Exemplo n.º 1
 def __call__(self, value):
     if value is None:
         return value
     if self.strip_nondigits:
         value = re.compile(r'[^\d]+').sub('', value)
     if not ean.is_valid(value):
         raise ValidationError(self.message, code='invalid')
Exemplo n.º 2
def show_one_barcode(_barcode):
    display barcode, if two parts display separated.

    # remove space and hyphens
        barcode = str(_barcode).replace('-', '').replace(' ', '')
    except ValueError:
        return _barcode

    if len(barcode) > 16:
        # if extra 5 digits remove them (EAN 5)
        first = barcode[:-5]
        if stdean.is_valid(first):
            return '%s %s' % (first, barcode[-5:])
    elif len(barcode) > 13:
        # if extra 2 digits remove them (EAN 2)
        first = barcode[:-2]
        if stdean.is_valid(first):
            return '%s %s' % (first, barcode[-2:])

    return barcode
Exemplo n.º 3
	def validate_barcode(self):
		from stdnum import ean
		if len(self.barcodes) > 0:
			for item_barcode in self.barcodes:
				options = frappe.get_meta("Item Barcode").get_options("barcode_type").split('\n')
				if item_barcode.barcode:
					duplicate = frappe.db.sql(
						"""select parent from `tabItem Barcode` where barcode = %s and parent != %s""", (item_barcode.barcode, self.name))
					if duplicate:
						frappe.throw(_("Barcode {0} already used in Item {1}").format(
							item_barcode.barcode, duplicate[0][0]), frappe.DuplicateEntryError)

					item_barcode.barcode_type = "" if item_barcode.barcode_type not in options else item_barcode.barcode_type
					if item_barcode.barcode_type and item_barcode.barcode_type.upper() in ('EAN', 'UPC-A', 'EAN-13', 'EAN-8'):
						if not ean.is_valid(item_barcode.barcode):
							frappe.throw(_("Barcode {0} is not a valid {1} code").format(
								item_barcode.barcode, item_barcode.barcode_type), InvalidBarcode)
Exemplo n.º 4
def valid_barcode(barcode):
    validates a barcode with stdnum

    # remove space and hyphens
        barcode = str(barcode).replace('-', '').replace(' ', '')
    except ValueError:
        return False

    if len(barcode) > 16:
        # if extra 5 digits remove them (EAN 5)
        barcode = barcode[:-5]
    elif len(barcode) > 13:
        # if extra 2 digits remove them (EAN 2)
        barcode = barcode[:-2]

    return stdean.is_valid(barcode)
Exemplo n.º 5
def ean(candidate):
    Checks a candidate number for validity according to the EAN checksum calculation.

    Note that this validator does not enforce any length checks (usually 13 or 8).


    .. deprecated:: 2.2
       Use the ean function in the python-stdnum_ library instead.

    .. _python-stdnum: https://arthurdejong.org/python-stdnum/
        'ean is deprecated in favor of the ean function in the python-stdnum library.',

    if not isinstance(candidate, str):
        candidate = str(candidate)

    return stdnum_ean.is_valid(candidate)
Exemplo n.º 6
	def validate_barcode(self):
		from stdnum import ean
		if len(self.barcodes) > 0:
			for item_barcode in self.barcodes:
				options = frappe.get_meta("Item Barcode").get_options("barcode_type").split('\n')
				if item_barcode.barcode:
					duplicate = frappe.db.sql(
						"""select parent from `tabItem Barcode` where barcode = %s and parent != %s""", (item_barcode.barcode, self.name))
					if duplicate:
						frappe.throw(_("Barcode {0} already used in Item {1}").format(
							item_barcode.barcode, duplicate[0][0]))

