def _compute_single_tag(
            self, source_token, target_token_idx,
        """Computes a single tag.

        The tag may match multiple target tokens (via tag.added_phrase) so we return
        the next unmatched target token.

          source_token: The token to be tagged.
          target_token_idx: Index of the current target tag.
          target_tokens: List of all target tokens.

          A tuple with (1) the computed tag and (2) the next target_token_idx.
        source_token = source_token.lower()
        target_token = target_tokens[target_token_idx].lower()
        if source_token == target_token:
            return tagging.Tag('KEEP'), target_token_idx + 1
        # source_token!=target_token的情况
        added_phrase = ''
        for num_added_tokens in range(1, self._max_added_phrase_length + 1):
            if target_token not in self._token_vocabulary:
            added_phrase += (' ' if added_phrase else '') + target_token
            next_target_token_idx = target_token_idx + num_added_tokens
            if next_target_token_idx >= len(target_tokens):  # 已经完成转化
            target_token = target_tokens[next_target_token_idx].lower()
            if (source_token == target_token and
                    added_phrase in self._phrase_vocabulary):
                return tagging.Tag('KEEP|' + added_phrase), next_target_token_idx + 1
        return tagging.Tag('DELETE'), target_token_idx
 def test_first_deletion_idx_computation(self):
     converter = tagging_converter.TaggingConverter([])
     tag_strs = ['KEEP', 'DELETE', 'DELETE', 'KEEP']
     tags = [tagging.Tag(s) for s in tag_strs]
     source_token_idx = 3
     idx = converter._find_first_deletion_idx(source_token_idx, tags)
     self.assertEqual(idx, 1)
Exemplo n.º 3
    def __init__(self, tf_predictor, example_builder, label_map):
        """Initializes an instance of LaserTaggerPredictor.

      tf_predictor: Loaded Tensorflow model.
      example_builder: BERT example builder.
      label_map: Mapping from tags to tag IDs.
        self._predictor = tf_predictor
        self._example_builder = example_builder
        self._id_2_tag = {
            tag_id: tagging.Tag(tag)
            for tag, tag_id in label_map.items()
    def _compute_tags_fixed_order(self, source_tokens, target_tokens):
        """Computes tags when the order of sources is fixed.

          source_tokens: List of source tokens.
          target_tokens: List of tokens to be obtained via edit operations.

          List of tagging.Tag objects. If the source couldn't be converted into the
          target via tagging, returns an empty list.
        tags = [tagging.Tag('DELETE') for _ in source_tokens]
        # Indices of the tokens currently being processed.
        source_token_idx = 0
        target_token_idx = 0
        while target_token_idx < len(target_tokens):
            tags[source_token_idx], target_token_idx = self._compute_single_tag(
                source_tokens[source_token_idx], target_token_idx, target_tokens)
            # TODO 可以有多种标注方式从source转化为target,目前限定到一种
            # If we're adding a phrase and the previous source token(s) were deleted,
            # we could add the phrase before a previously deleted token and still get
            # the same realized output. For example:
            #    [DELETE, DELETE, KEEP|"what is"]
            # and
            #    [DELETE|"what is", DELETE, KEEP]
            # Would yield the same realized output. Experimentally, we noticed that
            # the model works better / the learning task becomes easier when phrases
            # are always added before the first deleted token. Also note that in the
            # current implementation, this way of moving the added phrase backward is
            # the only way a DELETE tag can have an added phrase, so sequences like
            # [DELETE|"What", DELETE|"is"] will never be created.
            if tags[source_token_idx].added_phrase:
                # # the learning task becomes easier when phrases are always added before the first deleted token
                first_deletion_idx = self._find_first_deletion_idx(
                    source_token_idx, tags)
                if first_deletion_idx != source_token_idx:
                    tags[first_deletion_idx].added_phrase = (
                    tags[source_token_idx].added_phrase = ''
            source_token_idx += 1
            if source_token_idx >= len(tags):

        # If all target tokens have been consumed, we have found a conversion and
        # can return the tags. Note that if there are remaining source tokens, they
        # are already marked deleted when initializing the tag list.
        if target_token_idx >= len(target_tokens):  # all target tokens have been consumed
            return tags
        return []  # TODO   不能转化
def get_phrase_vocabulary_from_label_map(
    """Extract the set of all phrases from label map.

      label_map: Mapping from tags to tag IDs.

      Set of all phrases appearing in the label map.
    phrase_vocabulary = set()
    for label in label_map.keys():
        tag = tagging.Tag(label)
        if tag.added_phrase:
    return phrase_vocabulary
Exemplo n.º 6
    def build_bert_example(
        """Constructs a BERT Example.

      sources: List of source texts.
      target: Target text or None when building an example during inference.
      use_arbitrary_target_ids_for_infeasible_examples: Whether to build an
        example with arbitrary target ids even if the target can't be obtained
        via tagging.

      BertExample, or None if the conversion from text to tags was infeasible
      and use_arbitrary_target_ids_for_infeasible_examples == False.
        # Compute target labels.
        task = tagging.EditingTask(sources, location=location)
        if target is not None:
            tags = self._converter.compute_tags(task, target)
            if not tags:  #  不可转化,取决于 use_arbitrary_target_ids_for_infeasible_examples
                if use_arbitrary_target_ids_for_infeasible_examples:
                    # Create a tag sequence [KEEP, DELETE, KEEP, DELETE, ...] which is
                    # unlikely to be predicted by chance.
                    tags = [
                        tagging.Tag('KEEP') if i %
                        2 == 0 else tagging.Tag('DELETE')
                        for i, _ in enumerate(task.source_tokens)
                    return None
            # If target is not provided, we set all target labels to KEEP.
            tags = [tagging.Tag('KEEP') for _ in task.source_tokens]
        labels = [self._label_map[str(tag)] for tag in tags]

        tokens, labels, token_start_indices = self._split_to_wordpieces(  #  wordpiece: tag是以word为单位的,组成word的piece的标注与这个word相同
            task.source_tokens, labels)
        if len(tokens) > self._max_seq_length - 2:
            print(curLine(), "%d tokens is to long," % len(task.source_tokens),
                  "truncate task.source_tokens:", task.source_tokens)
        #  截断到self._max_seq_length - 2
        tokens = self._truncate_list(tokens)
        labels = self._truncate_list(labels)

        input_tokens = ['[CLS]'] + tokens + ['[SEP]']
        labels_mask = [0] + [1] * len(labels) + [0]
        labels = [0] + labels + [0]

        input_ids = self._tokenizer.convert_tokens_to_ids(input_tokens)
        input_mask = [1] * len(input_ids)
        segment_ids = [0] * len(input_ids)
        example = BertExample(input_ids=input_ids,
        example.pad_to_max_length(self._max_seq_length, self._pad_id)
        return example