Exemplo n.º 1
def create_raw_data_for_blender(subject, edf_name, conds, bipolar=False, norm_by_percentile=True,
                                norm_percs=(3, 97), threshold=0, cm_big='YlOrRd', cm_small='PuBu', flip_cm_big=False,
                                flip_cm_small=True, moving_average_win_size=0, stat = STAT_DIFF, do_plot=False):
    import mne.io
    import numpy.matlib as npm

    edf_fname = op.join(ELECTRODES_DIR, subject, edf_name)
    if not op.isfile(edf_fname):
        raise Exception('The EDF file cannot be found in {}!'.format(edf_fname))
    edf_raw = mne.io.read_raw_edf(edf_fname, preload=True)
    edf_raw.notch_filter(np.arange(60, 241, 60))
    dt = (edf_raw.times[1] - edf_raw.times[0])
    hz = int(1/ dt)
    # T = edf_raw.times[-1] # sec
    data_channels, _ = read_electrodes_file(subject, bipolar)
    # live_channels = find_live_channels(edf_raw, hz)
    # no_stim_channels = get_data_channels(edf_raw)
    channels_tup = [(ind, ch) for ind, ch in enumerate(edf_raw.ch_names) if ch in data_channels]
    channels_indices = [c[0] for c in channels_tup]
    labels = [c[1] for c in channels_tup]
    for cond_id, cond in enumerate(conds):
        cond_data, times = edf_raw[channels_indices, int(cond['from_t']*hz):int(cond['to_t']*hz)]
        C, T = cond_data.shape
        if cond_id == 0:
            data = np.zeros((C, T, len(conds)))
        if cond['name'] == 'baseline':
            baseline = np.mean(cond_data, 1)
        data[:, :, cond_id] = cond_data

    # x_rdp_2 = rdp.rdp(list(zip(t, x)), epsilon=0.2)
    if args.ref_elec != '':
        ref_ind = labels.index(args.ref_elec)
        data -= np.tile(data[ref_ind], (C, 1, 1))
    data[:, :, 0] -= np.tile(baseline, (T, 1)).T
    data[:, :, 1] -= np.tile(baseline, (T, 1)).T
    conditions = [c['name'] for c in conds]
    data = utils.normalize_data(data, norm_by_percentile=False)
    stat_data = calc_stat_data(data, STAT_DIFF)
    fol = op.join(MMVT_DIR, subject, 'electrodes')
    output_fname = op.join(fol, 'electrodes{}_data_{}.npz'.format('_bipolar' if bipolar else '', STAT_NAME[stat]))

    calc_colors = partial(
        utils.mat_to_colors_two_colors_maps, threshold=threshold, cm_big=cm_big, cm_small=cm_small, default_val=1,
        flip_cm_big=flip_cm_big, flip_cm_small=flip_cm_small, min_is_abs_max=True, norm_percs=norm_percs)
    if moving_average_win_size > 0:
        stat_data_mv = utils.moving_avg(stat_data, moving_average_win_size)
        colors_mv = calc_colors(stat_data_mv)
        np.savez(output_fname, data=data, stat=stat_data_mv, names=labels, conditions=conditions, colors=colors_mv,
        colors = calc_colors(stat_data)
        # try:
        #     np.savez(output_fname, data=data, names=labels, conditions=conditions, colors=colors, times=times)
        # except:
        np.savez(op.join(fol, 'electrodes{}_data_{}_meta.npz'.format('_bipolar' if bipolar else '', STAT_NAME[stat])),
                 names=labels, conditions=conditions, times=times)
        np.save(op.join(fol, 'electrodes{}_data_{}_data.npy'.format('_bipolar' if bipolar else '', STAT_NAME[stat])), data)
        np.save(op.join(fol, 'electrodes{}_data_{}_colors.npy'.format('_bipolar' if bipolar else '', STAT_NAME[stat])), colors)
Exemplo n.º 2
def create_raw_data_for_blender(subject, edf_name, conds, bipolar=False, norm_by_percentile=True,
                                norm_percs=(3, 97), threshold=0, cm_big='YlOrRd', cm_small='PuBu', flip_cm_big=False,
                                flip_cm_small=True, moving_average_win_size=0, stat = STAT_DIFF, do_plot=False):
    import mne.io
    edf_fname = op.join(SUBJECTS_DIR, subject, 'electrodes', edf_name)
    edf_raw = mne.io.read_raw_edf(edf_fname, preload=True)
    edf_raw.notch_filter(np.arange(60, 241, 60))
    dt = (edf_raw.times[1] - edf_raw.times[0])
    hz = int(1/ dt)
    # T = edf_raw.times[-1] # sec
    data_channels, _ = read_electrodes_file(subject, bipolar)
    # live_channels = find_live_channels(edf_raw, hz)
    # no_stim_channels = get_data_channels(edf_raw)
    channels_tup = [(ind, ch) for ind, ch in enumerate(edf_raw.ch_names) if ch in data_channels]
    channels_indices = [c[0] for c in channels_tup]
    labels = [c[1] for c in channels_tup]
    for cond_id, cond in enumerate(conds):
        cond_data, times = edf_raw[channels_indices, int(cond['from_t']*hz):int(cond['to_t']*hz)]
        if cond_id == 0:
            data = np.zeros((cond_data.shape[0], cond_data.shape[1], len(conds)))
        data[:, :, cond_id] = cond_data

