def recv_message(control_file): """ Pulls from a control socket until we either have a complete message or encounter a problem. :param file control_file: file derived from the control socket (see the socket's makefile() method for more information) :returns: :class:`~stem.response.ControlMessage` read from the socket :raises: * :class:`stem.ProtocolError` the content from the socket is malformed * :class:`stem.SocketClosed` if the socket closes before we receive a complete message """ parsed_content, raw_content = [], [] logging_prefix = 'Error while receiving a control message (%s): ' while True: try: # From a real socket readline() would always provide bytes, but during # tests we might be given a StringIO in which case it's unicode under # python 3.x. line = stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes(control_file.readline()) except AttributeError: # if the control_file has been closed then we will receive: # AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'recv' prefix = logging_prefix % 'SocketClosed' + 'socket file has been closed') raise stem.SocketClosed('socket file has been closed') except (socket.error, ValueError) as exc: # When disconnected we get... # # Python 2: # socket.error: [Errno 107] Transport endpoint is not connected # # Python 3: # ValueError: I/O operation on closed file. prefix = logging_prefix % 'SocketClosed' + 'received exception "%s"' % exc) raise stem.SocketClosed(exc) raw_content.append(line) # Parses the tor control lines. These are of the form... # <status code><divider><content>\r\n if len(line) == 0: # if the socket is disconnected then the readline() method will provide # empty content prefix = logging_prefix % 'SocketClosed' + 'empty socket content') raise stem.SocketClosed('Received empty socket content.') elif len(line) < 4: prefix = logging_prefix % 'ProtocolError' + 'line too short, "%s"' % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError('Badly formatted reply line: too short') elif not re.match(b'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}[-+ ]', line): prefix = logging_prefix % 'ProtocolError' + 'malformed status code/divider, "%s"' % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError( 'Badly formatted reply line: beginning is malformed') elif not line.endswith(b'\r\n'): prefix = logging_prefix % 'ProtocolError' + 'no CRLF linebreak, "%s"' % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError('All lines should end with CRLF') line = line[:-2] # strips off the CRLF status_code, divider, content = line[:3], line[3:4], line[4:] content_lines = [content] if stem.prereq.is_python_3(): status_code = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(status_code) divider = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(divider) if divider == '-': # mid-reply line, keep pulling for more content parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) elif divider == ' ': # end of the message, return the message parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) raw_content_str = b''.join(raw_content) log_message = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode( raw_content_str.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n').rstrip()) log_message_lines = log_message.split('\n') if TRUNCATE_LOGS and len(log_message_lines) > TRUNCATE_LOGS: log_message = '\n'.join(log_message_lines[:TRUNCATE_LOGS] + [ '... %i more lines...' % (len(log_message_lines) - TRUNCATE_LOGS) ]) if len(log_message_lines) > 2: log.trace('Received from tor:\n%s' % log_message) else: log.trace('Received from tor: %s' % log_message.replace('\n', '\\n')) return stem.response.ControlMessage(parsed_content, raw_content_str) elif divider == '+': # data entry, all of the following lines belong to the content until we # get a line with just a period while True: try: line = stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes( control_file.readline()) except socket.error as exc: prefix = logging_prefix % 'SocketClosed' prefix + 'received an exception while mid-way through a data reply (exception: "%s", read content: "%s")' % (exc, log.escape(b''.join(raw_content)))) raise stem.SocketClosed(exc) raw_content.append(line) if not line.endswith(b'\r\n'): prefix = logging_prefix % 'ProtocolError' prefix + 'CRLF linebreaks missing from a data reply, "%s"' % log.escape(b''.join(raw_content))) raise stem.ProtocolError('All lines should end with CRLF') elif line == b'.\r\n': break # data block termination line = line[:-2] # strips off the CRLF # lines starting with a period are escaped by a second period (as per # section 2.4 of the control-spec) if line.startswith(b'..'): line = line[1:] content_lines.append(line) # joins the content using a newline rather than CRLF separator (more # conventional for multi-line string content outside the windows world) parsed_content.append( (status_code, divider, b'\n'.join(content_lines))) else: # this should never be reached due to the prefix regex, but might as well # be safe... prefix = logging_prefix % 'ProtocolError' log.warn(prefix + "\"%s\" isn't a recognized divider type" % divider) raise stem.ProtocolError( "Unrecognized divider type '%s': %s" % (divider, stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(line)))
