Exemplo n.º 1
def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='MWA - Add observations to Workflow Manager')

    parser.add_argument('--config_file', dest='config_file', required=False,
                        help="Specify the complete path to the config file, by default we'll use etc/still.cfg")
    parser.add_argument('-o', dest='obsnums', required=False, nargs='+',
                        help="List of obervations seperated by spaces")
    parser.add_argument('--generate', dest='generate', required=False,
                        help="Generates a list of unprocessed obsnums, note that projID and filecount have not been checked")

    parser.set_defaults(config_file="%setc/still.cfg" % basedir)

    args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()

    sg = SpawnerClass()
    wf = WorkFlow()

    sg.config_file = args.config_file
    process_client_config_file(sg, wf)
    dbi = get_dbi_from_config(args.config_file)
    dbi.test_db()  # Testing the database to make sure we made a connection, its fun..
    if args.generate:
        for obsid in args.obsnums:
            print("Obsid: %s") % obsid
            dbi.add_observation(obsid, obsid, "GPS", None, None, None, outputhost=None, length=None, status='NEW')
def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="MWA - Add observations to Workflow Manager")

        help="Specify the complete path to the config file, by default we'll use etc/still.cfg",
    parser.add_argument("-o", dest="obsnums", required=False, nargs="+", help="List of obervations seperated by spaces")

    parser.set_defaults(config_file="%setc/still.cfg" % basedir)

    args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()

    sg = SpawnerClass()
    wf = WorkFlow()

    sg.config_file = args.config_file
    process_client_config_file(sg, wf)
    dbi = get_dbi_from_config(args.config_file)
    dbi.test_db()  # Testing the database to make sure we made a connection, its fun..
    for obsid in args.obsnums:
        print("Obsid: %s") % obsid
        dbi.add_observation(obsid, obsid, "GPS", None, None, None, outputhost=None, length=None, status="NEW")
Exemplo n.º 3
def main():

    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(
        description='MWA - Add observations to Workflow Manager')

        "Specify the complete path to the config file, by default we'll use etc/still.cfg"
                        help="List of obervations seperated by spaces")
        "Generates a list of unprocessed obsnums, note that projID and filecount have not been checked"

    parser.set_defaults(config_file="%setc/still.cfg" % basedir)

    args, unknown = parser.parse_known_args()

    sg = SpawnerClass()
    wf = WorkFlow()

    sg.config_file = args.config_file
    process_client_config_file(sg, wf)
    dbi = get_dbi_from_config(args.config_file)
    )  # Testing the database to make sure we made a connection, its fun..
    if args.generate:
        for obsid in args.obsnums:
            print("Obsid: %s") % obsid
def main (args):
    o = optparse.OptionParser ()
    o.set_usage ('load_observations_librarian.py')
    o.set_description (__doc__)
    o.add_option('--connection', help='the name of the Librarian connection to use (specified in .hl_client.cfg)')
    opts, args = o.parse_args (args)

    # Some boilerplate to set up the database interface ...
    spawner = SpawnerClass()
    workflow = WorkFlow()
    spawner.config_file = os.path.join (basedir, 'etc/still.cfg')
    process_client_config_file (spawner, workflow)
    dbi = get_dbi_from_config (spawner.config_file)
    dbi.test_db ()

    # Get the list of potentially-relevant files from the Librarian.

    lc = hera_librarian.LibrarianClient (opts.connection)
        listing = lc.list_files_without_history_item (librarian_source,
    except hera_librarian.RPCFailedError as e:
        print ('RPC to librarian failed: %s' % e.message)
        sys.exit (1)

        files = listing['files']
        len (files)
    except Exception as e:
        print ('unexpected response from librarian: %s' % e)
        sys.exit (1)

    if not len (files):
        print ('No new files.')

