def test_get_system_info():
    info, info_str = get_system_info(print_info=True)
    assert info["Stable-Baselines3"] == str(sb3.__version__)
    assert "Python" in info_str
    assert "PyTorch" in info_str
    assert "GPU Enabled" in info_str
    assert "Numpy" in info_str
    assert "Gym" in info_str
Exemplo n.º 2
def save_to_zip_file(
    save_path: Union[str, pathlib.Path, io.BufferedIOBase],
    data: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    pytorch_variables: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
    verbose: int = 0,
) -> None:
    Save model data to a zip archive.

    :param save_path: Where to store the model.
        if save_path is a str or pathlib.Path ensures that the path actually exists.
    :param data: Class parameters being stored (non-PyTorch variables)
    :param params: Model parameters being stored expected to contain an entry for every
                   state_dict with its name and the state_dict.
    :param pytorch_variables: Other PyTorch variables expected to contain name and value of the variable.
    :param verbose: Verbosity level, 0 means only warnings, 2 means debug information
    save_path = open_path(save_path, "w", verbose=0, suffix="zip")
    # data/params can be None, so do not
    # try to serialize them blindly
    if data is not None:
        serialized_data = data_to_json(data)

    # Create a zip-archive and write our objects there.
    with zipfile.ZipFile(save_path, mode="w") as archive:
        # Do not try to save "None" elements
        if data is not None:
            archive.writestr("data", serialized_data)
        if pytorch_variables is not None:
                              mode="w") as pytorch_variables_file:
      , pytorch_variables_file)
        if params is not None:
            for file_name, dict_ in params.items():
                with + ".pth", mode="w") as param_file:
          , param_file)
        # Save metadata: library version when file was saved
        archive.writestr("_stable_baselines3_version", sb3.__version__)
        # Save system info about the current python env
Exemplo n.º 3
    def load(
        path: Union[str, pathlib.Path, io.BufferedIOBase],
        env: Optional[GymEnv] = None,
        device: Union[th.device, str] = "auto",
        custom_objects: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None,
        print_system_info: bool = False,
        force_reset: bool = True,
    ) -> "BaseAlgorithm":
        Load the model from a zip-file.
        Warning: ``load`` re-creates the model from scratch, it does not update it in-place!
        For an in-place load use ``set_parameters`` instead.

        :param path: path to the file (or a file-like) where to
            load the agent from
        :param env: the new environment to run the loaded model on
            (can be None if you only need prediction from a trained model) has priority over any saved environment
        :param device: Device on which the code should run.
        :param custom_objects: Dictionary of objects to replace
            upon loading. If a variable is present in this dictionary as a
            key, it will not be deserialized and the corresponding item
            will be used instead. Similar to custom_objects in
            ``keras.models.load_model``. Useful when you have an object in
            file that can not be deserialized.
        :param print_system_info: Whether to print system info from the saved model
            and the current system info (useful to debug loading issues)
        :param force_reset: Force call to ``reset()`` before training
            to avoid unexpected behavior.
        :param kwargs: extra arguments to change the model when loading
        :return: new model instance with loaded parameters
        if print_system_info:
            print("== CURRENT SYSTEM INFO ==")

        data, params, pytorch_variables = load_from_zip_file(

        # Remove stored device information and replace with ours
        if "policy_kwargs" in data:
            if "device" in data["policy_kwargs"]:
                del data["policy_kwargs"]["device"]

        if "policy_kwargs" in kwargs and kwargs["policy_kwargs"] != data[
            raise ValueError(
                f"The specified policy kwargs do not equal the stored policy kwargs."
                f"Stored kwargs: {data['policy_kwargs']}, specified kwargs: {kwargs['policy_kwargs']}"

        if "observation_space" not in data or "action_space" not in data:
            raise KeyError(
                "The observation_space and action_space were not given, can't verify new environments"

        if env is not None:
            # Wrap first if needed
            env = cls._wrap_env(env, data["verbose"])
            # Check if given env is valid
            check_for_correct_spaces(env, data["observation_space"],
            # Discard `_last_obs`, this will force the env to reset before training
            # See issue
            if force_reset and data is not None:
                data["_last_obs"] = None
            # Use stored env, if one exists. If not, continue as is (can be used for predict)
            if "env" in data:
                env = data["env"]

        # noinspection PyArgumentList
        model = cls(  # pytype: disable=not-instantiable,wrong-keyword-args
            _init_setup_model=False,  # pytype: disable=not-instantiable,wrong-keyword-args

        # load parameters

        # put state_dicts back in place
        model.set_parameters(params, exact_match=True, device=device)

        # put other pytorch variables back in place
        if pytorch_variables is not None:
            for name in pytorch_variables:
                # Skip if PyTorch variable was not defined (to ensure backward compatibility).
                # This happens when using SAC/TQC.
                # SAC has an entropy coefficient which can be fixed or optimized.
                # If it is optimized, an additional PyTorch variable `log_ent_coef` is defined,
                # otherwise it is initialized to `None`.
                if pytorch_variables[name] is None:
                # Set the data attribute directly to avoid issue when using optimizers
                # See
                recursive_setattr(model, name + ".data",

        # Sample gSDE exploration matrix, so it uses the right device
        # see issue #44
        if model.use_sde:
            model.policy.reset_noise()  # pytype: disable=attribute-error
        return model