Exemplo n.º 1
def main():
    m, n = 6, 6
    # Set deeper recursion level to avoid max recursion depth exceeded.
    if m > 5 or n > 5:

    grid = Grid(2, m, n)

    # Get vertices in the boundary face.
    vertices = grid.get_vertices([(1, 1), (0, 1), (0, 0), (1, 0)])

    # Create a new pdf file with current timestamp.
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    #primal_pdf = PdfPages('../resources/{}-primal.pdf'.format(now.strftime("%m-%d-%H:%M")))
    #dual_pdf = PdfPages('../resources/{}-dual.pdf'.format(now.strftime("%m-%d-%H:%M")))
    primal_pdf = None
    dual_pdf = None

    vertex_mapping = get_vertex_mapping(grid.genus, grid.width, grid.height)
    face_mapping = get_face_mapping(grid.genus, grid.width, grid.height)

    # Wrap all visualization related parameters in tuple.
    visual_params = (vertex_mapping, face_mapping, primal_pdf, dual_pdf)

    move_around_face(grid, vertices, visual_params)

    # Close the pdf files, if created.
    if primal_pdf is not None:
    if dual_pdf is not None: