(4, 5)], [(100, 200)], [], [], [])
        cells_in_selection = ((i, j) for i in xrange(4, 100, 5)
                                     for j in xrange(5, 200, 5))

        for cell in cells_in_selection:
            assert cell in selection

        cells_not_in_selection = \
            [(0, 0), (0, 1), (1, 0), (1, 1), (4, 4), (3, 5),
             (100, 201), (101, 200), (101, 201), (10**10, 10**10),
             [0, 0]]

        for cell in cells_not_in_selection:
            assert cell not in selection

        # Test row selection

        # Test column selection

        # Test cell selection

    def test_insert(self):
        """Unit test for insert"""


    def test_get_bbox(self):
        """Unit test for get_bbox"""

        assert self.selection.get_bbox() == ((32, 53), (34, 56))

        sel_tl, sel_br = [(4, 5)], [(100, 200)]

        selection = self.SelectionCls(sel_tl, sel_br, [], [], [])
        bbox_tl, bbox_br = selection.get_bbox()
        assert bbox_tl == sel_tl[0]
        assert bbox_br == sel_br[0]
Exemplo n.º 34
    def _adjust_cell_attributes(self, insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis,
                                tab=None, cell_attrs=None, mark_unredo=True):
        """Adjusts cell attributes on insertion/deletion"""

        if mark_unredo:

        old_cell_attrs = self.cell_attributes[:]

        if axis < 2:
            # Adjust selections

            if cell_attrs is None:
                cell_attrs = []

                for key in self.cell_attributes:
                    selection, table, value = key
                    if tab is None or tab == table:
                        new_sel = copy(selection)
                        new_val = copy(value)
                        new_sel.insert(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis)
                        # Update merge area if present
                        if "merge_area" in value:
                            top, left, bottom, right = value["merge_area"]
                            ma_sel = Selection([(top, left)],
                                               [(bottom, right)], [], [], [])
                            ma_sel.insert(insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis)
                            __top, __left = ma_sel.block_tl[0]
                            __bottom, __right = ma_sel.block_br[0]

                            new_val["merge_area"] = \
                                __top, __left, __bottom, __right

                        cell_attrs.append((new_sel, table, new_val))

            self.cell_attributes[:] = cell_attrs


        elif axis == 2:
            # Adjust tabs
            new_tabs = []
            for selection, old_tab, value in self.cell_attributes:
                if old_tab > insertion_point and \
                   (tab is None or tab == old_tab):
                    new_tabs.append((selection, old_tab + no_to_insert, value))

            for i, sel_tab_val in enumerate(new_tabs):
                if sel_tab_val is not None:
                    self.dict_grid.cell_attributes.set_item(i, sel_tab_val)


            raise ValueError("Axis must be in [0, 1, 2]")

        undo_operation = (self._adjust_cell_attributes,
                          [insertion_point, -no_to_insert, axis, tab,
                           old_cell_attrs, mark_unredo])
        redo_operation = (self._adjust_cell_attributes,
                          [insertion_point, no_to_insert, axis, tab,
                           cell_attrs, mark_unredo])

        self.unredo.append(undo_operation, redo_operation)

        if mark_unredo:
Exemplo n.º 35
    def setup_method(self, method):
        """Creates selection"""

        self.selection = Selection([], [], [], [], [(32, 53), (34, 56)])
        self.SelectionCls = grid_actions.Selection
Exemplo n.º 36
    def _xls2attributes(self, worksheet, tab):
        """Updates attributes in code_array"""

        # Merged cells
        for top, bottom, left, right in worksheet.merged_cells:
            attrs = {"merge_area": (top, left, bottom - 1, right - 1)}
            selection = Selection([(top, left)], [(bottom - 1, right - 1)],
                                  [], [], [])
            self.code_array.cell_attributes.append((selection, tab, attrs))