def recv_message(control_file): """ Pulls from a control socket until we either have a complete message or encounter a problem. :param file control_file: file derived from the control socket (see the socket's makefile() method for more information) :returns: :class:`~stem.response.ControlMessage` read from the socket :raises: * :class:`stem.ProtocolError` the content from the socket is malformed * :class:`stem.SocketClosed` if the socket closes before we receive a complete message """ parsed_content, raw_content = [], "" logging_prefix = "Error while receiving a control message (%s): " while True: try: line = control_file.readline() except AttributeError: # if the control_file has been closed then we will receive: # AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'recv' prefix = logging_prefix % "SocketClosed" + "socket file has been closed") raise stem.SocketClosed("socket file has been closed") except socket.error, exc: # when disconnected we get... # socket.error: [Errno 107] Transport endpoint is not connected prefix = logging_prefix % "SocketClosed" + "received exception \"%s\"" % exc) raise stem.SocketClosed(exc) raw_content += line # Parses the tor control lines. These are of the form... # <status code><divider><content>\r\n if len(line) == 0: # if the socket is disconnected then the readline() method will provide # empty content prefix = logging_prefix % "SocketClosed" + "empty socket content") raise stem.SocketClosed("Received empty socket content.") elif len(line) < 4: prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" + "line too short, \"%s\"" % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError("Badly formatted reply line: too short") elif not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}[-+ ]', line): prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" + "malformed status code/divider, \"%s\"" % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError("Badly formatted reply line: beginning is malformed") elif not line.endswith("\r\n"): prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" + "no CRLF linebreak, \"%s\"" % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError("All lines should end with CRLF") line = line[:-2] # strips off the CRLF status_code, divider, content = line[:3], line[3], line[4:] if divider == "-": # mid-reply line, keep pulling for more content parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) elif divider == " ": # end of the message, return the message parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) log_message = raw_content.replace("\r\n", "\n").rstrip() log.trace("Received from tor:\n" + log_message) return stem.response.ControlMessage(parsed_content, raw_content) elif divider == "+": # data entry, all of the following lines belong to the content until we # get a line with just a period while True: try: line = control_file.readline() except socket.error, exc: prefix = logging_prefix % "SocketClosed" + "received an exception while mid-way through a data reply (exception: \"%s\", read content: \"%s\")" % (exc, log.escape(raw_content))) raise stem.SocketClosed(exc) raw_content += line if not line.endswith("\r\n"): prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" + "CRLF linebreaks missing from a data reply, \"%s\"" % log.escape(raw_content)) raise stem.ProtocolError("All lines should end with CRLF") elif line == ".\r\n": break # data block termination line = line[:-2] # strips off the CRLF # lines starting with a period are escaped by a second period (as per # section 2.4 of the control-spec) if line.startswith(".."): line = line[1:] # appends to previous content, using a newline rather than CRLF # separator (more conventional for multi-line string content outside # the windows world) content += "\n" + line parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content))
def recv_message(control_file, arrived_at = None): """ Pulls from a control socket until we either have a complete message or encounter a problem. :param file control_file: file derived from the control socket (see the socket's makefile() method for more information) :returns: :class:`~stem.response.ControlMessage` read from the socket :raises: * :class:`stem.ProtocolError` the content from the socket is malformed * :class:`stem.SocketClosed` if the socket closes before we receive a complete message """ parsed_content, raw_content, first_line = None, None, True while True: try: line = control_file.readline() except AttributeError: # if the control_file has been closed then we will receive: # AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'recv' % ('SocketClosed', 'socket file has been closed')) raise stem.SocketClosed('socket file has been closed') except (OSError, ValueError) as exc: # when disconnected this errors with... # # * ValueError: I/O operation on closed file # * OSError: [Errno 107] Transport endpoint is not connected # * OSError: [Errno 9] Bad file descriptor % ('SocketClosed', 'received exception "%s"' % exc)) raise stem.SocketClosed(exc) # Parses the tor control lines. These are of the form... # <status code><divider><content>\r\n if not line: # if the socket is disconnected then the readline() method will provide # empty content % ('SocketClosed', 'empty socket content')) raise stem.SocketClosed('Received empty socket content.') elif not MESSAGE_PREFIX.match(line): % ('ProtocolError', 'malformed status code/divider, "%s"' % log.escape(line))) raise stem.ProtocolError('Badly