Exemplo n.º 1
def load_config_file(config_file):
    Read the file `config_file` and return the parsed configuration.
    if s3_utils.is_s3_uri(config_file):
        return _load_config_file_s3(config_file)
        return _load_config_file_filesystem(config_file)
Exemplo n.º 2
def check_reference_open(refpath):
    """Verify that `refpath` exists and is readable for the current user.

    Ignore reference path values of "N/A" or "" for checking.
    if refpath != "N/A" and refpath.strip() != "":
        if s3_utils.is_s3_uri(refpath):
            if not s3_utils.object_exists(refpath):
                raise RuntimeError("S3 object does not exist: " + refpath)
            with open(refpath, "rb"):
    return refpath
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_is_s3_uri(s3_text_file):
    assert s3_utils.is_s3_uri("s3://test-s3-data/test.fits") is True
    assert s3_utils.is_s3_uri("some/filesystem/path") is False
Exemplo n.º 4
def niriss_soss(input_model, reference_files):
    The NIRISS SOSS WCS pipeline.

    input_model : `~jwst.datamodel.DataModel`
        Input datamodel for processing
    reference_files : dict
        The dictionary of reference file names and their associated files
        {reftype: reference file name}.

    pipeline : list
        The pipeline list that is returned is suitable for
        input into  gwcs.wcs.WCS to create a GWCS object.

    It includes tWO coordinate frames -
    "detector" and "world".

    It uses the "specwcs" reference file.

    # Get the target RA and DEC, they will be used for setting the WCS RA
    # and DEC based on a conversation with Kevin Volk.
        target_ra = float(input_model.meta.target.ra)
        target_dec = float(input_model.meta.target.dec)
    except TypeError:
        # There was an error getting the target RA and DEC, so we are not going to continue.
        raise ValueError(
            'Problem getting the TARG_RA or TARG_DEC from input model {}'.

    # Define the frames
    detector = cf.Frame2D(name='detector',
                          axes_order=(0, 1),
                          unit=(u.pix, u.pix))
    spec = cf.SpectralFrame(name='spectral',
                            axes_order=(2, ),
                            unit=(u.micron, ),
                            axes_names=('wavelength', ))
    sky = cf.CelestialFrame(reference_frame=coord.ICRS(),
                            axes_names=('ra', 'dec'),
                            axes_order=(0, 1),
                            unit=(u.deg, u.deg),
    world = cf.CompositeFrame([sky, spec], name='world')

        # We'd like to open this file as a DataModel, so we can consolidate
        # the S3 URI handling to one place.  The S3-related code here can
        # be removed once that has been changed.
        if s3_utils.is_s3_uri(reference_files['specwcs']):
            wl = asdf.open(s3_utils.get_object(reference_files['specwcs']))
            wl = asdf.open(reference_files['specwcs'])
        with wl:
            wl1 = wl.tree[1].copy()
            wl2 = wl.tree[2].copy()
            wl3 = wl.tree[3].copy()
    except Exception:
        raise IOError('Error reading wavelength correction from {}'.format(

        velosys = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.velosys
    except AttributeError:
        if velosys is not None:
            velocity_corr = velocity_correction(
            wl1 = wl1 | velocity_corr
            wl2 = wl2 | velocity_corr
            wl2 = wl3 | velocity_corr
            log.info("Applied Barycentric velocity correction: {}".format(

    # Reverse the order of inputs passed to Tabular because it's in python order in modeling.
    # Consider changing it in modelng ?
    cm_order1 = (Mapping((0, 1, 1, 0)) | \
                 (Const1D(target_ra) & Const1D(target_dec) & wl1)
    cm_order2 = (Mapping((0, 1, 1, 0)) | \
                 (Const1D(target_ra) & Const1D(target_dec) & wl2)
    cm_order3 = (Mapping((0, 1, 1, 0)) | \
                 (Const1D(target_ra) & Const1D(target_dec) & wl3)

    subarray2full = subarray_transform(input_model)
    if subarray2full is not None:
        cm_order1 = subarray2full | cm_order1
        cm_order2 = subarray2full | cm_order2
        cm_order3 = subarray2full | cm_order3

        bbox = ((-0.5, input_model.meta.subarray.ysize - 0.5),
                (-0.5, input_model.meta.subarray.xsize - 0.5))
        cm_order1.bounding_box = bbox
        cm_order2.bounding_box = bbox
        cm_order3.bounding_box = bbox

    # Define the transforms, they should accept (x,y) and return (ra, dec, lambda)
    soss_model = NirissSOSSModel(
        [1, 2, 3],
        [cm_order1, cm_order2, cm_order3]).rename('3-order SOSS Model')

    # Define the pipeline based on the frames and models above.
    pipeline = [(detector, soss_model), (world, None)]

    return pipeline
Exemplo n.º 5
def lrs_distortion(input_model, reference_files):

    Transform from subarray (x, y) to (v2, v3, lambda) using
    the "specwcs" and "distortion" reference files.


