def test_to_excel_with_header(self, some_bundle: Bundle, tmpdir):

        header = ' Test Header\nDate:; Today\nNumeric Value:; 0.123\n'
        header_sep = ';'

        # write the bundle to excel
        some_bundle.to_excel(tmpdir.join('some_bundle.xlsx'), header=header, header_sep=header_sep)

        # now read in the excel table
        wb = load_workbook(filename=tmpdir.join('some_bundle.xlsx'), read_only=True)
        ws =
        # compare line/rows and their contents
        for line, row in zip(header.split('\n'), ws.rows):
            if line == '':
                for cell in row:
                    assert(cell.value == None)
                for col, cell in zip(line.split(header_sep), row):
                    assert (col == cell.value)
 def test_to_excel(self, some_bundle: Bundle, tmpdir):