Exemplo n.º 1
def eliminate_ifthenelse(p: L4Contract):
    p.local_vars_eliminated = True
    progress_made = False

    def isite(t: Term) -> bool:
        return isinstance(t, FnApp) and t.fnsymb_name == "ifthenelse"

    def eliminate_ifthenelse_block(block: Block) -> Block:
        global progress_made
        if len(block) == 0:
            return block
        rest = block[1:]
        s = block[0]

        maybe_ite_term = s.findFirstTerm(isite)
        snew: Statement
        if not maybe_ite_term:
            snew = s
            progress_made = True  # type:ignore
            ite_term = chcast(FnApp, maybe_ite_term)
            assert ite_term.fnsymb_name == "ifthenelse", ite_term
            assert len(ite_term.args) == 3, ite_term.args
            ite_test, ite_true_expr, ite_false_expr = ite_term.args
            if isinstance(s, LocalVarDec):
                raise Exception("Use eliminate_local_vars first")

            elif isinstance(s, StateVarAssign):
                snew = IfElse(ite_test,
                                          ite_term, ite_true_expr), s.varop)
                              ], [
                                          ite_term, ite_false_expr), s.varop)
                return cast(Block, [snew]) + eliminate_ifthenelse_block(rest)

            elif isinstance(s, IfElse):
                maybe_occurence = s.test.findFirstTerm(lambda y: y == ite_term)
                if not maybe_occurence:
                    if s.false_branch is not None:
                        snew = IfElse(
                            s.test, eliminate_ifthenelse_block(s.true_branch),
                        snew = IfElse(
                            s.test, eliminate_ifthenelse_block(s.true_branch))
                    snew = IfElse(ite_test,
                                  [s.substForTerm(ite_test, ite_true_expr)],
                                  [s.substForTerm(ite_test, ite_false_expr)])

            elif isinstance(s, FVRequirement):
                maybe_occurence = s.value_expr.findFirstTerm(
                    lambda y: y == ite_term)
                if not maybe_occurence:
                    snew = s
                    snew = IfElse(ite_test,
                                  [s.substForTerm(ite_test, ite_true_expr)],
                                  [s.substForTerm(ite_test, ite_false_expr)])

                raise NotImplementedError

        return cast(Block, [snew]) + eliminate_ifthenelse_block(rest)

    for act in p.actions_iter():
        if act.state_transform:
            # but how do I know a change has been made..? can't rely on immutability since Statement and Term aren't immutable.
            progress_made = True
            while progress_made:
                progress_made = False
                act.state_transform.statements = eliminate_ifthenelse_block(

        if act.following_anon_situation:
            sit = act.following_anon_situation
            for rule in sit.action_rules():
                if rule.param_setter:
                    for i in range(len(rule.param_setter)):
                        if rule.param_setter[i].findFirstTerm(
                                lambda x: isinstance(x, FnApp) and x.
                                fnsymb_name == "ifthenelse"):
                            raise NotImplementedError(
                                "Elimination of ifthenelse expression in action rules is not yet implemented (but nothing preventing it from being)."
                if isinstance(rule, ActorEventRule):
                    if rule.where_clause:
                        if rule.where_clause.findFirstTerm(
                                lambda x: isinstance(x, FnApp) and x.
                                fnsymb_name == "ifthenelse"):
                            raise NotImplementedError(
                                "Elimination of ifthenelse expression in action rules is not yet implemented (but nothing preventing it from being)."
Exemplo n.º 2
def eliminate_local_vars(p: L4Contract):
    p.local_vars_eliminated = True
    """Currently unchecked conditions: 
	You can't reassign local variables. Use a new one. Try adding a ' or a 2 or a _.
	You can't write to a state variable twice in any execution. 
	Instead of
	    $x = t1
	    if blah:
	        $x = t2
	You'd need to write
	    $x = if blah then t2 else t1
	    if blah
	        $x = t2
	        $x = t1 
	Instead of
	    $x = t1
	    if blah:
	        local y = t3
	        $x = f(y,y)
	You'd need to write
	    if blah
	        local y = t3
	        $x = f(y,y)
	        $x = t1
	You can't read from a state variable after you write to it. 
	Instead of: 
	    $x = t
	    $y = f($x)
	You must write:
	    new_x = t
	    $x = new_x
	    $y = f(new_x)
	Alternatively, we could use the primed variables convention for the-next-value."""
    This both modifies its arguments and returns something, which is naughty.
    Modify `prog`, eliminating every instance of local var usage.