    conditions = [c['name'] for c in conds]
    data = utils.normalize_data(data, norm_by_percentile=False)
    stat_data = calc_stat_data(data, STAT_DIFF)
    output_fname = op.join(BLENDER_ROOT_DIR, subject, 'electrodes', 'electrodes{}_data_{}.npz'.format(
        '_bipolar' if bipolar else '', STAT_NAME[stat]))
    calc_colors = partial(
        utils.mat_to_colors_two_colors_maps, threshold=threshold, cm_big=cm_big, cm_small=cm_small, default_val=1,
        flip_cm_big=flip_cm_big, flip_cm_small=flip_cm_small, min_is_abs_max=True, norm_percs=norm_percs)
    if moving_average_win_size > 0:
        stat_data_mv = utils.moving_avg(stat_data, moving_average_win_size)
        colors_mv = calc_colors(stat_data_mv)
        np.savez(output_fname, data=data, stat=stat_data_mv, names=labels, conditions=conditions, colors=colors_mv,
        colors = calc_colors(stat_data)
        np.savez(output_fname, data=data, names=labels, conditions=conditions, colors=colors, times=times)
Exemplo n.º 3
def read_electrodes_data_one_mat(subject, mat_file, conditions, stat, output_file_name, bipolar, electrodes_names_field,
        field_cond_template, from_t=0, to_t=None, norm_by_percentile=True, norm_percs=(3, 97), threshold=0,
        color_map='jet', cm_big='YlOrRd', cm_small='PuBu', flip_cm_big=False, flip_cm_small=True,
        moving_average_win_size=0, downsample=2):
    # load the matlab file
    d = sio.loadmat(mat_file)
    # get the labels names
    if electrodes_names_field in d:
        labels = d[electrodes_names_field]
        labels = mu.matlab_cell_str_to_list(labels)
        if bipolar and '-' in labels[0]:
            labels = fix_bipolar_labels(labels)
        # else:
        #     #todo: change that!!!
        #     if len(labels) == 1:
        #         labels = [str(l[0]) for l in labels[0]]
        #     else:
        #         labels = [str(l[0][0]) for l in labels]
        raise Exception('electrodes_names_field not in the matlab file!')
    # Loop for each condition
    for cond_id, cond_name in enumerate(conditions):
        field = field_cond_template.format(cond_name)
        if field not in d:
            field = field_cond_template.format(cond_name.title())
        if field not in d:
            print('{} not in the mat file!'.format(cond_name))
        # todo: downsample suppose to be a cmdline paramter
        # dims: samples * electrodes * time (single triale) or electrodes * time (evoked)
        if to_t == 0 or to_t == -1:
            to_t = int(d[field].shape[-1] / downsample)
        # initialize the data matrix (electrodes_num x T x 2)
        # times = np.arange(0, to_t*2, 2)
        cond_data = d[field] # [:, times]
        if cond_id == 0:
            single_trials = cond_data.ndim == 3
            data = {} if single_trials else np.zeros((cond_data.shape[0], to_t - from_t, 2))
        if single_trials:
            # Different number of trials per condition, can't save it in a matrix
            # data[cond_name] = np.zeros((cond_data.shape[0], cond_data.shape[1], to_t - from_t))
            cond_data_downsample = utils.downsample_3d(cond_data, downsample)
            data[cond_name] = cond_data_downsample[:, :, from_t:to_t]
            cond_data_downsample = utils.downsample_2d(cond_data, downsample)
            data[:, :, cond_id] = cond_data_downsample[:, from_t:to_t]

    if bipolar:
        data, labels = bipolarize_data(data, labels)

    if single_trials:
        output_fname = op.join(MMVT_DIR, subject, 'electrodes', 'electrodes{}_data_st.npz'.format(
            '_bipolar' if bipolar else ''))
        data_conds = [(data[key], key) for key in data.keys()]
        data = [d[0] for d in data_conds]
        conditions = [d[1] for d in data_conds]
        np.savez(output_fname, data=data, names=labels, conditions=conditions)
        data = utils.normalize_data(data, norm_by_percentile, norm_percs)
        stat_data = calc_stat_data(data, stat)
        calc_colors = partial(
            utils.mat_to_colors_two_colors_maps, threshold=threshold, cm_big=cm_big, cm_small=cm_small, default_val=1,
            flip_cm_big=flip_cm_big, flip_cm_small=flip_cm_small, min_is_abs_max=True, norm_percs=norm_percs)
        if moving_average_win_size > 0:
            # data_mv[:, :, cond_id] = utils.downsample_2d(data[:, :, cond_id], moving_average_win_size)
            stat_data_mv = utils.moving_avg(stat_data, moving_average_win_size)
            colors_mv = calc_colors(stat_data_mv)
            np.savez(output_file_name, data=data, stat=stat_data_mv, names=labels, conditions=conditions, colors=colors_mv)
            colors = calc_colors(stat_data)
            np.savez(output_file_name, data=data, names=labels, conditions=conditions, colors=colors)