Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_contact_canceled_file(self):
        # Setup
        account    = '*****@*****.**'
        contact    = create_contact('Alice')
        origin     = ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER
        type_      = 'file'
        settings   = Settings()
        packet     = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)
        file_data  = os.urandom(10000)
        compressed = zlib.compress(file_data, level=9)
        file_key   = os.urandom(32)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data  = US_BYTE.join([b'testfile.txt', b'11.0B', b'00d 00h 00m 00s', encoded])
        packets    = self.mock_file_preprocessor(file_data)
        packets    = packets[:20]
        packets.append(byte_padding(F_C_HEADER))  # Add cancel packet

        # Test
        for p in packets:
        self.assertEqual(len(packet.assembly_pt_list), 0)  # Cancel packet empties packet list
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_disabled_file_reception_raises_fr_with_append_packet(self):
        # Setup
        packet             = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, FILE, self.settings)
        packet.long_active = True

        compressed = zlib.compress(os.urandom(10000), level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
        file_key   = os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data  = int_to_bytes(1000) + int_to_bytes(10000)+ b'testfile.txt' + US_BYTE + encoded
        packets    = split_to_assembly_packets(file_data, FILE)

        for p in packets[:2]:

        packet.contact.file_reception = False

        # Test
        self.assertFR("Alert! File reception disabled mid-transfer.",
                      packet.add_packet, packets[2])

        for p in packets[3:]:
            self.assertFR("Missing start packet.", packet.add_packet, p)

        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, len(packets))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_long_message(self):
        # Setup
        account  = '*****@*****.**'
        contact  = create_contact('Alice')
        origin   = ORIGIN_USER_HEADER
        type_    = 'message'
        settings = Settings()
        packet   = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)

        long_msg = ("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean condimentum consectetur purus quis"
                    " dapibus. Fusce venenatis lacus ut rhoncus faucibus. Cras sollicitudin commodo sapien, sed bibendu"
                    "m velit maximus in. Aliquam ac metus risus. Sed cursus ornare luctus. Integer aliquet lectus id ma"
                    "ssa blandit imperdiet. Ut sed massa eget quam facilisis rutrum. Mauris eget luctus nisl. Sed ut el"
                    "it iaculis, faucibus lacus eget, sodales magna. Nunc sed commodo arcu. In hac habitasse platea dic"
                    "tumst. Integer luctus aliquam justo, at vestibulum dolor iaculis ac. Etiam laoreet est eget odio r"
                    "utrum, vel malesuada lorem rhoncus. Cras finibus in neque eu euismod. Nulla facilisi. Nunc nec ali"
                    "quam quam, quis ullamcorper leo. Nunc egestas lectus eget est porttitor, in iaculis felis sceleris"
                    "que. In sem elit, fringilla id viverra commodo, sagittis varius purus. Pellentesque rutrum loborti"
                    "s neque a facilisis. Mauris id tortor placerat, aliquam dolor ac, venenatis arcu.")

        packets = self.mock_message_preprocessor(long_msg)

        # Test
        for p in packets:

        message = packet.assemble_message_packet()
        message = message[1:].decode()
        self.assertEqual(message, long_msg)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def test_long_file(self):
        # Setup
        account    = '*****@*****.**'
        contact    = create_contact('Alice')
        origin     = ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER
        type_      = 'file'
        settings   = Settings()
        packet     = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)

        file_data  = os.urandom(10000)
        compressed = zlib.compress(file_data, level=9)
        file_key   = os.urandom(32)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)

        file_data  = US_BYTE.join([b'testfile.txt', b'11.0B', b'00d 00h 00m 00s', encoded])
        packets    = self.mock_file_preprocessor(file_data)

        # Test
        for p in packets:

        self.assertEqual(os.path.getsize('received_files/Alice/testfile.txt'), 10000)

        # Teardown
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_compression_error_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        packet      = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_USER_HEADER, MESSAGE, self.settings)
        payload     = zlib.compress(b"Lorem ipsum", level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL)[::-1]
        packet_list = [M_S_HEADER + byte_padding(payload)]

        for p in packet_list:

        # Test
        self.assertFR("Error: Decompression of message failed.", packet.assemble_message_packet)
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_short_command(self):
        # Setup
        packet  = Packet(LOCAL_ID, self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, COMMAND, self.settings)
        packets = split_to_assembly_packets(b'testcommand', COMMAND)

        for p in packets:

        # Test
        self.assertEqual(packet.assemble_command_packet(), b'testcommand')
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, 0)
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_short_message(self):
        # Setup
        packet    = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_USER_HEADER, MESSAGE, self.settings)
        plaintext = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit".encode()
        packets   = split_to_assembly_packets(plaintext, MESSAGE)

        for p in packets:

