Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, thymio: Thymio, camera, interval_sleep=0.05):
        Constructor that initializes the camera, kalman, the sensors and class variables.

        param thymio: class of the robot
        param interval_sleep: time constant to sleep before function loop calls

            if recording:
                kalman_handler = KalmanHandler(...)
        self.interval_sleep = interval_sleep
        self.thymio = thymio
        self.kalman = Kalman()
        self.record_left = []
        self.record_right = []
        self.sensor_handler = SensorHandler(self.thymio)
        self.recording = False
        self.kalman_time = 0
        self.thymio_speed_to_mm_s = float(os.getenv("SPEED_80_TO_MM_S"))
        self.camera = camera
        self.covariance = 1.0e-04 * np.ones([3, 3])
        self.kalman_position = [0, 0, 0]
        self.camera_position = [-1, -1, 0]
Exemplo n.º 2
    def get_kalman(self, measurement: bool):
        Manages the kalman estimation based on the time and speed.

        param measurement: boolean to access the measurements or not in the kalman.

        return: [x, y, theta] converted back in cm and degrees

        # if recording then does the average speed
        if self.recording:
            # if the speeds recorded are empty, stop the kalman
            if not len(self.record_left) and not len(self.record_right):
                return self.kalman_position

            speed_left = sum(self.record_left) / len(self.record_left)
            speed_right = sum(self.record_right) / len(self.record_right)
        # if not recording, takes the actual speed
            speed_left, speed_right = self.__speeds()

        ts = time.time() - self.kalman_time  # [s]
        delta_sl = speed_left * ts * self.thymio_speed_to_mm_s / 1000  # [m]
        delta_sr = speed_right * ts * self.thymio_speed_to_mm_s / 1000  # [m]

        if measurement:
            # stop(self.thymio)

        self.sensor_handler = SensorHandler(
        )  # new class declaration to avoid calling too many times

        # cm & degrees -> m & rad
        conv_pos = [
            self.kalman_position[0] / 100, self.kalman_position[1] / 100,
        conv_cam = [
            self.camera_position[0] / 100, self.camera_position[1] / 100,
        temp, self.covariance = self.kalman.kalman_filter(
            conv_cam, conv_pos, self.covariance, delta_sr, delta_sl,
        # m & rad -> cm & degrees
        self.kalman_position = [
            temp[0] * 100, temp[1] * 100,
            (np.rad2deg(temp[2]) + 180.0) % 360.0 - 180.0
        return self.kalman_position
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, thymio: Thymio, kalman_handler, full_path, final_occupancy_grid, distance_avoidance=2.5,
                 angle_avoidance=5.0, square=2.5, wall_threshold=3600, clear_thresh=2400):
        Constructor to initialize the sensors, camera, kalman and class variables.

        :param thymio: class thymio, reference to the robot
        :param kalman_handler: class KalmanHandler that wraps the code of the Kalman for the right execution. It includes
                              the use of the sensors and the camera.
        :param full_path: list of all intermediary points to reach the goal
        :param final_occupancy_grid: map grid with obstacle size increase
        :param distance_avoidance: constant steps to move forward
        :param angle_avoidance: angle steps to rotate
        :param square: unit square size of the grid map
        :param wall_threshold: constant min threshold to detect a wall or not
        :param clear_thresh: constant max threshold to detect a wall or not
        # params
        self.final_occupancy_grid = final_occupancy_grid
        self.kalman_handler = kalman_handler

        # constants
        self.SQUARE = square
        self.WALL_THRESHOLD = wall_threshold
        self.CLEAR_THRESH = clear_thresh
        self.ONE_STEP = 1
        self.FOUR_STEPS = 4
        self.DISTANCE_AVOIDANCE = distance_avoidance
        self.ANGLE_AVOIDANCE = angle_avoidance
        self.NO_OBSTACLE_SENSOR = 2000
        self.HALF_TURN = 180
        self.CHECK_OBSTACLE = 30
        self.ANGLE_ADJUSTMENT = 20

