Exemplo n.º 1
def add_segmentation_ssdf(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, seeds, model,  
                        graphname, s2=None, modelname='modelavgreg', 
                        stentType=None, params=None):
    """ Add a model to an existing ssdf but separate from the existing graph
    s2 = ssdf of existing model to add new segmentation graph in ssdf
    graphname = name of new graph to save in ssdf
    if s2 is None:
        s2 = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname) # unpacks to graph
    s2['params'+graphname] = params
    s2['stentType'+graphname] = stentType
    # Store model
    if model is not None: # step 2 and 3 were performed otherwise NoneType
        s2['model'+graphname] = model
        s2['seeds'+graphname] = seeds
    else: # store seeds as model
        s2['model'+graphname] = seeds.copy()
        s2['seeds'+graphname] = seeds
    # pack all graphs to ssdf for save
    for key in dir(s2):
        if key.startswith('model'):
            s2[key] = s2[key].pack()
        if key.startswith('seeds'):
            s2[key] = s2[key].pack()
    # Save
    filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname)
    ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s2)
    print('saved to disk in {} as {}.'.format(basedir, filename) )
Exemplo n.º 2
def showModel3d(basedir,ptcode, ctcode, cropname='ring', showVol='MIP',
    showmodel=True, graphname='model', **kwargs):
    """ show model and vol in 3d by mip iso or 2D
    graphname 'all' draws all graph models stored in s, if multiple
    s = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname='modelavgreg')
    vol = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what='avgreg').vol
    # figure
    f = vv.figure(); vv.clf()
    f.position = 0.00, 22.00,  1920.00, 1018.00
    a = vv.gca()
    a.axis.axisColor = 1,1,1
    a.axis.visible = False
    a.bgcolor = 0,0,0
    a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
    t = show_ctvolume(vol, axis=a, showVol=showVol, removeStent=False, 
                        climEditor=True, **kwargs)
    label = pick3d(a, vol)
    vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
    if showmodel:
        if graphname == 'all':
            for key in dir(s):
                if key.startswith('model'):
                    s[key].Draw(mc='b', mw = 5, lc='g', alpha = 0.5)
            s[graphname].Draw(mc='b', mw = 5, lc='g', alpha = 0.5)
    vv.title('Model for LSPEAS %s  -  %s' % (ptcode[8:], ctcode))
    # f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.RotateView(event, [a], axishandling=False ))
    f.eventKeyDown.Bind(lambda event: _utils_GUI.ViewPresets(event, [a]) )
    return f, a, label, s
Exemplo n.º 3
def make_model_dynamic(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what='avgreg'):
    """ Read deforms and model to make model dynamic, ie, add deforms to edges
    and nodes in the graph
    # Load deforms
    s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'deforms')
    deformkeys = []
    for key in dir(s):
        if key.startswith('deform'):
    deforms = [s[key] for key in deformkeys]
    deforms = [pirt.DeformationFieldBackward(*fields) for fields in deforms]
    paramsreg = s.params
    # Load model
    s = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'model'+what)
    for key in dir(s):
        if key.startswith('model'):
            model = s[key]
            # Combine ...
            incorporate_motion_nodes(model, deforms, s.origin) # adds deforms PointSets
            incorporate_motion_edges(model, deforms, s.origin) # adds deforms PointSets
            s[key] = model.pack()
        # also pack seeds before save
        if key.startswith('seeds'):
            s[key] = s[key].pack()
    # Save back
    filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'model'+what)
    s.paramsreg = paramsreg
    ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s)
    print('saved dynamic to disk in {} as {}.'.format(basedir, filename) )
Exemplo n.º 4
def model2mesh(basedir,savedir,ptcode,ctcode,cropname,modelname='modelavgreg'):
    from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh
    # formats that can be saved to: .obj .stl .ssdf .bsdf 
    filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.stl' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname)
    # Load the stent model and mesh
    s = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname)
    model = s.model
    mesh = create_mesh(model, 0.4)  # Param is thickness (with 0.4 -> ~0.75mm diam)
    mesh._vertices[:,-1] *= -1 # flip z, negative in original dicom
    mesh._normals[:,-1] *= -1  # flip also normals to change front face and back face along
    vv.meshWrite(os.path.join(savedir, filename),mesh)
def loadvolmodel(basedir,
    """ load vol and model
    s1 = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode1, cropname, modelname)
    model = s1.model
    models1 = []
    for ringname in ringnames:
        model1 = s1[ringname]
        if ringpart:
            models = get_model_struts(model1, nstruts=nstruts)
            modelRs = get_model_rings(models[2])  # model_R1R2
            model1 = modelRs[ringpart - 1]  # R1 or R2
    vol1 = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode1, cropname, 'avgreg').vol

    return vol1, models1, model
Exemplo n.º 6
def add_segmentation_graph(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, seeds, model, 
                        s2=None, graphname='', modelname='modelavgreg'):
    """ add segmentation to an existing graph
    s2 = ssdf of existing segmentation model to add graph to this model
    graphname = model is default storename for model but can also be
                modelbranch for example if this was used in add_segmentation_ssdf
    if s2 is None:
        s2 = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname) # unpacks
    graphold = s2['model'+graphname]
    seedsold = s2['seeds'+graphname]
    # add seeds graph
    seedsold.add_nodes_from(seeds.nodes(data=True)) # including attributes if any
    # add nodes and edges to graph model
    if model is not None: # step 2 and 3 were performed otherwise NoneType
    else: # store seeds with model
    # Store model
    s2['model'+graphname] = graphold
    s2['seeds'+graphname] = seedsold
    # pack all graphs to ssdf for save
    for key in dir(s2):
        if key.startswith('model'):
            s2[key] = s2[key].pack()
        if key.startswith('seeds'):
            s2[key] = s2[key].pack()
    # Save
    filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname)
    ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s2)
    print('saved to disk in {} as {}.'.format(basedir, filename) )
Exemplo n.º 7
# Load deforms
s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'deforms')
deformkeys = []
for key in dir(s):
    if key.startswith('deform'):
deforms = [s[key] for key in deformkeys]
deforms = [pirt.DeformationFieldBackward(*fields) for fields in deforms]
paramsreg = s.params

# Load centerline mat
matName = '%s_%s_%s_%s.mat' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what)
centerlineMat = scipy.io.loadmat(os.path.join(basedirstl, ptcode, matName))

# Load model
s = loadmodel(basedirstl, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what)
for key in dir(s):
    if key.startswith('model'):
        model = s[key]

        # Combine ...
        incorporate_motion_nodes(model, deforms,
                                 s.origin)  # adds deforms PointSets
        incorporate_motion_edges(model, deforms,
                                 s.origin)  # adds deforms PointSets

        # get deforms of centerline path as array
        assert model.number_of_edges() == 1  # cll should be 1 path
        centerlineEdge = model.edges()[0]  # the two nodes that define the edge
        centerlineDeforms = model.edge[centerlineEdge[0]][
Exemplo n.º 8
    import visvis as vv
    from visvis import ssdf
    from visvis import Pointset
    from stentseg.utils.picker import pick3d, get_picked_seed
    from stentseg.utils import PointSet, _utils_GUI, visualization

    basedir = select_dir(os.getenv('LSPEAS_BASEDIR',
                                   ''), r'D:\LSPEAS\LSPEAS_ssdf',
                         r'F:\LSPEAS_ssdf_BACKUP', r'G:\LSPEAS_ssdf_BACKUP')

    ptcode = 'LSPEAS_025'
    ctcode = '1month'
    cropname = 'ring'
    modelname = 'modelavgreg'

    s = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname)
    model = s.model.copy()

    # Load volume
    s_vol = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'avgreg')
    vol = s_vol.vol

    # Load deforms
    s_deforms = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'deforms')
    deformkeys = []
    for key in dir(s_deforms):
        if key.startswith('deform'):
    deforms = [s_deforms[key] for key in deformkeys]
    deforms = [pirt.DeformationFieldBackward(*fields) for fields in deforms]
AC.a.bgcolor = 1, 1, 1

# get start endpoints
stentsStartPoints = AC.s.StartPoints
stentsEndPoints = AC.s.EndPoints
vesselStartPoints = AC.s_vessel.StartPoints
vesselEndPoints = AC.s_vessel.EndPoints

# get ppcenterlines to plot with appropriate markers and colors
allcenterlines = AC.s.ppallCenterlines
allcenterlinesv = AC.s_vessel.ppallCenterlines

# get seedpoints segmentations
s_modelvessel = loadmodel(basedir,
ppmodelvessel = points_from_nodes_in_graph(s_modelvessel.model)

s_model = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, 'prox', modelname='modelavgreg')
ppmodel = points_from_nodes_in_graph(s_model.model)

# Visualize
vv.cla()  # clear vol otherwise plots not visible somehow

# seedpoints segmentations
vv.plot(ppmodelvessel, ms='.', ls='', alpha=0.6, mw=2)
vv.plot(ppmodel, ms='.', ls='', alpha=0.6, mw=2)
Exemplo n.º 10
s = loadvol(basedir2, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what)

nrs = [1,2,4,5,7,8,10,11,13,14,16,17,19,20,22,23,25,26]

FIG1 = False

## Load all rings of the limb
for i in nrs:
    ring = 'ringR%s' %(i)
    filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'model'+what,ring)
    s["ringR" + str(i)] = ssdf.load(os.path.join(basedir1, filename))

## Visualize centerlines rings
s2 = loadmodel(targetdir2, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname='stentseedsavgreg')
pmodel = points_from_nodes_in_graph(s2.model)
if FIG1 == True:
    f = vv.figure(1); vv.clf()
    f.position = 709.00, 30.00,  1203.00, 1008.00
    a1 = vv.subplot(121)
    show_ctvolume(s.vol, None, showVol=showVol, clim=clim0, isoTh=isoTh, removeStent=False)
    label = pick3d(vv.gca(), s.vol)
    a1.axis.visible = showAxis
    a1.daspect = 1,1,-1 
    a2 = vv.subplot(122)
    vv.plot(pmodel, ms='.', ls='', alpha=0.2, mw = 2) # stent seed points
    for i in nrs:  
        pp = s["ringR" + str(i)].ringpoints
        vv.plot(pp[0],pp[1],pp[2], ms='.', ls='', mw=3, mc='c')
Exemplo n.º 11
    def __init__(self,
                 clim2=(0, 2)):
        Script to show the stent model. [ nellix]

        import os
        import pirt
        import visvis as vv

        from stentseg.utils.datahandling import select_dir, loadvol, loadmodel
        from pirt.utils.deformvis import DeformableTexture3D, DeformableMesh
        from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh
        from stentseg.stentdirect import stentgraph
        from stentseg.utils.visualization import show_ctvolume
        from stentseg.motion.vis import create_mesh_with_abs_displacement
        import copy
        from stentseg.motion.dynamic import incorporate_motion_nodes, incorporate_motion_edges
        from lspeas.utils.ecgslider import runEcgSlider
        from stentseg.utils import _utils_GUI

        import numpy as np

        cropname = 'prox'
        # params
        nr = 1
        # motion = 'amplitude'  # amplitude or sum
        dimension = 'xyz'
        showVol = showVol  # MIP or ISO or 2D or None
        clim0 = (0, 2000)
        # clim2 = (0,2)
        motionPlay = 9, 1  # each x ms, a step of x %

        s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what='deforms')
        m = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname,
        v = loadmodel(basedir,
        s2 = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what='avgreg')
        vol_org = copy.deepcopy(s2.vol)
        s2.vol.sampling = [
            vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[2]
        s2.sampling = s2.vol.sampling
        vol = s2.vol

        # merge models into one for dynamic visualization
        model_total = stentgraph.StentGraph()
        for key in dir(m):
            if key.startswith('model'):
                    m[key].nodes(data=True))  # also attributes
        for key in dir(v):
            if key.startswith('model'):
                    v[key].nodes(data=True))  # also attributes

        # Load deformations (forward for mesh)
        deformkeys = []
        for key in dir(s):
            if key.startswith('deform'):
        deforms = [s[key] for key in deformkeys]
        deforms = [[field[::2, ::2, ::2] for field in fields]
                   for fields in deforms]

        # These deforms are forward mapping. Turn into DeformationFields.
        # Also get the backwards mapping variants (i.e. the inverse deforms).
        # The forward mapping deforms should be used to deform meshes (since
        # the information is used to displace vertices). The backward mapping
        # deforms should be used to deform textures (since they are used in
        # interpolating the texture data).
        deforms_f = [pirt.DeformationFieldForward(*f) for f in deforms]
        deforms_b = [f.as_backward() for f in deforms_f]

        # Create mesh
        if meshWithColors:
                modelmesh = create_mesh_with_abs_displacement(model_total,
            except KeyError:
                print('Centerline model has no pathdeforms so we create them')
                # use unsampled deforms
                deforms2 = [s[key] for key in deformkeys]
                # deforms as backward for model
                deformsB = [
                    for fields in deforms2
                # set sampling to original
                # for i in range(len(deformsB)):
                #         deformsB[i]._field_sampling = tuple(s.sampling)
                # not needed because we use unsampled deforms
                # Combine ...
                incorporate_motion_nodes(model_total, deformsB, s2.origin)
                incorporate_motion_edges(model_total, deformsB, s2.origin)
                modelmesh = create_mesh_with_abs_displacement(model_total,
            modelmesh = create_mesh(model_total, 0.7, fullPaths=True)

        ## Start vis
        f = vv.figure(nr)
        if nr == 1:
            f.position = 8.00, 30.00, 944.00, 1002.00
            f.position = 968.00, 30.00, 944.00, 1002.00
        a = vv.gca()
        a.axis.axisColor = 1, 1, 1
        a.axis.visible = False
        a.bgcolor = 0, 0, 0
        a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
        t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=clim0, renderStyle=showVol, axes=a)
        vv.xlabel('x (mm)')
        vv.ylabel('y (mm)')
        vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
        if meshWithColors:
            if dimension == 'xyz':
                dim = '3D'
                'Model for chEVAS %s  (color-coded %s of movement in %s in mm)'
                % (ptcode[8:], motion, dim))
            vv.title('Model for chEVAS %s' % (ptcode[8:]))

        colorbar = True
        # Create deformable mesh
        dm = DeformableMesh(a, modelmesh)  # in x,y,z
                        for deform in deforms_f])  # from z,y,x to x,y,z
        if meshWithColors:
            dm.clim = clim2
            dm.colormap = vv.CM_JET  #todo: use colormap Viridis or Magma as JET is not linear (https://bids.github.io/colormap/)
            if colorbar:
            colorbar = False
            dm.faceColor = 'g'

        # Run mesh
        # a.SetView(viewringcrop)
                      motionPlay[1])  # (10, 0.2) = each 10 ms do a step of 20%
        dm.motionSplineType = 'B-spline'
        dm.motionAmplitude = 0.5

        ## run ecgslider
        ecg = runEcgSlider(dm, f, a, motionPlay)
Exemplo n.º 12
    def __init__(self,
        """ with start and endpoints provided, calculate centerline and save as
        ssdf in basedir as model and dynamic model
        #todo: name of dynamic model is now deforms, unclear, should be dynamic
        #import numpy as np
        import visvis as vv
        import numpy as np
        import os
        import copy

        from stentseg.utils import PointSet, _utils_GUI
        from stentseg.utils.centerline import (find_centerline,
        from stentseg.utils.datahandling import loadmodel, loadvol
        from stentseg.utils.visualization import show_ctvolume
        from stentseg.utils.picker import pick3d

        stentnr = len(StartPoints)

        cropname = 'prox'
        what = modelname
        what_vol = 'avgreg'
        vismids = True
        m = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what)
        s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what_vol)
        s.vol.sampling = [s.sampling[1], s.sampling[1], s.sampling[2]]
        s.sampling = s.vol.sampling

        start1 = StartPoints.copy()
        ends = EndPoints.copy()

        from stentseg.stentdirect import stentgraph
        ppp = points_from_nodes_in_graph(m.model)

        allcenterlines = []  # for pp
        allcenterlines_nosmooth = []  # for pp
        centerlines = []  # for stentgraph
        nodes_total = stentgraph.StentGraph()
        for j in range(stentnr):
            if j == 0 or not start1[j] == ends[j - 1]:
                # if first stent or when stent did not continue with this start point
                nodes = stentgraph.StentGraph()
                centerline = PointSet(3)  # empty

            # Find main centerline
            # if j > 3: # for stent with midpoints
            #     centerline1 = find_centerline(ppp, start1[j], ends[j], step= 1,
            #     ndist=10, regfactor=0.5, regsteps=10, verbose=False)

            centerline1 = find_centerline(ppp,
            # centerline1 is a PointSet

            print('Centerline calculation completed')

            # ========= Maaike =======
            smoothfactor = 15  # Mirthe used 2 or 4

            # check if cll continued here from last end point
            if not j == 0 and start1[j] == ends[j - 1]:
                # yes we continued
                ppart = centerline1[:
                                    -1]  # cut last but do not cut first point as this is midpoint
                # do not use first points, as they are influenced by user selected points
                ppart = centerline1[1:-1]

            for p in ppart:

            # if last stent or stent does not continue with next start-endpoint
            if j == stentnr - 1 or not ends[j] == start1[j + 1]:
                # store non-smoothed for vis
                pp = smooth_centerline(centerline, n=smoothfactor)
                # add pp to list
                allcenterlines.append(pp)  # list with PointSet per centerline
                self.allcenterlines = allcenterlines

                # add pp as nodes
                for i, p in enumerate(pp):
                    p_as_tuple = tuple(p.flat)
                # add pp as one edge so that pathpoints are in fixed order
                pstart = tuple(pp[0].flat)
                pend = tuple(pp[-1].flat)
                nodes.add_edge(pstart, pend, path=pp)
                nodes_total.add_edge(pstart, pend, path=pp)
                # add final centerline nodes model to list

            # ========= Maaike =======

        ## Store segmentation to disk

        # Build struct
        s2 = vv.ssdf.new()
        s2.sampling = s.sampling
        s2.origin = s.origin
        s2.stenttype = m.stenttype
        s2.croprange = m.croprange
        for key in dir(m):
            if key.startswith('meta'):
                suffix = key[4:]
                s2['meta' + suffix] = m['meta' + suffix]
        s2.what = what
        s2.params = s.params  #reg
        s2.paramsseeds = m.params
        s2.stentType = 'nellix'
        s2.StartPoints = StartPoints
        s2.EndPoints = EndPoints
        # keep centerlines as pp also [Maaike]
        s2.ppallCenterlines = allcenterlines
        for k in range(len(allcenterlines)):
            suffix = str(k)
            pp = allcenterlines[k]
            s2['ppCenterline' + suffix] = pp

        s3 = copy.deepcopy(s2)
        s3['model'] = nodes_total.pack()

        # Store model for each centerline
        for j in range(len(centerlines)):
            suffix = str(j)
            model = centerlines[j]
            s2['model' + suffix] = model.pack()