        # Test
        self.assertEqual(packet.assemble_message_packet(), plaintext)
Exemplo n.º 8
    def test_long_message(self):
        # Setup
        packet  = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_USER_HEADER, MESSAGE, self.settings)
        packets = split_to_assembly_packets(self.msg.encode(), MESSAGE)

        for p in packets:

        # Test
        message = packet.assemble_message_packet()
        self.assertEqual(message.decode(), self.msg)
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_long_command(self):
        # Setup
        packet  = Packet(LOCAL_ID, self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, COMMAND, self.settings)
        command = os.urandom(500)
        packets = split_to_assembly_packets(command, COMMAND)

        for p in packets:

        # Test
        self.assertEqual(packet.assemble_command_packet(), command)
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, 0)
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_long_command_hash_mismatch_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        packet  = Packet(LOCAL_ID, self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, COMMAND, self.settings)
        command = os.urandom(500) + b'a'
        packets = split_to_assembly_packets(command, COMMAND)
        packets = [p.replace(b'a', b'c') for p in packets]

        for p in packets:

        # Test
        self.assertFR("Error: Received an invalid command.", packet.assemble_command_packet)
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, 0)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_long_command_hash_mismatch_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        account  = 'local'
        contact  = create_contact('local')
        origin   = ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER
        type_    = 'command'
        settings = Settings()
        packet   = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)
        command  = os.urandom(500) + b'a'
        packets  = self.mock_command_preprocessor(command)
        packets  = [p.replace(b'a', b'c') for p in packets]

        # Test
        for p in packets:

        self.assertFR('Received an invalid command.', packet.assemble_command_packet)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_long_command(self):
        # Setup
        account  = 'local'
        contact  = create_contact('local')
        origin   = ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER
        type_    = 'command'
        settings = Settings()
        packet   = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)
        command  = os.urandom(500)
        packets  = self.mock_command_preprocessor(command)

        # Test
        for p in packets:

        purp_cmd = packet.assemble_command_packet()
        self.assertEqual(purp_cmd, command)
Exemplo n.º 13
    def setUp(self):
        self.contact_list = ContactList(nicks=['Alice', 'Bob'])
        self.settings     = Settings()
        packet            = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact_list.get_contact('Alice'),
                                   ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, MESSAGE, self.settings)

        self.packet_list         = PacketList(self.settings, self.contact_list)
        self.packet_list.packets = [packet]
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_long_command_compression_error_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        packet      = Packet(LOCAL_ID, self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, COMMAND, self.settings)
        command     = os.urandom(500) + b'a'
        payload     = zlib.compress(command, level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL)[::-1]
        payload    += hash_chain(payload)
        padded      = byte_padding(payload)
        p_list      = split_byte_string(padded, item_len=PADDING_LEN)
        packet_list = ([C_L_HEADER + p_list[0]] +
                       [C_A_HEADER + p for p in p_list[1:-1]] +
                       [C_E_HEADER + p_list[-1]])

        for p in packet_list:

        # Test
        self.assertFR("Error: Decompression of command failed.", packet.assemble_command_packet)
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, 0)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def test_decryption_error_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        packet      = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_USER_HEADER, MESSAGE, self.settings)
        payload     = zlib.compress(self.msg.encode(), level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
        msg_key     = bytes(KEY_LENGTH)
        payload     = encrypt_and_sign(payload, msg_key)[::-1]
        payload    += msg_key
        padded      = byte_padding(payload)
        p_list      = split_byte_string(padded, item_len=PADDING_LEN)
        packet_list = ([M_L_HEADER + p_list[0]] +
                       [M_A_HEADER + p for p in p_list[1:-1]] +
                       [M_E_HEADER + p_list[-1]])

        for p in packet_list:

        # Test
        self.assertFR("Error: Decryption of message failed.", packet.assemble_message_packet)
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_short_file_from_user_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        packet  = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_USER_HEADER, FILE, self.settings)
        packets = split_to_assembly_packets(self.short_f_data, FILE)

        # Test
        for p in packets:
            self.assertFR("Ignored file from user.", packet.add_packet, p)
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, 1)
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_short_message(self):
        # Setup
        account  = '*****@*****.**'
        contact  = create_contact('Alice')
        origin   = ORIGIN_USER_HEADER
        type_    = 'message'
        settings = Settings()
        packet   = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)
        message  = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit"
        packets  = self.mock_message_preprocessor(message)

