Exemplo n.º 1
 def precheck( self ):
     """Pre-check to make sure connection works and that
        we can call sudo without a password"""
     result = 0
     info( '*** Checking servers\n' )
     for server in self.servers:
         ip = self.serverIP[ server ]
         if not server or server == 'localhost':
         info( server, '' )
         dest = '%s@%s' % ( self.user, ip )
         cmd = [ 'sudo', '-E', '-u', self.user ]
         cmd += self.sshcmd + [ '-n', dest, 'sudo true' ]
         debug( ' '.join( cmd ), '\n' )
         _out, _err, code = errRun( cmd )
         if code != 0:
             error( '\nstartConnection: server connection check failed '
                    'to %s using command:\n%s\n'
                     % ( server, ' '.join( cmd ) ) )
         result |= code
     if result:
         error( '*** Server precheck failed.\n'
                '*** Make sure that the above ssh command works'
                ' correctly.\n'
                '*** You may also need to run mn -c on all nodes, and/or\n'
                '*** use sudo -E.\n' )
         sys.exit( 1 )
     info( '\n' )
Exemplo n.º 2
 def _popen( self, cmd, sudo=True, tt=True, **params):
     """Spawn a process on a remote node
         cmd: remote command to run (list)
         **params: parameters to Popen()
         returns: Popen() object"""
     if type( cmd ) is str:
         cmd = cmd.split()
     if self.isRemote:
         if sudo:
             cmd = [ 'sudo', '-E' ] + cmd
         if tt:
             cmd = self.sshcmd + cmd
             # Hack: remove -tt
             sshcmd = list( self.sshcmd )
             sshcmd.remove( '-tt' )
             cmd = sshcmd + cmd
         if self.user and not sudo:
             # Drop privileges
             cmd = [ 'sudo', '-E', '-u', self.user ] + cmd
     params.update( preexec_fn=self._ignoreSignal )
     debug( '_popen', cmd, '\n' )
     popen = super( RemoteMixin, self )._popen( cmd, **params )
     return popen
Exemplo n.º 3
def errRun(*cmd, **kwargs):
    """Run a command and return stdout, stderr and return code
       cmd: string or list of command and args
       stderr: STDOUT to merge stderr with stdout
       shell: run command using shell
       echo: monitor output to console"""
    # By default we separate stderr, don't run in a shell, and don't echo
    stderr = kwargs.get('stderr', PIPE)
    shell = kwargs.get('shell', False)
    echo = kwargs.get('echo', False)
    if echo:
        # cmd goes to stderr, output goes to stdout
        info(cmd, '\n')
    if len(cmd) == 1:
        cmd = cmd[0]
    # Allow passing in a list or a string
    if isinstance(cmd, str) and not shell:
        cmd = cmd.split(' ')
        cmd = [str(arg) for arg in cmd]
    elif isinstance(cmd, list) and shell:
        cmd = " ".join(arg for arg in cmd)
    debug('*** errRun:', cmd, '\n')
    popen = Popen(cmd, stdout=PIPE, stderr=stderr, shell=shell)
    # We use poll() because select() doesn't work with large fd numbers,
    # and thus communicate() doesn't work either
    out, err = '', ''
    poller = poll()
    poller.register(popen.stdout, POLLIN)
    fdtofile = {popen.stdout.fileno(): popen.stdout}
    outDone, errDone = False, True
    if popen.stderr:
        fdtofile[popen.stderr.fileno()] = popen.stderr
        poller.register(popen.stderr, POLLIN)
        errDone = False
    while not outDone or not errDone:
        readable = poller.poll()
        for fd, event in readable:
            f = fdtofile[fd]
            if event & POLLIN:
                data = f.read(1024)
                if echo:
                if f == popen.stdout:
                    out += data
                    if data == '':
                        outDone = True
                elif f == popen.stderr:
                    err += data
                    if data == '':
                        errDone = True
            else:  # POLLHUP or something unexpected
                if f == popen.stdout:
                    outDone = True
                elif f == popen.stderr:
                    errDone = True

