Exemplo n.º 1
def run_steemd_tests( debug_node ):
   from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC

      print( 'Replaying blocks...', )
      total_blocks = 0
      while( total_blocks % 100000 == 0 ):
         total_blocks += debug_node.debug_push_blocks( 100000, skip_validate_invariants=True )
         print( 'Blocks Replayed: ' + str( total_blocks ) )

      print( "Triggering payouts" )
      debug_node.debug_generate_blocks_until( 1467590400 )

      print( "Generating blocks to verify nothing broke" )
      assert( debug_node.debug_generate_blocks( 10 ) == 10 )

      print( "Done!" )
      print( "Getting comment dump:" )
      rpc = SteemNodeRPC( 'ws://', '', '' )
      ret = rpc.get_discussions_by_cashout_time( '', '', str( 0xFFFFFFFF ) );

      print( 'author, url, total_payout_value, abs_rshares, num_active_votes' )

      for comment in ret:
         print( comment[ 'author' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'url' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'total_payout_value' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'cashout_time' ] )

   except ValueError as val_err:
      print( str( val_err ) )
Exemplo n.º 2
   def __enter__( self ):

      # Setup temp directory to use as the data directory for this
      self._temp_data_dir = TemporaryDirectory()

      for child in self._data_dir.iterdir():
         if( child.is_dir() ):
            copytree( str( child ), str( self._temp_data_dir.name ) + '/' + child.name )

      db_version = Path( self._data_dir.name ) / 'db_version'
      if( db_version.exists() and not db_version.is_dir() ):
         copy2( str( db_version ), str( self._temp_data_dir.name ) + '/db_version' )

      config = Path( self._temp_data_dir.name ) / 'config.ini'
      config.write_text( self._get_config() )

      steemd = [ str( self._steemd_bin ), '--data-dir=' + str( self._temp_data_dir.name ) ]
      steemd.extend( self._args )

      self._steemd_process = Popen( steemd, stdout=self.steemd_out, stderr=self.steemd_err )
      sleep( 5 )
      if( not self._steemd_process.returncode ):
         self._rpc = SteemNodeRPC( 'ws://', '', '' )
         raise Exception( "steemd did not start properly..." )
Exemplo n.º 3
def run_steemd_tests( debug_node ):
   from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC

      print( "Playing blockchain..." )
      blocks = debug_node.debug_push_blocks( 0 )

      print( "Setting the hardfork now" ) # TODO: Grab most recent hardfork num from build directory
      debug_node.debug_set_hardfork( 4 )

      print( "Generating blocks after the hardfork" )
      assert( debug_node.debug_generate_blocks( 5000 ) == 5000 )

      print( "Done!" )
      print( "Calculating block producer distribution:" )
      rpc = SteemNodeRPC( 'ws://', '', '' )
      block_producers = {}
      for i in range( blocks + 1 , blocks + 5001 ):
         ret = rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [0,"get_block",[' + str( i ) + ']], "id":4}' ) )
         if( ret[ "witness" ] in block_producers ):
            block_producers[ ret[ "witness" ] ] += 1
            block_producers[ ret[ "witness" ] ] = 1

      sorted_block_producers = sorted( block_producers.items(), key=operator.itemgetter( 1 ) )
      for (k, v) in sorted_block_producers:
         ret = rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [0,"get_witness_by_account",["' + k + '"]], "id":5}' ) )
         print( '{"witness":"' + k + '","votes":' + str( ret["votes"] ) + ',"blocks":' + str( v ) + '}' )

   except ValueError as val_err:
      print( str( val_err ) )
Exemplo n.º 4
def run_steemd_tests( debug_node ):
   from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC

      print( 'Replaying blocks...', )
      total_blocks = 0
      while( total_blocks % 100000 == 0 ):
         total_blocks += debug_node.debug_push_blocks( 100000, skip_validate_invariants=True )
         print( 'Blocks Replayed: ' + str( total_blocks ) )

      print( "Triggering payouts" )
      debug_node.debug_generate_blocks_until( 1467590400 - 3 )
      rpc = SteemNodeRPC( 'ws://', '', '' )
      ret = rpc.lookup_accounts( '', str( 0xFFFFFFFF ) )
      account_balances = {}
      for acc_name in ret:
         acc = rpc.get_accounts( [ acc_name ] )
         steemd = float( acc[0][ 'balance' ].split( ' ' )[0] )
         sbd = float( acc[0][ 'sbd_balance' ].split( ' ' )[0] )
         vests = float( acc[0][ 'vesting_shares' ].split( ' ' )[0] )
         account_balances[ acc_name ] = ( steemd, sbd, vests )

      debug_node.debug_generate_blocks( 1 )

      account_rewards = {}
      for acc_name, bal in account_balances.items():
         acc = rpc.get_accounts( [ acc_name ] )
         steemd = float( acc[0][ 'balance' ].split( ' ' )[0] ) - bal[0]
         sbd = float( acc[0][ 'sbd_balance' ].split( ' ' )[0] ) - bal[1]
         vests = float( acc[0][ 'vesting_shares' ].split( ' ' )[0] ) - bal[2]
         account_rewards[ acc_name ] = ( steemd, sbd, vests )

      print( "Generating blocks to verify nothing broke" )
      assert( debug_node.debug_generate_blocks( 10 ) == 10 )

      print( "Done!" )
      print( "Getting comment dump:" )

      ret = rpc.get_discussions_by_cashout_time( '', '', str( 0xFFFFFFFF ) );

      print( 'author, url, total_payout_value, abs_rshares, num_active_votes' )

      for comment in ret:
         print( comment[ 'author' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'url' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'total_payout_value' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'cashout_time' ] )

      print( "Printing account reward dump:" )
      print( "account, steem, sbd, vests" )
      for acc_name, rew in account_rewards.items():
         print( acc_name + ', ' + str( rew[0] ) + ' STEEM, ' + str( rew[1] ) + ' SBD, ' + str( rew[2] ) + ' VESTS' )

   except ValueError as val_err:
      print( str( val_err ) )
Exemplo n.º 5
def run_steemd_tests(debug_node):
    from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC

        print('Replaying blocks...', )
        total_blocks = 0
        while (total_blocks % 100000 == 0):
            total_blocks += debug_node.debug_push_blocks(
                100000, skip_validate_invariants=True)
            print('Blocks Replayed: ' + str(total_blocks))

        print("Triggering payouts")
        debug_node.debug_generate_blocks_until(1467590400 - 3)
        rpc = SteemNodeRPC('ws://', '', '')
        ret = rpc.lookup_accounts('', str(0xFFFFFFFF))


        print("Generating blocks to verify nothing broke")
        assert (debug_node.debug_generate_blocks(10) == 10)

        account_rewards = {}
        vote_count = {}
        for acc_name in ret:
            acc = rpc.get_accounts([acc_name])
            #print( acc_name + ',' + acc[0][ 'curation_rewards' ] )
            account_rewards[acc_name] = float(
                acc[0]['curation_rewards'].split(' ')[0])
            vote_count[acc_name] = int(acc[0]['lifetime_vote_count'])
      print( "Done!" )
      print( "Getting comment dump:" )

      ret = rpc.get_discussions_by_cashout_time( '', '', str( 0xFFFFFFFF ) );

      print( 'author, url, total_payout_value, abs_rshares, num_active_votes' )

      for comment in ret:
         print( comment[ 'author' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'url' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'total_payout_value' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'cashout_time' ] )

        print("Printing account reward dump:")
        sorted_rewards = sorted(account_rewards.items(),
        print("account, curation_steem")
        for rew in sorted_rewards:
            print(rew[0] + ', ' + str(rew[1]) + ', ' + str(vote_count[rew[0]]))

    except ValueError as val_err:
Exemplo n.º 6
def run_steemd_tests( debug_node ):
   from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC

      print( 'Replaying blocks...', )
      total_blocks = 0
      while( total_blocks % 100000 == 0 ):
         total_blocks += debug_node.debug_push_blocks( 100000, skip_validate_invariants=True )
         print( 'Blocks Replayed: ' + str( total_blocks ) )

      print( "Triggering payouts" )
      debug_node.debug_generate_blocks_until( 1467590400 - 3 )
      rpc = SteemNodeRPC( 'ws://', '', '' )
      ret = rpc.lookup_accounts( '', str( 0xFFFFFFFF ) )

      debug_node.debug_generate_blocks( 1 )

      print( "Generating blocks to verify nothing broke" )
      assert( debug_node.debug_generate_blocks( 10 ) == 10 )

      account_rewards = {}
      vote_count = {}
      for acc_name in ret:
         acc = rpc.get_accounts( [ acc_name ] )
         #print( acc_name + ',' + acc[0][ 'curation_rewards' ] )
         account_rewards[ acc_name ] = float( acc[0][ 'curation_rewards' ].split( ' ' )[0] )
         vote_count[ acc_name ] = int( acc[0][ 'lifetime_vote_count' ] )

      print( "Done!" )
      print( "Getting comment dump:" )

      ret = rpc.get_discussions_by_cashout_time( '', '', str( 0xFFFFFFFF ) );

      print( 'author, url, total_payout_value, abs_rshares, num_active_votes' )

      for comment in ret:
         print( comment[ 'author' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'url' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'total_payout_value' ] + ', ' + comment[ 'cashout_time' ] )

      print( "Printing account reward dump:" )
      sorted_rewards = sorted( account_rewards.items(), key=operator.itemgetter(1) )
      print( "account, curation_steem" )
      for rew in sorted_rewards:
         print( rew[0] + ', ' + str( rew[1] ) + ', ' + str( vote_count[ rew[0] ] ) )

   except ValueError as val_err:
      print( str( val_err ) )
Exemplo n.º 7
   def __enter__( self ):

      # Setup temp directory to use as the data directory for this
      self._temp_data_dir = TemporaryDirectory()

      for child in self._data_dir.iterdir():
         if( child.is_dir() ):
            copytree( str( child ), str( self._temp_data_dir.name ) + '/' + child.name )

      db_version = Path( self._data_dir.name ) / 'db_version'
      if( db_version.exists() and not db_version.is_dir() ):
         copy2( str( db_version ), str( self._temp_data_dir.name ) + '/db_version' )

      config = Path( self._temp_data_dir.name ) / 'config.ini'
      config.write_text( self._get_config() )

      steemd = [ str( self._steemd_bin ), '--data-dir=' + str( self._temp_data_dir.name ) ]
      steemd.extend( self._args )

      self._steemd_process = Popen( steemd, stdout=self.steemd_out, stderr=self.steemd_err )
      sleep( 5 )
      if( not self._steemd_process.returncode ):
         self._rpc = SteemNodeRPC( 'ws://', '', '' )
         raise Exception( "steemd did not start properly..." )
Exemplo n.º 8
class FollowMe(object):
    def __init__(self):
        self.rpc = SteemNodeRPC("wss://node.steem.ws", "", "", apis=["follow"])

    # get who we follow
    def following(self, account):
        return [
            f['following'] for f in self.rpc.get_following(
                account, "", "blog", 100, api="follow")
Exemplo n.º 9
    def __enter__(self):

        # Setup temp directory to use as the data directory for this
        self._temp_data_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
        config = Path(self._temp_data_dir.name) / 'config.ini'

        self._steemd_process = Popen([
            '--data-dir="' + str(self._temp_data_dir.name) + '"'
        if (not self._steemd_process.returncode):
            self._rpc = SteemNodeRPC('ws://', '', '')
            raise Exception("steemd did not start properly...")
Exemplo n.º 10
 def validate(self):
     from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC
     if not Form.validate(self):
         return False
         self.node.errors.append('Unable to connect')
         return False
     return True
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self, config):
        """ Initialize configuration
        available_features = dir(config)

        if ("wallet_host" in available_features and
                "wallet_port" in available_features):
            self.wallet_host = config.wallet_host
            self.wallet_port = config.wallet_port

            if ("wallet_user" in available_features and
                    "wallet_password" in available_features):
                self.wallet_user = config.wallet_user
                self.wallet_password = config.wallet_password

            self.rpc = SteemWalletRPC(self.wallet_host,

            # Make a reference to 'wallet'
            self.wallet = self.rpc

        # Connect to Witness Node
        if "witness_url" in available_features:
            self.witness_url = config.witness_url

            if ("witness_user" in available_features):
                self.witness_user = config.witness_user

            if ("witness_password" in available_features):
                self.witness_password = config.witness_password

            self.ws = SteemNodeRPC(self.witness_url,

            # Make a reference to 'node'
            self.node = self.ws
Exemplo n.º 12
def account_meta(account_name):
    rpc = SteemNodeRPC("wss://steemit.com/wspa")

    #account_meta = json.loads(rpc.get_account(account_name)['json_metadata'])

    #account_url = account_meta['url']

    last_tx, curr_tx = -1, -1
    account_data, account_block, account_titles, account_links = [], [], [], []
    while last_tx == curr_tx:
        curr_tx = curr_tx + 1
        account_block = rpc.get_account_history(account_name, curr_tx, 0)
        last_tx = account_block[0][0]
        if account_block[0][1]['op'][0] == 'comment' and account_block[0][1][
                'op'][1]['author'] == account_name:
            print(str(account_titles[-1]) + ' - found your post!')

    accountset = set(account_titles)
    return (accountset)
Exemplo n.º 13
def stream_blocks(server, block_nums, start, end):
    """Stream blocks from steemd in JSON format

    Which Steemd:
    1. CLI "--server" option if provided
    2. ENV var "WEBSOCKET_URL" if provided
    3. Default: "wss://steemit.com/wspa"

    Which Blocks To Output:
    - Stream blocks beginning with current block by omitting --start, --end, and BLOCKS
    - Fetch a range of blocks using --start and/or --end
    - Fetch list of blocks by passing BLOCKS a JSON array of block numbers (either filename or "-" for STDIN)

    Where To Output Blocks:

    2. ENV var "BLOCKS_OUT" if provided
    3. Default: STDOUT
    # Setup steemd source
    rpc = SteemNodeRPC(server)
    with click.open_file('-', 'w', encoding='utf8') as f:
        if block_nums:
            blocks = _stream_blocks(rpc, block_nums)
        elif start and end:
            blocks = _stream_blocks(rpc, range(start, end))
            blocks = rpc.block_stream(start)

        json_blocks = map(json.dumps, blocks)

        for block in json_blocks:
            click.echo(block, file=f)
Exemplo n.º 14
def determine_user_index(account_name):
    #rpc = SteemNodeRPC("wss://steemit.com/wspa")

            [h_index, post_titles, sp_payouts
             ] = hindex_dict[account_name][str(datetime.date.today())]
            publish_date = str(datetime.date.today())
            print('Could not find in dictionary: ' + account_name + ', on: ' +
            rpc = SteemNodeRPC("ws://*****:*****@' + account_name + '/' + p for p in post_titles])

    return render_template('index.html',
Exemplo n.º 15
   def __enter__( self ):

      # Setup temp directory to use as the data directory for this
      self._temp_data_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
      config = Path( self._temp_data_dir.name ) / 'config.ini'
      config.write_text( self._get_config() )

      self._steemd_process = Popen( [ str( self._steemd_bin ), '--data-dir="' + str( self._temp_data_dir.name ) + '"' ], stdout=self._FNULL, stderr=self._FNULL )
      sleep( 5 )
      if( not self._steemd_process.returncode ):
         self._rpc = SteemNodeRPC( 'ws://', '', '' )
         raise Exception( "steemd did not start properly..." )
Exemplo n.º 16
def determine_quick_user_index(account_name):
    rpc = SteemNodeRPC("wss://steemit.com/wspa")

    #rpc = SteemNodeRPC("ws://localhost:8090")
    post_payouts, post_votes, post_titles, post_links = author_rewards_quick(
        rpc, account_name)

    sp_payouts = rewards_conversion(post_payouts)

    h_index = 0
    for pos, val in enumerate(sp_payouts):
        if val > pos + 1:
            h_index = pos + 1

    h2_index = 0
    for pos, val in enumerate(sorted(post_votes, reverse=True)):
        if val > pos + 1:
            h2_index = pos + 1

    publish_date = str(datetime.date.today())

    # return('V-index (reward value): ' + str(h_index) + '<br>P-index (popular votes): ' + str(h2_index) + '<hr>Most popular post: <a href=\"http://steemit.com' + post_links[0] + '\">' + post_titles[0] + '</a>, at a value of ' + str(sp_payouts[0]) + ' Steem Power.')

    body = 'V-index (reward value): ' + str(
        h_index) + '<br><br>P-index (popular votes): ' + str(h2_index)
    post_list = generate_table(sp_payouts, post_votes, post_titles, post_links)

    if post_list == "":
        return render_template('index.html',
                               body=('<h1>Something went wrong.  Has ' +
                                     account_name + ' ever posted?</h1>'))

    return render_template('index.html',
Exemplo n.º 17
def _populate(database_url, steemd_http_url, steemd_websocket_url, max_procs,
    # pylint: disable=too-many-locals, too-many-statements
    rpc = SimpleSteemAPIClient(steemd_http_url)
    engine_config = configure_engine(database_url)

    db_name = engine_config.url.database
    db_user_name = engine_config.url.username

    session = Session()