        # class
        self.thymio = thymio
        self.full_path = full_path

        # methods
        self.sensor_handler = SensorHandler(thymio)

        # variables
        self.kalman_position = self.kalman_handler.get_camera()
        self.kalman_position = [self.kalman_position[0] / self.SQUARE, self.kalman_position[1] / self.SQUARE,

        # initialisation
        self.__update_path()  # update the full_path
        self.__obstacle_avoidance()  # avoid obstacle
        self.__update_path()  # update the full_path
Exemplo n.º 4
class ObstacleAvoidance:
    Local avoidance class that manages physical obstacles as soon as it detects them

    def __init__(self, thymio: Thymio, kalman_handler, full_path, final_occupancy_grid, distance_avoidance=2.5,
                 angle_avoidance=5.0, square=2.5, wall_threshold=3600, clear_thresh=2400):
        Constructor to initialize the sensors, camera, kalman and class variables.

        :param thymio: class thymio, reference to the robot
        :param kalman_handler: class KalmanHandler that wraps the code of the Kalman for the right execution. It includes
                              the use of the sensors and the camera.
        :param full_path: list of all intermediary points to reach the goal
        :param final_occupancy_grid: map grid with obstacle size increase
        :param distance_avoidance: constant steps to move forward
        :param angle_avoidance: angle steps to rotate
        :param square: unit square size of the grid map
        :param wall_threshold: constant min threshold to detect a wall or not
        :param clear_thresh: constant max threshold to detect a wall or not
        # params
        self.final_occupancy_grid = final_occupancy_grid
        self.kalman_handler = kalman_handler

        # constants
        self.SQUARE = square
        self.WALL_THRESHOLD = wall_threshold
        self.CLEAR_THRESH = clear_thresh
        self.ONE_STEP = 1
        self.FOUR_STEPS = 4
        self.DISTANCE_AVOIDANCE = distance_avoidance
        self.ANGLE_AVOIDANCE = angle_avoidance
        self.NO_OBSTACLE_SENSOR = 2000
        self.HALF_TURN = 180
        self.CHECK_OBSTACLE = 30
        self.ANGLE_ADJUSTMENT = 20

        # class
        self.thymio = thymio
        self.full_path = full_path

        # methods
        self.sensor_handler = SensorHandler(thymio)

        # variables
        self.kalman_position = self.kalman_handler.get_camera()
        self.kalman_position = [self.kalman_position[0] / self.SQUARE, self.kalman_position[1] / self.SQUARE,

        # initialisation
        self.__update_path()  # update the full_path
        self.__obstacle_avoidance()  # avoid obstacle
        self.__update_path()  # update the full_path

    def __obstacle_avoidance(self):
        Obstacle avoidance handler. It handles all the obstacle avoidance routine.
        # Determine the direction of avoidance and store it in rotated
        sensor_values = self.sensor_handler.sensor_raw()["sensor"]  # load sensors values

        # case 1:  the robot sees a wall in both side. It chooses the opposite direction of the sensor with the largest
        # value which correspond to the direction of the sensor with the largest distance.
        if (sensor_values[1] > self.WALL_THRESHOLD) and (sensor_values[3] > self.WALL_THRESHOLD):
            if sensor_values[3] > sensor_values[1]:
                rotated = EventEnum.LEFT  # go left
                rotated = EventEnum.RIGHT  # go right

        # case 2:  the robot sees a wall at its right side. It chooses the opposite direction.
        elif (sensor_values[3] > self.WALL_THRESHOLD) or (sensor_values[4] > self.WALL_THRESHOLD):  # right side
            rotated = EventEnum.LEFT

        # case 3:  the robot sees a wall at its right side. It chooses the opposite direction.
        elif (sensor_values[0] > self.WALL_THRESHOLD) or (sensor_values[1] > self.WALL_THRESHOLD):  # left side
            rotated = EventEnum.RIGHT

        # case 4: the robot sees a wall only with its middle sensor. It chooses to go left by default
        elif sensor_values[2] > self.WALL_THRESHOLD:  # center
            rotated = EventEnum.LEFT

        # case 5: None of the conditions were right. It chooses left by default in order to increase robustness
            rotated = EventEnum.LEFT