    # for each file we should have a dict of at least:
    # name              -- something like 2456892/zen.2456892.49664.xx.uv
    # obsid             -- the obsid associated with this file
    # create_time       -- the Unix timestamp that the file was sent to the Librarian
    # size              -- file size in bytes
    # type              -- file "type" stored in the Librarian; "uv" for UV data
    # md5               -- the MD5 of the file contents; XXX may be calculated weirdly by Librarian
    # store_ssh_prefix  -- the Librarian "ssh_prefix" of the file's storage location
    # store_path_prefix -- the Librarian "path_prefix" of the file's storage location
    # We start by extracting a few useful pieces of meta-information:

    for f in files:
        f['jd'] = float (path_to_jd (f['name']))
        f['pol'] = path_to_pol (f['name'])

        # Extract the hostname of the store on which this file is stored from
        # its store's ssh_prefix. The prefix will look like "user@host",
        # but the "user@" part might not be present.
        f['store_host'] = f['store_ssh_prefix'].split ('@', 1)[-1]

        # Meanwhile, the RTP system expects the filenames to be absolute paths.
        f['name'] = f['store_path_prefix'] + '/' + f['name']

    # If at all possible, get a default observation length from the
    # separations between observations, in case we have any funky datasets
    # without the length embedded. We are somewhat recklessly assuming that
    # even if this batch of datasets spans different nights, they all will
    # have the same DJD; this doesn't seem too unreasonable.

    pols = list (set (f['pol'] for f in files))
    bestjds = []

    for pol in pols:
        jds = np.sort ([f['jd'] for f in files if f['pol'] == pol])
        if len (jds) > len (bestjds):
            bestjds = jds

    default_djd = None

    if len (bestjds) > 2:
        default_djd = np.median (np.diff (bestjds))
        print ('Inferring default djd = %.5f days' % default_djd)

        for f in files:
            f['djd'] = default_djd

    # Buuut let's get djd straight from the data if at all possible. If there
    # are any files for which we have no idea about the djd, we can't add
    # them. For everything else, no we can compute the 'obsnum' magic number
    # (which is not the same as obsid!).

    for f in files:
        djd = try_get_file_djd (f)
        if djd is not None:
            f['djd'] = djd

    files = [f for f in files if f.get ('djd') is not None]

    for f in files:
        f['obsnum'] = str (jdpol2obsnum (f['jd'], f['pol'], f['djd']))

    # Now let's fill in the "neighbor" information. XXX: if we only get, say,
    # a random subset of observations from one night, this information will be
    # grievously incomplete! I don't see a way around that given the way that
    # this aspect of things is handled at the moment.

    for pol in pols:
        sfiles = sorted ((f for f in files if f['pol'] == pol), key=lambda f: f['jd'])

        for i in xrange (len (sfiles)):
            f_this = sfiles[i]

            if i > 0:
                f_prev = sfiles[i - 1]

                if (f_this['jd'] - f_prev['jd']) < (1.2 * f_this['djd']):
                    f_this['neighbor_low'] = f_prev['jd']

            if i < len (sfiles) - 1:
                f_next = sfiles[i + 1]

                if (f_next['jd'] - f_this['jd']) < (1.2 * f_this['djd']):
                    f_this['neighbor_high'] = f_next['jd']

    # Now that we've computed everything, avoid duplicating files that we
    # already know about.

    from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

    def not_already_seen (filerec):
            obs = dbi.get_obs (filerec['obsnum'])
            print (repr (obs))
            return False
        except NoResultFound:
            return True

    n_before = len (files)
    files = [f for f in files if not_already_seen (f)]
    if len (files) != n_before:
        print ('Dropping %d already-ingested files.' % (n_before - len (files)))

    if not len (files):
        print ('Nothing to add.')