formatted reply line: beginning is malformed') elif not line.endswith(b'\r\n'): % ('ProtocolError', 'no CRLF linebreak, "%s"' % log.escape(line))) raise stem.ProtocolError('All lines should end with CRLF') status_code, divider, content = line[:3], line[3:4], line[4:-2] # strip CRLF off content status_code = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(status_code) divider = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(divider) # Most controller responses are single lines, in which case we don't need # so much overhead. if first_line: if divider == ' ': _log_trace(line) return stem.response.ControlMessage([(status_code, divider, content)], line, arrived_at = arrived_at) else: parsed_content, raw_content, first_line = [], bytearray(), False raw_content += line if divider == '-': # mid-reply line, keep pulling for more content parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) elif divider == ' ': # end of the message, return the message parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) _log_trace(bytes(raw_content)) return stem.response.ControlMessage(parsed_content, bytes(raw_content), arrived_at = arrived_at) elif divider == '+': # data entry, all of the following lines belong to the content until we # get a line with just a period content_block = bytearray(content) while True: try: line = control_file.readline() raw_content += line except socket.error as exc: % ('SocketClosed', 'received an exception while mid-way through a data reply (exception: "%s", read content: "%s")' % (exc, log.escape(bytes(raw_content))))) raise stem.SocketClosed(exc) if not line.endswith(b'\r\n'): % ('ProtocolError', 'CRLF linebreaks missing from a data reply, "%s"' % log.escape(bytes(raw_content)))) raise stem.ProtocolError('All lines should end with CRLF') elif line == b'.\r\n': break # data block termination line = line[:-2] # strips off the CRLF # lines starting with a period are escaped by a second period (as per # section 2.4 of the control-spec) if line.startswith(b'..'): line = line[1:] content_block += b'\n' + line # joins the content using a newline rather than CRLF separator (more # conventional for multi-line string content outside the windows world) parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, bytes(content_block))) else: # this should never be reached due to the prefix regex, but might as well # be safe... log.warn(ERROR_MSG % ('ProtocolError', "\"%s\" isn't a recognized divider type" % divider)) raise stem.ProtocolError("Unrecognized divider type '%s': %s" % (divider, stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(line)))
def recv_message(control_file): """ Pulls from a control socket until we either have a complete message or encounter a problem. :param file control_file: file derived from the control socket (see the socket's makefile() method for more information) :returns: :class:`~stem.response.ControlMessage` read from the socket :raises: * :class:`stem.ProtocolError` the content from the socket is malformed * :class:`stem.SocketClosed` if the socket closes before we receive a complete message """ parsed_content, raw_content = [], "" logging_prefix = "Error while receiving a control message (%s): " while True: try: line = control_file.readline() except AttributeError: # if the control_file has been closed then we will receive: # AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'recv' prefix = logging_prefix % "SocketClosed" + "socket file has been closed") raise stem.SocketClosed("socket file has been closed") except socket.error, exc: # when disconnected we get... # socket.error: [Errno 107] Transport endpoint is not connected prefix = logging_prefix % "SocketClosed" + "received exception \"%s\"" % exc) raise stem.SocketClosed(exc) raw_content += line # Parses the tor control lines. These are of the form... # <status code><divider><content>\r\n if len(line) == 0: # if the socket is disconnected then the readline() method will provide # empty content prefix = logging_prefix % "SocketClosed" + "empty socket content") raise stem.SocketClosed("Received empty socket content.") elif len(line) < 4: prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" + "line too short, \"%s\"" % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError("Badly formatted reply line: too short") elif not re.match(r'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}[-+ ]', line): prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" + "malformed status code/divider, \"%s\"" % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError( "Badly formatted reply line: beginning is malformed") elif not line.endswith("\r\n"): prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" + "no CRLF linebreak, \"%s\"" % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError("All lines should end with CRLF") line = line[:-2] # strips off the CRLF status_code, divider, content = line[:3], line[3], line[4:] if divider == "-": # mid-reply line, keep pulling for more content parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) elif divider == " ": # end of the message, return the message parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) log_message = raw_content.replace("\r\n", "\n").rstrip() log.trace("Received from tor:\n" + log_message) return stem.response.ControlMessage(parsed_content, raw_content) elif divider == "+": # data entry, all of the following lines belong to the content until we # get a line with just a period while True: try: line = control_file.readline() except socket.error, exc: prefix = logging_prefix % "SocketClosed" prefix + "received an exception while mid-way through a data reply (exception: \"%s\", read content: \"%s\")" % (exc, log.escape(raw_content))) raise stem.SocketClosed(exc) raw_content += line if not line.endswith("\r\n"): prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" prefix + "CRLF linebreaks missing from a data reply, \"%s\"" % log.escape(raw_content)) raise stem.ProtocolError("All lines should end with CRLF") elif line == ".