Exemplo n.º 1
    def _parse_kexdh_init(self, m):
        # server mode
        self.e = m.e
        if (self.e < 1) or (self.e > self.P - 1):
            raise SshException('Client kex "e" is out of range')
        K = pow(self.e, self.x, self.P)
        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
        key = self.protocol.server_key.asbytes()
        # okay, build up the hash H of (V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || e || f || K)
        hm = bytearray()
        hm += sshtype.encodeString(self.protocol.remote_banner)
        hm += sshtype.encodeString(self.protocol.local_banner)
        hm += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.protocol.remote_kex_init_message)
        hm += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.protocol.local_kex_init_message)
        hm += sshtype.encodeBinary(key)
        hm += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.e)
        hm += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.f)
        hm += sshtype.encodeMpint(K)

        H = sha1(hm).digest()

        self.protocol.set_K_H(K, H)

        # sign it
        sig = self.protocol.server_key.sign_ssh_data(H)
        # send reply
        m = mnetpacket.SshKexdhReplyMessage()
        m.host_key = key
        m.f = self.f
        m.signature = sig

Exemplo n.º 2
    def encode(self, obuf=None):
        self.buf = buf = obuf if obuf else bytearray()

        buf += struct.pack(">L", self.version)
        buf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.sender_pubkey)
        buf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.destination_addr)
        buf += sshtype.encodeString(self.subject)
        buf += sshtype.encodeString(self.date)

        buf += struct.pack(">H", len(self.parts))
        for part in self.parts:

        self.signature_offset = len(buf)

        # Reserve space for signature, MorphisBlock and TargetedBlock header.
        max_size = consts.MAX_DATA_BLOCK_SIZE - 2768

        if len(buf) > max_size:
            raise DmailException(\
                "Dmail is [{}] bytes, yet cannot be larger than [{}] bytes."\
                    .format(len(buf), max_size))

        # 512 byte RSA-4096 signature goes at the end.

        return buf
Exemplo n.º 3
    def _parse_kexdh_reply(self, m):
        # client mode
        host_key = m.host_key
        self.f = m.f
        if (self.f < 1) or (self.f > self.P - 1):
            raise SshException('Server kex "f" is out of range')
        sig = m.signature
        K = pow(self.f, self.x, self.P)
        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
        # okay, build up the hash H of (V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || e || f || K)
        hm = bytearray()
        hm += sshtype.encodeString(self.protocol.local_banner)
        hm += sshtype.encodeString(self.protocol.remote_banner)
        hm += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.protocol.local_kex_init_message)
        hm += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.protocol.remote_kex_init_message)
        hm += sshtype.encodeBinary(host_key)
        hm += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.e)
        hm += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.f)
        hm += sshtype.encodeMpint(K)

        H = sha1(hm).digest()

        self.protocol.set_K_H(K, H)

        log.info("Verifying signature...")
        r = yield from self.protocol.verify_server_key(host_key, sig)
        return r
Exemplo n.º 4
    def _parse_kexdh_reply(self, m):
        # The client runs this function.
        host_key = m.host_key

        server_f = self.dh.f = m.f

        if (server_f < 1) or (server_f > self.dh.P - 1):
            raise SshException('Server kex "f" is out of range')

        K = self.dh.calculate_k()

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):

        # H = (V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || e || f || K).
        hm = bytearray()
        hm += sshtype.encodeString(self.protocol.local_banner)
        hm += sshtype.encodeString(self.protocol.remote_banner)
        hm += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.protocol.local_kex_init_message)
        hm += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.protocol.remote_kex_init_message)
        hm += sshtype.encodeBinary(host_key)
        hm += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.dh.e)
        hm += sshtype.encodeMpint(server_f)
        hm += sshtype.encodeMpint(K)

        H = sha1(hm).digest()

        self.protocol.set_K_H(K, H)

        log.info("Verifying signature...")
        r = yield from self.protocol.verify_server_key(host_key, m.signature)
        return r
Exemplo n.º 5
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()

        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.host_key)
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.f)
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.signature)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 6
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()