        # If the robot go straight toward the corner of an obstacle, it adjust its angle to avoid the obstacle
        sensor_values = self.sensor_handler.sensor_raw()["sensor"]  # load sensors values
        if (rotated == EventEnum.LEFT) and (sensor_values[3] < self.CLEAR_THRESH) and (
                sensor_values[2] > self.WALL_THRESHOLD):
            self.rotate(self.thymio, self.ANGLE_ADJUSTMENT)  # adjust its angle
        elif (rotated == EventEnum.RIGHT) and (sensor_values[1] < self.CLEAR_THRESH) and (
                sensor_values[2] > self.WALL_THRESHOLD):
            self.rotate(self.thymio, -self.ANGLE_ADJUSTMENT)  # adjust its angle

        # The robot spins on itself until it does not see the obstacle with the sensor of the opposite avoidance
        # direction. It ends up being parallel to the obstacle.
        condition = True
        while condition:
            sensor_values = self.sensor_handler.sensor_raw()["sensor"]
            if rotated == EventEnum.LEFT:
                self.rotate(self.thymio, self.ANGLE_AVOIDANCE)
                if sensor_values[3] <= self.CLEAR_THRESH:
                self.rotate(self.thymio, -self.ANGLE_AVOIDANCE)
                if sensor_values[1] <= self.CLEAR_THRESH:
        # readjustments in order to be parallel
        if rotated == EventEnum.LEFT:
            self.rotate(self.thymio, 15)
            self.rotate(self.thymio, -15)
        stop(self.thymio)  # stop the robot

        # main loop of obstacle avoidance. It runs until it crosses the global path at the other side of the obstacle
        global_path = False
        while not global_path:
            obstacle, global_path = self.__cote_avoid(rotated)
            if obstacle and rotated == EventEnum.LEFT:  # the robot reached a global obstacle in 2D, it spins of 180
                self.rotate(self.thymio, self.HALF_TURN)  # and try to avoid the obstacle from the other side
                rotated = EventEnum.RIGHT  # change direction of avoidance

            elif obstacle and rotated == EventEnum.RIGHT:  # the robot reached a global obstacle in 2D, it spins of 180
                self.rotate(self.thymio, -self.HALF_TURN)  # and try to avoid the obstacle from the other side
                rotated = EventEnum.LEFT  # change direction of avoidance

    def __cote_avoid(self, rotated):
        follow the wall of the obstacle until it does not detect it anymore

        :param rotated: direction of avoidance

        :return: A boolean to know if there is an obstacle or map limit and
                 a boolean to know if the A* path was crossed

        condition = True
        obstacle = False  # Reached an obstacle
        global_path = False  # Reached the full_path at the other side of the obstacle

        # main loop. It stops when he reached the full path or an obstacle
        while condition:
            # check if there is an obstacle before it advances
            obstacle, global_path = self.__check_global_obstacles_and_global_path(
            if obstacle:  # if it finds an obstacle, return to change direction of avoidance
                return obstacle, global_path
            self.advance(self.thymio, self.ONE_STEP * self.DISTANCE_AVOIDANCE)  # advance
            if global_path:  # if it finds the full path, return to leave the local avoidance
                return obstacle, global_path

            # check if the wall is still next to itself
            if rotated == EventEnum.LEFT:
                self.rotate(self.thymio, -self.CHECK_OBSTACLE)
                self.rotate(self.thymio, self.CHECK_OBSTACLE)
            sensor_values = self.sensor_handler.sensor_raw()["sensor"]  # load sensors values

            # Adjust itself to be parallel again and if the robots did not detect a wall, it runs a routine to find it
            # again.