    allsubst: Dict[str, Term] = dict()

    # def eliminate_local_vars_block(block: Block, substForVar:Dict[str,Term], forbidden_read:Set[str], forbidden_write:Set[str]) -> Tuple[Block,FrozenSet[str],FrozenSet[str]]:
    def eliminate_local_vars_block(block: Block,
                                   subst: Dict[str, Term],
                                   forbidden_read: Set[str],
                                   forbidden_write: Set[str]) \
            -> Tuple[Block, Set[str], Set[str]]:
        # -> EliminateLocalVarsInBlockResult:
        assert block is not None
        if len(block) == 0:
            return ([], forbidden_read, forbidden_write)

        rest = block[1:]
        s = block[0]

        if isinstance(s, LocalVarDec):
            # print(f"seeing local var {s.varname}")
            assert s.varname not in forbidden_write, f"local var {s.varname} can't be written at (TODO: s.coord)"
            value_expr2 = eliminate_local_vars_term(s.value_expr,
            subst2 = subst.copy()
            subst2[s.varname] = value_expr2
            allsubst[s.varname] = value_expr2

            # can't write a second time to this variable in the same forward-scope, because it's potentially confusing
            # and not needed in good code.
            forbidden_write2 = forbidden_write.union({s.varname})
            # print(f"just added local var name {s.varname} to forbidden_write after recursing on RHS of {s}")

            # Now that the term giving s.varname its new value has been substituted, we move on to eliminating further
            # local var decs in the remainder of the block.
            # return eliminate_local_vars_block(rest, substForVar, forbidden_read, forbidden_write2)
            # EXCEPT that there's a subtley with eliminating them in action rules, so I won't actually eliminate them,
            # but I will ignore them when doing FV confined to the state transform situation
            # ACTUALLY, it's all good because no-read-after-write condition ensures that local variable definitions only
            # depend on current state var vals, not next state var vals
            # (new_rest, new_forbidden_read, new_forbidden_write) = eliminate_local_vars_block(rest, subst2, forbidden_read, forbidden_write2)
            # return cast(Block, [s]) + new_rest, new_forbidden_read, new_forbidden_write
            return eliminate_local_vars_block(rest, subst2, forbidden_read,

        elif isinstance(s, StateVarAssign):
                assert s.varname not in forbidden_write, f"state var {s.varname} can't be written at (TODO: s.coord)"

            # forbid writing a second time to this variable in the same forward-scope, because it's potentially confusing
            # and not needed in good code.
            # I was actually doing this... but could easily switch to ifthenelse

            s.value_expr = eliminate_local_vars_term(s.value_expr,

            # forbid reading from it in the forward-scope after writing to it, because that's potentially confusing
            # and not needed in good code.
            # ACTUALLY I rely on this for translation in action rules to be sound.
            # forbidden_read.add(s.varname)
            # print(f"just added state var name {s.varname} to forbidden_read after recursing on RHS of {s}")

            (new_rest, new_forbidden_read,
             new_forbidden_write) = eliminate_local_vars_block(
                 rest, subst, forbidden_read, forbidden_write)
            # new_forbidden_read.discard(s.varname)

            return cast(
                Block, [s]) + new_rest, new_forbidden_read, new_forbidden_write

        elif isinstance(s, IfElse):
            newtest = eliminate_local_vars_term(s.test, frozendict(subst),

            copy_forbidden_read = forbidden_read.copy()
            copy_forbidden_write = forbidden_write.copy()
            (new_true_branch, forbidden_read1,
             forbidden_write1) = eliminate_local_vars_block(
                 s.true_branch, subst, forbidden_read, forbidden_write)
            # state vars written to in the true branch can be written to in the false branch, so we send the same sets
            (new_false_branch, forbidden_read2,
             forbidden_write2) = eliminate_local_vars_block(
                 s.false_branch, subst, copy_forbidden_read,
                 copy_forbidden_write) if s.false_branch is not None else (
                     [], set(), set())

            s.test = newtest
            s.true_branch = new_true_branch
            s.false_branch = new_false_branch