\r\n": break # data block termination line = line[:-2] # strips off the CRLF # lines starting with a period are escaped by a second period (as per # section 2.4 of the control-spec) if line.startswith(".."): line = line[1:] # appends to previous content, using a newline rather than CRLF # separator (more conventional for multi-line string content outside # the windows world) content += "\n" + line parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content))
def recv_message(control_file): """ Pulls from a control socket until we either have a complete message or encounter a problem. :param file control_file: file derived from the control socket (see the socket's makefile() method for more information) :returns: :class:`~stem.response.ControlMessage` read from the socket :raises: * :class:`stem.ProtocolError` the content from the socket is malformed * :class:`stem.SocketClosed` if the socket closes before we receive a complete message """ parsed_content, raw_content = [], [] logging_prefix = 'Error while receiving a control message (%s): ' while True: try: # From a real socket readline() would always provide bytes, but during # tests we might be given a StringIO in which case it's unicode under # python 3.x. line = stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes(control_file.readline()) except AttributeError: # if the control_file has been closed then we will receive: # AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'recv' prefix = logging_prefix % 'SocketClosed' + 'socket file has been closed') raise stem.SocketClosed('socket file has been closed') except (socket.error, ValueError) as exc: # When disconnected we get... # # Python 2: # socket.error: [Errno 107] Transport endpoint is not connected # # Python 3: # ValueError: I/O operation on closed file. prefix = logging_prefix % 'SocketClosed' + 'received exception "%s"' % exc) raise stem.SocketClosed(exc) raw_content.append(line) # Parses the tor control lines. These are of the form... # <status code><divider><content>\r\n if len(line) == 0: # if the socket is disconnected then the readline() method will provide # empty content prefix = logging_prefix % 'SocketClosed' + 'empty socket content') raise stem.SocketClosed('Received empty socket content.') elif len(line) < 4: prefix = logging_prefix % 'ProtocolError' + 'line too short, "%s"' % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError('Badly formatted reply line: too short') elif not re.match(b'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}[-+ ]', line): prefix = logging_prefix % 'ProtocolError' + 'malformed status code/divider, "%s"' % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError('Badly formatted reply line: beginning is malformed') elif not line.endswith(b'\r\n'): prefix = logging_prefix % 'ProtocolError' + 'no CRLF linebreak, "%s"' % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError('All lines should end with CRLF') line = line[:-2] # strips off the CRLF status_code, divider, content = line[:3], line[3:4], line[4:] content_lines = [content] if stem.prereq.is_python_3(): status_code = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(status_code) divider = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(divider) if divider == '-': # mid-reply line, keep pulling for more content parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) elif divider == ' ': # end of the message, return the message parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) raw_content_str = b''.join(raw_content) log_message = raw_content_str.replace(b'\r\n', b'\n').rstrip() log.trace('Received from tor:\n' + stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(log_message)) return stem.response.ControlMessage(parsed_content, raw_content_str) elif divider == '+': # data entry, all of the following lines belong to the content until we # get a line with just a period while True: try: line = stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes(control_file.readline()) except socket.error as exc: prefix = logging_prefix % 'SocketClosed' + 'received an exception while mid-way through a data reply (exception: "%s", read content: "%s")' % (exc, log.escape(b''.join(raw_content)))) raise stem.SocketClosed(exc) raw_content.append(line) if not line.endswith(b'\r\n'): prefix = logging_prefix % 'ProtocolError' + 'CRLF linebreaks missing from a data reply, "%s"' % log.escape(b''.join(raw_content))) raise stem.ProtocolError('All lines should end with CRLF') elif line == b'.\r\n': break # data block termination line = line[:-2] # strips off the CRLF # lines starting with a period are escaped by a second period (as per # section 2.4 of the control-spec) if line.startswith(b'..'): line = line[1:] content_lines.append(line) # joins the content using a newline rather than CRLF separator (more # conventional for multi-line string content outside the windows world) parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, b'\n'.join(content_lines))) else: # this should never be reached due to the prefix regex, but might as well # be safe... prefix = logging_prefix % 'ProtocolError' log.warn(prefix + "\"%s\" isn't a recognized divider type" % divider) raise stem.ProtocolError("Unrecognized divider type '%s': %s" % (divider, stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(line)))