        # Save model with seperate centerlines.
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname,
                                         'centerline_' + what)
        vv.ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s2)
        print('saved to disk as {}.'.format(filename))

        # Save model with combined centerlines
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname,
                                         'centerline_total_' + what)
        vv.ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s3)
        print('saved to disk as {}.'.format(filename))

        # remove intermediate centerline points
        # start1 = map(tuple, start1)
        # ends = map(tuple, ends)
        startpoints_clean = copy.deepcopy(start1)
        endpoints_clean = copy.deepcopy(ends)
        duplicates = list(set(start1) & set(ends))
        for i in range(len(duplicates)):

        f = vv.figure(10)
        a1 = vv.subplot(121)
        a1.daspect = 1, 1, -1

        vv.plot(ppp, ms='.', ls='', alpha=0.6, mw=2)
        for j in range(len(startpoints_clean)):
                    mw=20)  # startpoint green
                    mw=20)  # endpoint red
        for j in range(len(allcenterlines)):
            vv.plot(allcenterlines[j], ms='.', ls='', mw=10, mc='y')
        vv.title('Centerlines and seed points')
        vv.xlabel('x (mm)')
        vv.ylabel('y (mm)')
        vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
        # for j in range(len(allcenterlines_nosmooth)):
        #     vv.plot(allcenterlines_nosmooth[j], ms='o', ls='', mw=10, mc='c', alpha=0.6)

        a2 = vv.subplot(122)
        a2.daspect = 1, 1, -1

        vv.plot(ppp, ms='.', ls='', alpha=0.6, mw=2)
        # vv.volshow(s.vol, clim=clim, renderStyle = 'mip')
        t = show_ctvolume(s.vol,
                          clim=(0, 2500),
        label = pick3d(vv.gca(), s.vol)
        for j in range(len(startpoints_clean)):
                    alpha=0.6)  # startpoint green
                    alpha=0.6)  # endpoint red
        for j in range(len(allcenterlines)):
            vv.plot(allcenterlines[j], ms='o', ls='', mw=10, mc='y', alpha=0.6)

        # show midpoints (e.g. duplicates)
        if vismids:
            for p in duplicates:
                vv.plot(p[0], p[1], p[2], mc='m', ms='o', mw=10, alpha=0.6)

        a2.axis.visible = False

        vv.title('Centerlines and seed points')

        a1.camera = a2.camera

            lambda event: _utils_GUI.RotateView(event, [a1, a2]))
            lambda event: _utils_GUI.ViewPresets(event, [a1, a2]))

        # Pick node for midpoint to redo get_centerline
        self.pickedCLLpoint = _utils_GUI.Event_pick_graph_point(
            nodes_total, s.vol, label, nodesOnly=True)  # x,y,z
        # use key p to select point

        vv.gca().daspect = 1, 1, -1
        t = show_ctvolume(s.vol,
                          clim=(0, 2500),
        label2 = pick3d(vv.gca(), s.vol)
        for j in range(len(startpoints_clean)):
                    alpha=0.6)  # startpoint green
                    alpha=0.6)  # endpoint red
        vv.xlabel('x (mm)')
        vv.ylabel('y (mm)')
        vv.zlabel('z (mm)')

        ## Make model dynamic (and store/overwrite to disk)
        import pirt
        from stentseg.motion.dynamic import incorporate_motion_nodes, incorporate_motion_edges

        # Load deforms
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'deforms')
        s1 = vv.ssdf.load(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename))
        deformkeys = []
        for key in dir(s1):
            if key.startswith('deform'):
        deforms = [s1[key] for key in deformkeys]
        deforms = [
            pirt.DeformationFieldBackward(*fields) for fields in deforms
        for i in range(len(deforms)):
            deforms[i]._field_sampling = tuple(s1.sampling)
        paramsreg = s1.params

        # Load model
        s2 = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'centerline_' + what)
        s3 = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname,
                       'centerline_total_' + what)

        # Combine ...
        for key in dir(s2):
            if key.startswith('model'):
                incorporate_motion_nodes(s2[key], deforms, s.origin)
                incorporate_motion_edges(s2[key], deforms, s.origin)
                model = s2[key]
                s2[key] = model.pack()
        # Combine ...
        for key in dir(s3):
            if key.startswith('model'):
                incorporate_motion_nodes(s3[key], deforms, s.origin)
                incorporate_motion_edges(s3[key], deforms, s.origin)
                model = s3[key]
                s3[key] = model.pack()

        # Save
        s2.paramsreg = paramsreg
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname,
                                         'centerline_' + what + '_deforms')
        vv.ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s2)
        print('saved to disk as {}.'.format(filename))

        # Save
        s3.paramsreg = paramsreg
        filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.ssdf' % (
            ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'centerline_total_' + what + '_deforms')
        vv.ssdf.save(os.path.join(basedir, ptcode, filename), s3)
        print('saved to disk as {}.'.format(filename))
Exemplo n.º 13
        modelname = 'modelavgreg' # default for stents
        # modelname = 'modelvesselavgreg' 
        foo = _Get_Centerline(ptcode,ctcode,StartPoints,EndPoints, basedir, modelname=modelname) # MK: start=distal points
        # loads prox_avgreg (reg) and prox_modelavgreg (segm)
        # saves centerline_modelavgreg and centerline_total_modelavgreg; also with _deforms as dynamic centerline
        # in centerline we have all centerlines but separate graphs; in centerline_total merged in one graph
        allcenterlines = foo.allcenterlines # list with PointSet per centerline
        print('centerline: done')

if False:
        from stentseg.utils.centerline import points_from_nodes_in_graph
        modelname = 'centerline_modelavgreg_deforms'
        # modelname = 'centerline_modelvesselavgreg_deforms' 
        s = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, 'prox', modelname=modelname)
        from nellix.identify_centerlines import identifyCenterlines
        a, s2 = identifyCenterlines(s, ptcode,ctcode,basedir,modelname,showVol='MIP')

if False: 
        import os
        from stentseg.utils.datahandling import select_dir, loadmodel, loadvol
        from stentseg.utils.picker import pick3d
        ptcodes = [
                # 'chevas_01',
                # 'chevas_02',
                # 'chevas_03',
                # 'chevas_04',
Exemplo n.º 14
ptcode = 'chevas_09_thin'
ctcode = '12months'
phases = range(10)  # all 10 phases

showmodelavgreg = True
showvol = True

# get vol for reference
s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, 'prox', what='avgreg')
# set sampling for cases where this was not stored correctly
s.vol.sampling = [s.sampling[1], s.sampling[1], s.sampling[2]]
vol = s.vol

s_modelcll = loadmodel(basedir,
# get graph
modelcll = s_modelcll.model

s_modelcll_vessel = loadmodel(basedir,
# get graph
models = []
for key in s_modelcll_vessel:
    if key.startswith('model'):
        cllv = s_modelcll_vessel[key]
Exemplo n.º 15
                     r'C:\Users\Maaike\SURFdrive\UTdrive\LSPEAS\Analysis\Landmark Validation\phantom_article\ssdf')