        # Which cell comprise which format ids
        xf2cell = dict((xfid, []) for xfid in xrange(self.workbook.xfcount))
        rows, cols = worksheet.nrows, worksheet.ncols
        for row, col in product(xrange(rows), xrange(cols)):
            xfid = worksheet.cell_xf_index(row, col)
            xf2cell[xfid].append((row, col))

        for xfid, xf in enumerate(self.workbook.xf_list):
            selection = Selection([], [], [], [], xf2cell[xfid])
            selection_above = selection.shifted(-1, 0)
            selection_left = selection.shifted(0, -1)

            attributes = {}

            # Alignment

            xfalign2justification = {
                0: "left",
                1: "left",
                2: "center",
                3: "right",
                4: "left",
                5: "left",
                6: "center",
                7: "left",

            xfalign2vertical_align = {
                0: "top",
                1: "middle",
                2: "bottom",
                3: "middle",
                4: "middle",

            def xfrotation2angle(xfrotation):
                """Returns angle from xlrotatation"""

                # angle is counterclockwise
                if 0 <= xfrotation <= 90:
                    return xfrotation

                elif 90 < xfrotation <= 180:
                    return - (xfrotation - 90)

                return 0

                attributes["justification"] = \

                attributes["vertical_align"] = \

                attributes["angle"] = \

            except AttributeError:

            # Background
            if xf.background.fill_pattern == 1:
                color_idx = xf.background.pattern_colour_index
                color = self.idx2colour(color_idx)
                attributes["bgcolor"] = color.GetRGB()

            # Border
            __border_line_style2width = {
                0: 1,
                1: 1,
                2: 4,
                5: 7,

            def constant_factory(value):
                return repeat(value).next

            border_line_style2width = defaultdict(constant_factory(1))

            bottom_color_idx = xf.border.bottom_colour_index

            if bottom_color_idx in self.workbook.colour_map and \
               self.workbook.colour_map[bottom_color_idx] is not None:
                bottom_color = self.idx2colour(bottom_color_idx)
                attributes["bordercolor_bottom"] = bottom_color.GetRGB()

            right_color_idx = xf.border.right_colour_index
            if right_color_idx in self.workbook.colour_map and \
               self.workbook.colour_map[right_color_idx] is not None:
                right_color = self.idx2colour(right_color_idx)
                attributes["bordercolor_right"] = right_color.GetRGB()

            bottom_width = border_line_style2width[xf.border.bottom_line_style]
            attributes["borderwidth_bottom"] = bottom_width

            right_width = border_line_style2width[xf.border.right_line_style]
            attributes["borderwidth_right"] = right_width

            # Font

            font = self.workbook.font_list[xf.font_index]

            attributes["textfont"] = font.name
            attributes["pointsize"] = font.height / 20.0

            fontweight = wx.BOLD if font.weight == 700 else wx.NORMAL
            attributes["fontweight"] = fontweight

            if font.italic:
                attributes["fontstyle"] = wx.ITALIC

            if font.colour_index in self.workbook.colour_map and \
               self.workbook.colour_map[font.colour_index] is not None:
                attributes["textcolor"] = \

            if font.underline_type:
                attributes["underline"] = True

            if font.struck_out:
                attributes["strikethrough"] = True

            # Handle top cells' top borders

            attributes_above = {}
            top_width = border_line_style2width[xf.border.top_line_style]
            if top_width != 1:
                attributes_above["borderwidth_bottom"] = top_width
            top_color_idx = xf.border.top_colour_index
            if top_color_idx in self.workbook.colour_map and \
               self.workbook.colour_map[top_color_idx] is not None:
                top_color = self.idx2colour(top_color_idx)
                attributes_above["bordercolor_bottom"] = top_color.GetRGB()

            # Handle leftmost cells' left borders

            attributes_left = {}
            left_width = border_line_style2width[xf.border.left_line_style]
            if left_width != 1:
                attributes_left["borderwidth_right"] = left_width
            left_color_idx = xf.border.left_colour_index
            if left_color_idx in self.workbook.colour_map and \
               self.workbook.colour_map[left_color_idx] is not None:
                left_color = self.idx2colour(left_color_idx)
                attributes_above["bordercolor_right"] = left_color.GetRGB()

            if attributes_above:
                self._cell_attribute_append(selection_above, tab,
            if attributes_left:
                self._cell_attribute_append(selection_left, tab,
            if attributes:
                self._cell_attribute_append(selection, tab, attributes)