            (new_rest, new_forbidden_read, new_forbidden_write) = \
                eliminate_local_vars_block(rest, subst,
            return cast(
                Block, [s]) + new_rest, new_forbidden_read, new_forbidden_write

        elif isinstance(s, FVRequirement):
            s.value_expr = eliminate_local_vars_term(s.value_expr,

            (new_rest, new_forbidden_read,
             new_forbidden_write) = eliminate_local_vars_block(
                 rest, subst, forbidden_read, forbidden_write)
            return cast(
                Block, [s]) + new_rest, new_forbidden_read, new_forbidden_write

            raise NotImplementedError

    def eliminate_local_vars_term(term: Term, subst: Dict[str, Term],
                                  forbidden_read: FrozenSet[str]) -> Term:
        if isinstance(term, LocalVar):
            assert term.name not in forbidden_read, f"local var {term} can't be read at {term.coord}"
            if term.name in subst:
                # print("SUBST!", term.name, substForVar[term.name])
                return subst[term.name]
        elif isinstance(term, StateVar):
            # assert term.name not in forbidden_read, f"state var {term} can't be read at {term.coord}. {forbidden_read}"
        elif isinstance(term, FnApp):
            # assert term.coord is not None, f"No FileCoord for term {term}"
            return FnApp(term.fnsymb_name, [
                eliminate_local_vars_term(arg, subst, forbidden_read)
                for arg in term.args
            ], term.coord)
        return term

    for act in p.actions_iter():
        if act.state_transform:
            allsubst = dict()
            (x, y,
             z) = eliminate_local_vars_block(act.state_transform.statements,
                                             {}, set(), set())
            act.state_transform.statements = x
        if act.following_anon_situation:
            sit = act.following_anon_situation
            for ruleind in range(len(sit._action_rules)):
                rule = sit._action_rules[ruleind]
                param_setter: Optional[Tuple[Term, ...]] = None
                entrance_enabled_guard: Optional[Term] = None

                if rule.param_setter:
                    param_setter = tuple(eliminate_local_vars_term(rule.param_setter[i], allsubst, frozenset()) \
                                         for i in range(len(rule.param_setter)))
                if rule.entrance_enabled_guard:
                    entrance_enabled_guard = eliminate_local_vars_term(
                        rule.entrance_enabled_guard, allsubst, frozenset())

                if isinstance(rule, ActorEventRule):
                    where_clause: Optional[Term] = None
                    time_constraint: Optional[Term] = None
                    if rule.where_clause:
                        where_clause = eliminate_local_vars_term(
                            rule.where_clause, allsubst, frozenset())
                    if rule.time_constraint:
                        time_constraint = eliminate_local_vars_term(
                            rule.time_constraint, allsubst, frozenset())

                    sit._action_rules[ruleind] = ActorEventRule(
                        sit.situation_id, rule.action_id,
                        entrance_enabled_guard, rule.ruleparam_names,
                        param_setter, where_clause, rule.role_ids,
                        rule.deontic_keyword, time_constraint, rule.immediate)
                    assert isinstance(rule, DeadlineEventRule)
                    deadline_fn = eliminate_local_vars_term(
                        rule.deadline_fn, allsubst, frozenset())
                    sit._action_rules[ruleind] = DeadlineEventRule(
                        sit.situation_id, rule.action_id,
                        entrance_enabled_guard, param_setter, deadline_fn,

    reset_ancestor_statement_pointers(p, "At end of eliminate_local_vars, ")