    # subarray to full array transform
    subarray2full = subarray_transform(input_model)

    # full array to v2v3 transform for the ordinary imager
    with DistortionModel(reference_files['distortion']) as dist:
        distortion = dist.model

    # Combine models to create subarray to v2v3 distortion
    if subarray2full is not None:
        subarray_dist = subarray2full | distortion
        subarray_dist = distortion

    # Read in the reference table data and get the zero point (SIAF reference point)
    # of the LRS in the subarray ref frame
    # We'd like to open this file as a DataModel, so we can consolidate
    # the S3 URI handling to one place.  The S3-related code here can
    # be removed once that has been changed.
    if s3_utils.is_s3_uri(reference_files['specwcs']):
        ref = fits.open(s3_utils.get_object(reference_files['specwcs']))
        ref = fits.open(reference_files['specwcs'])
    with ref:
        lrsdata = np.array([d for d in ref[1].data])
        # Get the zero point from the reference data.
        # The zero_point is X, Y  (which should be COLUMN, ROW)
        # These are 1-indexed in CDP-7 (i.e., SIAF convention) so must be converted to 0-indexed
        if input_model.meta.exposure.type.lower() == 'mir_lrs-fixedslit':
            zero_point = ref[0].header['imx'] - 1, ref[0].header['imy'] - 1
        elif input_model.meta.exposure.type.lower() == 'mir_lrs-slitless':
            zero_point = ref[0].header['imxsltl'] - 1, ref[0].header['imysltl'] - 1
            # Transform to slitless subarray from full array
            zero_point = subarray2full.inverse(zero_point[0], zero_point[1])

    # In the lrsdata reference table, X_center,y_center,wavelength describe the location of the
    # centroid trace along the detector in pixels relative to nominal location.
    # x0,y0(ul) x1,y1 (ur) x2,y2(lr) x3,y3(ll) define corners of the box within which the distortion
    # and wavelength calibration was derived
    xcen = lrsdata[:, 0]
    ycen = lrsdata[:, 1]
    wavetab = lrsdata[:, 2]
    x0 = lrsdata[:, 3]
    y0 = lrsdata[:, 4]
    x1 = lrsdata[:, 5]
    y2 = lrsdata[:, 8]

    # If in fixed slit mode, define the bounding box using the corner locations provided in
    # the CDP reference file.
    if input_model.meta.exposure.type.lower() == 'mir_lrs-fixedslit':

        bb_sub = ((np.floor(x0.min() + zero_point[0]) - 0.5, np.ceil(x1.max() + zero_point[0]) + 0.5),
                  (np.floor(y2.min() + zero_point[1]) - 0.5, np.ceil(y0.max() + zero_point[1]) + 0.5))

    # If in slitless mode, define the bounding box X locations using the subarray x boundaries
    # and the y locations using the corner locations in the CDP reference file.  Make sure to
    # omit the 4 reference pixels on the left edge of slitless subarray.
    if input_model.meta.exposure.type.lower() == 'mir_lrs-slitless':
        bb_sub = ((input_model.meta.subarray.xstart - 1 + 4 - 0.5, input_model.meta.subarray.xsize - 1 + 0.5),
                  (np.floor(y2.min() + zero_point[1]) - 0.5, np.ceil(y0.max() + zero_point[1]) + 0.5))

    # Find the ROW of the zero point
    row_zero_point = zero_point[1]

    # The inputs to the "detector_to_v2v3" transform are
    # - the indices in x spanning the entire image row
    # - y is the y-value of the zero point
    # This is equivalent of making a vector of x, y locations for
    # every pixel in the reference row
    const1d = models.Const1D(row_zero_point)
    const1d.inverse = models.Const1D(row_zero_point)
    det_to_v2v3 = models.Identity(1) & const1d | subarray_dist

    # Now deal with the fact that the spectral trace isn't perfectly up and down along detector.
    # This information is contained in the xcenter/ycenter values in the CDP table, but we'll handle it
    # as a simple rotation using a linear fit to this relation provided by the CDP.

    z = np.polyfit(xcen, ycen, 1)
    slope = 1. / z[0]
    traceangle = np.arctan(slope) * 180. / np.pi  # trace angle in degrees
    rot = models.Rotation2D(traceangle)  # Rotation model

    # Now include this rotation in our overall transform
    # First shift to a frame relative to the trace zeropoint, then apply the rotation
    # to correct for the curved trace.  End in a rotated frame relative to zero at the reference point
    # and where yrot is aligned with the spectral trace)
    xysubtoxyrot = models.Shift(-zero_point[0]) & models.Shift(-zero_point[1]) | rot

    # Next shift back to the subarray frame, and then map to v2v3
    xyrottov2v3 = models.Shift(zero_point[0]) & models.Shift(zero_point[1]) | det_to_v2v3

    # The two models together
    xysubtov2v3 = xysubtoxyrot | xyrottov2v3

    # Work out the spectral component of the transform
    # First compute the reference trace in the rotated-Y frame
    xcenrot, ycenrot = rot(xcen, ycen)
    # The input table of wavelengths isn't perfect, and the delta-wavelength
    # steps show some unphysical behaviour
    # Therefore fit with a spline for the ycenrot->wavelength transform
    # Reverse vectors so that yinv is increasing (needed for spline fitting function)
    yrev = ycenrot[::-1]
    wrev = wavetab[::-1]
    # Spline fit with enforced smoothness
    spl = UnivariateSpline(yrev, wrev, s=0.002)
    # Evaluate the fit at the rotated-y reference points
    wavereference = spl(yrev)
    # wavereference now contains the wavelengths corresponding to regularly-sampled ycenrot, create the model
    wavemodel = models.Tabular1D(lookup_table=wavereference, points=yrev, name='waveref',
                                 bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan)

    # Now construct the inverse spectral transform.
    # First we need to create a spline going from wavereference -> ycenrot
    spl2 = UnivariateSpline(wavereference[::-1], ycenrot, s=0.002)
    # Make a uniform grid of wavelength points from min to max, sampled according
    # to the minimum delta in the input table
    dw = np.amin(np.absolute(np.diff(wavereference)))
    wmin = np.amin(wavereference)
    wmax = np.amax(wavereference)
    wgrid = np.arange(wmin, wmax, dw)
    # Evaluate the rotated y locations of the grid
    ygrid = spl2(wgrid)
    # ygrid now contains the rotated y pixel locations corresponding to
    # regularly-sampled wavelengths, create the model
    wavemodel.inverse = models.Tabular1D(lookup_table=ygrid, points=wgrid, name='waverefinv',
                                         bounds_error=False, fill_value=np.nan)

    # Wavelength barycentric correction
        velosys = input_model.meta.wcsinfo.velosys
    except AttributeError:
        if velosys is not None:
            velocity_corr = velocity_correction(input_model.meta.wcsinfo.velosys)
            wavemodel = wavemodel | velocity_corr
            log.info("Applied Barycentric velocity correction : {}".format(velocity_corr[1].amplitude.value))

    # Construct the full distortion model (xsub,ysub -> v2,v3,wavelength)
    lrs_wav_model = xysubtoxyrot | models.Mapping([1], n_inputs=2) | wavemodel
    dettotel = models.Mapping((0, 1, 0, 1)) | xysubtov2v3 & lrs_wav_model

    # Construct the inverse distortion model (v2,v3,wavelength -> xsub,ysub)
    # Transform to get xrot from v2,v3
    v2v3toxrot = subarray_dist.inverse | xysubtoxyrot | models.Mapping([0], n_inputs=2)
    # wavemodel.inverse gives yrot from wavelength
    # v2,v3,lambda -> xrot,yrot
    xform1 = v2v3toxrot & wavemodel.inverse
    dettotel.inverse = xform1 | xysubtoxyrot.inverse

    # Bounding box is the subarray bounding box, because we're assuming subarray coordinates passed in
    dettotel.bounding_box = bb_sub[::-1]

    return dettotel
Exemplo n.º 6
def open(init=None, memmap=False, **kwargs):
    Creates a DataModel from a number of different types

    init : shape tuple, file path, file object, astropy.io.fits.HDUList,
           numpy array, dict, None

        - None: A default data model with no shape

        - shape tuple: Initialize with empty data of the given shape

        - file path: Initialize from the given file (FITS , JSON or ASDF)

        - readable file object: Initialize from the given file object

        - astropy.io.fits.HDUList: Initialize from the given

        - A numpy array: A new model with the data array initialized
          to what was passed in.

