Exemplo n.º 1
def _lsb_pixel_decode(image):
    r, g, b, *_ = image.split()
    r = ImageMath.eval("convert(c&0x1, 'L')", c=r)
    g = ImageMath.eval("convert(c&0x1, 'L')", c=g)
    b = ImageMath.eval("convert(c&0x1, 'L')", c=b)
    data = roundrobin(iter_pixels(r), iter_pixels(g), iter_pixels(b))
    return bytes([reduce(lambda byte, bit: byte << 1 | bit, eight_bits)
                  for eight_bits in grouper(data, 8, fillvalue=0)])
Exemplo n.º 2
def _lsb_pixel_encode(image, output, message, nbits=1):
    assert fits_in_image(image, message, nbits)

    # TODO: can this be accomplished with Image.tobytes/frombytes/BytesIO or ImageChops with a dummy message Image
    # Encode nbits of the message into each of the three color-components (RGB)
    # for each pixel until we're at the end of the message.
    # The bit mask needs to capture the least nbits significant bits.
    pixels = image.load()
    bit_mask = (1 << nbits) - 1
    msg_iterator = grouper(iter_bits(message, chunksize=nbits), 3)
    for xy, msg_part in zip(iter_coords(image), msg_iterator):
        rgb = tuple((component & ~bit_mask | chunk) if chunk is not None else component
                    for component, chunk in zip(pixels[xy], msg_part))
        pixels[xy] = rgb
    return image
Exemplo n.º 3
def _lsb_dct_coefficient_decode(image):
    quantization_iter = chain(*image.quantization.values())
    data = map(lambda x: x & 1, quantization_iter)
    return bytes([reduce(lambda byte, bit: byte << 1 | bit, eight_bits)
                  for eight_bits in grouper(data, 8, fillvalue=0)])