    returncode = popen.wait()
    debug(out, err, returncode)
    return out, err, returncode
Exemplo n.º 4
def waitListening(client=None, server='', port=80, timeout=None):
    """Wait until server is listening on port.
       returns True if server is listening"""
    runCmd = (client.cmd if client else partial(quietRun, shell=True))
    if not runCmd('which telnet'):
        raise Exception('Could not find telnet')
    # pylint: disable=maybe-no-member
    serverIP = server if isinstance(server, basestring) else server.IP()
    cmd = ('echo A | telnet -e A %s %s' % (serverIP, port))
    time = 0
    result = runCmd(cmd)
    while 'Connected' not in result:
        if 'No route' in result:
            rtable = runCmd('route')
            error('no route to %s:\n%s' % (server, rtable))
            return False
        if timeout and time >= timeout:
            error('could not connect to %s on port %d\n' % (server, port))
            return False
        debug('waiting for', server, 'to listen on port', port, '\n')
        time += .5
        result = runCmd(cmd)
    return True
Exemplo n.º 5
def fixLimits():
    "Fix ridiculously small resource limits."
    debug("*** Setting resource limits\n")
        rlimitTestAndSet(RLIMIT_NPROC, 8192)
        rlimitTestAndSet(RLIMIT_NOFILE, 16384)
        #Increase open file limit
        sysctlTestAndSet('fs.file-max', 10000)
        #Increase network buffer space
        sysctlTestAndSet('net.core.wmem_max', 16777216)
        sysctlTestAndSet('net.core.rmem_max', 16777216)
        sysctlTestAndSet('net.ipv4.tcp_rmem', '10240 87380 16777216')
        sysctlTestAndSet('net.ipv4.tcp_wmem', '10240 87380 16777216')
        sysctlTestAndSet('net.core.netdev_max_backlog', 5000)
        #Increase arp cache size
        sysctlTestAndSet('net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh1', 4096)
        sysctlTestAndSet('net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh2', 8192)
        sysctlTestAndSet('net.ipv4.neigh.default.gc_thresh3', 16384)
        #Increase routing table size
        sysctlTestAndSet('net.ipv4.route.max_size', 32768)
        #Increase number of PTYs for nodes
        sysctlTestAndSet('kernel.pty.max', 20000)
    # pylint: disable=broad-except
    except Exception:
        warn("*** Warning: setting resource limits. "
             "Mininet's performance may be affected.\n")
Exemplo n.º 6
def moduleDeps(subtract=None, add=None):
    """Handle module dependencies.
       subtract: string or list of module names to remove, if already loaded
       add: string or list of module names to add, if not already loaded"""
    subtract = subtract if subtract is not None else []
    add = add if add is not None else []
    if isinstance(subtract, basestring):
        subtract = [subtract]
    if isinstance(add, basestring):
        add = [add]
    for mod in subtract:
        if mod in lsmod():
            info('*** Removing ' + mod + '\n')
            rmmodOutput = rmmod(mod)
            if rmmodOutput:
                error('Error removing ' + mod + ': "%s">\n' % rmmodOutput)
            if mod in lsmod():
                error('Failed to remove ' + mod + '; still there!\n')
    for mod in add:
        if mod not in lsmod():
            info('*** Loading ' + mod + '\n')
            modprobeOutput = modprobe(mod)
            if modprobeOutput:
                error('Error inserting ' + mod +
                      ' - is it installed and available via modprobe?\n' +
                      'Error was: "%s"\n' % modprobeOutput)
            if mod not in lsmod():
                error('Failed to insert ' + mod + ' - quitting.\n')
            debug('*** ' + mod + ' already loaded\n')
Exemplo n.º 7
 def iperf(self, hosts=None, l4Type='TCP', udpBw='10M', fmt=None,
           seconds=5, port=5001):
     """Run iperf between two hosts.
        hosts: list of hosts; if None, uses first and last hosts
        l4Type: string, one of [ TCP, UDP ]
        udpBw: bandwidth target for UDP test
        fmt: iperf format argument if any
        seconds: iperf time to transmit
        port: iperf port
        returns: two-element array of [ server, client ] speeds
        note: send() is buffered, so client rate can be much higher than
