Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_happy_path(self):
        """Successfully creates various happy path Sigils."""
        test1 = Sigil("R")
        test2 = Sigil("$", priority=4)
        test3 = Sigil("φ", priority=2, color=(200, 225, 200))

        for t in (test1, test2, test3):
            assert isinstance(t, Sigil)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def test_create_unhappy_paths(self):
        # Most things that go wrong here are type mismatches (which are
        # handled by explicit typing) and invalid values of size
        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            test1 = Entity(size=34, sigil=Sigil("x"))  # Size > 10

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            test2 = Entity(size=-2, sigil=Sigil("z"))  # Size < 0
Exemplo n.º 3
    def test_sigil(self):
        ent = _get_demo_entity()
        assert isinstance(ent.sigil, Sigil)

        ent.sigil = Sigil("z")  # Happy path change
        assert ent.sigil.character == "z"

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            ent.sigil = Sigil("zz")  # Invalid sigil
Exemplo n.º 4
    def __init__(self,
                 open_char: str = ".",
                 closed_char: str = "+",
                 color: Tuple[int, int, int] = (240, 240, 240),
                 start_open: bool = False):
        self._open_sigil = Sigil(open_char, 3, color)
        self._closed_sigil = Sigil(closed_char, 3, color)
        self._is_open = False

        # Call the super's constructor
        super().__init__(name="Door", color=color)

        # Replace the default sigil with the appropriate sigil for this door's initial state
        self._sigil = self._open_sigil if start_open else self._closed_sigil
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_sad_paths(self):
        """Fails to create various unhappy path sigils."""
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            # The hiragana 'ku' isn't in CP437
            test1 = Sigil("く")

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            test2 = Sigil("F", priority=-32)

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            test3 = Sigil("F2f")

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            test4 = Sigil("C", color=(42, -85, 94))
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_playfield(self):
        ent = Entity(size=5, sigil=Sigil("4"))
        pf = PlayField(4, 4)
        ent.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)

        assert isinstance(ent.playfield, PlayField)
        assert ent in pf.entities
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_passable(self):
        """Test getter and setter for passable"""
        ent = Entity(size=6, sigil=Sigil("r"))
        assert ent.passable  # Entities are passable by default
        ent.passable = False
        assert not ent.passable

        ent2 = Entity(size=3, sigil=Sigil("q"))
        pf = PlayField(3, 3)

        # Test that movement is blocked when destination contains an impassable entity
        ent.introduce_at(1, 2, pf)
        ent2.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)

        ent2.move_to(1, 2)
        assert ent2.position == (2, 2)
 def _default_wall_generator():
     """A stand-in for something specifiable at instantiation. Returns a bland little wall."""
     return lambda: Static(size=9,
    def test_drawables(self):
        ent1 = Static(4, Sigil("X", priority=4))
        ent2 = Entity(3, Sigil("y"))
        ent3 = Entity(3, Sigil("z"))
        pf = PlayField(3, 3)

        ent1.introduce_at(1, 1, pf)
        ent2.introduce_at(1, 1, pf)
        ent3.introduce_at(2, 0, pf)

        # Extract the characters from the resulting dicts for comparison
        chars = [row["character"] for row in pf.drawables()]

        # The high priority X should render, and not the lower priority y
        assert "X" in chars
        assert "y" not in chars
    def test_sigils(self):
        # Test that .sigils returns the highest priority sigils in a cell
        pf = PlayField(4, 4)
        ent = Entity(4, Sigil("A"))
        ent2 = Entity(4, Sigil("B"))
        ent3 = Entity(4, Sigil("C", priority=2))

        # Introduce three passable entities, one with a lower priority
        ent.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)
        ent2.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)
        ent3.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)
        sigs: List[Sigil] = pf.get_cell(2, 2).sigils

