Exemplo n.º 1
def FasterRcnn_eval(dataset_path, ckpt_path, ann_file):
    """FasterRcnn evaluation."""
    ds = create_fasterrcnn_dataset(dataset_path, batch_size=config.test_batch_size, is_training=False)
    net = Faster_Rcnn_Resnet50(config)
    param_dict = load_checkpoint(ckpt_path)
    load_param_into_net(net, param_dict)

    eval_iter = 0
    total = ds.get_dataset_size()
    outputs = []
    dataset_coco = COCO(ann_file)

    print("total images num: ", total)
    print("Processing, please wait a moment.")
    max_num = 128
    for data in ds.create_dict_iterator(num_epochs=1):
        eval_iter = eval_iter + 1

        img_data = data['image']
        img_metas = data['image_shape']
        gt_bboxes = data['box']
        gt_labels = data['label']
        gt_num = data['valid_num']

        start = time.time()
        # run net
        output = net(img_data, img_metas, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_num)
        end = time.time()
        print("Iter {} cost time {}".format(eval_iter, end - start))

        # output
        all_bbox = output[0]
        all_label = output[1]
        all_mask = output[2]

        for j in range(config.test_batch_size):
            all_bbox_squee = np.squeeze(all_bbox.asnumpy()[j, :, :])
            all_label_squee = np.squeeze(all_label.asnumpy()[j, :, :])
            all_mask_squee = np.squeeze(all_mask.asnumpy()[j, :, :])

            all_bboxes_tmp_mask = all_bbox_squee[all_mask_squee, :]
            all_labels_tmp_mask = all_label_squee[all_mask_squee]

            if all_bboxes_tmp_mask.shape[0] > max_num:
                inds = np.argsort(-all_bboxes_tmp_mask[:, -1])
                inds = inds[:max_num]
                all_bboxes_tmp_mask = all_bboxes_tmp_mask[inds]
                all_labels_tmp_mask = all_labels_tmp_mask[inds]

            outputs_tmp = bbox2result_1image(all_bboxes_tmp_mask, all_labels_tmp_mask, config.num_classes)


    eval_types = ["bbox"]
    result_files = results2json(dataset_coco, outputs, "./results.pkl")

    coco_eval(result_files, eval_types, dataset_coco, single_result=True)
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_eval_result(ann_file, img_path):
    """ Get metrics result according to the annotation file and result file"""
    max_num = 128
    result_path = "./result_Files/"
    outputs = []

    dataset_coco = COCO(ann_file)
    img_ids = dataset_coco.getImgIds()

    for img_id in img_ids:
        file_id = str(img_id).zfill(12)
        file = img_path + "/" + file_id + ".jpg"
        img_size = get_img_size(file)
        resize_ratio = get_resize_ratio(img_size)

        img_metas = np.array([img_size[1], img_size[0]] +
                             [resize_ratio, resize_ratio])

        bbox_result_file = result_path + file_id + "_0.bin"
        label_result_file = result_path + file_id + "_1.bin"
        mask_result_file = result_path + file_id + "_2.bin"
        mask_fb_result_file = result_path + file_id + "_3.bin"

        all_bbox = np.fromfile(bbox_result_file,
                               dtype=np.float16).reshape(80000, 5)
        all_label = np.fromfile(label_result_file,
                                dtype=np.int32).reshape(80000, 1)
        all_mask = np.fromfile(mask_result_file,
                               dtype=np.bool_).reshape(80000, 1)
        all_mask_fb = np.fromfile(mask_fb_result_file,
                                  dtype=np.float16).reshape(80000, 28, 28)

        all_bbox_squee = np.squeeze(all_bbox)
        all_label_squee = np.squeeze(all_label)
        all_mask_squee = np.squeeze(all_mask)
        all_mask_fb_squee = np.squeeze(all_mask_fb)

        all_bboxes_tmp_mask = all_bbox_squee[all_mask_squee, :]
        all_labels_tmp_mask = all_label_squee[all_mask_squee]
        all_mask_fb_tmp_mask = all_mask_fb_squee[all_mask_squee, :, :]

        if all_bboxes_tmp_mask.shape[0] > max_num:
            inds = np.argsort(-all_bboxes_tmp_mask[:, -1])
            inds = inds[:max_num]
            all_bboxes_tmp_mask = all_bboxes_tmp_mask[inds]
            all_labels_tmp_mask = all_labels_tmp_mask[inds]
            all_mask_fb_tmp_mask = all_mask_fb_tmp_mask[inds]

        bbox_results = bbox2result_1image(all_bboxes_tmp_mask,
        segm_results = get_seg_masks(all_mask_fb_tmp_mask, all_bboxes_tmp_mask,
                                     all_labels_tmp_mask, img_metas, True,
        outputs.append((bbox_results, segm_results))

    eval_types = ["bbox", "segm"]
    result_files = results2json(dataset_coco, outputs, "./results.pkl")
    coco_eval(result_files, eval_types, dataset_coco, single_result=False)
Exemplo n.º 3
def get_eval_result(ann_file, result_path):
    """ get evaluation result of faster rcnn"""
    max_num = 128
    result_path = result_path

    outputs = []

    dataset_coco = COCO(ann_file)
    img_ids = dataset_coco.getImgIds()

    for img_id in img_ids:
        file_id = str(img_id).zfill(12)

        bbox_result_file = os.path.join(result_path, file_id + "_0.bin")
        label_result_file = os.path.join(result_path, file_id + "_1.bin")
        mask_result_file = os.path.join(result_path, file_id + "_2.bin")

        all_bbox = np.fromfile(bbox_result_file,
                               dtype=np.float16).reshape(80000, 5)
        all_label = np.fromfile(label_result_file,
                                dtype=np.int32).reshape(80000, 1)
        all_mask = np.fromfile(mask_result_file,
                               dtype=np.bool_).reshape(80000, 1)

        all_bbox_squee = np.squeeze(all_bbox)
        all_label_squee = np.squeeze(all_label)
        all_mask_squee = np.squeeze(all_mask)

        all_bboxes_tmp_mask = all_bbox_squee[all_mask_squee, :]
        all_labels_tmp_mask = all_label_squee[all_mask_squee]

        if all_bboxes_tmp_mask.shape[0] > max_num:
            inds = np.argsort(-all_bboxes_tmp_mask[:, -1])
            inds = inds[:max_num]
            all_bboxes_tmp_mask = all_bboxes_tmp_mask[inds]
            all_labels_tmp_mask = all_labels_tmp_mask[inds]

        outputs_tmp = bbox2result_1image(all_bboxes_tmp_mask,

    eval_types = ["bbox"]
    result_files = results2json(dataset_coco, outputs, "./results.pkl")
    coco_eval(result_files, eval_types, dataset_coco, single_result=False)