    # [1/7] confirm db connectivity
    task_message = fmt_task_message(
        'Confirm database connectivity',

    url, table_count = test_connection(database_url)
    if url:
        success_msg = fmt_success_message(
            'connected to %s and found %s tables', url.__repr__(), table_count)

    if not url:
        raise Exception('Unable to connect to database')
    del url
    del table_count

    # [2/7] kill existing db threads
    task_message = fmt_task_message(
        'Killing active db threads', emoji_code_point='\U0001F4A5', counter=2)
    all_procs, killed_procs = kill_db_processes(database_url, db_name,
    if len(killed_procs) > 0:
        success_msg = fmt_success_message('killed %s processes',
    del all_procs
    del killed_procs

    # [3/7] init db if required
    task_message = fmt_task_message(
        'Initialising db if required',
    init_tables(database_url, Base.metadata)

    # [4/7] find last irreversible block
    last_chain_block = rpc.last_irreversible_block_num()
    task_message = fmt_task_message(
        'Finding highest blockchain block',

    success_msg = fmt_success_message(
        'learned highest irreversible block is %s', last_chain_block)

    # [5/7] get missing block_nums
    task_message = fmt_task_message(
        'Finding blocks missing from db',
    missing_block_nums_gen = Block.get_missing_block_num_iterator(
        session, last_chain_block, chunksize=100000)

    with click.progressbar(
            label='Finding missing block_nums',
            bar_template='%(bar)s  %(info)s') as pbar:
        all_missing_block_nums = []
        for missing_gen in pbar:

    success_msg = fmt_success_message('found %s missing blocks',
    del missing_block_nums_gen
    del pbar

    # [6/7] adding missing blocks
    task_message = fmt_task_message(
        'Adding missing blocks to db, this may take a while',

    max_workers = max_procs or os.cpu_count() or 1

    chunksize = len(all_missing_block_nums) // max_workers
    if chunksize <= 0:
        chunksize = 1

    map_func = partial(

    chunks = chunkify(all_missing_block_nums, 10000)

    with concurrent.futures.ProcessPoolExecutor(
            max_workers=max_workers) as executor:
        executor.map(map_func, chunks , chunksize=1)

    success_msg = fmt_success_message('added missing blocks')
    del all_missing_block_nums

    # [7/7] stream blocks
    task_message = fmt_task_message(
        'Streaming blocks', emoji_code_point=u'\U0001F4DD', counter=7)

    highest_db_block = Block.highest_block(session)
    ws_rpc = SteemNodeRPC(steemd_websocket_url)
    blocks = ws_rpc.block_stream(highest_db_block)
    add_blocks(blocks, session)
Exemplo n.º 18
class DebugNode( object ):
   """ Wraps the steemd debug node plugin for easier automated testing of the Steem Network"""

   def __init__( self, steemd, data_dir, args='', plugins=[], apis=[], steemd_out=None, steemd_err=None ):
      """ Creates a steemd debug node.

      It can be ran by using 'with debug_node:'
      While in the context of 'with' the debug node will continue to run.
      Upon exit of 'with' the debug will exit and clean up temporary files.
      This class also contains methods to allow basic manipulation of the blockchain.
      For all other requests, the python-steem library should be used.

         steemd -- The string path to the location of the steemd binary
         data_dir -- The string path to an existing steemd data directory which will be used to pull blocks from.
         args -- Other string args to pass to steemd.
         plugins -- Any additional plugins to start with the debug node. Modify plugins DebugNode.plugins
         apis -- Any additional APIs to have available. APIs will retain this order for accesibility starting at id 3.
            database_api is 0, login_api is 1, and debug_node_api is 2. Modify apis with DebugNode.api
         steemd_stdout -- A stream for steemd's stdout. Default is to pipe to /dev/null
         steemd_stderr -- A stream for steemd's stderr. Default is to pipe to /dev/null
      self._data_dir = None
      self._debug_key = None
      self._FNULL = None
      self._rpc = None
      self._steemd_bin = None
      self._steemd_lock = None
      self._steemd_process = None
      self._temp_data_dir = None

      self._steemd_bin = Path( steemd )
      if( not self._steemd_bin.exists() ):
         raise ValueError( 'steemd does not exist' )
      if( not self._steemd_bin.is_file() ):
         raise ValueError( 'steemd is not a file' )

      self._data_dir = Path( data_dir )
      if( not self._data_dir.exists() ):
         raise ValueError( 'data_dir either does not exist or is not a properly constructed steem data directory' )
      if( not self._data_dir.is_dir() ):
         raise ValueError( 'data_dir is not a directory' )

      self.plugins = plugins
      self.apis = apis

      if( args != '' ):
         self._args = args.split( "\\s" )
         self._args = list()

      self._FNULL = open( devnull, 'w' )
      if( steemd_out != None ):
         self.steemd_out = steemd_out
         self.steemd_out = self._FNULL

      if( steemd_err != None ):
         self.steemd_err = steemd_err
         self.steemd_err = self._FNULL

      self._debug_key = '5JHNbFNDg834SFj8CMArV6YW7td4zrPzXveqTfaShmYVuYNeK69'
      self._steemd_lock = Lock()

   def __enter__( self ):

      # Setup temp directory to use as the data directory for this
      self._temp_data_dir = TemporaryDirectory()

      for child in self._data_dir.iterdir():
         if( child.is_dir() ):
            copytree( str( child ), str( self._temp_data_dir.name ) + '/' + child.name )

      db_version = Path( self._data_dir.name ) / 'db_version'
      if( db_version.exists() and not db_version.is_dir() ):
         copy2( str( db_version ), str( self._temp_data_dir.name ) + '/db_version' )

      config = Path( self._temp_data_dir.name ) / 'config.ini'
      config.write_text( self._get_config() )

      steemd = [ str( self._steemd_bin ), '--data-dir=' + str( self._temp_data_dir.name ) ]
      steemd.extend( self._args )

      self._steemd_process = Popen( steemd, stdout=self.steemd_out, stderr=self.steemd_err )
      sleep( 5 )
      if( not self._steemd_process.returncode ):
         self._rpc = SteemNodeRPC( 'ws://', '', '' )
         raise Exception( "steemd did not start properly..." )

   def __exit__( self, exc, value, tb ):
      self._rpc = None

      if( self._steemd_process != None ):

         if( not self._steemd_process.returncode ):
            self._steemd_process.send_signal( SIGINT )

            sleep( 7 )

            if( not self._steemd_process.returncode ):
               self._steemd_process.send_signal( SIGTERM )

               sleep( 5 )

               if( self._steemd_process.returncode ):
                  loggin.error( 'steemd did not properly shut down after SIGINT and SIGTERM. User intervention may be required.' )

      self._steemd_process = None
      self._temp_data_dir = None

   def _get_config( self ):
      return "# no seed-node in config file or command line\n" \
          + "p2p-endpoint =       # bind to localhost to prevent remote p2p nodes from connecting to us\n" \
          + "rpc-endpoint =       # bind to localhost to secure RPC API access\n" \
          + "enable-plugin = witness debug_node " + " ".join( self.plugins ) + "\n" \
          + "public-api = database_api login_api debug_node_api " + " ".join( self.apis ) + "\n"

   def debug_generate_blocks( self, count ):
      Generate blocks on the current chain. Pending transactions will be applied, otherwise the
      blocks will be empty.

      The debug node plugin requires a WIF key to sign blocks with. This class uses the key
      5JHNbFNDg834SFj8CMArV6YW7td4zrPzXveqTfaShmYVuYNeK69 which was generated from
      `get_dev_key steem debug`. Do not use this key on the live chain for any reason.

         count -- The number of new blocks to generate.

         int: The number of blocks actually pushed.
      if( count < 0 ):
         raise ValueError( "count must be a positive non-zero number" )
      return self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_generate_blocks",["' + self._debug_key + '",' + str( count ) + ']], "id": 1}' ) )

   def debug_generate_blocks_until( self, timestamp, generate_sparsely=True ):
      Generate block up until a head block time rather than a specific number of blocks. As with
      `debug_generate_blocks` all blocks will be empty unless there were pending transactions.

      The debug node plugin requires a WIF key to sign blocks with. This class uses the key
      5JHNbFNDg834SFj8CMArV6YW7td4zrPzXveqTfaShmYVuYNeK69 which was generated from
      `get_dev_key steem debug`. Do not use this key on the live chain for any reason.

         time -- The desired new head block time. This is a POSIX Timestmap.
         generate_sparsely -- True if you wish to skip all intermediate blocks between the current
            head block time and the desired head block time. This is useful to trigger events, such
            as payouts and bandwidth updates, without generating blocks. However, many automatic chain
            updates (such as block inflation) will not continue at their normal rate as they are only
            calculated when a block is produced.

         (time, int): A tuple including the new head block time and the number of blocks that were
      if( not isinstance( timestamp, int ) ):
         raise ValueError( "Time must be a int" )
      generate_sparsely_str = "true"
      if( not generate_sparsely ):
         generate_sparsely_str = "false"

      iso_string = datetime.fromtimestamp( timestamp, timezone.utc ).isoformat().split( '+' )[0].split( '-' )
      if( len( iso_string ) == 4 ):
         iso_string = iso_string[:-1]
      iso_string = '-'.join( iso_string )

      print( iso_string )
      return self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_generate_blocks_until",["' + self._debug_key + '","' + iso_string + '","' + generate_sparsely_str + '"]], "id": 1}' ) )

   def debug_set_hardfork( self, hardfork_id ):
      Schedules a hardfork to happen on the next block. call `debug_generate_blocks( 1 )` to trigger
      the hardfork. All hardforks with id less than or equal to hardfork_id will be scheduled and

         hardfork_id: The id of the hardfork to set. Hardfork IDs start at 1 (0 is genesis) and increment
            by one for each hardfork. The maximum value is STEEM_NUM_HARDFORKS in chain/hardfork.d/0-preamble.hf
      if( hardfork_id < 0 ):
         raise ValueError( "hardfork_id cannot be negative" )

      self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_set_hardfork",[' + str( hardfork_id ) + ']], "id":1}' ) )

   def debug_has_hardfork( self, hardfork_id ):
      return self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_has_hardfork",[' + str( hardfork_id ) + ']], "id":1}' ) )

   def debug_get_witness_schedule( self ):
      return self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_get_witness_schedule",[]], "id":1}' ) )

   def debug_get_hardfork_property_object( self ):
      return self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_get_hardfork_property_object",[]], "id":1}' ) )
Exemplo n.º 19
class SteemClient() :
    """ The ``SteemClient`` class is an abstraction layer that makes the use of the
        RPC and the websocket interface easier to use. A part of this
        abstraction layer is to simplyfy the usage of objects and have
        an internal objects map updated to reduce unecessary queries
        (for enabled websocket connections). Advanced developers are of
        course free to use the underlying API classes instead as well.

