Exemplo n.º 1
 def test_dedent(self):
     #print "Did TestDedent run?"
     # Empty string, return empty string
     self.assertEqual("", utils.dedent(""))
     # No leading whitespace
     self.assertEqual("TestDedent", utils.dedent("TestDedent"))
     # Leading whitespace, single line
     self.assertEqual("TestDedent", utils.dedent("   TestDedent"))
     # Leading whitespace, multi line
     input_string = "  hello\n  world"
 	expected_string = "hello\nworld"
 	self.assertEqual(expected_string, utils.dedent(input_string))        
 def test_dedent(self):
     #print "Did TestDedent run?"
     # Empty string, return empty string
     self.assertEqual("", utils.dedent(""))
     # No leading whitespace
     self.assertEqual("TestDedent", utils.dedent("TestDedent"))
     # Leading whitespace, single line
     self.assertEqual("TestDedent", utils.dedent("   TestDedent"))
     # Leading whitespace, multi line
     input_string = "  hello\n  world"
     expected_string = "hello\nworld"
     self.assertEqual(expected_string, utils.dedent(input_string))
Exemplo n.º 3
    def create_merchant_menutree(self, caller):
        if len(self.contents) < 1:
            self.tell_character(caller, "I do not have anything for sale currently.")
        nodes = []
        items_for_sale = self.contents
        character_attributes = caller.db.attributes
        table = PrettyTable(["Item", "Cost"])
        for item in items_for_sale:
            table.add_row([item.name, item.value])
        items_string = table.get_string()
        welcome_text = """
            Hello there %s!  Browse my goods:
        """ % (caller.name, items_string)
        welcome_text = utils.dedent(welcome_text)
        root_node = MenuNode("START", links=[i.name for i in items_for_sale], linktexts=["Buy %s" % i.name for i in items_for_sale], text=welcome_text)
        for item in items_for_sale:
            confirm_buy_node = MenuNode("buy-%s" % item.name, links=["END"], linktexts=['Exit Merchant Menu'], code="self.caller.buy_from_merchant(item='%s', merchant='%s')" % (item.name, self.name) ) 
            item_node = MenuNode("%s" % item.name, links=["buy-%s" % item.name, "START", "END"], linktexts=["Buy %s" % item.name, "Back to Merchant Inventory", "Exit Merchant Menu"], text="Do you want to buy the %s?" % item.name)
        menu = MenuTree(caller=caller, nodes=nodes)
Exemplo n.º 4
    def create_trainer_menutree(self, caller):
        nodes = []
        have_skills = 0
        skills_and_costs = {}
        character_skills = [ i.name for i in caller.db.skills ]
        skills_i_can_train = []
        for skill in self.db.skills_trained:
            if skill in character_skills:
                skills_i_can_train.append('%s' % skill)

        for skill in caller.db.skills:
            skills_and_costs['%s'  % skill.name] = skill.db.cost_to_level
        skills_string = ''.join(["{b%s{n  Cost: {y%s{n gp\n" % (k.title(),v) for k, v in skills_and_costs.items()])
        skills_string = utils.dedent(skills_string)
        welcome_text = """
            Welcome {g%s{n!  I can train you in the following skills:
        """ % (caller.name, skills_string)
        welcome_text = utils.dedent(welcome_text) 
        node0 = MenuNode("START", links=[k for k in skills_and_costs.keys()], linktexts=["Train %s" % k for k in skills_and_costs.keys()],  text=welcome_text)
        #do some logic to find out which skills the character has and add some nodes for them. 
        for skill in self.db.skills_trained:
            if skill in character_skills:
                have_skills = 1
                node = MenuNode("%s" % skill, links=['END'], linktexts=['Exit Training Menu'], code="self.caller.level_skill('%s')" % skill )
                #caller.msg("node.code looks like: %s" % node.code)
        #if we don't have skills then gracefully return.
        if have_skills != 1:
            self.tell_character(caller, "You have not trained any skills yet." % self.name)
        menu = MenuTree(caller=caller, nodes=nodes)
Exemplo n.º 5
def format_help_entry(title, help_text, aliases=None, suggested=None):
    This visually formats the help entry.
    string = SEP + "\n"
    if title:
        string += "{CHelp topic for {w%s{n" % title
    if aliases:
        string += " {C(aliases: {w%s{n{C){n" % (", ".join(aliases))
    if help_text:
        string += "\n%s" % dedent(help_text.rstrip())
    if suggested:
        string += "\n\n{CSuggested:{n "
        string += "{w%s{n" % fill(", ".join(suggested))
    string += "\n" + SEP
    return string
Exemplo n.º 6
def format_help_entry(title, help_text, aliases=None, suggested=None):
    This visually formats the help entry.
    string = SEP + "\n"
    if title:
        string += "{CHelp topic for {w%s{n" % title
    if aliases:
        string += " {C(aliases: {w%s{n{C){n" % (", ".join(aliases))
    if help_text:
        string += "\n%s" % dedent(help_text.rstrip())
    if suggested:
        string += "\n\n{CSuggested:{n "
        string += "{w%s{n" % fill(", ".join(suggested))
    string += "\n" + SEP
    return string