Exemplo n.º 1
def check_passive_url_monitors():
    request = HttpRequest()
    request.META["HTTP_X_CELERY_CRON"] = "true"

    modules = Module.objects.filter(module_type="url_check")

    sending_modules = []
    for i in xrange(len(modules)):
        module = modules[i]

        passive_key = CHECK_HOST_KEY % module.id
        if memcache.get(passive_key, False):
            # this means that the check is still running for this module
            logging.critical("Module id %s is still running" % module.id)

        memcache.set(passive_key, module, CELERY_CACHE_TIMEOUT)

        if (i != 0 or len(modules) == 1) and (
            ((i % settings.PASSIVE_URL_CHECK_BATCH) == 0) or (i == (len(modules) - 1))
            # Don't run when it is the first iteration, unless only one module to monitor
            # Run in batch sizes defined by the settings and run the remaning at the end of
            # the loop even if batch size isn't met.
            check_passive_url_task.apply_async((request, sending_modules))
            sending_modules = []

    return True
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_passive_url_monitors():
    modules = Module.objects.filter(module_type='url_check')

    request = HttpRequest()
    request.META['HTTP_X_CELERY_CRON'] = 'true'

    for module in modules:
        passive_key = CHECK_HOST_KEY % module.id
        if memcache.get(passive_key,False):
            #this means that the check is already running
            logging.critical("Module id %s is already running"%module.id)
        check_passive_url_task.apply_async((request, module.id))