        :param class config: the configuration class

        If a websocket connection is configured, the websocket subsystem
        can be run by:

        .. code-block:: python

            steem = SteemClient(config)

    wallet_host = None
    wallet_port = None
    wallet_user = None
    wallet_password = None
    witness_url = None
    witness_user = None
    witness_password = None
    prefix = None

    #: RPC connection to the cli-wallet
    rpc = None
    wallet = None

    #: Websocket connection to the witness/full node
    ws  = None
    node  = None

    def __init__(self, config):
        """ Initialize configuration
        available_features = dir(config)

        if ("wallet_host" in available_features and
                "wallet_port" in available_features):
            self.wallet_host = config.wallet_host
            self.wallet_port = config.wallet_port

            if ("wallet_user" in available_features and
                    "wallet_password" in available_features):
                self.wallet_user = config.wallet_user
                self.wallet_password = config.wallet_password

            self.rpc = SteemWalletRPC(self.wallet_host,

            # Make a reference to 'wallet'
            self.wallet = self.rpc

        # Connect to Witness Node
        if "witness_url" in available_features:
            self.witness_url = config.witness_url

            if ("witness_user" in available_features):
                self.witness_user = config.witness_user

            if ("witness_password" in available_features):
                self.witness_password = config.witness_password

            self.ws = SteemNodeRPC(self.witness_url,

            # Make a reference to 'node'
            self.node = self.ws

    def getObject(self, oid):
        """ Get an Object either from Websocket store (if available) or
            from RPC connection.
        if self.ws :
            return self.ws.get_object(oid)[0]
        else :
            return self.rpc.get_object(oid)[0]
Exemplo n.º 20
# thanks to @furion @bitcalm @xeroc and @trogdor for inspiring the code

from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC
rpc = SteemNodeRPC('ws://node.steem.ws')
from collections import Counter
import csv

# September 27 - beginning of the day - block 5320393
# October 3 - end of the day - block 5521856

voters = [
    'blocktrades', 'jamesc', 'smooth', 'dantheman', 'tombstone', 'summon',
    'steemed', 'rainman', 'wang', 'complexring', 'riverhead', 'roadscape',
    'nextgencrypto', 'silversteem', 'donkeypong', 'proskynneo', 'blackjack',
    'firstclass', 'enki', 'clayop', 'wackou', 'steemit200', 'kushed', 'xeldal',
    'arhag', 'fuzzyvest', 'pharesim', 'steempty', 'bitcube', 'onceuponatime',
    'witnes.svk', 'abit', 'berniesanders', 'ned', 'dan', 'val-a', 'itsascam',
    'skywalker', 'smooth.witness', 'datasecuritynode', 'au1nethyb1',
    'bitcoin2016', 'analisa', 'paladin', 'satoshifund', 'alphabet',
    'excalibur', 'recursive', 'lafona-miner', 'badassmother', 'xeroc'

voterlst = []
authorlst = []
permlinklst = []

# parsing the blocks between Sept 27 - Oct 3 (end of day)

for i in range(5320393, 5521856):
    dys = rpc.get_block(i)['transactions']
    for tx in dys:
Exemplo n.º 21
 def __call__(self, form, field):
     from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC
         SteemNodeRPC(field.data, num_retries=0)
         raise ValidationError(self.message)
Exemplo n.º 22
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC
from piston.steem import Post
from pymongo import MongoClient
from pprint import pprint
import json
import time
import sys
import os

rpc = SteemNodeRPC("ws://" + os.environ['steemnode'], "", "")
mongo = MongoClient("mongodb://mongo")
db = mongo.steemdb

init = db.status.find_one({'_id': 'height'})
if (init):
    last_block = init['value']
    last_block = 1

# ------------
# For development:
# If you're looking for a faster way to sync the data and get started,
# uncomment this line with a more recent block, and the chain will start
# to sync from that point onwards. Great for a development environment
# where you want some data but don't want to sync the entire blockchain.
# ------------

# last_block = 4155048
Exemplo n.º 23
from datetime import datetime
from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC
from piston.steem import Post
from pymongo import MongoClient
from pprint import pprint
import collections
import time
import sys
import os

from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler

# rpc = SteemNodeRPC(host, "", "", ['follow_api'])

rpc = SteemNodeRPC("ws://" + os.environ['steemnode'],
                   apis=["follow", "database"])
mongo = MongoClient("mongodb://mongo")
db = mongo.steemdb

mvest_per_account = {}

def load_accounts():
    pprint("SteemDB - Loading mvest per account")
    for account in db.account.find():
        if "name" in account.keys():
                {account['name']: account['vesting_shares']})

from pprint import pprint
import time

   Requires installation of xeroc's python-steemlib
   Adapted from monitor.py
   Connection Parameters to steemd daemon.
   Start the steemd daemon with the rpc-endpoint parameter:
      ./programs/steemd/steemd --rpc-endpoint=
    This opens up a RPC port (e.g. at 8092). Currently, authentication
    is not yet available, thus, we recommend to restrict access to
    localhost. Later we will allow authentication via username and
    passpword (both empty now).
rpc = SteemNodeRPC("ws://localhost:8090", "", "")

    Last Block that you have process in your backend.
    Processing will continue at `last_block + 1`
last_block = 1160000

   Witness account to monitor
watch_account = "delegate.lafona"

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Let's find out how often blocks are generated!
Exemplo n.º 25
from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC
from pprint import pprint

rpc = SteemNodeRPC("wss://steemit.com/ws")

for a in rpc.stream("comment", start=1893850):
Exemplo n.º 26
class DebugNode( object ):
   """ Wraps the steemd debug node plugin for easier automated testing of the Steem Network"""

   def __init__( self, steemd, data_dir, plugins=[], apis=[], steemd_stdout=None, steemd_stderr=None ):
      """ Creates a steemd debug node.

