def inheritmetadata(From,To,creates='../System/MetaData/'):
	FromPath = opmetadatapath(From) if IsDotPath(From) else metadatapath(From)
	ToPath = opmetadatapath(To) if IsDotPath(To) else metadatapath(To)
	X = ConsolidateSources(FromPath,extensions=['Associated','Attached','Inherited'])
	F = open(ToPath + '/InheritedMetaData.pickle','wb')
Exemplo n.º 2
def NodeTypeDeterminer(n,NodeInfo,Mode,ShowUses,ShowImplied):
        Technical dependency used in LabeledGraphFromLinks
    N = NodeInfo[n]
    OpType = sum(N['OpType']) >= (1/2)*len(N)
    FunctionType = sum(N['FuncType']) >= (1/2)*len(N)
    OtherList = [OutsideFile(nn) for nn in N['Object']]
    Other = sum(OtherList) >= (1/2)*len(OtherList)  
    ExistsList = [PathExists(nn) for nn in N['File']]
    Exists = all(ExistsList)
    if FunctionType:
        A = [(N['Object'][i],N['File'][i],N['FuncType'][i]) if ExistsList[i] else 'NotExists' for i in range(len(N)) if N['FuncType'][i]]
        A = [(N['Object'][i],N['File'][i],N['FuncType'][i]) if ExistsList[i] else 'NotExists' for i in range(len(N)) if not N['FuncType'][i]]
    B = list(set(A).difference(['NotExists']))
    Path = 'NotExists' if len(B) == 0 else MaximalCommonPath([nn[1] if IsDir(nn[1]) else DirName(nn[1]) for nn in B])
    if len(B) == 0:
        Summary = Fragment = Representation = 'NotExists'
        Summary = MaximalCommonPath([opmetadatapath(nn[0]) if nn[2] else metadatapath(nn[0]) for nn in B])
        X = MaximalCommonPath([nn[0] for nn in B])
        Y = MaximalCommonPath([nn[1] + ('@' + nn[0].split('.')[-1] if nn[2] else '') for nn in B])  
        Fragment = X if X != '' else Y.strip('@')[0] if Y!= '' else '../'
        Representation = Y if Y!= '' else '../'
    URL  = '/.starflow/CGI-Executables/main_gui.cgi?Path=' + Path + '&Summary=' + Summary + '&Fragment=' + Fragment + '&Representation=' + Representation + '&Mode=' + Mode + '&ShowUses=' + ShowUses + '&ShowImplied=' + ShowImplied
    return [OpType,FunctionType,Exists,Other,URL]
Exemplo n.º 3
def MakeLinkListHtml(LinkList,ClusterTags,inpath,outpath,Mode,ShowUses,ShowImplied):
    takes a data dependency linklist and a list of cluster tags, and 
    outputs an html representation of the linklist file (basically as
    a clickable html table) 
    --LinkList = the linklist to reresent, a numpy record array
    --ClusterTags = dictionary of clusters (output for example of
        the GetClusterTagDict function)
    --inpath = path that the LinkList is a representation of
    --outpath = place to store the resulting Html file
    --Mode = Name of the cluster collapse mode
    --ShowUses, ShowImplied are as in MakeLocalLinkGraph

    LinkGen = lambda s,sp,sum,frag,rep,mode,su,si :  '<a target = _top href="/.starflow/CGI-Executables/main_gui.cgi?Path=' + sp + '&Summary=' + sum + '&Fragment=' + frag + '&Representation=' + rep + '&Mode=' + mode + '&ShowUses=' + su + '&ShowImplied=' + si + '"/>' + s + '</a>'

    names = ['LinkType','LinkSource','SourceFile','LinkTarget','TargetFile','SourceCluster','TargetCluster']
    Recs = []   
    for i in range(len(LinkList)):
        s = LinkList['LinkSource'][i] ; sp = LinkList['SourceFile'][i] if IsDir(LinkList['SourceFile'][i]) else DirName(LinkList['SourceFile'][i])
        ssum = opmetadatapath(s) if LinkList['LinkType'][i] == 'Uses' or LinkList['LinkType'][i] == 'CreatedBy' else metadatapath(s)
        srep = LinkList['SourceFile'][i] + ('@' + LinkList['LinkSource'][i].split('.')[-1] if IsDotPath(LinkList['LinkSource'][i],LinkList['SourceFile'][i]) else '')
        spsum = metadatapath(sp)
        t = LinkList['LinkTarget'][i] ; tp = LinkList['TargetFile'][i] 
        tsum = opmetadatapath(t) if LinkList['LinkType'][i] == 'Uses' or LinkList['LinkType'][i] == 'DependsOn' else metadatapath(t)
        trep = LinkList['TargetFile'][i] + ('@' + LinkList['LinkTarget'][i].split('.')[-1] if IsDotPath(LinkList['LinkTarget'][i],LinkList['TargetFile'][i]) else '')
        tpsum = metadatapath(tp)