def recv_message(control_file): """ Pulls from a control socket until we either have a complete message or encounter a problem. :param file control_file: file derived from the control socket (see the socket's makefile() method for more information) :returns: :class:`~stem.response.ControlMessage` read from the socket :raises: * :class:`stem.ProtocolError` the content from the socket is malformed * :class:`stem.SocketClosed` if the socket closes before we receive a complete message """ parsed_content, raw_content = [], b"" logging_prefix = "Error while receiving a control message (%s): " while True: try: # From a real socket readline() would always provide bytes, but during # tests we might be given a StringIO in which case it's unicode under # python 3.x. line = stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes(control_file.readline()) except AttributeError: # if the control_file has been closed then we will receive: # AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'recv' prefix = logging_prefix % "SocketClosed" + "socket file has been closed") raise stem.SocketClosed("socket file has been closed") except (socket.error, ValueError) as exc: # When disconnected we get... # # Python 2: # socket.error: [Errno 107] Transport endpoint is not connected # # Python 3: # ValueError: I/O operation on closed file. prefix = logging_prefix % "SocketClosed" + "received exception \"%s\"" % exc) raise stem.SocketClosed(exc) raw_content += line # Parses the tor control lines. These are of the form... # <status code><divider><content>\r\n if len(line) == 0: # if the socket is disconnected then the readline() method will provide # empty content prefix = logging_prefix % "SocketClosed" + "empty socket content") raise stem.SocketClosed("Received empty socket content.") elif len(line) < 4: prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" + "line too short, \"%s\"" % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError("Badly formatted reply line: too short") elif not re.match(b'^[a-zA-Z0-9]{3}[-+ ]', line): prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" + "malformed status code/divider, \"%s\"" % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError( "Badly formatted reply line: beginning is malformed") elif not line.endswith(b"\r\n"): prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" + "no CRLF linebreak, \"%s\"" % log.escape(line)) raise stem.ProtocolError("All lines should end with CRLF") line = line[:-2] # strips off the CRLF status_code, divider, content = line[:3], line[3:4], line[4:] if stem.prereq.is_python_3(): status_code = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(status_code) divider = stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(divider) if divider == "-": # mid-reply line, keep pulling for more content parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) elif divider == " ": # end of the message, return the message parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) log_message = raw_content.replace(b"\r\n", b"\n").rstrip() log.trace("Received from tor:\n" + stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(log_message)) return stem.response.ControlMessage(parsed_content, raw_content) elif divider == "+": # data entry, all of the following lines belong to the content until we # get a line with just a period while True: try: line = stem.util.str_tools._to_bytes( control_file.readline()) except socket.error as exc: prefix = logging_prefix % "SocketClosed" prefix + "received an exception while mid-way through a data reply (exception: \"%s\", read content: \"%s\")" % (exc, log.escape(raw_content))) raise stem.SocketClosed(exc) raw_content += line if not line.endswith(b"\r\n"): prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" prefix + "CRLF linebreaks missing from a data reply, \"%s\"" % log.escape(raw_content)) raise stem.ProtocolError("All lines should end with CRLF") elif line == b".\r\n": break # data block termination line = line[:-2] # strips off the CRLF # lines starting with a period are escaped by a second period (as per # section 2.4 of the control-spec) if line.startswith(b".."): line = line[1:] # appends to previous content, using a newline rather than CRLF # separator (more conventional for multi-line string content outside # the windows world) content += b"\n" + line parsed_content.append((status_code, divider, content)) else: # this should never be reached due to the prefix regex, but might as well # be safe... prefix = logging_prefix % "ProtocolError" log.warn(prefix + "\"%s\" isn't a recognized divider type" % divider) raise stem.ProtocolError( "Unrecognized divider type '%s': %s" % (divider, stem.util.str_tools._to_unicode(line)))