      It can be ran by using 'with debug_node:'
      While in the context of 'with' the debug node will continue to run.
      Upon exit of 'with' the debug will exit and clean up temporary files.
      This class also contains methods to allow basic manipulation of the blockchain.
      For all other requests, the python-steem library should be used.

         steemd -- The string path to the location of the steemd binary
         data_dir -- The string path to an existing steemd data directory which will be used to pull blocks from.
         plugins -- Any additional plugins to start with the debug node. Modify plugins DebugNode.plugins
         apis -- Any additional APIs to have available. APIs will retain this order for accesibility starting at id 3.
            database_api is 0, login_api is 1, and debug_node_api is 2. Modify apis with DebugNode.api
         steemd_stdout -- A stream for steemd's stdout. Default is to pipe to /dev/null
         steemd_stderr -- A stream for steemd's stderr. Default is to pipe to /dev/null
      self._block_dir = None
      self._debug_key = None
      self._FNULL = None
      self._rpc = None
      self._steemd_bin = None
      self._steemd_lock = None
      self._steemd_process = None
      self._temp_data_dir = None

      self._steemd_bin = Path( steemd )
      if( not self._steemd_bin.exists() ):
         raise ValueError( 'steemd does not exist' )
      if( not self._steemd_bin.is_file() ):
         raise ValueError( 'steemd is not a file' )

      self._block_dir = Path( data_dir ) / 'blockchain/database/block_num_to_block'
      if( not self._block_dir.exists() ):
         raise ValueError( 'data_dir either does not exist or is not a properly constructed steem data directory' )
      if( not self._block_dir.is_dir() ):
         raise ValueError( 'data_dir is not a directory' )

      self.plugins = plugins
      self.apis = apis

      self._FNULL = open( devnull, 'w' )
      if( steemd_stdout != None ):
         self.steemd_stdout = steemd_stdout
         self.steemd_stdout = self._FNULL

      if( steemd_stderr != None ):
         self.steemd_stderr = steemd_stderr
         self.steemd_stderr = self._FNULL

      self._debug_key = '5JHNbFNDg834SFj8CMArV6YW7td4zrPzXveqTfaShmYVuYNeK69'
      self._steemd_lock = Lock()

   def __enter__( self ):

      # Setup temp directory to use as the data directory for this
      self._temp_data_dir = TemporaryDirectory()
      config = Path( self._temp_data_dir.name ) / 'config.ini'
      config.write_text( self._get_config() )

      self._steemd_process = Popen( [ str( self._steemd_bin ), '--data-dir="' + str( self._temp_data_dir.name ) + '"' ], stdout=self._FNULL, stderr=self._FNULL )
      sleep( 5 )
      if( not self._steemd_process.returncode ):
         self._rpc = SteemNodeRPC( 'ws://', '', '' )
         raise Exception( "steemd did not start properly..." )

   def __exit__( self, exc, value, tb ):
      self._rpc = None

      if( self._steemd_process != None ):

         if( not self._steemd_process.returncode ):
            self._steemd_process.send_signal( SIGINT )

            sleep( 7 )

            if( not self._steemd_process.returncode ):
               self._steemd_process.send_signal( SIGTERM )

               sleep( 5 )

               if( self._steemd_process.returncode ):
                  loggin.error( 'steemd did not properly shut down after SIGINT and SIGTERM. User intervention may be required.' )

      self._steemd_process = None
      self._temp_data_dir = None

   def _get_config( self ):
      return "# no seed-node in config file or command line\n" \
          + "p2p-endpoint =       # bind to localhost to prevent remote p2p nodes from connecting to us\n" \
          + "rpc-endpoint =       # bind to localhost to secure RPC API access\n" \
          + "enable-plugin = witness debug_node " + " ".join( self.plugins ) + "\n" \
          + "public-api = database_api login_api debug_node_api " + " ".join( self.apis ) + "\n"

   def debug_push_blocks( self, count=0 ):
      Push count blocks from an existing chain.
      There is no guarantee pushing blocks will work depending on set hardforks, or generated blocks
      that may change chain state significantly from what is is in the original data directory. It
      is recommend to not call `debug_push_blocks` after making any changes to the chain state.

         count -- The number of blocks to push. Default is 0 which will push all blocks.

         int: The number of blocks actually pushed.
      num_blocks = 0
      if( count == 0 ):
         ret = 10000
         while( ret == 10000 ):
            ret = self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_push_blocks",["' + str( self._block_dir ) + '", 10000]], "id": 1}' ) )
            num_blocks += ret
         ret = self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_push_blocks",["' + str( self._block_dir ) + '",' + str( count ) + ']], "id": 1}' ) )
         num_blocks += ret

      return num_blocks

   def debug_generate_blocks( self, count ):
      Generate blocks on the current chain. Pending transactions will be applied, otherwise the
      blocks will be empty.

      The debug node plugin requires a WIF key to sign blocks with. This class uses the key
      5JHNbFNDg834SFj8CMArV6YW7td4zrPzXveqTfaShmYVuYNeK69 which was generated from
      `get_dev_key steem debug`. Do not use this key on the live chain for any reason.

         count -- The number of new blocks to generate.

         int: The number of blocks actually pushed.
      if( count < 0 ):
         raise ValueError( "count must be a positive non-zero number" )
      return self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_generate_blocks",["' + self._debug_key + '",' + str( count ) + ']], "id": 1}' ) )

   def debug_generate_blocks_until( self, time, generate_sparsely=True ):
      Generate block up until a head block time rather than a specific number of blocks. As with
      `debug_generate_blocks` all blocks will be empty unless there were pending transactions.