            # case 1: The robot did not detect the wall
            if (rotated == EventEnum.LEFT) and (sensor_values[4] > self.NO_OBSTACLE_SENSOR):  # adjustments
                self.rotate(self.thymio, self.CHECK_OBSTACLE)
            elif (rotated == EventEnum.RIGHT) and (sensor_values[0] > self.NO_OBSTACLE_SENSOR):  # adjustments
                self.rotate(self.thymio, -self.CHECK_OBSTACLE)

            # case 2: The robot detected the wall
            elif (rotated == EventEnum.LEFT) and (sensor_values[4] < self.NO_OBSTACLE_SENSOR):  # readjustments
                self.rotate(self.thymio, self.CHECK_OBSTACLE)

                # check if there is an obstacle before it advances
                obstacle, global_path = self.__check_global_obstacles_and_global_path(self.FOUR_STEPS)
                if obstacle:  # if it finds an obstacle, return to change direction of avoidance
                    return obstacle, global_path
                self.advance(self.thymio, self.FOUR_STEPS * self.DISTANCE_AVOIDANCE)  # advance
                if global_path:  # if it finds the full path, return to leave the local avoidance
                    return obstacle, global_path

                # turn until it sees the obstacle again
                sensor_values = self.sensor_handler.sensor_raw()["sensor"]  # load sensors values
                while sensor_values[4] < self.NO_OBSTACLE_SENSOR:
                    sensor_values = self.sensor_handler.sensor_raw()["sensor"]  # load sensors values
                    self.rotate(self.thymio, -self.ANGLE_AVOIDANCE)
                self.rotate(self.thymio, self.ANGLE_ADJUSTMENT)

            elif (rotated == EventEnum.RIGHT) and (sensor_values[0] < self.NO_OBSTACLE_SENSOR):
                self.rotate(self.thymio, -self.CHECK_OBSTACLE)  # readjustments

                # check if there is an obstacle before it advances
                obstacle, global_path = self.__check_global_obstacles_and_global_path(self.FOUR_STEPS)
                if obstacle:  # if it finds an obstacle, return to change direction of avoidance
                    return obstacle, global_path
                self.advance(self.thymio, self.FOUR_STEPS * self.DISTANCE_AVOIDANCE)
                if global_path:  # if it finds the full path, return to leave the local avoidance
                    return obstacle, global_path

                # turn until it sees the obstacle again
                sensor_values = self.sensor_handler.sensor_raw()["sensor"]  # load sensors values
                while sensor_values[0] < self.NO_OBSTACLE_SENSOR:
                    sensor_values = self.sensor_handler.sensor_raw()["sensor"]  # load sensors values
                    self.rotate(self.thymio, self.ANGLE_AVOIDANCE)
                self.rotate(self.thymio, -self.ANGLE_ADJUSTMENT)  # adjustments
        return obstacle, global_path

    def __check_global_obstacles_and_global_path(self, length_advance):
        Check if there is an obstacle or a map limit or if it crossed the end of the path

        :param length_advance: distance of advancement to check

        :return: A boolean to know if there is an obstacle or map limit and
                 a boolean to know if the A* path was crossed

        # initialisation variable
        global_path = False
        obstacle = False
        x = self.kalman_position[0]
        y = self.kalman_position[1]
        theta = self.kalman_position[2] - 90
        x_discrete = round(x)
        y_discrete = round(y)

        # Find the direction to check in the occupancy grid
        if (theta >= -22.5) and (theta < 22.5):
            dir_x = 1
            dir_y = 0
        elif (theta >= 22.5) and (theta < 67.5):
            dir_x = 1
            dir_y = 1
        elif (theta >= 67.5) and (theta < 112.5):
            dir_x = 0
            dir_y = 1
        elif (theta >= 112.5) and (theta < 157.5):
            dir_x = -1
            dir_y = 1
        elif ((theta >= 157.5) and (theta <= 181)) or ((theta >= -181) and (theta < -157.5)):
            dir_x = -1
            dir_y = 0
        elif (theta >= -157.5) and (theta < -112.5):
            dir_x = -1
            dir_y = -1
        elif (theta >= -112.5) and (theta < -67.5):
            dir_x = 0
            dir_y = -1
        elif (theta >= -67.5) and (theta < -22.5):
            dir_x = 1
            dir_y = -1
            dir_x = 0
            dir_y = 0
            print(" angle is not between -180 and 180 degrees")

        # compute the middle point of the "checking Square"
        x_next_step = int(x_discrete + length_advance * dir_x)
        y_next_step = int(y_discrete + length_advance * dir_y)

        # Verify the map limits and return obstacle=True if it reached it
        if (x_next_step > 29) or (x_next_step < 2) or (y_next_step > 26) or (y_next_step < 2):
            obstacle = True
            return obstacle, global_path