    # Let's go for it.

        print ('Attempting to add %d observations to the still ...' % len (files))
        dbi.add_observations ([augmented_file_to_obsinfo (f) for f in files], initial_status)
    except Exception as e:
        print ('addition failed! here\'s what was attempted:', file=sys.stderr)
        for f in files:
            print ('', file=sys.stderr)
            print (augmented_file_to_obsinfo (f), file=sys.stderr)
Exemplo n.º 5
def main(args):
    o = optparse.OptionParser()
        'the name of the Librarian connection to use (as in ~/.hl_client.cfg)')
                 help='RTP configuration file default=RTP/etc/still.cfg',
        'Only load files originating from the named "source" (default "%default")',
    opts, args = o.parse_args(args)

    # Some boilerplate to set up the database interface ...
    spawner = SpawnerClass()
    workflow = WorkFlow()
    spawner.config_file = os.path.join(basedir, opts.config_file)
    process_client_config_file(spawner, workflow)
    dbi = get_dbi_from_config(spawner.config_file)

    # Get the list of potentially-relevant files from the Librarian.

    lc = hera_librarian.LibrarianClient(opts.connection)
        listing = lc.describe_session_without_event(opts.source,
    except hera_librarian.RPCError as e:
        print('RPC to librarian failed: %s' % e.message)

    if not listing['any_matching']:
        print('No new sessions.')

    # For each record we get a dict of at least
    #   date        -- the start Julian Date of the observation
    #   pol         -- the polarization of the data ("xx" or "yy")
    #   store_path  -- the path of a file instance *within* a store
    #   path_prefix -- the store's path prefix, used to construct full paths
    #   host        -- the hostname of the store
    #   length      -- the duration of the observation in days
    # This is a pretty good start ... because of course the Librarian's API
    # call has been engineered to give us what we need.

    def augment_record(r):
        return {
            'obsnum': os.path.basename(
                r['store_path']),  # NOTE: this is actually free text
            'date': r['date'],
            'date_type': 'julian',
            'pol': r['pol'],
            'host': r['host'],
            'filename': os.path.join(r['path_prefix'], r['store_path']),
            'path_prefix': r['path_prefix'],
            'outputhost': '',
            'status': initial_status,
            'length': r['length'],

    obsinfos = [augment_record(r) for r in listing['info']]

    # Now we need to fill in the "neighbor" information.

    pols = set(oi['pol'] for oi in obsinfos)

    for pol in pols:
        soi = sorted((oi for oi in obsinfos if oi['pol'] == pol),
                     key=lambda oi: oi['date'])

        for i in xrange(len(soi)):
            oi_this = soi[i]

            if i > 0:
                oi_prev = soi[i - 1]

                if (oi_this['date'] - oi_prev['date']) < (1.2 *
                    oi_this['neighbor_low'] = oi_prev['date']

            if i < len(soi) - 1:
                oi_next = soi[i + 1]

                if (oi_next['date'] - oi_this['date']) < (1.2 *
                    oi_this['neighbor_high'] = oi_next['date']

    # Now that we've computed everything, avoid duplicating files that we
    # already know about. We shouldn't end up ever trying to submit
    # duplicates, but in practice ...

    from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

    def not_already_seen(oi):
            obs = dbi.get_obs(oi['obsnum'])
            return False
        except NoResultFound:
            return True

    n_before = len(obsinfos)
    obsinfos = [oi for oi in obsinfos if not_already_seen(oi)]
    if len(obsinfos) != n_before:
        print('Dropping %d already-ingested records.' %
              (n_before - len(obsinfos)))

    if not len(obsinfos):
        print('Nothing to add.')

    # Try ingesting into the RTP.

        print('Attempting to add %d observations to the still ...' %
        dbi.add_observations(obsinfos, initial_status)
    except Exception as e:
        print('addition failed! here\'s what was attempted:', file=sys.stderr)
        print('', file=sys.stderr)
        for oi in obsinfos:
            print(oi, file=sys.stderr)

    # Add events to the Librarian indicating that these files were
    # successfully ingested into the RTP.

    for oi in obsinfos:
Exemplo n.º 6
def main(args):
    # define option parsing function
    o = optparse.OptionParser()
    o.add_option('--config_file', help='RTP configuration file; default=etc/rtp_hera_h1c.cfg',
                 default='etc/rtp_hera_h1c.cfg', type=str)
    o.add_option('--date', help='JD for which to generate the status report;'
                 ' defaults to the current JD, minus 1 (i.e., the previous night\'s observation)',
                 default=0, type=int)
    opts, args = o.parse_args(args)