					item_barcode.barcode_type = "" if item_barcode.barcode_type not in options else item_barcode.barcode_type
					if item_barcode.barcode_type and item_barcode.barcode_type.upper() in ('EAN', 'UPC-A', 'EAN-13', 'EAN-8'):
						if not ean.is_valid(item_barcode.barcode):
							frappe.throw(_("Barcode {0} is not a valid {1} code").format(
								item_barcode.barcode, item_barcode.barcode_type), InvalidBarcode)

					if item_barcode.barcode != item_barcode.name:
						# if barcode is getting updated , the row name has to reset.
						# Delete previous old row doc and re-enter row as if new to reset name in db.
						item_barcode.set("__islocal", True)
						item_barcode.name = None
						frappe.delete_doc("Item Barcode", item_barcode.name)
Exemplo n.º 7
def provider_search(request, *args, **kwargs):

    item_type = kwargs.get('item_type', None)
    item_id = kwargs.get('item_id', None)
    provider = kwargs.get('provider', None)
    query = kwargs.get('query', None)

    #log.debug('query: %s' % (query))

    results = []
    error = None

    if provider == 'discogs':

        #query = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9 :]+', '', query)
        query = query.replace('(', '')
        query = query.replace(')', '')

        results = discogs_ordered_search(query, item_type)

        query = query.replace('"', '"')

    if provider == 'musicbrainz':

        _type = item_type
        if item_type == 'media':
            _type = 'recording'

        if ean.is_valid(query):
            log.debug('ean barcode detected. switching url composition')
            t_query = query.replace('-', '')
            url = 'http://%s/ws/2/%s?query=barcode:%s&fmt=json' % (
                MUSICBRAINZ_HOST, _type, t_query)
            #query = re.sub('[^A-Za-z0-9 :]+', '', query)
            t_query = asciiDammit(query)
            escape lucene special characters:
            t_query = t_query\
                .replace('!', '\!')\
                .replace('+', '\+')\
                .replace('-', '\-')\
                .replace('~', '\~')\
                .replace('*', '\*')\
                .replace('?', '\?')\
                .replace('"', '\\"')\
                .replace('/', '\/')\
                .replace('(', '\(')\
                .replace(')', '\)')\
                .replace('[', '\[')\
                .replace(']', '\]')\
                .replace(':', '\:')\
                .replace('artist\:', 'artist:')

            t_query = urllib.quote(t_query)

            url = 'http://%s/ws/2/%s?query=%s&fmt=json' % (MUSICBRAINZ_HOST,
                                                           _type, t_query)

            query = urllib.unquote(t_query)
            query = query\
                .replace('\!', '!')\
                .replace('\+', '+')\
                .replace('\-', '-')\
                .replace('\~', '~')\
                .replace('\*', '*')\
                .replace('\?', '?')\
                .replace('\\"', "")\
                .replace('\/', '/')\
                .replace('\(', '(')\
                .replace('\)', ')')\
                .replace('\[', '[')\
                .replace('\]', ']')\
                .replace('\:', ':')

        log.debug('query url: %s' % (url))
        r = requests.get(url)

        if item_type == 'release':
            results = json.loads(r.text)['releases']
            for result in results:
                    'uri'] = 'http://musicbrainz.org/release/%s' % result['id']
                result['thumb'] = 'http://coverartarchive.org/%s/%s' % (
                    item_type, result['id'])

        if item_type == 'artist':
            results = json.loads(r.text)['artists']
            for result in results:
                    'uri'] = 'http://musicbrainz.org/artist/%s' % result['id']
                result['thumb'] = 'http://coverartarchive.org/%s/%s' % (
                    item_type, result['id'])

        if item_type == 'label':
            results = json.loads(r.text)['labels']
            for result in results:
                    'uri'] = 'http://musicbrainz.org/label/%s' % result['id']
                result['thumb'] = 'http://coverartarchive.org/%s/%s' % (
                    item_type, result['id'])

        if item_type == 'media':
            results = json.loads(r.text)['recordings']
            for result in results:
                result['uri'] = 'http://musicbrainz.org/recording/%s' % result[