        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.host_key)
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.f)
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.signature)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 7
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.data)
        nbuf += struct.pack("?", self.targeted)

        if self.pubkey:
            # Updateable keys.
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.pubkey)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.path_hash)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.version)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.signature)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 8
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.data)
        nbuf += struct.pack(">L", self.original_size)

        if self.version is not None:
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.version)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.signature)
            if self.epubkey:
                nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.epubkey)
                nbuf += struct.pack(">L", self.pubkeylen)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 9
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        nbuf += struct.pack(">L", len(self.peers))
        for peer in self.peers:
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeString(peer.address)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(peer.node_id)
            if type(peer) is mnpeer.Peer:
                nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(peer.node_key.asbytes())
                assert type(peer) is Peer
                nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(peer.pubkey)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 10
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.data)
        nbuf += struct.pack(">L", self.original_size)

        if self.version is not None:
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.version)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.signature)
            if self.epubkey:
                nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.epubkey)
                nbuf += struct.pack(">L", self.pubkeylen)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 11
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.data)
        nbuf += struct.pack("?", self.targeted)

        if self.pubkey:
            # Updateable keys.
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.pubkey)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.path_hash)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.version)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.signature)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 12
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        nbuf += struct.pack(">L", len(self.peers))
        for peer in self.peers:
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeString(peer.address)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(peer.node_id)
            if type(peer) is mnpeer.Peer:
                nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(peer.node_key.asbytes())
                assert type(peer) is Peer
                nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(peer.pubkey)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 13
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.node_id)
        nbuf += struct.pack("B", self.data_mode.value)

        nbuf += struct.pack("?", self.version is not None)
        if self.version is not None:
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.version)

        if self.significant_bits:
            nbuf += struct.pack(">H", self.significant_bits)
            if self.target_key:
                nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.target_key)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 14
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.node_id)
        nbuf += struct.pack("B", self.data_mode.value)

        nbuf += struct.pack("?", self.version is not None)
        if self.version is not None:
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.version)

        if self.significant_bits:
            nbuf += struct.pack(">H", self.significant_bits)
            if self.target_key:
                nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.target_key)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 15
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()

        nbuf += sshtype.encodeString(self.algorithm_name)
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.public_key)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 16
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()

        nbuf += sshtype.encodeString(self.algorithm_name)
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.public_key)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 17
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        if self.first_id is None:
            nbuf += struct.pack("?", self.data_present)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.first_id)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 18
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        if self.first_id is None:
            nbuf += struct.pack("?", self.data_present)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.first_id)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 19
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        nbuf += struct.pack(">L", self.index)

        nbuf += struct.pack(">L", len(self.packets))
        for packet in self.packets:
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(packet)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 20
    def sign_ssh_data(self, data):
        digest = sha1(data).digest()
        rsa = self._private_key()
        sig = util.deflate_long(rsa.sign(self._pkcs1imify(digest), bytes())[0], 0)

        m = bytearray()
        m += sshtype.encodeString("ssh-rsa")
        m += sshtype.encodeBinary(sig)
        return m
Exemplo n.º 21
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        nbuf += struct.pack(">L", self.index)

        nbuf += struct.pack(">L", len(self.packets))
        for packet in self.packets:
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(packet)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 22
    def sign_ssh_data(self, data):
        digest = sha1(data).digest()
        rsa = self._private_key()
        sig = util.deflate_long(\
            rsa.sign(self._pkcs1imify(digest), bytes())[0], 0)

        m = bytearray()
        m += sshtype.encodeString('ssh-rsa')
        m += sshtype.encodeBinary(sig)
        return m
Exemplo n.º 23
    def encode(self, obuf=None):
        buf = obuf if obuf else bytearray()
        buf += struct.pack(">L", self.version)
        buf += sshtype.encodeString(self.ssm)
        buf += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.sse)
        buf += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.ssf)

        buf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.signature)

        buf += struct.pack(">L", self.data_len)
        buf += self.data_enc
Exemplo n.º 24
    def encode(self, obuf=None):
        buf = obuf if obuf else bytearray()
        buf += struct.pack(">L", self.version)
        buf += sshtype.encodeString(self.ssm)
        buf += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.sse)
        buf += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.ssf)

        buf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.signature)

        buf += struct.pack(">L", self.data_len)
        buf += self.data_enc
Exemplo n.º 25
    def encode(self, obuf=None):
        buf = obuf if obuf else bytearray()

        buf += struct.pack(">L", self.version)
        buf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.sender_pubkey)
        buf += sshtype.encodeString(self.subject)
        buf += sshtype.encodeString(self.date)

        for part in self.parts:

        return buf
Exemplo n.º 26
    def encode(self, obuf=None):
        buf = obuf if obuf else bytearray()

        buf += struct.pack(">L", self.version)
        buf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.sender_pubkey)
        buf += sshtype.encodeString(self.subject)
        buf += sshtype.encodeString(self.date)

        for part in self.parts:

        return buf
Exemplo n.º 27
    def _parse_kexdh_init(self, m):
        # The server runs this function.
        client_e = self.dh.f = m.e

        if (client_e < 1) or (client_e > self.dh.P - 1):
            raise SshException("Client kex 'e' is out of range")