    # create a database interface
    spawner = SpawnerClass()
    spawner.config_file = os.path.join(basedir, opts.config_file)
    dbi = get_dbi_from_config(spawner.config_file)

    # summarize the status of the specified JD's observation
    if opts.date == 0:
        # get today's JD, subtract one to get yesterday, and make a new time
        # object for computing the (Gregorian) calendar date
        t = Time.now()
        jd_of_interest = int(t.jd) - 1
        t = Time(val=jd_of_interest, format='jd')
        t = Time(val=opts.date, format='jd')
        jd_of_interest = opts.date
    # convert JD to unix epoch to create datetime object, for writing human dates
    date = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(t.unix)
    datestr = date.strftime('%a %b %d, %Y')

    # query database
    s = dbi.Session()
    obsnums = s.query(Observation).filter(
    nobs = len(obsnums)

    if nobs == 0:
        print("No observations for JD {0:d} ({1})\n".format(jd_of_interest, datestr))
        # categorize observations
        ncomplete = 0
        nworking = 0
        nfailed = 0
        for obs in obsnums:
            if obs.status == "COMPLETE":
                ncomplete += 1
            elif (obs.current_stage_in_progress == "FAILED"
                  or obs.current_stage_in_progress == "KILLED"):
                nfailed += 1
                nworking += 1

        # make sure we didn't have any observations fall through the cracks
        if ncomplete + nfailed + nworking != nobs:
            print("Had {:d} total observations, {:d} complete, {:d} working, {:d} failed;"
                  " totals don\'t match!".format(nobs, ncomplete, nworking, nfailed))

        # write out report
        pct_comp = ncomplete / nobs * 100
        pct_work = nworking / nobs * 100
        pct_fail = nfailed / nobs * 100
        print("RTP report for JD {0:d} ({1})\n".format(jd_of_interest, datestr))
        print("Number of observations: {:d}".format(nobs))
        print("Number finished processing: {0:d} ({1:d}%)".format(ncomplete, int(pct_comp)))
        print("Number currently processing: {0:d} ({1:d}%)".format(nworking, int(pct_work)))
        print("Number failed: {0:d} ({1:d}%)".format(nfailed, int(pct_fail)))
Exemplo n.º 7

# setup my db connection
# Jon : set this up correctly, read conf file
config_file = basedir + 'etc/still.cfg'

sg = SpawnerClass()
wf = WorkFlow()

sg.config_file = config_file
process_client_config_file(sg, wf)

dbi = get_dbi_from_config(config_file)
dbi.test_db()  # Testing the database to make sure we made a connection, its fun..

stdscr.addstr("DiStiller Status Board. Monitoring")
stdscr.addstr(1, 0, "Press 'q' to exit")
statheight = 50
statusscr = curses.newwin(statheight, 400, 5, 0)
curline = 2
colwidth = 50
obslines = 20
stat = ['\\', '|', '/', '-', '.']
i = 0
Exemplo n.º 8
    'Default action is to skip obsrvations already in the db. Setting this option overrides this safety feature and attempts anyway'
opts, args = o.parse_args(sys.argv[1:])

# connect to the database

# Jon : set this up correctly, read conf file
config_file = basedir + 'etc/still.cfg'

sg = SpawnerClass()
wf = WorkFlow()

sg.config_file = config_file
process_client_config_file(sg, wf)

dbi = get_dbi_from_config(config_file)
# Testing the database to make sure we made a connection, its fun..