        # Assert that the two highest, but not the one lowest, are returned by .sigil
        assert ent.sigil in sigs
        assert ent2.sigil in sigs
        assert ent3.sigil not in sigs
Exemplo n.º 11
    def test_cell(self):
        """Test getter and setter for parent cell"""
        ent = Entity(size=5, sigil=Sigil("4"))
        pf = PlayField(4, 4)
        ent.introduce_at(2, 3, pf)

        assert isinstance(ent.cell, Cell)
        assert ent in ent._parent_cell.contents
        def generate_content(
                walls: np.ndarray,
                field: np.ndarray) -> List[Tuple[int, int, Entity]]:
            ents = [
                       sigil=Sigil("m", color=(190, 190, 240)),
                       name="Memeish boi"),
                       sigil=Sigil("m", color=(220, 200, 255)),
                       name="Memey McMemeFace")
            positions = [(pos[1], pos[0])
                         for pos, truth in np.ndenumerate(field) if truth]

            ents_and_positions = [(ent, rand.choice(positions))
                                  for ent in ents]
            return [(pos[0], pos[1], ent) for ent, pos in ents_and_positions]
    def test_entities(self):
        """Tests .entities, which returns a list of all entities in the field."""
        e1 = Mobile(4, Sigil("A"))
        e2 = Entity(4, Sigil("B"))
        e3 = Static(4, Sigil("C"))
        pf = PlayField(10, 10)

        e1.introduce_at(1, 2, pf)
        e2.introduce_at(5, 3, pf)
        e3.introduce_at(9, 5, pf)

        assert e1 in pf.entities
        assert e2 in pf.entities
        assert e3 in pf.entities

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            # Rejects assignment.
            pf.entities = [e2]
Exemplo n.º 14
 def __init__(self,
              character: str = "#",
              name: str = "",
              color=(100, 100, 100)):
     """By default, instantiates as a passable, bland-gray, priority 2, size 1 hash mark."""
                      sigil=Sigil(character, priority=2, color=color),
    def test_statics(self):
        """Create three entities, of which only one is a static should appear alone in .statics."""
        ent1 = Static(2, Sigil("A"))
        ent2 = Mobile(3, Sigil("B"))
        ent3 = Entity(4, Sigil("C"))
        pf = PlayField(3, 3)

        ent1.introduce_at(0, 2, pf)
        ent2.introduce_at(2, 1, pf)
        ent3.introduce_at(1, 1, pf)

        assert ent1 in pf.statics
        assert ent2 not in pf.statics
        assert ent3 not in pf.statics

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            # Reject assignment
            pf.statics = [ent1]
Exemplo n.º 16
    def __init__(self):
        self.name = "Memory Bounds"
        self.sigil = Sigil("█", color=(225, 225, 225))

# foo = ToyBoi()
# while foo.cooldown > 0:
#     foo.tick()
#     print(foo.cooldown)
    def test_passable(self):
        """Should be passable if no entity in the cell has .passable=False"""
        ent1 = Entity(4, Sigil("A"))
        ent2 = Entity(3, Sigil("B"))
        ent3 = Entity(3, Sigil("C"))

        pf = PlayField(3, 3)
        ent1.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)
        ent2.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)
        ent3.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)

        c: Cell = pf.get_cell(2, 2)
        assert c.passable

        # Making any of the contents impassible should make the cell impassable
        ent2.passable = False
        assert not c.passable

        assert c.passable
    def test_tick(self):
        """Ticking the playfield should tick entities within it."""
        mob = Mobile(size=4, sigil=Sigil("X"), base_move_cost=50)
        pf = PlayField(3, 3)
        mob.introduce_at(2, 2, pf)

        a = mob.cooldown
        b = mob.cooldown

        assert a > b
        assert a == b + 1
Exemplo n.º 19
    def test_priority(self):
        """Tests getter & setter for Sigil.priority"""
        test = Sigil("R")
        test2 = Sigil("S", priority=2)
        assert test.priority > test2.priority

        test2.priority = 4
        assert test2.priority > test.priority

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            test.priority = 6

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            test.priority = -3

        with self.assertRaises(Exception):
            test.priority = "Foo"
Exemplo n.º 20
        def rows_to_drawables(
                x_0: int, y_0: int,
                opt_rows: RenderableArray) -> List[Tuple[int, int, Sigil]]:

            :param x_0: The x component of the top-left corner of this set of things to be drawn
            :param y_0: The y component of the top-left corner of this set of things to be drawn
            :param opt_rows: A batch of rows (usually given by a MenuObject) to be drawn
            :return: A list of (x, y, Sigil) tuples, where x and y are true console positions.
            drawables_ = []
            for dy in range(
                    0, len(opt_rows)
            ):  # dy is both change from y0 and our row iterator
                for dx in range(
                        0, len(opt_rows[dy])
                ):  # same for dx, x0, and our our column iterator
                    char = opt_rows[dy][dx][0]
                    color = opt_rows[dy][dx][1]
                        (x_0 + dx, y_0 + dy, Sigil(char, color=color)))
            return drawables_
Exemplo n.º 21
    def launch_the_game(event):

        floors = []
        for y in range(0, 40):
            floors.append([(x, y, WalkableTerrain())
                           for x in range(0, 60)])

        for f in sum(floors, []):
            x, y, ent = f
            ent.introduce_at(x, y, interface.playfield)

        walls = [(x, 20, Wall()) for x in range(0, 11)]
        for w in walls:
            x, y, ent = w
            ent.introduce_at(x, y, interface.playfield)

        player_char = Mobile(size=4,
                             sigil=Sigil("@", priority=3),
                             name="Player Character")
        player_char.introduce_at(10, 10, interface.playfield)
        interface.playfield.player_character = player_char

        interface.playfield.origin = (2, 2)
        interface.add_animation(7, 7, Animation(frames=[AnimationFrame(Sigil("\\"), 5),
                                                        AnimationFrame(Sigil("|"), 5),
                                                        AnimationFrame(Sigil("/"), 5),
                                                        AnimationFrame(Sigil("-"), 5)],
        blue_floor = WalkableTerrain(color=(50, 50, 255))
        blue_floor.sigil = Sigil("!", priority=blue_floor.sigil.priority)
        blue_floor.introduce_at(12, 12, interface.playfield)

        # print(interface.playfield.get_cell(12, 12).sigils)
        interface.new_game_log(height=10, width=40)
        interface.print_to_log("This is a log tests!", color=(25, 250, 25))
        interface.print_to_log("This is an exceptionally long log tests so we can see how well it handles multiples of these.")
        interface.print_to_log("This is another line.")
        interface.print_to_log("This is yet another line.")
        interface.print_to_log("This should bump the first line off of the screen.")
Exemplo n.º 22
    def test_color(self):
        test = Sigil("A", priority=3, color=(199, 198, 197))

        assert test.r == 199
        assert test.g == 198
        assert test.b == 197

        assert test.color == (199, 198, 197)

        test.color = (101, 102, 103)

        assert test.r == 101
        assert test.g == 102
        assert test.b == 103

        test.b = 202
        assert test.color[2] == 202

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            test.g = 442

        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
            test.g = -30
Exemplo n.º 23
 def __init__(self, char: str = "█", name: str = "", color=(200, 200, 200)):
                      sigil=Sigil(char, priority=4),
Exemplo n.º 24
 def __init__(self):
                      sigil=Sigil("█", color=(230, 230, 230)),
Exemplo n.º 25
 def __init__(self):
     super().__init__(4, Sigil("@"), "testyboi")
     self.modifiers = {}
     self.testymcstatface = 54
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_create_happy_paths(self):
     test1 = Entity(size=3, sigil=Sigil("q"))
     test2 = Entity(size=9, sigil=Sigil("a"), name="Floofie")
Exemplo n.º 27
def _get_demo_entity():
    return Entity(size=5, sigil=Sigil("Q"), name="Demoboi")
def make_wall():
    return Static(size=9,
                  sigil=Sigil("#", priority=3, color=(220, 220, 255)),