        K = self.dh.calculate_k()

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):

        key = self.protocol.server_key.asbytes()

        # H = (V_C || V_S || I_C || I_S || K_S || e || f || K).
        hm = bytearray()
        hm += sshtype.encodeString(self.protocol.remote_banner)
        hm += sshtype.encodeString(self.protocol.local_banner)
        hm += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.protocol.remote_kex_init_message)
        hm += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.protocol.local_kex_init_message)
        hm += sshtype.encodeBinary(key)
        hm += sshtype.encodeMpint(client_e)
        hm += sshtype.encodeMpint(self.dh.e)
        hm += sshtype.encodeMpint(K)

        H = sha1(hm).digest()

        self.protocol.set_K_H(K, H)

        # Sign it.
        sig = self.protocol.server_key.sign_ssh_data(H)

        # Send reply.
        m = mnp.SshKexdhReplyMessage()
        m.host_key = key
        m.f = self.dh.e
        m.signature = sig

Exemplo n.º 28
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()

        nbuf += sshtype.encodeString(self.user_name)
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeString(self.service_name)
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeString(self.method_name)

        if self.method_name == "publickey":
            nbuf += struct.pack("B", self.signature_present)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeString(self.algorithm_name)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.public_key)
            # Leave signature for caller to append, as they need this encoded
            # data to sign.

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 29
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()

        nbuf += sshtype.encodeString(self.user_name)
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeString(self.service_name)
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeString(self.method_name)
        if self.method_name == "publickey":
            nbuf += struct.pack("B", self.signature_present)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeString(self.algorithm_name)
            nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.public_key)
            # Leave signature for caller to append, as they need this encoded
            # data to sign.

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 30
    def send_dmail(self, from_asymkey, destination_addr, subject, date,\
        assert from_asymkey is None or type(from_asymkey) is rsakey.RsaKey
        assert type(destination_addr) in (list, tuple, bytes, bytearray, str),\
        assert not date or type(date) is datetime

        addr, rsite =\
            yield from self.fetch_recipient_dmail_site(destination_addr)

        if not rsite:
            return False

        if rsite.root["ssm"] != _dh_method_name:
            raise DmailException("Unsupported ss method [{}]."\

        if type(message_text) is str:
            message_text = message_text.encode()
        if not date:
            date = mutil.utc_datetime()

        dmail = Dmail()
        dmail.sender_pubkey = from_asymkey.asbytes() if from_asymkey else b""
        dmail.destination_addr = addr
        dmail.subject = subject
        dmail.date = mutil.format_iso_datetime(date)

        if message_text:
            part = DmailPart()
            part.mime_type = "text/plain"
            part.data = message_text

        dmail_bytes = dmail.encode()

        if from_asymkey:
            signature = from_asymkey.calc_rsassa_pss_sig(dmail_bytes)
            dmail_bytes += sshtype.encodeBinary(signature)

        storing_nodes = yield from\
            self._send_dmail(from_asymkey, rsite, dmail_bytes, signature)