# dbi = DataBaseInterface()

# check that all files exist
for filename in args:
    print filename
    assert (filename.startswith('/'))
    assert (os.path.exists(filename))

# now run through all the files and build the relevant information for the db
# get the pols
pols = []
jds = []
Exemplo n.º 9
def main (args):
    o = optparse.OptionParser ()
    o.set_usage ('load_observations_librarian.py')
    o.set_description (__doc__)
    o.add_option('--connection', help='the name of the Librarian connection to use (as in ~/.hl_client.cfg)')
    o.add_option('--config_file',help='RTP configuration file default=RTP/etc/still.cfg',default='etc/still.cfg')
    o.add_option('--source', help='Only load files originating from the named "source" (default "%default")',
    opts, args = o.parse_args (args)

    # Some boilerplate to set up the database interface ...
    spawner = SpawnerClass()
    workflow = WorkFlow()
    spawner.config_file = os.path.join (basedir, opts.config_file)
    process_client_config_file (spawner, workflow)
    dbi = get_dbi_from_config (spawner.config_file)
    dbi.test_db ()

    # Get the list of potentially-relevant files from the Librarian.

    lc = hera_librarian.LibrarianClient (opts.connection)
        listing = lc.describe_session_without_event (opts.source,
    except hera_librarian.RPCError as e:
        print ('RPC to librarian failed: %s' % e.message)
        sys.exit (1)

    if not listing['any_matching']:
        print ('No new sessions.')

    # For each record we get a dict of at least
    #   date        -- the start Julian Date of the observation
    #   pol         -- the polarization of the data ("xx" or "yy")
    #   store_path  -- the path of a file instance *within* a store
    #   path_prefix -- the store's path prefix, used to construct full paths
    #   host        -- the hostname of the store
    #   length      -- the duration of the observation in days
    # This is a pretty good start ... because of course the Librarian's API
    # call has been engineered to give us what we need.

    def augment_record (r):
        return {
            'obsnum': os.path.basename (r['store_path']), # NOTE: this is actually free text
            'date': r['date'],
            'date_type': 'julian',
            'pol': r['pol'],
            'host': r['host'],
            'filename': os.path.join (r['path_prefix'], r['store_path']),
            'path_prefix': r['path_prefix'],
            'outputhost': '',
            'status': initial_status,
            'length': r['length'],

    obsinfos = [augment_record (r) for r in listing['info']]

    # Now we need to fill in the "neighbor" information.

    pols = set (oi['pol'] for oi in obsinfos)

    for pol in pols:
        soi = sorted ((oi for oi in obsinfos if oi['pol'] == pol), key=lambda oi: oi['date'])

        for i in xrange (len (soi)):
            oi_this = soi[i]

            if i > 0:
                oi_prev = soi[i - 1]

                if (oi_this['date'] - oi_prev['date']) < (1.2 * oi_this['length']):
                    oi_this['neighbor_low'] = oi_prev['date']

            if i < len (soi) - 1:
                oi_next = soi[i + 1]

                if (oi_next['date'] - oi_this['date']) < (1.2 * oi_this['length']):
                    oi_this['neighbor_high'] = oi_next['date']

    # Now that we've computed everything, avoid duplicating files that we
    # already know about. We shouldn't end up ever trying to submit
    # duplicates, but in practice ...

    from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound

    def not_already_seen (oi):
            obs = dbi.get_obs (oi['obsnum'])
            return False
        except NoResultFound:
            return True

    n_before = len (obsinfos)
    obsinfos = [oi for oi in obsinfos if not_already_seen (oi)]
    if len (obsinfos) != n_before:
        print ('Dropping %d already-ingested records.' % (n_before - len (obsinfos)))

    if not len (obsinfos):
        print ('Nothing to add.')

    # Try ingesting into the RTP.

        print ('Attempting to add %d observations to the still ...' % len (obsinfos))
        dbi.add_observations (obsinfos, initial_status)
    except Exception as e:
        print ('addition failed! here\'s what was attempted:', file=sys.stderr)
        print ('', file=sys.stderr)
        for oi in obsinfos:
            print (oi, file=sys.stderr)

    # Add events to the Librarian indicating that these files were
    # successfully ingested into the RTP.

    for oi in obsinfos:
        lc.create_file_event (os.path.basename (oi['filename']), rtp_ingested_key)