        # Test
        for p in packets:

        message = packet.assemble_message_packet()
        message = message[1:].decode()
        self.assertEqual(message, message)
Exemplo n.º 18
    def test_missing_start_packet_raises_fr(self):
        account  = '*****@*****.**'
        contact  = create_contact('Alice')
        origin   = ORIGIN_USER_HEADER
        type_    = 'message'
        settings = Settings()
        packet   = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)

        self.assertFR('Missing start packet.', packet.add_packet, (M_A_HEADER + bytes(254)))
        self.assertFR('Missing start packet.', packet.add_packet, (M_E_HEADER + bytes(254)))
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_invalid_assembly_packet_header_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        packet    = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_USER_HEADER, MESSAGE, self.settings)
        plaintext = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit".encode()
        packets   = split_to_assembly_packets(plaintext, MESSAGE)

        # Test
        self.assertFR("Error: Received packet had an invalid assembly packet header.",
                      packet.add_packet, b'i' + packets[0][1:])
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, 1)
Exemplo n.º 20
    def test_unauthorized_file_from_contact_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        self.contact.file_reception = False

        packet  = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, FILE, self.settings)
        packets = split_to_assembly_packets(self.short_f_data, FILE)

        # Test
        for p in packets:
            self.assertFR("Alert! File transmission from Alice but reception is disabled.", packet.add_packet, p)
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, 1)
Exemplo n.º 21
    def test_decryption_error_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        account  = '*****@*****.**'
        contact  = create_contact('Alice')
        origin   = ORIGIN_USER_HEADER
        type_    = 'message'
        settings = Settings()
        packet   = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)

        long_msg = ("Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean condimentum consectetur purus quis"
                    " dapibus. Fusce venenatis lacus ut rhoncus faucibus. Cras sollicitudin commodo sapien, sed bibendu"
                    "m velit maximus in. Aliquam ac metus risus. Sed cursus ornare luctus. Integer aliquet lectus id ma"
                    "ssa blandit imperdiet. Ut sed massa eget quam facilisis rutrum. Mauris eget luctus nisl. Sed ut el"
                    "it iaculis, faucibus lacus eget, sodales magna. Nunc sed commodo arcu. In hac habitasse platea dic"
                    "tumst. Integer luctus aliquam justo, at vestibulum dolor iaculis ac. Etiam laoreet est eget odio r"
                    "utrum, vel malesuada lorem rhoncus. Cras finibus in neque eu euismod. Nulla facilisi. Nunc nec ali"
                    "quam quam, quis ullamcorper leo. Nunc egestas lectus eget est porttitor, in iaculis felis sceleris"
                    "que. In sem elit, fringilla id viverra commodo, sagittis varius purus. Pellentesque rutrum loborti"
                    "s neque a facilisis. Mauris id tortor placerat, aliquam dolor ac, venenatis arcu.")

        plaintext = long_msg.encode()
        payload   = zlib.compress(plaintext, level=9)

        msg_key  = bytes(32)
        payload  = encrypt_and_sign(payload, msg_key)
        if payload[:-1] == b'a':  # Remove false positives
            payload = payload[-1:] + b'c'
            payload = payload[-1:] + b'a'
        payload += msg_key
        padded   = byte_padding(payload)
        p_list   = split_byte_string(padded, item_len=255)
        packet_list = ([M_L_HEADER + p_list[0]] +
                       [M_A_HEADER + p for p in p_list[1:-1]] +
                       [M_E_HEADER + p_list[-1]])

        # Test
        for p in packet_list:

        self.assertFR('Decryption of long message failed.', packet.assemble_message_packet)
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_noise_packet_interrupts_file(self):
        # Setup
        packet     = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, FILE, self.settings)
        compressed = zlib.compress(os.urandom(10000), level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
        file_key   = os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data  = int_to_bytes(1000) + int_to_bytes(10000) + b'testfile.txt' + US_BYTE + encoded
        packets    = split_to_assembly_packets(file_data, FILE)
        packets    = packets[:20]
        packets.append(byte_padding(P_N_HEADER))  # Add cancel packet

        for p in packets:

        # Test
        self.assertEqual(len(packet.assembly_pt_list), 0)  # Cancel packet empties packet list
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, len(packets))
Exemplo n.º 23
    def test_long_file_from_user_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        packet     = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_USER_HEADER, FILE, self.settings)
        compressed = zlib.compress(os.urandom(10000), level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
        file_key   = os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data  = int_to_bytes(1000) + int_to_bytes(10000) + b'testfile.txt' + US_BYTE + encoded
        packets    = split_to_assembly_packets(file_data, FILE)