# Select location .mat file
matsave = select_dir(r'D:\Profiles\koenradesma\SURFdrive\UTdrive\LSPEAS\Analysis\Landmark Validation\phantom_article\mat',
            r'C:\Users\Maaike\SURFdrive\UTdrive\LSPEAS\Analysis\Landmark Validation\phantom_article\mat')

# Select dataset to select landmarks
ptcode = 'LSPEAS_020' # 002_6months, 008_12months, 011_discharge, 17_1month, 20_discharge, 25_12months
ctcode = 'discharge'
cropname = 'stent' # use stent crops

observer = 'obs1'
# =========== ALGORITHM PHASES / AVGREG ===============

## Load dynamic landmark model and export to mat file    
s2 = loadmodel(os.path.join(dirsave,observer), ptcode, ctcode, cropname, 'landmarksavgreg')

landmarks = s2.landmarksavgreg

# # landmarks with deforms
# deformslandmark = []
# for i in range(len(landmarks.nodes())):
#     point = landmarks.nodes()[i]
#     u = landmarks.node[point]
#     deformslandmark.append(u)   
# print(deformslandmark)

# Calculate algorithm coordinates with avgreg & deforms
algorithmpoints = []
algorithmnumbers =[]
algtranslationx = []
Exemplo n.º 16
    xrenal2, yrenal2, zrenal2 = 171, 165.1, 39.5
    renal2 = PointSet(list((xrenal2, yrenal2, zrenal2)))

# renal_left, renal_right = foo.readRenalsExcel(sheet_renals_obs, ptcode, ctcode1)
# renal1 = renal_left

## Load (dynamic) stent models, vessel, ct
# Load static CT image to add as reference
s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode1, cropname, 'avgreg')
vol1 = s.vol
if ctcode2:
    s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode2, cropname, 'avgreg')
    vol2 = s.vol

# load stent model
s2 = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode1, cropname, modelname)
model1 = s2.model
modelmesh1 = create_mesh(model1, meshradius)
if ctcode2:
    s2 = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode2, cropname, modelname)
    model2 = s2.model
    modelmesh2 = create_mesh(model2, meshradius)

# Load vessel mesh (output Mimics)
vessel1 = loadmesh(basedirstl, ptcode, vesselname1)  #inverts Z
if ctcode2:
    vessel2 = loadmesh(basedirstl, ptcode, vesselname2)  #inverts Z
# get pointset from STL
ppvessel1 = points_from_mesh(vessel1, invertZ=False)  # removes duplicates
if ctcode2:
    ppvessel2 = points_from_mesh(vessel2, invertZ=False)  # removes duplicates
Exemplo n.º 17
    def __init__(self,ptcode,ctcode,allcenterlines,basedir):
        Script to show the stent plus centerline model and select points on 
        centerlines for motion analysis 
        import os, time
        import pirt
        import visvis as vv
        import numpy as np
        import math
        import itertools
        import xlsxwriter
        from datetime import datetime

        from stentseg.utils.datahandling import select_dir, loadvol, loadmodel
        from stentseg.utils.new_pointset import PointSet
        from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh
        from stentseg.motion.vis import create_mesh_with_abs_displacement
        from stentseg.utils.visualization import show_ctvolume
        from pirt.utils.deformvis import DeformableTexture3D, DeformableMesh
        from stentseg.utils import PointSet
        from stentseg.stentdirect import stentgraph
        from visvis import Pointset # for meshes
        from stentseg.stentdirect.stentgraph import create_mesh
        from visvis.processing import lineToMesh, combineMeshes
        from visvis import ssdf
        from stentseg.utils.picker import pick3d
            from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui # PyQt5
        except ImportError:
            from PySide import QtCore, QtGui # PySide2
        from stentseg.apps.ui_dialog import MyDialog
        from stentseg.utils.centerline import dist_over_centerline # added for Mirthe 
        import copy
        cropname = 'prox'
        exceldir = os.path.join(basedir,ptcode)
        # Load deformations and avg ct (forward for mesh)
        # centerlines combined in 1 model
        m = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname = 'centerline_total_modelavgreg_deforms') 
        model = m.model
        # centerlines separated in a model for each centerline
        # m_sep = loadmodel(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, modelname = 'centerline_modelavgreg_deforms')
        s = loadvol(basedir, ptcode, ctcode, cropname, what='avgreg')
        vol_org = copy.deepcopy(s.vol)
        s.vol.sampling = [vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[1], vol_org.sampling[2]]
        s.sampling = s.vol.sampling
        vol = s.vol
        # Start visualization and GUI
        fig = vv.figure(30); vv.clf()
        fig.position = 0.00, 30.00,  944.00, 1002.00
        a = vv.gca()
        a.axis.axisColor = 1,1,1
        a.axis.visible = True
        a.bgcolor = 0,0,0
        a.daspect = 1, 1, -1
        lim = 2500
        t = vv.volshow(vol, clim=(0, lim), renderStyle='mip')
        pick3d(vv.gca(), vol)
        b = model.Draw(mc='b', mw = 0, lc='g', alpha = 0.5)
        vv.xlabel('x (mm)');vv.ylabel('y (mm)');vv.zlabel('z (mm)')
        vv.title('Model for LSPEAS %s  -  %s' % (ptcode[7:], ctcode))
        # Add clickable nodes
        t0 = time.time()
        node_points = []
        for i, node in enumerate(sorted(model.nodes())):
            node_point = vv.solidSphere(translation = (node), scaling = (0.6,0.6,0.6))
            node_point.faceColor = 'b'
            node_point.alpha = 0.5
            node_point.visible = True
            node_point.node = node
            node_point.nr = i
        t1 = time.time()
        print('Clickable nodes created, which took %1.2f min.' % ((t1-t0)/60))
        # list of correctly clicked nodes
        selected_nodes_sum = set()
        # Initialize labels
        t0 = vv.Label(a, '\b{Node nr|location}: ', fontSize=11, color='w')
        t0.position = 0.1, 25, 0.5, 20  # x (frac w), y, w (frac), h
        t0.bgcolor = None
        t0.visible = True
        t1 = vv.Label(a, '\b{Nodepair}: ', fontSize=11, color='w')
        t1.position = 0.1, 45, 0.5, 20
        t1.bgcolor = None
        t1.visible = True
        # Initialize output variable to store pulsatility analysis
        storeOutput = list()
        def on_key(event): 
            if event.key == vv.KEY_ENTER:
                # mogenlijkheden aantal nodes 
                    # 1 voor relative beweging vanuit avg punt
                    # 2 voor onderlinge beweging tussen twee punten
                    # 3 voor hoek in punt 2 van punt 1 naar punt 3
                if len(selected_nodes) == 1:
                    selectn1 = selected_nodes[0].node
                    n1index = selected_nodes[0].nr
                    n1Deforms = model.node[selectn1]['deforms']
                    output = point_pulsatility(selectn1, n1Deforms)
                    output['NodesIndex'] = [n1index]
                    # Store output with name
                    dialog_output = get_index_name()
                    output['Name'] = dialog_output
                    # update labels
                    t1.text = '\b{Node}: %i' % (n1index)
                    t1.visible = True
                    print('selection of 1 node stored')