        return storing_nodes
Exemplo n.º 31
 def sign_ssh_data(self, data):
     digest = sha1(data).digest()
     dss = DSA.construct((int(self.y), int(self.g), int(self.p), int(self.q), int(self.x)))
     # generate a suitable k
     qsize = len(util.deflate_long(self.q, 0))
     while True:
         k = util.inflate_long(os.urandom(qsize), 1)
         if (k > 2) and (k < self.q):
     r, s = dss.sign(util.inflate_long(digest, 1), k)
     m = bytearray()
     m += sshtype.encodeString("ssh-dss")
     # apparently, in rare cases, r or s may be shorter than 20 bytes!
     rstr = util.deflate_long(r, 0)
     sstr = util.deflate_long(s, 0)
     if len(rstr) < 20:
         rstr = zero_byte * (20 - len(rstr)) + rstr
     if len(sstr) < 20:
         sstr = zero_byte * (20 - len(sstr)) + sstr
     m += sshtype.encodeBinary(rstr + sstr)
     return m
Exemplo n.º 32
 def sign_ssh_data(self, data):
     digest = sha1(data).digest()
     dss = DSA.construct(
         (int(self.y), int(self.g), int(self.p), int(self.q), int(self.x)))
     # generate a suitable k
     qsize = len(util.deflate_long(self.q, 0))
     while True:
         k = util.inflate_long(os.urandom(qsize), 1)
         if (k > 2) and (k < self.q):
     r, s = dss.sign(util.inflate_long(digest, 1), k)
     m = bytearray()
     m += sshtype.encodeString("ssh-dss")
     # apparently, in rare cases, r or s may be shorter than 20 bytes!
     rstr = util.deflate_long(r, 0)
     sstr = util.deflate_long(s, 0)
     if len(rstr) < 20:
         rstr = zero_byte * (20 - len(rstr)) + rstr
     if len(sstr) < 20:
         sstr = zero_byte * (20 - len(sstr)) + sstr
     m += sshtype.encodeBinary(rstr + sstr)
     return m
Exemplo n.º 33
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = bytearray()

        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.value)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 34
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.data)
        nbuf += struct.pack("?", self.targeted)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 35
 def encode(self, obuf=None):
     buf = obuf if obuf else bytearray()
     buf += sshtype.encodeString(self.mime_type)
     buf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.data)
     return buf
Exemplo n.º 36
def connectTaskSecure(protocol, server_mode):
    # Send KexInit packet.
    opobj = mnetpacket.SshKexInitMessage()
    opobj.cookie = os.urandom(16)
#    opobj.kex_algorithms = "diffie-hellman-group-exchange-sha256"
    opobj.kex_algorithms = "diffie-hellman-group14-sha1"
    opobj.server_host_key_algorithms = "ssh-rsa"
    opobj.encryption_algorithms_client_to_server = "aes256-cbc"
    opobj.encryption_algorithms_server_to_client = "aes256-cbc"
#    opobj.mac_algorithms_client_to_server = "hmac-sha2-512"
#    opobj.mac_algorithms_server_to_client = "hmac-sha2-512"
    opobj.mac_algorithms_client_to_server = "hmac-sha1"
    opobj.mac_algorithms_server_to_client = "hmac-sha1"
    opobj.compression_algorithms_client_to_server = "none"
    opobj.compression_algorithms_server_to_client = "none"

    protocol.local_kex_init_message = opobj.buf


    # Read KexInit packet.
    packet = yield from protocol.read_packet()
    if not packet:
        return False

    if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
        log.debug("X: Received packet [{}].".format(hex_dump(packet)))

    packet_type = mnetpacket.SshPacket.parse_type(packet)

    if log.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):

    if packet_type != 20:
        log.warning("Peer sent unexpected packet_type[{}], disconnecting.".format(packet_type))
        return False

    protocol.remote_kex_init_message = packet

    pobj = mnetpacket.SshKexInitMessage(packet)
    if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
    if log.isEnabledFor(logging.INFO):

    protocol.waitingForNewKeys = True

#    ke = kex.KexGroup14(protocol)
#    log.info("Calling start_kex()...")
#    r = yield from ke.do_kex()
    ke = kexdhgroup14sha1.KexDhGroup14Sha1(protocol)
    log.info("Calling kex->run()...")
    r = yield from ke.run()

    if not r:
        # Client is rejected for some reason by higher level.
        return False

    # Setup encryption now that keys are exchanged.

    if not protocol.server_mode:
        """ Server gets done automatically since parameters are always there
            before NEWKEYS is received, but client the parameters and NEWKEYS
            message may come in the same tcppacket, so the auto part just turns
            off inbound processing and waits for us to call
            init_inbound_encryption when we have the parameters ready. """

    packet = yield from protocol.read_packet()
    if not packet:
        return False

    m = mnetpacket.SshNewKeysMessage(packet)
    log.debug("Received SSH_MSG_NEWKEYS.")

    if protocol.server_mode:
        packet = yield from protocol.read_packet()
        if not packet:
            return False