        - dict: The object model tree for the data model

    memmap : bool
        Turn memmap of FITS file on or off.  (default: False).  Ignored for
        ASDF files.

    kwargs : dict
        Additional keyword arguments passed to lower level functions. These arguments
        are generally file format-specific. Arguments of note are:

        - FITS

           skip_fits_update - bool or None
              `True` to skip updating the ASDF tree from the FITS headers, if possible.
              If `None`, value will be taken from the environmental SKIP_FITS_UPDATE.
              Otherwise, the default value is `True`.

    model : DataModel instance

    from . import model_base

    # Initialize variables used to select model class

    hdulist = {}
    shape = ()
    file_name = None
    file_to_close = None

    # Get special cases for opening a model out of the way
    # all special cases return a model if they match

    if init is None:
        return model_base.JwstDataModel(None)

    elif isinstance(init, model_base.JwstDataModel):
        # Copy the object so it knows not to close here
        return init.__class__(init)

    elif isinstance(init, (str, bytes)) or hasattr(init, "read"):
        # If given a string, presume its a file path.
        # if it has a read method, assume a file descriptor

        if isinstance(init, bytes):
            init = init.decode(sys.getfilesystemencoding())

        file_name = basename(init)
        file_type = filetype.check(init)

        if file_type == "fits":
            if s3_utils.is_s3_uri(init):
                hdulist = fits.open(s3_utils.get_object(init))
                hdulist = fits.open(init, memmap=memmap)
            file_to_close = hdulist

        elif file_type == "asn":
            # Read the file as an association / model container
            from . import container
            return container.ModelContainer(init, **kwargs)

        elif file_type == "asdf":
            if s3_utils.is_s3_uri(init):
                asdffile = asdf.open(s3_utils.get_object(init), **kwargs)
                asdffile = asdf.open(init, **kwargs)

            # Detect model type, then get defined model, and call it.
            new_class = _class_from_model_type(asdffile)
            if new_class is None:
                # No model class found, so return generic DataModel.
                return model_base.JwstDataModel(asdffile, **kwargs)

            return new_class(asdffile)

    elif isinstance(init, tuple):
        for item in init:
            if not isinstance(item, int):
                raise ValueError("shape must be a tuple of ints")
        shape = init

    elif isinstance(init, np.ndarray):
        shape = init.shape

    elif isinstance(init, fits.HDUList):
        hdulist = init

    elif is_association(init) or isinstance(init, list):
        from . import container
        return container.ModelContainer(init, **kwargs)

    # If we have it, determine the shape from the science hdu
    if hdulist:
        # So we don't need to open the image twice
        init = hdulist
        info = init.fileinfo(0)
        if info is not None:
            file_name = info.get('filename')

            hdu = hdulist[('SCI', 1)]
        except (KeyError, NameError):
            shape = ()
            if hasattr(hdu, 'shape'):
                shape = hdu.shape
                shape = ()

    # First try to get the class name from the primary header
    new_class = _class_from_model_type(hdulist)
    has_model_type = new_class is not None

    # Special handling for ramp files for backwards compatibility
    if new_class is None:
        new_class = _class_from_ramp_type(hdulist, shape)

    # Or get the class from the reference file type and other header keywords
    if new_class is None:
        new_class = _class_from_reftype(hdulist, shape)

    # Or Get the class from the shape
    if new_class is None:
        new_class = _class_from_shape(hdulist, shape)

    # Throw an error if these attempts were unsuccessful
    if new_class is None:
        raise TypeError("Can't determine datamodel class from argument to open")

    # Log a message about how the model was opened
    if file_name:
        log.debug(f'Opening {file_name} as {new_class}')
        log.debug(f'Opening as {new_class}')

    # Actually open the model
    model = new_class(init, **kwargs)

    # Close the hdulist if we opened it
    if file_to_close is not None:
        # TODO: We need a better solution than messing with DataModel
        # internals.

    if not has_model_type:
        class_name = new_class.__name__.split('.')[-1]
        if file_name:
            warnings.warn(f"model_type not found. Opening {file_name} as a {class_name}",
            delattr(model.meta, 'model_type')
        except AttributeError:

    return model