        # Test
        self.assertFR("Ignored file from user.", packet.add_packet, packets[0])
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, 1)
Exemplo n.º 24
    def test_empty_file_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        account    = '*****@*****.**'
        contact    = create_contact('Alice')
        origin     = ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER
        type_      = 'file'
        settings   = Settings()
        packet     = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)

        file_data  = b''
        compressed = zlib.compress(file_data, level=9)
        file_key   = os.urandom(32)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)

        file_data  = US_BYTE.join([b'testfile.txt', b'11.0B', b'00d 00h 00m 00s', encoded])
        packets    = self.mock_file_preprocessor(file_data)

        # Test
        for p in packets:
        self.assertFR('Received file did not contain data.', packet.assemble_and_store_file)
Exemplo n.º 25
    def test_invalid_long_file_header_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        packet     = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, FILE, self.settings)
        compressed = zlib.compress(os.urandom(10000), level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
        file_key   = os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data  = int_to_bytes(1000) + int_to_bytes(10000) + binascii.unhexlify('3f264d4189d7a091') + US_BYTE + encoded
        packets    = split_to_assembly_packets(file_data, FILE)

        # Test
        self.assertFR("Error: Received file packet had an invalid header.", packet.add_packet, packets[0])
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, 1)
Exemplo n.º 26
    def test_compression_error_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        account  = '*****@*****.**'
        contact  = create_contact('Alice')
        origin   = ORIGIN_USER_HEADER
        type_    = 'message'
        settings = Settings()
        packet   = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)
        message  = "Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit"

        plaintext   = message.encode()
        payload     = zlib.compress(plaintext, level=9)
        if payload[:-1] == b'a':  # Remove false positives
            payload = payload[-1:] + b'c'
            payload = payload[-1:] + b'a'
        padded      = byte_padding(payload)
        packet_list = [M_S_HEADER + padded]

        # Test
        for p in packet_list:

        self.assertFR('Decompression of long message failed.', packet.assemble_message_packet)
Exemplo n.º 27
    def test_unauthorized_long_file_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        self.contact.file_reception = False

        packet     = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, FILE, self.settings)
        compressed = zlib.compress(os.urandom(10000), level=COMPRESSION_LEVEL)
        file_key   = os.urandom(KEY_LENGTH)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data  = int_to_bytes(1000) + int_to_bytes(10000) + b'testfile.txt' + US_BYTE + encoded
        packets    = split_to_assembly_packets(file_data, FILE)

        # Test
        self.assertFR("Alert! File transmission from Alice but reception is disabled.", packet.add_packet, packets[0])
        self.assertEqual(packet.log_masking_ctr, 1)
Exemplo n.º 28
    def test_short_file(self):
        # Setup
        packets = split_to_assembly_packets(self.short_f_data, FILE)

        # Test

        packet             = Packet('*****@*****.**', self.contact, ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER, FILE, self.settings)
        packet.long_active = True

        for p in packets:

        for p in packets:

        # Teardown
Exemplo n.º 29
    def test_invalid_long_file_header_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        account    = '*****@*****.**'
        contact    = create_contact('Alice')
        origin     = ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER
        type_      = 'file'
        settings   = Settings()
        packet     = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)
        file_data  = os.urandom(10000)
        compressed = zlib.compress(file_data, level=9)
        file_key   = os.urandom(32)
        encrypted  = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted += file_key
        encoded    = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data  = US_BYTE.join([b'testfile.txt', b'11.0B', encoded])
        packets    = self.mock_file_preprocessor(file_data)

        # Test
        self.assertFR("Received packet had an invalid header.", packet.add_packet, packets[0])
Exemplo n.º 30
    def test_unauthorized_long_file_raises_fr(self):
        # Setup
        account                = '*****@*****.**'
        contact                = create_contact('Alice')
        contact.file_reception = False
        origin                 = ORIGIN_CONTACT_HEADER
        type_                  = 'file'
        settings               = Settings()
        packet                 = Packet(account, contact, origin, type_, settings)
        file_data              = os.urandom(10000)
        compressed             = zlib.compress(file_data, level=9)
        file_key               = os.urandom(32)
        encrypted              = encrypt_and_sign(compressed, key=file_key)
        encrypted             += file_key
        encoded                = base64.b85encode(encrypted)
        file_data              = US_BYTE.join([b'testfile.txt', b'11.0B', b'00d 00h 00m 00s', encoded])
        packets                = self.mock_file_preprocessor(file_data)

        # Test
        self.assertFR("Unauthorized long file from contact.", packet.add_packet, packets[0])