#        m = mnetpacket.SshPacket(None, packet)
#        log.info("X: Received packet (type={}) [{}].".format(m.packet_type, packet))
        m = mnetpacket.SshServiceRequestMessage(packet)
        log.info("Service requested [{}].".format(m.service_name))

        if m.service_name != "ssh-userauth":
            raise SshException("Remote end requested unexpected service (name=[{}]).".format(m.service_name))

        mr = mnetpacket.SshServiceAcceptMessage()
        mr.service_name = "ssh-userauth"


        packet = yield from protocol.read_packet()
        if not packet:
            return False

        m = mnetpacket.SshUserauthRequestMessage(packet)
        log.info("Userauth requested with method=[{}].".format(m.method_name))

        if m.method_name == "none":
            mr = mnetpacket.SshUserauthFailureMessage()
            mr.auths = "publickey"
            mr.partial_success = False


            packet = yield from protocol.read_packet()
            if not packet:
                return False

            m = mnetpacket.SshUserauthRequestMessage(packet)
            log.info("Userauth requested with method=[{}].".format(m.method_name))

        if m.method_name != "publickey":
            raise SshException("Unhandled client auth method [{}].".format(m.method_name))
        if m.algorithm_name != "ssh-rsa":
            raise SshException("Unhandled client auth algorithm [{}].".format(m.algorithm_name))


        if not m.signature_present:
            mr = mnetpacket.SshUserauthPkOkMessage()
            mr.algorithm_name = m.algorithm_name
            mr.public_key = m.public_key


            packet = yield from protocol.read_packet()
            if not packet:
                return False

            m = mnetpacket.SshUserauthRequestMessage(packet)
            log.info("Userauth requested with method=[{}].".format(m.method_name))

            if m.method_name != "publickey":
                raise SshException("Unhandled client auth method [{}].".format(m.method_name))
            if m.algorithm_name != "ssh-rsa":
                raise SshException("Unhandled client auth algorithm [{}].".format(m.algorithm_name))

        if log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):

        if protocol.client_key:
            if protocol.client_key.asbytes() != m.public_key:
                raise SshException("Key provided by client differs from that which we were expecting.")
            protocol.client_key = rsakey.RsaKey(m.public_key)

        buf = bytearray()
        buf += sshtype.encodeBinary(protocol.session_id)
        buf += packet[:-m.signature_length]

        r = protocol.client_key.verify_ssh_sig(buf, m.signature)

        log.info("Userauth signature check result: [{}].".format(r))
        if not r:
            raise SshException("Signature and key provided by client did not match.")

        r = yield from protocol.connection_handler.peer_authenticated(protocol)
        if not r:
            # Client is rejected for some reason by higher level.
            return False

        mr = mnetpacket.SshUserauthSuccessMessage()

        # client mode.
        m = mnetpacket.SshServiceRequestMessage()
        m.service_name = "ssh-userauth"


        packet = yield from protocol.read_packet()
        if not packet:
            return False

        m = mnetpacket.SshServiceAcceptMessage(packet)
        log.info("Service request accepted [{}].".format(m.service_name))

        mr = mnetpacket.SshUserauthRequestMessage()
        mr.user_name = "dev"
        mr.service_name = "ssh-connection"
        mr.method_name = "publickey"
        mr.signature_present = True
        mr.algorithm_name = "ssh-rsa"

        ckey = protocol.client_key
        mr.public_key = ckey.asbytes()


        mrb = bytearray()
        mrb += sshtype.encodeBinary(protocol.session_id)
        mrb += mr.buf

        sig = sshtype.encodeBinary(ckey.sign_ssh_data(mrb))

        mrb = mr.buf
        assert mr.buf == mrb
        mrb += sig


        packet = yield from protocol.read_packet()
        if not packet:
            return False

        m = mnetpacket.SshUserauthSuccessMessage(packet)
        log.info("Userauth accepted.")

    log.info("Connect task done (server={}).".format(server_mode))

#    if not server_mode:
#        protocol.close()

    return True
Exemplo n.º 37
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = super().encode()
        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.data)
        nbuf += struct.pack("?", self.targeted)

        return nbuf
Exemplo n.º 38
 def encode(self, obuf=None):
     buf = obuf if obuf else bytearray()
     buf += sshtype.encodeString(self.mime_type)
     buf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.data)
     return buf
Exemplo n.º 39
    def encode(self):
        nbuf = bytearray()

        nbuf += sshtype.encodeBinary(self.value)

        return nbuf