        slink = LinkGen(s,sp,ssum,s,srep,Mode,ShowUses,ShowImplied)
        splink = LinkGen(sp,sp,spsum,sp,sp,Mode,ShowUses,ShowImplied)
        tlink = LinkGen(t,tp,tsum,t,trep,Mode,ShowUses,ShowImplied)
        tplink  = LinkGen(tp,tp,tpsum,tp,tp,Mode,ShowUses,ShowImplied)
        Recs.append([LinkList['LinkType'][i],slink,splink,tlink,tplink,ClusterTags[s] if s in ClusterTags.keys() else '',ClusterTags[t] if t in ClusterTags.keys() else ''])
    RecList = numpy.rec.fromrecords(Recs,names=names)
    tb.web.tabular2html(fname=outpath,X = RecList,title = 'Link Graph for ' + inpath,split=False)
def generate_metadata(objname,forced=False,use=100):

    metapath = opmetadatapath(objname) if IsDotPath(objname) else metadatapath(objname)
    if IsDotPath(objname):
        path = '../' + '/'.join(objname.split('.')[:-1]) + '.py'
        objectname = objname.split('.')[-1]
        path = objname
        objectname =''
    if forced or not PathExists(metapath) or os.path.getmtime(metapath) <= FindMtime(path,objectname=objectname,Simple=False):
        if IsDir(objname):
            if objname[-1] != '/': objname += '/'
            if is_hsv_dir(objname):
                D = {}
                L = [objname + ll for ll in listdir(objname) if not ll.startswith('.')]
                for l in L:
                LL = set(L).intersection(D.keys())
                D[objname] = IntegrateDirMetaData([D[l] for l in LL])
                return D
            if IsPythonFile(objname) or IsDotPath(objname):
                d = StoredDocstring(objname)
                if d:
                    return {objname:{'description':d,'signature': 'python'}}        
            elif objname.endswith(('.csv','.tsv')):
                if IsFile(objname):
                        x = tabularmetadata(objname,use=use)
                        x = DEFAULT_GenerateAutomaticMetaData(objname)
                        print 'Failed to tabular metadata for', objname
                        x['signature'] = 'tabular'
                    return {objname : x}
        return {}
            return {objname:pickle.load(open(metapath+'/AutomaticMetaData.pickle','r'))}
            return generate_metadata(objname,forced=True)
Exemplo n.º 5
def MetaPathDir(Path):
    if Path.startswith('../') or OutsideFile(Path):
        return Backslash(metadatapath(Path))
        return Backslash(opmetadatapath(Path))
Exemplo n.º 6
def GetClusterTagDict(Path,LinkList,Mode):
    Given a  LinkList and a mode for collapsing the Linklist, 
    produce a dictionary of node cluster tags. 
        Path -- path that the LinkList corresponds to
        LinkList -- list of Links as a numy record array
        Mode -- Mode by which to cluster the link nodes
        ClusterDict, a dictionary in which:
        -- the keys are (some of the) link sources or targets in the 
            LinkList (e.g. potential nodes in the graph of the linklist)
        -- value on a key is a "cluster name " which represents a set 
        of nodes that will collapsed together
    The "mode" determines which collapsing algorithm should be used.  
    if Mode == 'All':
        #no collapsing
        return {}
    elif Mode == 'ColDir':
        #collapse files within directory (except for files/subdirectories in 'Path', which are all not collapsed)
        t = time.time()
        if IsDir(Path):
            LinkList = LinkList.copy()
            K = uniqify(LinkList['LinkSource'].tolist() + LinkList['LinkTarget'].tolist())
            OutSides = numpy.array([k for k in K if OutsideFile(k)])
            ClusterDict = {}
            NotOutSide = numpy.invert(fastisin(LinkList['LinkSource'],OutSides))
            LinkList = LinkList[NotOutSide]
            splitpath = Path.split('/')
            L = []
            for j in range(1,len(splitpath)):
                p = '/'.join(splitpath[:j])
                L += [p + '/' + l + ('/' if IsDir(p + '/' + l) else '') for l in os.listdir(p) if p + l != '/'.join(splitpath[:j+1])]
            L += [Backslash(Path) + l  + ('/' if IsDir(Backslash(Path) + l) else '') for l in os.listdir(Path)] 