      The debug node plugin requires a WIF key to sign blocks with. This class uses the key
      5JHNbFNDg834SFj8CMArV6YW7td4zrPzXveqTfaShmYVuYNeK69 which was generated from
      `get_dev_key steem debug`. Do not use this key on the live chain for any reason.

         time -- The desired new head block time. This is a UTC Timestmap.
         generate_sparsely -- True if you wish to skip all intermediate blocks between the current
            head block time and the desired head block time. This is useful to trigger events, such
            as payouts and bandwidth updates, without generating blocks. However, many automatic chain
            updates (such as block inflation) will not continue at their normal rate as they are only
            calculated when a block is produced.

         (time, int): A tuple including the new head block time and the number of blocks that were
      if( not instance( time, datetime ) ):
         raise ValueError( "Time must be a datetime object" )
      self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_generate_blocks_until",["' + self._debug_key + '",' + str( time ) + ']], "id": 1}' ) )

   def debug_set_hardfork( self, hardfork_id ):
      Schedules a hardfork to happen on the next block. call `debug_generate_blocks( 1 )` to trigger
      the hardfork. All hardforks with id less than or equal to hardfork_id will be scheduled and

         hardfork_id: The id of the hardfork to set. Hardfork IDs start at 1 (0 is genesis) and increment
            by one for each hardfork. The maximum value is STEEMIT_NUM_HARDFORKS in chain/hardfork.d/0-preamble.hf
      if( hardfork_id < 0 ):
         raise ValueError( "hardfork_id cannot be negative" )

      self._rpc.rpcexec( json.loads( '{"jsonrpc": "2.0", "method": "call", "params": [2,"debug_set_hardfork",[' + str( hardfork_id ) + ']], "id":1}' ) )
import time
import os

   Requires installation of xeroc's python-steemlib
   Adapted from monitor.py
   Connection Parameters to steemd daemon.
   Start the steemd daemon with the rpc-endpoint parameter:
      ./programs/steemd/steemd --rpc-endpoint=
    This opens up a RPC port (e.g. at 8092). Currently, authentication
    is not yet available, thus, we recommend to restrict access to
    localhost. Later we will allow authentication via username and
    passpword (both empty now).
rpc = SteemNodeRPC("ws://localhost:8090", "", "")

    Last Block that you have process in your backend.
    Processing will continue at `last_block + 1`
last_block = 1

   Witness accounts to monitor
watch_accounts = ["roadscape", "kushed", "smooth.witness", "abit", "pharesim", "dele-puppy", "steemed", "nextgencrypto", "clayop", "au1nethyb1", "steempty", "riverhead", "arhag", "complexring", "bitcube", "silversteem", "xeldal", "witness.svk", "wackou", "bhuz", "steemychicken1", "datasecuritynode", "cyrano.witness", "delegate.lafona", "boatymcboatface", "jabbasteem", "bue", "ihashfury", "masteryoda", "joseph", "pumpkin", "blocktrades", "steem-id", "liondani", "salvation", "modprobe", "dantheman", "mrs.agsexplorer", "fminerten", "lafona", "pfunk", "summon", "randaletouri", "rainman", "itsascam", "steemroller", "hello", "lxcteem", "steemit", "idol", "bittrexrichie", "testzcrypto", "moon", "drsteem", "afew", "phantas", "healthcare", "felekas1", "abka", "neonminer", "silkroad", "signalandnoise", "stephanie", "stesting1", "drifter1", "support1", "alittle", "zisis1", "miltos1"]

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # Let's find out how often blocks are generated!
Exemplo n.º 28
from pprint import pprint
import time
   Connection Parameters to steemd daemon.

   Start the steemd daemon with the rpc-endpoint parameter:

      ./programs/steemd/steemd --rpc-endpoint=

    This opens up a RPC port (e.g. at 8092). Currently, authentication
    is not yet available, thus, we recommend to restrict access to
    localhost. Later we will allow authentication via username and
    passpword (both empty now).

rpc = SteemNodeRPC("ws://localhost:8090", "", "")
    Last Block that you have process in your backend.
    Processing will continue at `last_block + 1`
last_block = 160900
    Deposit account name to monitor
watch_account = "world"

def process_block(block, blockid):
        This call processes a block which can carry many transactions
Exemplo n.º 29
 def __init__(self):
     self.rpc = SteemNodeRPC("wss://node.steem.ws", "", "", apis=["follow"])
# thanks @furion for the tip

from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC
rpc = SteemNodeRPC('ws://node.steem.ws')
import csv

allauthors = rpc.lookup_accounts('', 1000000)
postdict = dict()
repdict = dict()
rewdict = dict()

# counting author posts and adding them to the postdict dictionary
# retrieving authors with more than 700 posts (blogposts and comments)

for author in allauthors:
    postcount = rpc.get_account(author)['post_count']
    if postcount > 700:
        postdict[author] = postcount

# retrieving reputation and post rewards for the authors in postdict

for author2 in postdict.keys():
    repcount = rpc.get_account(author2)['reputation']
    rewcount = rpc.get_account(author2)['posting_rewards']
    repdict[author2] = repcount
    rewdict[author2] = rewcount

# indexing results for posts

writefile1 = open('productivesteemians-posts.csv', 'w', newline='')
writer1 = csv.writer(writefile1)
Exemplo n.º 31
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from steemapi.steemnoderpc import SteemNodeRPC
from piston.steem import Post
from pymongo import MongoClient
from pprint import pprint
import collections
import json
import time
import sys
import os

rpc = SteemNodeRPC("ws://" + os.environ['steemnode'],
                   apis=["follow", "database"])
mongo = MongoClient("mongodb://mongo")
db = mongo.steemdb

init = db.status.find_one({'_id': 'height'})
if (init):
    last_block = init['value']
    last_block = 1

# ------------
# For development:
# If you're looking for a faster way to sync the data and get started,
# uncomment this line with a more recent block, and the chain will start
# to sync from that point onwards. Great for a development environment
# where you want some data but don't want to sync the entire blockchain.