    return json.dumps({
        'query': query,
        'results': results,
        'error': error,
Exemplo n.º 8
def check_code_gtin14(number):
    Check gtin14 code.
    return ean.is_valid(number) and len(number) == 14
Exemplo n.º 9
def check_code_ean8(number):
    Check ean8 code.
    return ean.is_valid(number) and len(number) == 8
Exemplo n.º 10
def check_code_upc(number):
    Check upc code.
    return ean.is_valid(number) and len(number) == 12
Exemplo n.º 11
    def run(self):
        ean = self.ean.strip()
        if len(ean) != 13:
            raise UserError(
                _("The barcode must have 13 digits (it has %d digits).") %
        if not is_valid(ean):
            raise UserError(
                _("The barcode %s is not a valid EAN-13 barcode.") % ean)
        ppo = self.env['product.product']
        action = self.env.ref(
        action['view_mode'] = 'form,tree,kanban'
        action['views'] = False
        existing_product = ppo.with_context(active_test=False).search(
            [('barcode', '=', ean)], limit=1)
        if existing_product:
            action['res_id'] = existing_product.id
            # TODO add warning
            return action
        apikey = tools.config.get('chasseauxlivres_apikey', False)
        if not apikey:
            raise UserError(
                _("API Key of chasse-aux-livres.fr missing in the Odoo server config file."
        url = "https://www.chasse-aux-livres.fr/api/v1/item?key=%s&ids=%s" % (
            apikey, ean)

            res = requests.get(url)
            if res.status_code not in (200, 201):
                raise UserError(
                    _("The webservice of chasse-aux-livres.fr returned an HTTP error code %s."
                      ) % res.status_code)
            res_dict = res.json()
        except Exception as e:
            raise UserError(
                _("Error in the webservice call to chasse-aux-livres.fr. Technical error details: %s."
                  ) % e)
        logger.info('The webservice of chasse-aux-livres.fr returned %s',
        if not res_dict.get("results"):
            raise UserError(
                _("The answer of the chasse-aux-livres.fr webservice is invalid (missing 'results' key)."
        if not res_dict['results'].get(ean):
            raise UserError(_("TODO"))
        if not isinstance(res_dict['results'][ean], list):
        if len(res_dict['results'][ean]) <= 0:
        res_book = res_dict['results'][ean][0]
        name = res_book.get('title')
        list_price = 0
        if res_book.get('listPrice'):
                list_price = round(res_book.get('listPrice') / 100, 2)
            except Exception:
                raise UserError(
                    _("Error when converting price (%s).") %
        author = res_book.get('authors')
        if isinstance(author, list):
            author = ', '.join(author)
        if author and author.lower() == 'nc':
            author = False
        image_url = res_book.get('image')
        logger.info('Image URL = %s', image_url)
        image_1920 = False
        if image_url:
                image_res = requests.get(image_url)
                if image_res.status_code in (200, 201):
                    image_1920 = base64.encodebytes(image_res.content)
            except Exception as e:
                logger.warning('Failed to download image. Error: %s', e)
        manufacturer_id = False
        if res_book.get('editor') and len(res_book['editor']) > 2:
            editor = res_book['editor'].strip()
            partner_editor = self.env['res.partner'].search(
                [('name', 'ilike', editor), ('is_company', '=', True)],
            if partner_editor:
                manufacturer_id = partner_editor.id
        weight = 0
        if res_book.get('weight'):
                weight = round(
                    res_book['weight'] / 1000,
                        'Stock Weight'))
            except Exception:
                logger.warning('Could not convert weight %s',
        context = {
            'default_name': name,
            'default_type': 'product',
            'default_author': author,
            'default_barcode': ean,
            'default_list_price': list_price,
            'default_image_1920': image_1920,
            'default_manufacturer_id': manufacturer_id,
            'default_weight': weight,
            #            'default_collection': res_book.get('collection'),
        action['context'] = context  # TODO
        return action