        the actual transmission rate; on an unloaded system, server
        rate should be much closer to the actual receive rate"""
     hosts = hosts or [self.hosts[0], self.hosts[-1]]
     assert len(hosts) == 2
     client, server = hosts
     output('*** Iperf: testing', l4Type, 'bandwidth between',
            client, 'and', server, '\n')
     server.cmd('killall -9 iperf')
     iperfArgs = 'iperf -p %d ' % port
     bwArgs = ''
     if l4Type == 'UDP':
         iperfArgs += '-u '
         bwArgs = '-b ' + udpBw + ' '
     elif l4Type != 'TCP':
         raise Exception('Unexpected l4 type: %s' % l4Type)
     if fmt:
         iperfArgs += '-f %s ' % fmt
     server.sendCmd(iperfArgs + '-s')
     if l4Type == 'TCP':
         if not waitListening(client, server.IP(), port):
             raise Exception('Could not connect to iperf on port %d'
                             % port)
     cliout = client.cmd(iperfArgs + '-t %d -c ' % seconds +
                         server.IP() + ' ' + bwArgs)
     debug('Client output: %s\n' % cliout)
     servout = ''
     # We want the last *b/sec from the iperf server output
     # for TCP, there are two fo them because of waitListening
     count = 2 if l4Type == 'TCP' else 1
     while len(re.findall('/sec', servout)) < count:
         servout += server.monitor(timeoutms=5000)
     servout += server.waitOutput()
     debug('Server output: %s\n' % servout)
     result = [self._parseIperf(servout), self._parseIperf(cliout)]
     if l4Type == 'UDP':
         result.insert(0, udpBw)
     output('*** Results: %s\n' % result)
     return result
Exemplo n.º 8
 def makeTunnel( self, node1, node2, intfname1, intfname2,
                 addr1=None, addr2=None ):
     "Make a tunnel across switches on different servers"
     # We should never try to create a tunnel to ourselves!
     assert node1.server != 'localhost' or node2.server != 'localhost'
     # And we can't ssh into this server remotely as 'localhost',
     # so try again swappping node1 and node2
     if node2.server == 'localhost':
         return self.makeTunnel( node2, node1, intfname2, intfname1,
                                 addr2, addr1 )
     # 1. Create tap interfaces
     for node in node1, node2:
         # For now we are hard-wiring tap9, which we will rename
         cmd = 'ip tuntap add dev tap9 mode tap user ' + node.user
         result = node.rcmd( cmd )
         if result:
             raise Exception( 'error creating tap9 on %s: %s' %
                              ( node, result ) )
     # 2. Create ssh tunnel between tap interfaces
     # -n: close stdin
     dest = '%s@%s' % ( node2.user, node2.serverIP )
     cmd = [ 'ssh', '-n', '-o', 'Tunnel=Ethernet', '-w', '9:9',
             dest, 'echo @' ]
     self.cmd = cmd
     tunnel = node1.rpopen( cmd, sudo=False )
     # When we receive the character '@', it means that our
     # tunnel should be set up
     debug( 'Waiting for tunnel to come up...\n' )
     ch = tunnel.stdout.read( 1 )
     if ch != '@':
         raise Exception( 'makeTunnel:\n',
                          'Tunnel setup failed for',
                          '%s:%s' % ( node1, node1.dest ), 'to',
                          '%s:%s\n' % ( node2, node2.dest ),
                          'command was:', cmd, '\n' )
     # 3. Move interfaces if necessary
     for node in node1, node2:
         if not self.moveIntf( 'tap9', node ):
             raise Exception( 'interface move failed on node %s' % node )
     # 4. Rename tap interfaces to desired names
     for node, intf, addr in ( ( node1, intfname1, addr1 ),
                               ( node2, intfname2, addr2 ) ):
         if not addr:
             result = node.cmd( 'ip link set tap9 name', intf )
             result = node.cmd( 'ip link set tap9 name', intf,
                                'address', addr )
         if result:
             raise Exception( 'error renaming %s: %s' % ( intf, result ) )
     return tunnel
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __init__(self, label, topo=None, resources_table=None):
        # self.name = "vi%d" % VirtualInstance._COUNTER
        self.name = label
        VirtualInstance._COUNTER += 1