            K = uniqify(LinkList['LinkSource'].tolist() + LinkList['LinkTarget'].tolist())
            #ClusterDict.update(dict([(k,[l for l in L if SPathAlong(k,l)][-1]) for k in K if len([l for l in L if SPathAlong(k,l)]) > 0]))
            ClusterDict = {}
            if Path.startswith('../'):
                ModK = [k for k in K if k.startswith('../')]    
                L = numpy.array(L)
                C = maximalpathalong(ModK,L)
                ClusterDict.update(dict([(ModK[i],C[i]) for i in range(len(ModK)) if C[i] != '']))          
                K = [k for k in K if not k.startswith('../')]
                ModK = [k.replace('.','/') for k in K]  
                L = numpy.array(L)
                C = maximalpathalong(ModK,L)
                ClusterDict.update(dict([(K[i],C[i]) for i in range(len(K)) if C[i] != '']))
            LS = LinkList.copy()
            LSDiffs = numpy.append(numpy.append([-1],(LS['LinkSource'][1:] != LS['LinkSource'][:-1]).nonzero()[0]),[len(LS)])
            LT = LinkList.copy()
            LTDiffs = numpy.append(numpy.append([-1],(LT['LinkTarget'][1:] != LT['LinkTarget'][:-1]).nonzero()[0]),[len(LT)])
            for ii in range(2):
                SClusterDict2 = dict([(LS['LinkSource'][LSDiffs[i]],[ClusterDict[l] for l in LS['LinkTarget'][LSDiffs[i]:LSDiffs[i+1]] if l in ClusterDict.keys()]) for i in range(len(LSDiffs)-1) if LS['LinkSource'][LSDiffs[i]] not in ClusterDict.keys()])
                TClusterDict2 = dict([(LT['LinkTarget'][LTDiffs[i]],[ClusterDict[l] for l in LT['LinkTarget'][LTDiffs[i]:LTDiffs[i+1]] if l in ClusterDict.keys()]) for i in range(len(LTDiffs)-1) if LT['LinkTarget'][LTDiffs[i]] not in ClusterDict.keys()])
                ClusterDict2 = ProcessTwoDicts(SClusterDict2,TClusterDict2)
                C2K = numpy.array(ClusterDict2.keys())
                C2V = numpy.array(ClusterDict2.values())
                s = C2V.argsort()
                C2V = C2V[s]
                C2K = C2K[s]
                Diffs = numpy.append(numpy.append([-1],(C2V[1:] != C2V[:-1]).nonzero()[0]),[len(C2V)])
                NewTags = dict(zip(C2K.tolist(),ListUnion([[MaximalCP(C2K[Diffs[i]+1:Diffs[i+1]+1])]*(Diffs[i+1] - Diffs[i]) for i in range(len(Diffs)-1)])))
            if len(OutSides) > .1*len(uniqify(ClusterDict.values())) and len(OutSides) > 4:
                ClusterDict.update(dict([(k,'External Files') for k in OutSides]))
            return ClusterDict
            return {}
    elif Mode == 'ColPro':

        #collapse based on protocol tags
        ClusterDict = {}
        Targets = uniqify(LinkList['LinkTarget'].tolist() + LinkList['LinkSource'].tolist())
        for target in Targets:
            metapaths = [opmetadatapath(target) + '/AssociatedMetaData.pickle',opmetadatapath(target) + '/AttachedMetaData.pickle']
            for metapath in metapaths:
                if PathExists(metapath):
                    MetaData = pickle.load(open(metapath,'r'))
                    if isinstance(MetaData,dict) and 'ProtocolTags' in MetaData.keys():
                        ProtocolTags = MetaData['ProtocolTags']
                        if isinstance(ProtocolTags,dict):

        return ClusterDict
        print 'No graph plotting mode selected.'
        return {}