Exemplo n.º 1
class OfflineHextrack:
    def __init__(self, cfg, src, n, LED_pos, LED_tresholds):
        threading.current_thread().name = 'HexTrack'

        self.cfg = cfg
        self.frame_idx = 0
        self.n = n
        self.mask_init = True
        self.made_mask = None

        # Create path to csv log file for tracking mouse position and LED-light state
        path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "/data/interim/position_log_files/{}".format(src[len(src)-29:len(src)-10]))
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            except OSError:
                print("Creation of the directory %s failed, this path probably already exists" % path)
        self.path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, '/data/interim/Position_log_files/{}/pos_log_file_{}.csv'
                                                    .format(src[len(src)-29:len(src)-10], n))

        # Initiation of the Grabbers and Trackers and creation of csv log file
        self.grabber = Grabber(src)
        self.tracker = Tracker(cfg, pos_log_file=open(self.path, 'w'), name=__name__, LED_pos=LED_pos, LED_thresholds=LED_tresholds)

        logging.debug('HexTrack initialization done!')

        self.vid = VideoFileClip(src)
        self.duration = self.vid.duration*15

    # Loops through grabbing and tracking each frame of the video file
    def loop(self):
        pbar = tqdm(range(int(self.duration)))
        # pbar = tqdm(range(2000))
        for i in pbar:
            frame = self.grabber.next()
            if frame is None:

            # Checks if the frame has a mask already, if not, it creates a new mask
            if self.mask_init:
                self.tracker.apply(frame, self.frame_idx, n=self.n)
            elif not self.mask_init:
                self.tracker.apply(frame, self.frame_idx, mask_frame=self.made_mask, n=self.n)

            # At the second frame, show computer-generated mask
            # If not sufficient, gives possibility to input user-generated mask
            # if self.frame_idx == 1:
            #     path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, '/output/Masks/mask_{}.png'.format(n))
            #     mask = cv2.imread(path)
            #     plt.figure('Mask check')
            #     plt.imshow(mask)
            #     plt.show()
            #     mask_check = input("If the mask is sufficient, enter y: ")
            #     if mask_check != 'y':
            #         input('Please upload custom mask under the name new_mask.png to the output folder and press enter')
            #         self.made_mask = cv2.imread('new_mask.png', 0)
            #         self.mask_init = False
            # self.frame_idx += 1

    # Redundant, might be deleted later
    def process_events(self, display=False):
        if not display:

        # Event loop call
        key = cv2.waitKey(1)

        # Process Keypress Events
        if key == ord('q'):

    def stop(self):
        raise SystemExit
Exemplo n.º 2
class OfflineHextrack:
    def __init__(self, cfg, src, n, LED_pos, LED_thresholds, sources):

        # Video frame sources (top and bottom)
        self.sources = sources

        self.cfg = cfg
        self.frame_idx = 0
        self.n = n
        self.mask_init = True
        self.made_mask = None

        # Create path to csv log file for tracking mouse position and LED-light state
        path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "/data/interim/position_log_files/{}".format(src[len(src)-29:
        if not os.path.exists(path):
            except OSError:
                print("Creation of the directory %s failed, this path probably already exists" % path)
        self.path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, '/data/interim/Position_log_files/{}/pos_log_file_{}.csv'
                                                    .format(src[len(src)-29:len(src)-10], n))

        # Initiation of the Grabbers and Trackers and creation of csv log file
        self.grabber = Grabber(src)
        self.tracker = Tracker(cfg, pos_log_file=open(self.path, 'w'), name=__name__, LED_pos=LED_pos,

        logging.debug('HexTrack initialization done!')

        # Video reader used to infer amount of frames
        self.vid = VideoFileClip(src)
        self.duration = self.vid.duration*15
        self.src = src

    # Loops through grabbing and tracking each frame of the video file
    def loop(self):
        """"Loop through all frames in video and track mouse positions"""

        # tqdm package used to monitor tracking progress
        pbar = tqdm(range(int(self.duration)))
        for i in pbar:

            # Grab next frame, stops loop if no new frame is present (happens when all frames in video tracked)
            frame = self.grabber.next()
            if frame is None:

            # Checks if the frame has a mask already, if not, it creates a new mask
            if self.mask_init:
                self.tracker.apply(frame, self.frame_idx, n=self.n, src=self.src)
            elif not self.mask_init:
                self.tracker.apply(frame, self.frame_idx, mask_frame=self.made_mask, n=self.n, src=self.src)

            if Mask_check:

                # At the second frame, show computer-generated mask
                # If not sufficient, gives possibility to input user-generated mask
                if self.frame_idx == 0:
                    path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "/data/raw/{}/Masks/mask_{}.png"
                                                                                   len(self.sources[0])-10], n))
                    mask = cv2.imread(path)
                    plt.figure('Mask check')
                    mask_check = input("If the mask is sufficient, enter y: ")
                    if mask_check != 'y':
                        input('Please upload custom mask under the name new_mask.png to the output folder'
                              ' and press enter')
                        mask_path = pkg_resources.resource_filename(__name__, "/Input_mask/new_mask.png")
                        self.made_mask = cv2.imread(mask_path, 0)
                        self.mask_init = False

            self.frame_idx += 1

        # Close down tracker position log file, tqdm progress bar and video reader

    def stop(self):
        """Closes the position log files for following steps to be used"""

        raise SystemExit