                if len(selected_nodes) == 2:
                    # get nodes
                    selectn1 = selected_nodes[0].node
                    selectn2 = selected_nodes[1].node
                    # get index of nodes which are in fixed order
                    n1index = selected_nodes[0].nr
                    n2index = selected_nodes[1].nr
                    nindex = [n1index, n2index]
                    # get deforms of nodes
                    n1Deforms = model.node[selectn1]['deforms']
                    n2Deforms = model.node[selectn2]['deforms']
                    # get pulsatility
                    cl_merged = append_centerlines(allcenterlines) 
                    output = point_to_point_pulsatility(cl_merged, selectn1, 
                                        n1Deforms, selectn2, n2Deforms, type='euclidian')
                    output['NodesIndex'] = nindex
                    # get distance_centerline
                    #dist_cl = dist_over_centerline(cl_merged, selectn1, selectn2, type='euclidian') # toegevoegd Mirthe
                    #dist_cl = dist_centerline_total(cl_merged, selectn1, 
                    #                    n1Deforms, selectn2, n2Deforms, type='euclidian')
                    # Store output with name
                    dialog_output = get_index_name()
                    output['Name'] = dialog_output
                    # update labels
                    t1.text = '\b{Node pair}: %i - %i' % (nindex[0], nindex[1])
                    t1.visible = True
                    print('selection of 2 nodes stored')
                if len(selected_nodes) == 3:
                    # get nodes
                    selectn1 = selected_nodes[0].node
                    selectn2 = selected_nodes[1].node
                    selectn3 = selected_nodes[2].node
                    # get index of nodes which are in fixed order
                    n1index = selected_nodes[0].nr
                    n2index = selected_nodes[1].nr
                    n3index = selected_nodes[2].nr
                    nindex = [n1index, n2index, n3index]
                    # get deforms of nodes
                    n1Deforms = model.node[selectn1]['deforms']
                    n2Deforms = model.node[selectn2]['deforms']
                    n3Deforms = model.node[selectn3]['deforms']
                    # get angulation
                    output = line_line_angulation(selectn1, 
                                        n1Deforms, selectn2, n2Deforms, selectn3, n3Deforms)
                    output['NodesIndex'] = nindex
                    # Store output with name
                    dialog_output = get_index_name()
                    output['Name'] = dialog_output
                    # update labels
                    t1.text = '\b{Nodes}: %i - %i - %i' % (nindex[0], nindex[1], nindex[2])
                    t1.visible = True
                    print('selection of 3 nodes stored')
                if len(selected_nodes) > 3:
                    for node in selected_nodes:
                        node.faceColor = 'b'
                    print('to many nodes selected, select 1,2 or 3 nodes')
                if len(selected_nodes) < 1:
                    for node in selected_nodes:
                        node.faceColor = 'b'
                    print('to few nodes selected, select 1,2 or 3 nodes')                
                # Visualize analyzed nodes and deselect
                for node in selected_nodes:

                for node in selected_nodes_sum:
                    node.faceColor = 'g'  # make green when analyzed
            if event.key == vv.KEY_ESCAPE:
                # FINISH MODEL, STORE TO EXCEL
                # Store to EXCEL
                storeOutputToExcel(storeOutput, exceldir)
                print('output stored to excel')
        selected_nodes = list()
        def select_node(event):
            """ select and deselect nodes by Double Click
            if event.owner not in selected_nodes:
                event.owner.faceColor = 'r'
            elif event.owner in selected_nodes:
                event.owner.faceColor = 'b'
        def pick_node(event):
            nodenr = event.owner.nr
            node = event.owner.node
            t0.text = '\b{Node nr|location}: %i | x=%1.3f y=%1.3f z=%1.3f' % (nodenr,node[0],node[1],node[2])
        def unpick_node(event):
            t0.text = '\b{Node nr|location}: '
        def point_pulsatility(point1, point1Deforms):
            n1Indices = point1 + point1Deforms
            pos_combinations = list(itertools.combinations(range(len(point1Deforms)),2))
            distances = []
            for i in pos_combinations:
                v = point1Deforms[i[0]] - point1Deforms[i[1]]
                distances.append(((v[0]**2 + v[1]**2 + v[2]**2)**0.5 ))
            distances = np.array(distances)
            # get max distance between phases
            point_phase_max = distances.max()
            point_phase_max = [point_phase_max, [x*10 for x in (pos_combinations[list(distances).index(point_phase_max)])]]
            # get min distance between phases
            point_phase_min = distances.min()
            point_phase_min = [point_phase_min, [x*10 for x in (pos_combinations[list(distances).index(point_phase_min)])]]
            return {'point_phase_min':point_phase_min,'point_phase_max': point_phase_max, 'Node1': [point1, point1Deforms]}