        self.topo = topo
        self.label = label
        self.res_table = resources_table
        self.containers = {}
        self.allocated_resources = {}
        self.resource_model = None
        self.switch = self.topo.addSwitch("%s.s1" % self.name)

        debug("created data center switch: %s\n" % str(self.switch))
Exemplo n.º 10
 def removeHost(self, name, **params):
     Remove a host from the network at runtime.
     if not isinstance(name, basestring) and name is not None:
         name = name.name  # if we get a host object
         h = self.get(name)
         error("Host: %s not found. Cannot remove it.\n" % name)
         return False
     if h is not None:
         if h in self.hosts:
         if name in self.nameToNode:
             del self.nameToNode[name]
         debug("Removed: %s\n" % name)
         return True
     return False
Exemplo n.º 11
    def config(self, bw=None, delay=None, jitter=None, loss=None,
               disable_gro=True, speedup=0, use_hfsc=False, use_tbf=False,
               latency_ms=None, enable_ecn=False, enable_red=False,
               max_queue_size=None, **params):
        "Configure the port and set its properties."

        result = Intf.config(self, **params)

        # Disable GRO
        if disable_gro:
            self.cmd('ethtool -K %s gro off' % self)

        # Optimization: return if nothing else to configure
        # Question: what happens if we want to reset things?
        if (bw is None and not delay and not loss
                and max_queue_size is None):

        # Clear existing configuration
        tcoutput = self.tc('%s qdisc show dev %s')
        if "priomap" not in tcoutput:
            cmds = ['%s qdisc del dev %s root']
            cmds = []

        # Bandwidth limits via various methods
        bwcmds, parent = self.bwCmds(bw=bw, speedup=speedup,
                                     use_hfsc=use_hfsc, use_tbf=use_tbf,
        cmds += bwcmds

        # Delay/jitter/loss/max_queue_size using netem
        delaycmds, parent = self.delayCmds(delay=delay, jitter=jitter,
        cmds += delaycmds

        # Ugly but functional: display configuration info
        stuff = ((['%.2fMbit' % bw] if bw is not None else []) +
                 (['%s delay' % delay] if delay is not None else []) +
                 (['%s jitter' % jitter] if jitter is not None else []) +
                 (['%d%% loss' % loss] if loss is not None else []) +
                 (['ECN'] if enable_ecn else ['RED']
                 if enable_red else []))
        info('(' + ' '.join(stuff) + ') ')

        # Execute all the commands in our node
        debug("at map stage w/cmds: %s\n" % cmds)
        tcoutputs = [self.tc(cmd) for cmd in cmds]
        for output in tcoutputs:
            if output != '' and output != 'RTNETLINK answers: No such file or directory\r\n':
                error("*** Error: %s" % output)
        debug("cmds:", cmds, '\n')
        debug("outputs:", tcoutputs, '\n')
        result['tcoutputs'] = tcoutputs
        result['parent'] = parent

        return result
Exemplo n.º 12
 def tc(self, cmd, tc='tc'):
     "Execute tc command for our interface"
     c = cmd % (tc, self)  # Add in tc command and our name
     debug(" *** executing command: %s\n" % c)
     return self.cmd(c)