        # Verify the map obstacles in 2D and return obstacle=True if it reached it
        elif self.final_occupancy_grid[x_next_step][y_next_step] == 1:
            obstacle = True
            return obstacle, global_path

        # compute the "checking Square" 3x3
        approx_position_x = [x_next_step - 1, x_next_step, x_next_step + 1]
        approx_position_y = [y_next_step - 1, y_next_step, y_next_step + 1]

        # if it advances more than 3 squares, check also middle distance for global path
        if length_advance > 3:
            x_next_step_2 = int(x_discrete + 2 * dir_x)
            y_next_step_2 = int(y_discrete + 2 * dir_y)
            approx_position_x_2 = [x_next_step_2 - 1, x_next_step_2, x_next_step_2 + 1]
            approx_position_y_2 = [y_next_step_2 - 1, y_next_step_2, y_next_step_2 + 1]

        # check each point of the path until it finds the global path in the advancement distance
        for k in range(len(self.full_path[0])):
            x_path = self.full_path[0][k]
            y_path = self.full_path[1][k]

            for i in range(len(approx_position_x)):
                for j in range(len(approx_position_y)):
                    x_pos = approx_position_x[i]
                    y_pos = approx_position_y[j]
                    if length_advance > 3:  # check also middle distance for global path
                        x_pos_2 = approx_position_x_2[i]
                        y_pos_2 = approx_position_y_2[j]
                        if x_pos_2 == x_path and y_pos_2 == y_path:  # it crossed the global path
                            global_path = True
                            return obstacle, global_path
                    if x_pos == x_path and y_pos == y_path:  # it crossed the global path
                        global_path = True
                        return obstacle, global_path
        return obstacle, global_path

    def __update_path(self):
        update the full path and keep only remaining point to reach the goal

        # initialisation variable
        x = self.kalman_position[0]
        y = self.kalman_position[1]
        x_discrete = round(x)
        y_discrete = round(y)

        # compute the "searching Square" 5x5
        approx_position_x = [x_discrete - 2, x_discrete - 1, x_discrete, x_discrete + 1, x_discrete + 2]
        approx_position_y = [y_discrete - 2, y_discrete - 1, y_discrete, y_discrete + 1, y_discrete + 2]

        # check each point of the path until it finds the full path
        exit_loop = False
        k_pos = []
        for k in range(len(self.full_path[0])):
            x_path = self.full_path[0][k]
            y_path = self.full_path[1][k]

            exit_for = False
            for i in range(len(approx_position_x)):
                for j in range(len(approx_position_y)):
                    x_pos = approx_position_x[i]
                    y_pos = approx_position_y[j]
                    if x_pos == x_path and y_pos == y_path:  # it crossed the full path
                        exit_for = True
                        exit_loop = True
                if exit_for:
            # the loop stops only when it finds all the point of the path around the Thymio.
            if (not exit_for) and exit_loop:
                big_k = k_pos[-1] + 1
                # the updated path only keeps the remaining full path to the goal from the instant
                # position of the thymio
                for i in range(big_k):
                    self.full_path = np.delete(self.full_path, 0, 1)

    def advance(self, thymio: Thymio, distance: float, speed_ratio: int = 1, verbose: bool = False):
        Moves straight of a desired distance
        :param thymio:      the class to which the robot is referred to
        :param distance:    distance in cm by which we want to move, positive or negative
        :param speed_ratio:       the speed factor at which the robot goes
        :param verbose:     printing the speed in the terminal
        :return: timer to check if it is still alive or not
        left_dir, right_dir, distance_time = advance_time(distance, speed_ratio)
        # Printing the speeds if requested
        if verbose:
            print("\t\t Advance of cm: ", distance)

        move(thymio, left_dir, right_dir)
        now = time.time()
        while time.time() - now < distance_time:
            self.kalman_position = self.kalman_handler.get_kalman(False)

        self.kalman_position = self.kalman_handler.get_kalman(True)
        self.kalman_position = [self.kalman_position[0] / self.SQUARE, self.kalman_position[1] / self.SQUARE,

    def rotate(self, thymio: Thymio, angle: float, verbose: bool = False):
        Rotates of the desired angle

