def get_copy(host): '''copy a remote file to local file''' log(ok=True, msg="start to copy...") hostip = ENV[host]['ipaddress'] name = ENV[host]['username'] passwd = ENV[host]['password'] paths = ENV[host]['file'] repo = ENV[C_GIT]['repopath'] log(ok=True, msg="connect to %s user %s"%(hostip, name)) print "%s %s %s"%(hostip, name, passwd) client =, name, passwd) ssh.scp(client, paths, repo) client.close() log(ok=True, msg="copy ok")
def get_copy_remote(host): '''copy a remote file to local file, which was copied from pc6248 to remote file. we must delete the remote file''' log(ok=True, msg="start to copy...") hostip = ENV[C_SSH]['ipaddress'] name = ENV[C_SSH]['username'] passwd = ENV[C_SSH]['password'] paths = ENV[host]['pc6428'] repo = ENV[C_GIT]['repopath'] # TODO: it is better if we have temporaer local files log(ok=True, msg="connect to %s user %s"%(hostip, name)) client =, name, passwd) ssh.scp(client, paths, repo) for x in paths: ssh.remove(client, x['remotepath']) client.close() log(ok=True, msg="copy ok")
def get_directory(host): ''' get the remote diretory with ssh, tar and untar. ''' log(ok=True, msg="start to copy a directory...") hostip = ENV[host]['ipaddress'] name = ENV[host]['username'] passwd = ENV[host]['password'] paths = ENV[host]['dirs'] repo = ENV[C_GIT]['repopath'] log(ok=True, msg="connect to %s user %s"%(hostip, name)) client =, name, passwd) ftp = client.open_sftp() for x in paths: remote = x['remotepath'] local = x['localpath'] log(ok=True, msg="copy dirs %s:/%s to local %s/%s"%(host,remote,repo,local)) tokens = remote.split('/') if tokens[-1] == '': name = tokens[-2] directory = '/'.join(tokens[:-2]) else: name = tokens[-1] directory = '/'.join(tokens[:-1]) # print "client: %s name: %s dir: %s"%(client, name, directory) err, lines = ssh.tar_c(client, name, directory) if not err: # move to the repo tarname='/tmp/%s.tgz'%name log(ok=True, msg="untar %s"%tarname) ssh.scp_file(ftp, tarname, tarname) ssh.remove(client, tarname) tar = tar.extractall(path=repo+'/'+local) tar.close() os.remove(tarname) else: log(ok=False, msg="something is wrong on ssh tar: %s"%lines) sys.exit(-1) client.close()