Exemplo n.º 1
def search_down(edges, folder, n, v, step=math.pi/18, tolerance = math.pi/18, raw=None, debug = False):
    width = edges.shape[1]
    height = edges.shape[0]
    from src.utils.hough import my_hough
    cur = v
    ret = []
    for i in range(n):
        if cur.bottomline is not None: # find new vertebra
            cur_tan = math.fabs((cur.bottomline.line[0][0] - cur.bottomline.line[1][0])/float(cur.bottomline.line[0][1]-cur.bottomline.line[1][1]))
            cur_ang = -math.atan(cur_tan) # assume it's minus
            cur_start = cur_ang + step + tolerance
            cur_end = cur_ang + step - tolerance/10.
            fn = folder + str(i)
            cur_len = math.sqrt((cur.bottomline.line[0][0] - cur.bottomline.line[1][0])**2 +
            if cur_len < 35:
                ROI, x1, y1= get_ROI(edges, cur.bottomline.line, -70, 40, 0, 50, width, height, debug)
                ROI, x1, y1 = get_ROI(edges, cur.bottomline.line, -50, 20, 0, 50, width, height, debug)
            fn = folder + str(i) + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")
            lines = my_hough(fn=fn, edges=ROI,hough_start=cur_end,
                             hough_end=cur_start, hough_line_len=10, save=debug,
                             show=debug, raw=raw, xdiff=x1, ydiff=y1)
            if len(lines)!= 0:
                line = lines[0] # only choosing one of the line
                if cur.bottomline.line != line:
                    v = vertebra()
                    v.topline = line_struct()
                    v.topline.line  = line
                    cur = v
        else: # find corresponding bottom edge
            cur_tan = math.fabs((cur.topline.line[0][0] - cur.topline.line[1][0])/float(cur.topline.line[0][1]-cur.topline.line[1][1]))
            cur_ang = -math.atan(cur_tan)
            cur_start = cur_ang + tolerance
            cur_end = cur_ang - tolerance

            cur_len = math.sqrt((cur.topline.line[0][0] - cur.topline.line[1][0])**2 + (cur.topline.line[0][1]-cur.topline.line[1][1])**2)
            # if current line is only a small portion of the actual line,
            # the range is put looser.
            if cur_len < 34:
                ROI, x1, y1 = get_ROI(edges, cur.topline.line, -70, 30, 10, 80, width, height, debug)
                ROI, x1, y1 = get_ROI(edges, cur.topline.line, -40, 30, 30, 80, width, height, debug)
            fn = folder + str(i)+ datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")
            lines =my_hough(edges=ROI, fn=fn, hough_start=cur_end, hough_end=cur_start, hough_line_len=10, save=debug, show=debug, raw=raw, xdiff=x1, ydiff=y1)
            if len(lines)!= 0:
                line = lines[0]
                cur.bottomline = line_struct()
                cur.bottomline.line = line

    return ret
Exemplo n.º 2
def search_up(edges, folder, n, v, step=math.pi/18, tolerance = math.pi/18, raw=None, debug = False):
    width = edges.shape[1]
    height = edges.shape[0]
    from src.utils.hough import my_hough
    cur = v
    ret = []
    for i in range(n):
        if cur.topline is not None:
            cur_tan = math.fabs((cur.topline.line[0][0] - cur.topline.line[1][0])/float(cur.topline.line[0][1]-cur.topline.line[1][1]))
            cur_ang = math.atan(cur_tan)
            cur_start = cur_ang - step - 2*tolerance
            cur_end = cur_ang - step + 2*tolerance
            cur_len = math.sqrt((cur.topline.line[0][0] - cur.topline.line[1][0])**2 + (cur.topline.line[0][1]-cur.topline.line[1][1])**2)
            # if current line is only a small portion of the actual line, 
            # the range is put looser.
            if cur_len < 34:
                ROI, x1, y1 = get_ROI(edges, cur.topline.line, -40, 30, -70, 20, width, height, debug)
                ROI, x1, y1 = get_ROI(edges, cur.topline.line, -40, 30, -70, 20, width, height, debug)
            fn = folder + str(i) + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")
            lines =my_hough(edges=ROI, fn=fn, hough_start=cur_start, hough_end=cur_end, hough_line_len=10, save=debug, show=debug, raw=raw, xdiff=x1, ydiff=y1)
            if len(lines)!= 0:
                line = lines[0]
                v_new = vertebra()
                v_new.bottomline = line_struct()
                v_new.bottomline.line = line
                ret.insert(0, v_new) #add new vertebra to  the top of the list
                cur = v_new
            cur_tan = math.fabs((cur.bottomline.line[0][0] - cur.bottomline.line[1][0])/float(cur.bottomline.line[0][1]-cur.bottomline.line[1][1]))
            cur_ang = math.atan(cur_tan)
            cur_start = cur_ang - tolerance
            cur_end = cur_ang + tolerance
            fn = folder + str(i) + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")
            cur_len = math.sqrt((cur.bottomline.line[0][0] - cur.bottomline.line[1][0])**2 +
            if cur_len < 35:
                ROI, x1, y1 = get_ROI(edges, cur.bottomline.line, -70, 40, -120, -10, width, height, debug)
                ROI, x1, y1 = get_ROI(edges, cur.bottomline.line, -50, 20, -100, -20, width, height, debug)
            fn = folder + str(i) + datetime.datetime.now().strftime("%Y%m%d%H%M")
            lines = my_hough(fn=fn, edges=ROI,hough_start=cur_start, 
                             hough_end=cur_end, hough_line_len=10, save=debug,
                             show=debug, raw=raw, xdiff=x1, ydiff=y1)
            if len(lines)!= 0:
                line = lines[0] # only choosing one of the line
                if cur.bottomline.line != line:
                    cur.topline = line_struct()
                    cur.topline.line = line
    return ret