        :param thymio:      the class to which the robot is referred to
        :param angle:       angle in radians by which we want to rotate, positive or negative
        :param verbose:     printing the speed in the terminal
        :return: timer to check if it is still alive or not
        left_dir, right_dir, turn_time = rotate_time(angle)
        # Printing the speeds if requested
        if verbose:
            print("\t\t Rotate of degrees : ", angle)

        ratio = 2
        move(thymio, left_dir / ratio, right_dir / ratio)
        now = time.time()
        while time.time() - now < turn_time * 2:
            self.kalman_position = self.kalman_handler.get_kalman(False)

        self.kalman_position = self.kalman_handler.get_kalman(True)
        self.kalman_position = [self.kalman_position[0] / self.SQUARE, self.kalman_position[1] / self.SQUARE,
Exemplo n.º 5
class KalmanHandler:
    Kalman Handler class that wraps the code of the Kalman for the right execution. It includes the use of the sensors and the camera.
    def __init__(self, thymio: Thymio, camera, interval_sleep=0.05):
        Constructor that initializes the camera, kalman, the sensors and class variables.

        param thymio: class of the robot
        param interval_sleep: time constant to sleep before function loop calls

            if recording:
                kalman_handler = KalmanHandler(...)
        self.interval_sleep = interval_sleep
        self.thymio = thymio
        self.kalman = Kalman()
        self.record_left = []
        self.record_right = []
        self.sensor_handler = SensorHandler(self.thymio)
        self.recording = False
        self.kalman_time = 0
        self.thymio_speed_to_mm_s = float(os.getenv("SPEED_80_TO_MM_S"))
        self.camera = camera
        self.covariance = 1.0e-04 * np.ones([3, 3])
        self.kalman_position = [0, 0, 0]
        self.camera_position = [-1, -1, 0]

    def __speeds(self):
        Returns the speed of the robot for left and right wheel.

        :return: left and right speed
        speed = self.sensor_handler.speed()
        r_speed = speed['right_speed']
        l_speed = speed['left_speed']
        l_speed = l_speed if l_speed <= 2**15 else l_speed - 2**16
        r_speed = r_speed if r_speed <= 2**15 else r_speed - 2**16
        return l_speed, r_speed

    def __record_handler(self):
        Manages the speed recording of the robot to get the average speed in kalman.
        l_speed, r_speed = self.__speeds()

        if self.recording:
            time.sleep(self.interval_sleep / 5)  # 5 recordings per kalman call

    def __record_reset(self):
        Empty the arrays of the speeds it stops recording
        self.record_right = []
        self.record_left = []

    def __record_filter(self, threshold):
        Filter the speeds of the robot by removing the elements below the threshold
        self.record_right = filter(lambda number: number < threshold,
        self.record_left = filter(lambda number: number < threshold,

    def start_recording(self):
        Starts a parallel thread to record the speeds in the background.
        self.kalman_time = time.time()
        self.recording = True
        print("START RECORDING")

    def stop_recording(self):
        Stops recording the speeds in the background.
        print("STOP RECORDING")
        self.recording = False

    def start_timer(self):
        Start the timer for kalman
        self.kalman_time = time.time()

    def get_kalman(self, measurement: bool):
        Manages the kalman estimation based on the time and speed.

        param measurement: boolean to access the measurements or not in the kalman.

        return: [x, y, theta] converted back in cm and degrees

        # if recording then does the average speed
        if self.recording:
            # if the speeds recorded are empty, stop the kalman
            if not len(self.record_left) and not len(self.record_right):
                return self.kalman_position

            speed_left = sum(self.record_left) / len(self.record_left)
            speed_right = sum(self.record_right) / len(self.record_right)
        # if not recording, takes the actual speed
            speed_left, speed_right = self.__speeds()

        ts = time.time() - self.kalman_time  # [s]
        delta_sl = speed_left * ts * self.thymio_speed_to_mm_s / 1000  # [m]
        delta_sr = speed_right * ts * self.thymio_speed_to_mm_s / 1000  # [m]

        if measurement:
            # stop(self.thymio)

        self.sensor_handler = SensorHandler(
        )  # new class declaration to avoid calling too many times