        def point_to_point_pulsatility(cl, point1, point1Deforms, 
                                            point2, point2Deforms,type='euclidian'):
            import numpy as np
            n1Indices = point1 + point1Deforms
            n2Indices = point2 + point2Deforms
            # define vector between nodes
            v = n1Indices - n2Indices
            distances = ( (v[:,0]**2 + v[:,1]**2 + v[:,2]**2)**0.5 ).reshape(-1,1)
            # get min and max distance
            point_to_pointMax = distances.max()
            point_to_pointMin = distances.min()
            # add phase in cardiac cycle where min and max where found (5th = 50%)
            point_to_pointMax = [point_to_pointMax, (list(distances).index(point_to_pointMax) )*10]
            point_to_pointMin = [point_to_pointMin, (list(distances).index(point_to_pointMin) )*10]
            # get median of distances
            point_to_pointMedian = np.percentile(distances, 50) # Q2
            # median of the lower half, Q1 and upper half, Q3
            point_to_pointQ1 = np.percentile(distances, 25)
            point_to_pointQ3 = np.percentile(distances, 75)
            # Pulsatility min max distance point to point
            point_to_pointP = point_to_pointMax[0] - point_to_pointMin[0]
            # add % change to pulsatility
            point_to_pointP = [point_to_pointP, (point_to_pointP/point_to_pointMin[0])*100 ]
            # find index of point on cll and calculate length change cll ???
            if isinstance(cl, PointSet):
                cl = np.asarray(cl).reshape((len(cl),3))
            indpoint1 = np.where( np.all(cl == point1, axis=-1) )[0] # -1 counts from last to the first axis
            indpoint2 = np.where( np.all(cl == point2, axis=-1) )[0] # renal point
            n1Indices = point1 + point1Deforms
            n2Indices = point2 + point2Deforms
            clDeforms = []
            clpart_deformed = []
            vectors = []
            clpart = []
            d = []
            dist_cl = []   
            clpartDeforms = []
            clpart_deformed_test = []
            for i in range(len(cl)):
                clDeforms1 = model.node[cl[i,0], cl[i,1], cl[i,2]]['deforms']
                clpart_deformed1 = cl[i] + clDeforms1
            # clpart = cl[min(indpoint1[0], indpoint2[0]):max(indpoint1[0], indpoint2[0])+1]
            clpart = clpart_deformed[min(indpoint1[0], indpoint2[0]):max(indpoint1[0], indpoint2[0])+1]
            # for i in range(len(clpart)):
            #     clpartDeforms1 = model.node[clpart[i,0], clpart[i,1], clpart[i,2]]['deforms']
            #     clpartDeforms.append(clpartDeforms1)
            #     clpart_deformed1_test = cl[i] + clpartDeforms1
            #     clpart_deformed_test.append(clpart_deformed1_test)
            # for k in range(len(n1Indices)):
            #     vectors_phases = np.vstack([clpart_deformed_test[i+1][k]-clpart_deformed_test[i][k] for i in range(len(clpart)-1)])
            #     vectors.append(vectors_phases)
            for k in range(len(n1Indices)):
                vectors_phases = np.vstack([clpart[i+1][k]-clpart[i][k] for i in range(len(clpart)-1)])
            for i in range(len(vectors)):
                if type == 'euclidian':
                    d1 = (vectors[i][:,0]**2 + vectors[i][:,1]**2 + vectors[i][:,2]**2)**0.5  # 3Dvector length in mm
                elif type == 'z':
                    d = abs(vectors[i][:,2])  # x,y,z ; 1Dvector length in mm
            for i in range(len(d)):
                dist = d[i].sum()
            #if indpoint2 > indpoint1: # stent point proximal to renal on centerline: positive
            cl_min_index1 = np.argmin(dist_cl)   
            cl_min_index = cl_min_index1*10
            cl_min = min(dist_cl)
            cl_max_index1 = np.argmax(dist_cl)   
            cl_max_index = cl_max_index1*10
            cl_max = max(dist_cl)
            print ([dist_cl])
            print ([point1, point2])
            return {'point_to_pointMin': point_to_pointMin, 
            'point_to_pointQ1': point_to_pointQ1, 
            'point_to_pointMedian': point_to_pointMedian, 
            'point_to_pointQ3': point_to_pointQ3, 
            'point_to_pointMax': point_to_pointMax, 
            'point_to_pointP': point_to_pointP, 
            'Node1': [point1, point1Deforms], 
            'Node2': [point2, point2Deforms], 'distances': distances, 
            'dist_cl': dist_cl, 'cl_min_index': cl_min_index, 
            'cl_max_index': cl_max_index, 'cl_min': cl_min, 'cl_max': cl_max}
        def line_line_angulation(point1, point1Deforms, point2, point2Deforms, point3, point3Deforms):
            n1Indices = point1 + point1Deforms
            n2Indices = point2 + point2Deforms
            n3Indices = point3 + point3Deforms
            # get vectors
            v1 = n1Indices - n2Indices
            v2 = n3Indices - n2Indices
            # get angles
            angles = []
            for i in range(len(v1)):
            angles = np.array(angles)
            # get all angle differences of all phases
            pos_combinations = list(itertools.combinations(range(len(v1)),2))
            angle_diff = []
            for i in pos_combinations:
                v = point1Deforms[i[0]] - point1Deforms[i[1]]
                angle_diff.append(abs(angles[i[0]] - angles[i[1]]))
            angle_diff = np.array(angle_diff)
            # get max angle differences
            point_angle_diff_max = angle_diff.max()
            point_angle_diff_max = [point_angle_diff_max, [x*10 for x in
            # get min angle differences
            point_angle_diff_min = angle_diff.min()
            point_angle_diff_min = [point_angle_diff_min, [x*10 for x in 
            return {'point_angle_diff_min':point_angle_diff_min,
            'point_angle_diff_max': point_angle_diff_max, 'angles': angles, 
            'Node1': [point1, point1Deforms], 'Node2': [point2, point2Deforms], 
            'Node3': [point3, point1Deforms]}
        def append_centerlines(allcenterlines):
            """ Merge seperated PointSet centerlines into one PointSet
            # cl_merged = allcenterlines[0]
            cl_merged = PointSet(3)
            for i in range(0,len(allcenterlines)):
                for point in allcenterlines[i]:
            return cl_merged
        def get_index_name():
                # Gui for input name
                app = QtGui.QApplication([])
                m = MyDialog()
                dialog_output = m.edit.text()
                return dialog_output  
        def storeOutputToExcel(storeOutput, exceldir):
            """Create file and add a worksheet or overwrite existing
            # https://pypi.python.org/pypi/XlsxWriter
            workbook = xlsxwriter.Workbook(os.path.join(exceldir,'storeOutput.xlsx'))
            worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet('General')
            # set column width
            worksheet.set_column('A:A', 35)
            worksheet.set_column('B:B', 30)
            # add a bold format to highlight cells
            bold = workbook.add_format({'bold': True})
            # write title and general tab
            worksheet.write('A1', 'Output ChEVAS dynamic CT, 10 Phases', bold)
            analysisID = '%s_%s_%s' % (ptcode, ctcode, cropname)
            worksheet.write('A2', 'Filename:', bold)
            worksheet.write('B2', analysisID)
            worksheet.write('A3', 'Date and Time:', bold)
            date_time = datetime.now() #strftime("%d-%m-%Y %H:%M")
            date_format_str = 'dd-mm-yyyy hh:mm'
            date_format = workbook.add_format({'num_format': date_format_str,
                                      'align': 'left'})
            worksheet.write_datetime('B3', date_time, date_format)
            # write 'storeOutput'
            sort_index = []
            for i in range(len(storeOutput)):
                type = len(storeOutput[i]['NodesIndex'])
                sort_index.append([i, type])
            sort_index = np.array(sort_index)
            sort_index = sort_index[sort_index[:,1].argsort()]
            for i, n in sort_index:
                worksheet = workbook.add_worksheet(storeOutput[i]['Name'])
                worksheet.set_column('A:A', 35)
                worksheet.set_column('B:B', 20)
                worksheet.write('A1', 'Name:', bold)
                worksheet.write('B1', storeOutput[i]['Name'])
                if n == 1:
                    worksheet.write('A2', 'Type:', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B2', '1 Node')
                    worksheet.write('A3', 'Minimum translation (mm, Phases)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B3', storeOutput[i]['point_phase_min'][0])
                    worksheet.write_row('C3', list(storeOutput[i]['point_phase_min'][1]))
                    worksheet.write('A4', 'Maximum translation (mm, Phases)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B4', storeOutput[i]['point_phase_max'][0])
                    worksheet.write_row('C4', list(storeOutput[i]['point_phase_max'][1]))
                    worksheet.write('A5', 'Avg node position and deformations', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B5', str(list(storeOutput[i]['Node1'][0])))
                    worksheet.write_row('C5', [str(x)for x in list(storeOutput[i]['Node1'][1])])
                    worksheet.write('A6', 'Node Index Number', bold)
                    worksheet.write_row('B6', list(storeOutput[i]['NodesIndex'])) 
                elif n == 2:
                    worksheet.write('A2', 'Type:', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B2', '2 Nodes')
                    worksheet.write('A3', 'Minimum distance (mm, Phases)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B3', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointMin'][0])
                    worksheet.write('C3', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointMin'][1])
                    worksheet.write('A4', 'Q1 distance (mm)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B4', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointQ1'])