        # cm & degrees -> m & rad
        conv_pos = [
            self.kalman_position[0] / 100, self.kalman_position[1] / 100,
        conv_cam = [
            self.camera_position[0] / 100, self.camera_position[1] / 100,
        temp, self.covariance = self.kalman.kalman_filter(
            conv_cam, conv_pos, self.covariance, delta_sr, delta_sl,
        # m & rad -> cm & degrees
        self.kalman_position = [
            temp[0] * 100, temp[1] * 100,
            (np.rad2deg(temp[2]) + 180.0) % 360.0 - 180.0
        return self.kalman_position

    def __camera_handler(self):
        Camera handler function
        self.camera_position = self.camera.record_project()
        print("camera position", self.camera_position)

    def get_camera(self):
        Sets the robot position with the camera

        return: [x, y, theta] of the camera in degrees & m
        self.kalman_position = self.camera_position
        return self.camera_position
class KalmanHandler:
    Kalman Handler class that wraps the code of the Kalman for the right execution. It includes the use of the sensors and the camera.
    def __init__(self, thymio: Thymio, camera, interval_sleep=0.05):
        Constructor that initializes the camera, kalman, the sensors and class variables.

        param thymio: class of the robot
        param interval_sleep: time constant to sleep before function loop calls

            if recording:
                kalman_handler = KalmanHandler(...)
        self.interval_sleep = interval_sleep
        self.thymio = thymio
        self.kalman = Kalman()
        self.sensor_handler = SensorHandler(self.thymio)
        self.kalman_time = 0
        self.thymio_speed_to_mm_s = float(os.getenv("SPEED_80_TO_MM_S"))
        self.camera = camera
        self.covariance = 1.0e-04 * np.ones([3, 3])
        self.kalman_position = [0, 0, 0]
        self.camera_position = [-1, -1, 0]

    def __speeds(self):
        Returns the speed of the robot for left and right wheel.

        :return: left and right speed
        speed = self.sensor_handler.speed()
        r_speed = speed['right_speed']
        l_speed = speed['left_speed']
        l_speed = l_speed if l_speed <= 2**15 else l_speed - 2**16
        r_speed = r_speed if r_speed <= 2**15 else r_speed - 2**16
        return l_speed, r_speed

    def __record_filter(self, threshold):
        Filter the speeds of the robot by removing the elements below the threshold
        self.record_right = filter(lambda number: number < threshold,
        self.record_left = filter(lambda number: number < threshold,

    def start_timer(self):
        Start the timer for kalman
        self.kalman_time = time.time()

    def get_kalman(self, measurement: bool):
        Manages the kalman estimation based on the time and speed.

        param measurement: boolean to access the measurements or not in the kalman.

        return: [x, y, theta] converted back in cm and degrees
        speed_left, speed_right = self.__speeds()

        ts = time.time() - self.kalman_time  # [s]
        delta_sl = speed_left * ts * self.thymio_speed_to_mm_s / 1000  # [m]
        delta_sr = speed_right * ts * self.thymio_speed_to_mm_s / 1000  # [m]

        if measurement:


        # cm & degrees -> m & rad
        conv_pos = [
            self.kalman_position[0] / 100, self.kalman_position[1] / 100,
        conv_cam = [
            self.camera_position[0] / 100, self.camera_position[1] / 100,
        temp, self.covariance = self.kalman.kalman_filter(
            conv_cam, conv_pos, self.covariance, delta_sr, delta_sl,
        # m & rad -> cm & degrees
        self.kalman_position = [
            temp[0] * 100, temp[1] * 100,
            (np.rad2deg(temp[2]) + 180.0) % 360.0 - 180.0
        return self.kalman_position

    def __camera_handler(self):
        Camera handler function
        self.camera_position = self.camera.record_project()
        print("camera position", self.camera_position)

    def get_camera(self):
        Sets the robot position with the camera

        return: [x, y, theta] of the camera in degrees & m
        self.kalman_position = self.camera_position
        return self.camera_position