                    worksheet.write('A5', 'Median distance (mm)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B5', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointMedian'])
                    worksheet.write('A6', 'Q3 distance (mm)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B6', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointQ3'])
                    worksheet.write('A7', 'Maximum distance (mm, phases)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B7', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointMax'][0])
                    worksheet.write('C7', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointMax'][1])
                    worksheet.write('A8', 'Maximum distance difference (mm)', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B8', storeOutput[i]['point_to_pointP'][0])
                    worksheet.write('A9', 'Distances for each phase', bold)
                    worksheet.write_row('B9', [str(x) for x in list(storeOutput[i]['distances'])])
                    worksheet.write('A10', 'Avg node1 position and deformations', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B10', str(list(storeOutput[i]['Node1'][0])))
                    worksheet.write_row('C10', [str(x) for x in list(storeOutput[i]['Node1'][1])])
                    worksheet.write('A11', 'Avg node2 position and deformations', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B11', str(list(storeOutput[i]['Node2'][0])))
                    worksheet.write_row('C11', [str(x) for x in list(storeOutput[i]['Node2'][1])])
                    worksheet.write('A12', 'Node Index Number', bold)
                    worksheet.write_row('B12', list(storeOutput[i]['NodesIndex'])) 
                    worksheet.write('A13', 'Length centerline', bold) 
                    worksheet.write('B13', str(list(storeOutput[i]['dist_cl']))) 
                    worksheet.write('A14', 'Minimum length centerline', bold) 
                    worksheet.write('B14', storeOutput[i]['cl_min']) 
                    worksheet.write('C14', storeOutput[i]['cl_min_index']) 
                    worksheet.write('A15', 'Maximum length centerline', bold) 
                    worksheet.write('B15', storeOutput[i]['cl_max'])  
                    worksheet.write('C15', storeOutput[i]['cl_max_index']) 
                elif n == 3:
                    worksheet.write('A2', 'Type:', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B2', '3 Nodes')
                    worksheet.write('A3', 'Minimum angle difference (degrees, Phases)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B3', storeOutput[i]['point_angle_diff_min'][0])
                    worksheet.write_row('C3', list(storeOutput[i]['point_angle_diff_min'][1]))
                    worksheet.write('A4', 'Maximum angle difference (degrees, Phases)',bold)
                    worksheet.write('B4', storeOutput[i]['point_angle_diff_max'][0])
                    worksheet.write_row('C4', list(storeOutput[i]['point_angle_diff_max'][1]))
                    worksheet.write('A5', 'Angles for each phase (degrees)',bold)
                    worksheet.write_row('B5', list(storeOutput[i]['angles']))
                    worksheet.write('A6', 'Avg node1 position and deformations', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B6', str(list(storeOutput[i]['Node1'][0])))
                    worksheet.write_row('C6', [str(x) for x in list(storeOutput[i]['Node1'][1])])
                    worksheet.write('A7', 'Avg node2 position and deformations', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B7', str(list(storeOutput[i]['Node2'][0])))
                    worksheet.write_row('C7', [str(x) for x in list(storeOutput[i]['Node2'][1])])
                    worksheet.write('A8', 'Avg node2 position and deformations', bold)
                    worksheet.write('B8', str(list(storeOutput[i]['Node3'][0])))
                    worksheet.write_row('C8', [str(x) for x in list(storeOutput[i]['Node3'][1])])
                    worksheet.write('A9', 'Node Index Number', bold)
                    worksheet.write_row('B9', list(storeOutput[i]['NodesIndex']))   
        # Bind event handlers
        for node_point in node_points: