Exemplo n.º 1
def faster_correlation(fname, tr):
    # Load the ds114_sub009_t2r1.nii image
    img = nib.load(fname + ".nii")

    # Get the number of volumes in ds114_sub009_t2r1.nii
    n_trs = img.shape[-1]

    # Time between 3D volumes in seconds
    TR = tr

    # Get on-off timecourse
    time_course = events2neural(fname + "_cond.txt", TR, n_trs)

    # Drop the first 4 volumes, and the first 4 on-off values
    data = img.get_data()
    data = data[..., 4:]
    time_course = time_course[4:]

    # Calculate the number of voxels (number of elements in one volume)
    n_voxels = np.prod(data.shape[:-1])

    # Reshape 4D array to 2D array n_voxels by n_volumes
    data_2d = np.reshape(data, (n_voxels, data.shape[-1]))

    # Transpose 2D array to give n_volumes, n_voxels array
    data_2d_T = data_2d.T

    # Calculate 1D vector length n_voxels of correlation coefficients
    correlation_1d = pearson.pearson_2d(time_course, data_2d_T)

    # Reshape the correlations array back to 3D
    correlation_3d = correlation_1d.reshape(data.shape[:-1])

    return correlation_3d
Exemplo n.º 2
def corr(nii_file, cond_file):
	"""Find the correlations between time course and each voxel
	nii_file: bold.nii file 
	cond_file: condition file

	correlations: an array
	img = nib.load(nii_file)
	n_trs = img.shape[-1]
	TR = 2 #The TR (time between scans) is 2 seconds
	time_course = events2neural(cond_file, 2, n_trs)
	# Call the events2neural function to generate the on-off values for each volume
	data = img.get_data() 
	# Using slicing, drop the first 4 volumes, and the first 4 on-off values
	data = data[..., 4:]
	time_course = time_course[4:]
	n_voxels = np.prod(data.shape[:-1]) # Calculate the number of voxels (number of elements in one volume)
	data_2d = np.reshape(data, (n_voxels, data.shape[-1])) # Reshape 4D array to 2D array n_voxels by n_volumes
	correlations_1d = np.zeros((n_voxels,)) # Make a 1D array of size (n_voxels,) to hold the correlation values
	for i in range(n_voxels): # Loop over voxels filling in correlation at this voxel
		correlations_1d[i] = np.corrcoef(time_course, data_2d[i, :])[0, 1]
	correlations = np.reshape(correlations_1d, data.shape[:-1]) # Reshape the correlations array back to 3D
	plt.imshow(correlations[:, :, 14]) # Plot the middle slice of the third axis from the correlations array
	return correlations #get correlations of two value
Exemplo n.º 3
def test_convolve():
	TR = 2
	n_vols = 240
	duration = 1.5
	neural = events2neural(".././cond001.txt", TR, n_vols)
	conv = convolve(neural, TR, n_vols, 1.5)
	assert len(conv)==n_vols
Exemplo n.º 4
def predict_bold_signal(filename, duration, by, TR, n_vols):
    """return neural prediction and predicted BOLD signal """
    tr_times = np.arange(0, duration, by)
    hrf_at_trs = hrf(tr_times)
    neural_prediction = events2neural(filename, TR, n_vols)
    convolved = np.convolve(neural_prediction, hrf_at_trs)
    assert len(neural_prediction) + len(hrf_at_trs) - 1 == len(convolved)
    n_to_remove = len(hrf_at_trs) - 1
    convolved = convolved[:-n_to_remove]
    return neural_prediction, convolved
def test_corr():
	corr_act = corr(nii_file,cond_file)
	img = nib.load(nii_file)
	n_trs = img.shape[-1]
	TR = 2
	time_course = events2neural(cond_file, 2, n_trs)
	data = img.get_data() 
	data = data[..., 4:]
	time_course = time_course[4:]
	n_voxels = np.prod(data.shape[:-1]) 
	assert corr_act.shape == data.shape[:-1]
Exemplo n.º 6
def test_events2neural():
    # test events2neural function
    neural = stimuli.events2neural('cond_test1.txt', 2, 16)
    # cond_test1.txt file is:
    10    5.0    1
    20    4.0    2
    24    3.0    0.1
    # Expected values for tr=2, n_trs=16
    expected = np.zeros(16)
    expected[5:7] = 1
    expected[10:12] = 2
    expected[12] = 0.1
    npt.assert_array_equal(neural, expected)
    neural = stimuli.events2neural('cond_test1.txt', 1, 30)
    # Expected values for tr=1, n_trs=30
    expected = np.zeros(30)
    expected[10:15] = 1
    expected[20:24] = 2
    expected[24:27] = 0.1
    npt.assert_array_equal(neural, expected)
Exemplo n.º 7
def test_events2neural():
    # test events2neural function
    cond_test1 = np.loadtxt(data_location+'cond_test1.txt')
    neural = stimuli.events2neural(cond_test1, 2, 16)
    # cond_test1.txt file is:
    10    5.0    1
    20    4.0    2
    24    3.0    0.1
    # Expected values for tr=2, n_trs=16
    expected = np.zeros(16)
    expected[5:7] = 1
    expected[10:12] = 2
    expected[12] = 0.1
    npt.assert_array_equal(neural, expected)
def test_events2neural():
    # test events2neural function
    cond_test1 = np.loadtxt(data_location + 'cond_test1.txt')
    neural = stimuli.events2neural(cond_test1, 2, 16)
    # cond_test1.txt file is:
    10    5.0    1
    20    4.0    2
    24    3.0    0.1
    # Expected values for tr=2, n_trs=16
    expected = np.zeros(16)
    expected[5:7] = 1
    expected[10:12] = 2
    expected[12] = 0.1
    npt.assert_array_equal(neural, expected)
Exemplo n.º 9
def test_time_shift():
    # Intialize values for class data. 
    TR = 2.5
    tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
    hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])
    # Load class data.
    n_vols = 173
    neural_prediction = events2neural(pathtoclassdata+'ds114_sub009_t2r1_cond.txt', TR, n_vols)

    # Get np.convolve time course. 
    convolved = np.convolve(neural_prediction, hrf_at_trs) 
    N = len(neural_prediction)  # N == n_vols == 173

    # Compare shifted time courses by hand and using function.
    actual_shifted = convolved[5:(5+N)]
    exp_convolved2, exp_shifted = time_shift(convolved, neural_prediction, 5)
    assert_almost_equal(actual_shifted, exp_shifted)
Exemplo n.º 10
def test_time_shift():
    # Intialize values for class data. 
    TR = 2.5
    tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
    hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])
    # Load class data.
    n_vols = 173
    neural_prediction = events2neural(pathtoclassdata+'ds114_sub009_t2r1_cond.txt', TR, n_vols)

    # Get np.convolve time course. 
    convolved = np.convolve(neural_prediction, hrf_at_trs) 
    N = len(neural_prediction)  # N == n_vols == 173

    # Compare shifted time courses by hand and using function.
    actual_shifted = convolved[5:(5+N)]
    exp_convolved2, exp_shifted = time_shift(convolved, neural_prediction, 5)
    assert_almost_equal(actual_shifted, exp_shifted)
Exemplo n.º 11
def correlations(fname, tr):
	img = nib.load(fname + ".nii")
	TR = tr
	n_vol = img.shape[-1]

	time_course = events2neural(fname + "_cond.txt", TR, n_vol)
	time_course = time_course[4:]
	data = img.get_data()[...,4:]

	n_voxels = np.prod(data.shape[:-1])
	data_2d = np.reshape(data, (n_voxels, data.shape[-1]))
	correlations_1d = np.zeros((n_voxels, ))

	for i in range(n_voxels):
		correlations_1d[i] = np.corrcoef(time_course, data_2d[i, :])[0,1]

	correlations = np.reshape(correlations_1d, data.shape[:-1])

	return correlations
Exemplo n.º 12
def run_model(func_fname, cond_file, TR, n_dropped, sigma_thresh):
    img = nib.load(func_fname)
    data = img.get_data()
    n_vols = data.shape[-1]
    vol_shape = data.shape[:3]
    n_voxels = np.prod(vol_shape)
    data_2d = np.reshape(data, (-1, n_vols)).T
    neural = events2neural(cond_file, TR, n_vols + n_dropped)[n_dropped:]
    times = np.arange(0, 24, TR)
    hrf = spm_hrf(times)
    hemo = np.convolve(neural, hrf)[:n_vols]
    X = np.ones((n_vols, 3))
    X[:, 0] = hemo
    X[:, 1] = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_vols)
    betas = npl.pinv(X).dot(data_2d)
    fitted = X.dot(betas)
    residuals = data_2d - fitted
    df = n_vols - npl.matrix_rank(X)
    MRSS = (residuals ** 2).sum(axis=0) / df
    # Mask out voxels with tiny variance
    mask = MRSS > sigma_thresh
    c = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    design_variance = c.dot(npl.pinv(X.T.dot(X)).dot(c))
    con_1d = c.dot(betas)[mask]
    var_1d = np.sqrt(MRSS[mask] * design_variance)
    t_1d = con_1d / var_1d
    con_data = np.zeros(n_voxels)
    con_data[mask] = con_1d
    t_data = np.zeros(n_voxels)
    t_data[mask] = t_1d
    pth = dirname(func_fname)
    con_img = nib.Nifti1Image(con_data.reshape(vol_shape),
    nib.save(con_img, pjoin(pth, 'con_task2.nii'))
    t_img = nib.Nifti1Image(t_data.reshape(vol_shape),
    nib.save(t_img, pjoin(pth, 't_task2.nii'))
Exemplo n.º 13
def run_model(func_fname, cond_file, TR, n_dropped, sigma_thresh):
    img = nib.load(func_fname)
    data = img.get_data()
    n_vols = data.shape[-1]
    vol_shape = data.shape[:3]
    n_voxels = np.prod(vol_shape)
    data_2d = np.reshape(data, (-1, n_vols)).T
    neural = events2neural(cond_file, TR, n_vols + n_dropped)[n_dropped:]
    times = np.arange(0, 24, TR)
    hrf = spm_hrf(times)
    hemo = np.convolve(neural, hrf)[:n_vols]
    X = np.ones((n_vols, 3))
    X[:, 0] = hemo
    X[:, 1] = np.linspace(-1, 1, n_vols)
    betas = npl.pinv(X).dot(data_2d)
    fitted = X.dot(betas)
    residuals = data_2d - fitted
    df = n_vols - npl.matrix_rank(X)
    MRSS = (residuals**2).sum(axis=0) / df
    # Mask out voxels with tiny variance
    mask = MRSS > sigma_thresh
    c = np.array([1, 0, 0])
    design_variance = c.dot(npl.pinv(X.T.dot(X)).dot(c))
    con_1d = c.dot(betas)[mask]
    var_1d = np.sqrt(MRSS[mask] * design_variance)
    t_1d = con_1d / var_1d
    con_data = np.zeros(n_voxels)
    con_data[mask] = con_1d
    t_data = np.zeros(n_voxels)
    t_data[mask] = t_1d
    pth = dirname(func_fname)
    con_img = nib.Nifti1Image(con_data.reshape(vol_shape), img.affine,
    nib.save(con_img, pjoin(pth, 'con_task2.nii'))
    t_img = nib.Nifti1Image(t_data.reshape(vol_shape), img.affine, img.header)
    nib.save(t_img, pjoin(pth, 't_task2.nii'))
Exemplo n.º 14

# initial needed values
TR = 2
tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])
n_vols = data.shape[-1]

# creating the .txt file for the events2neural function
cond_all = np.row_stack((cond1, cond2, cond3))
cond_all = sorted(cond_all, key=lambda x: x[0])
np.savetxt(condition_location + "cond_all.txt", cond_all)

neural_prediction = events2neural(condition_location + "cond_all.txt", TR,
convolved = np.convolve(neural_prediction,
                        hrf_at_trs)  # hrf_at_trs sample data
N = len(neural_prediction)  # N == n_vols == 173
M = len(hrf_at_trs)  # M == 12
np_hrf = convolved[:N]

# From GLM function

np_B, np_X = glm(data, np_hrf)

# GLM Diagnostics (to get residuals)
Exemplo n.º 15

# Suppose that TR=2. We know this is not a good assumption.
# Also need to look into the hrf function. 
# initial needed values
TR = 2
tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])

# creating the .txt file for the events2neural function
cond_all=sorted(cond_all,key= lambda x:x[0])

neural_prediction = events2neural(condition_location+"cond_all.txt",TR,n_vols)
convolved = np.convolve(neural_prediction, hrf_at_trs) # hrf_at_trs sample data
N = len(neural_prediction)  # N == n_vols == 173
M = len(hrf_at_trs)  # M == 12


""" Run hypothesis testing script"""

B_my,t_my,df,p_my = t_stat(data, my_hrf, np.array([0,1]))

print("'my' convolution single regression (t,p):")
print("means of (t,p) for 'my' convolution: (" +str(np.mean(t_my))+str(np.mean(p_my)) +")")
Exemplo n.º 16
cond_all = np.loadtxt(condition_location + "cond_all.txt")

##############                ##############
# i. Comparing convolution and np.convolve #
##############                ##############

# i. Can the user-created functions match np.convolve in np.convolve territory

TR = 2.5
tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])

n_vols = 173
neural_prediction = events2neural(
    location_to_class_data + 'ds114_sub009_t2r1_cond.txt', TR, n_vols)
all_tr_times = np.arange(173) * TR

# a. np.convolve #

testconv_np = np.convolve(neural_prediction,
                          hrf_at_trs)  # hrf_at_trs sample data
N = len(neural_prediction)  # N == n_vols == 173
M = len(hrf_at_trs)  # M == 12
testconv_np = testconv_np[:N]

# b. user functions #
Exemplo n.º 17
four conditions

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from stimuli import events2neural
from convolution import convolve

TR = 2
n_vols = 240
duration = 3/TR

all_tr_times = np.arange(240)*2

neural1 = events2neural(".././cond001.txt", TR, n_vols)
neural2 = events2neural(".././cond002.txt", TR, n_vols)
neural3 = events2neural(".././cond003.txt", TR, n_vols)
neural4 = events2neural(".././cond004.txt", TR, n_vols)

convolved1 = convolve(neural1, TR, n_vols, duration)
np.savetxt("conv001.txt", convolved1)
convolved2 = convolve(neural2, TR, n_vols, duration)
np.savetxt("conv002.txt", convolved2)
convolved3 = convolve(neural3, TR, n_vols, duration)
np.savetxt("conv003.txt", convolved3)
convolved4 = convolve(neural4, TR, n_vols, duration)
np.savetxt("conv004.txt", convolved4)

plt.plot(all_tr_times, convolved1)
Exemplo n.º 18
def test_convolution():
	# i. Can the user-created functions match np.convolve in np.convolve territory

	TR = 2.5
	tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
	hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])

	n_vols = 173
	neural_prediction = events2neural(location_to_class_data+'ds114_sub009_t2r1_cond.txt',TR,n_vols)
	all_tr_times = np.arange(173) * TR

	# a. np.convolve #

	testconv_np = np.convolve(neural_prediction, hrf_at_trs) # hrf_at_trs sample data
	N = len(neural_prediction)  # N == n_vols == 173
	M = len(hrf_at_trs)  # M == 12

	# b. user functions #

	# second #

	testconv_2 = convolution(all_tr_times,neural_prediction,hrf_single)

	# third #

	testconv_3 = convolution_specialized(all_tr_times,neural_prediction,

	# fourth #

	on_off = np.zeros(174)
	real_times,on_off[:-1] = np.linspace(0,432.5,173+1),neural_prediction
	hrf_function,TR,record_cuts= hrf_single, 2.5 ,np.linspace(0,432.5,173+1)
	testconv_4_1 = np_convolve_30_cuts(real_times,on_off,hrf_function,TR,record_cuts,cuts=1)

	testconv_4_15 = np_convolve_30_cuts(real_times,on_off,hrf_function,TR,record_cuts,cuts=15)

	testconv_4_30 = np_convolve_30_cuts(real_times,on_off,hrf_function,TR,record_cuts,cuts=30)

	# fifth #

	testconv_5 = fast_convolution(all_tr_times,neural_prediction,fast_hrf,all_tr_times)

	print("Max difference between model and testconv_np:")
	for i,my_convolved in enumerate(additional_runs):
		if my_convolved.shape[0]==testconv_np.shape[0]:

# Actual asserts
	for i,my_convolved in enumerate(additional_runs):
		if my_convolved.shape[0]==testconv_np.shape[0]:
			assert (max(abs(testconv_np-my_convolved) < .0001))
			assert (max(abs(testconv_np-my_convolved[:-1]) < .0001))
#    np.convolve #

# initial needed values
TR = 2
tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])

# creating the .txt file for the events2neural function
cond_all=sorted(cond_all,key= lambda x:x[0])

# 1s are non special events

# doing the np.convolve
conv_np=conv_np[:-(len(hrf_at_trs)-1)] #shorting convolution vector

all_tr_times = np.arange(data.shape[-1]) * TR

scaled_np=(conv_np-np.mean(conv_np))/(2*np.std(conv_np)) +.4

#    user convolution #
Exemplo n.º 20
#    np.convolve #

# initial needed values
TR = 2
tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])

# creating the .txt file for the events2neural function
cond_all = np.row_stack((cond1, cond2, cond3))
cond_all = sorted(cond_all, key=lambda x: x[0])

np.savetxt(condition_location + "cond_all.txt", cond_all)
neural_prediction = events2neural(condition_location + "cond_all.txt", 2, 239)
# 1s are non special events

# doing the np.convolve
conv_np = np.convolve(neural_prediction, hrf_at_trs)
conv_np = conv_np[:-(len(hrf_at_trs) - 1)]  #shorting convolution vector

all_tr_times = np.arange(data.shape[-1]) * TR

scaled_np = (conv_np - np.mean(conv_np)) / (2 * np.std(conv_np)) + .4

#    user convolution #

# note: np.linspace(0,239*2-2,239) ==all_tr_times
Exemplo n.º 21

#     np.convolve #

TR = 2
tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])

n_vols = data.shape[-1] # time slices
X_np = np.ones((n_vols,4))

cond_string = ["cond001.txt","cond002.txt","cond003.txt"]
for i,name in enumerate(cond_string):
	nueral_prediction = events2neural(condition_location+name,TR,n_vols)
	hrf_long = np.convolve(nueral_prediction, hrf_at_trs)
	X_np[:,i+1] = hrf_long[:-(len(hrf_at_trs)-1)]

all_tr_times = np.arange(n_vols) * TR

#     convolution_specialized #
X_my = np.ones((n_vols,4))

conds = [cond1[:,0],cond2[:,0],cond3[:,0]]
for i,cond in enumerate(conds):
Exemplo n.º 22

    TR = 2
    tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
    hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])
    n_vols = data.shape[-1]

    # creating the .txt file for the events2neural function
    cond_all = np.row_stack((cond1, cond2, cond3))
    cond_all = sorted(cond_all, key=lambda x: x[0])
        pathtodata + i + "/model/model001/onsets/task001_run001/cond_all.txt",

    neural_prediction = events2neural(
        pathtodata + i + "/model/model001/onsets/task001_run001/cond_all.txt",
        TR, n_vols)
    convolved = np.convolve(neural_prediction, hrf_at_trs)  # hrf_at_trs sample

    N = len(neural_prediction)  # N == n_vols == 173
    M = len(hrf_at_trs)  # M == 12
    np_hrf = convolved[:N]

    B, t, df, p = t_stat(data, np_hrf, np.array([0, 1]))

    #Simple mask function
    mask = nib.load(pathtodata + i + '/anatomy/inplane001_brain_mask.nii.gz')
    mask_data = mask.get_data()

    t_mean[..., int(i[-1])] = make_mask(np.reshape(t, (64, 64, 34)),
Exemplo n.º 23
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
# %matplotlib
import nibabel as nib
img = nib.load('bold.nii')
data = img.get_data()
data = data[..., 1:]
vol0 = data[..., 0]
mean_data = np.mean(data, axis=-1)
mean_data[42, 32, 19] = np.max(mean_data)
plt.imshow(mean_data[:, :, 19], cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest')
voxel_time_course = data[42, 32, 19]
from stimuli import events2neural
TR = 2  # time between volumes
n_trs = img.shape[-1]  # The original number of TRs
neural = events2neural('cond002.txt', TR, n_trs)
neural = neural[1:]
plt.plot(neural, voxel_time_course, 'o')
np.corrcoef(neural, voxel_time_course)

##############                ##############
# i. Comparing convolution and np.convolve #
##############                ##############

# i. Can the user-created functions match np.convolve in np.convolve territory

TR = 2.5
tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])

n_vols = 173
neural_prediction = events2neural(location_to_class_data+'ds114_sub009_t2r1_cond.txt',TR,n_vols)
all_tr_times = np.arange(173) * TR

# a. np.convolve #

testconv_np = np.convolve(neural_prediction, hrf_at_trs) # hrf_at_trs sample data
N = len(neural_prediction)  # N == n_vols == 173
M = len(hrf_at_trs)  # M == 12

# b. user functions #
Exemplo n.º 25
    # Also need to look into the hrf function. 
    cond1=np.loadtxt(pathtodata+ i+ "/model/model001/onsets/task001_run001/cond001.txt")
    cond2=np.loadtxt(pathtodata+ i+ "/model/model001/onsets/task001_run001/cond002.txt")
    cond3=np.loadtxt(pathtodata+ i+ "/model/model001/onsets/task001_run001/cond003.txt")
    TR = 2
    tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
    hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])

    # creating the .txt file for the events2neural function
    cond_all=sorted(cond_all,key= lambda x:x[0])
    np.savetxt(pathtodata+ i+ "/model/model001/onsets/task001_run001/cond_all.txt",cond_all)

    neural_prediction = events2neural(pathtodata+ i+ "/model/model001/onsets/task001_run001/cond_all.txt",TR,n_vols)
    convolved = np.convolve(neural_prediction, hrf_at_trs) # hrf_at_trs sample 
    N = len(neural_prediction)  # N == n_vols == 173
    M = len(hrf_at_trs)  # M == 12
    B,t,df,p = t_stat(data, np_hrf, np.array([0,1]))

     #Simple mask function
    mask = nib.load(pathtodata+i+'/anatomy/inplane001_brain_mask.nii.gz')
    mask_data = mask.get_data()
    t_mean[...,int(i[-1])] = make_mask(np.reshape(t,(64,64,34)), mask_data, fit=True)

Exemplo n.º 26

# TR is 2,5 second
TR = 2.5
tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)

# The number of the voxel is 121
n_vols = 121
all_tr_times = np.arange(121) * TR

for i in list_every_cond('sub001', 'task001_run001'):
	neural = events2neural(cond_path('sub001', 'task001_run001', i), TR, n_vols)
	convolved = convolve(neural, hrf(tr_times))
	plt.plot(all_tr_times, neural)
	plt.plot(all_tr_times, convolved)


# There are 8 categories, and 121 features each categories. 

X = np.ones((n_vols, 8 + 1))

#There are 8 categories, so the data matrix has 9 colomns. 
#The order of the column is house, scrambledpix, cat, shoe, bottle, scissors, chair, face. 
# Let the first column starts from index 0
col = 0

#     np.convolve #

TR = 2
tr_times = np.arange(0, 30, TR)
hrf_at_trs = np.array([hrf_single(x) for x in tr_times])

n_vols = data.shape[-1] # time slices
X_np = np.ones((n_vols,4))

cond_string = ["cond001.txt","cond002.txt","cond003.txt"]
for i,name in enumerate(cond_string):
	nueral_prediction = events2neural(condition_location+name,TR,n_vols)
	hrf_long = np.convolve(nueral_prediction, hrf_at_trs)
	X_np[:,i+1] = hrf_long[:-(len(hrf_at_trs)-1)]

all_tr_times = np.arange(n_vols) * TR

#     convolution_specialized #
X_my = np.ones((n_vols,4))

conds = [cond1[:,0],cond2[:,0],cond3[:,0]]
for i,cond in enumerate(conds):
Exemplo n.º 28
data = load_img(1,1)
data = gaussian_filter(data, [2, 2, 2, 0])
# Get the number of volumes
n_trs = data.shape[-1]

#nice map
nice_cmap_values = np.loadtxt('actc.txt')
nice_cmap = colors.ListedColormap(nice_cmap_values, 'actc')

# Identify the TR (time between scans)
TR = 2

# Call the events2neural function to generate the on-off values for each volume
task_name = location_of_data +"sub001/model/model001/onsets/task001_run001/cond002.txt"
task = np.loadtxt(task_name)
time_course = events2neural(task, TR, n_trs)

# Make a single brain volume-size array of all zero to hold the correlations
correlations = np.zeros(data.shape[:-1])

# Loop over all voxel indices on the first, then second, then third dimension
# Extract the voxel time courses at each voxel coordinate in the image
# Get the correlation between the voxel time course and neural prediction
# Fill in the value in the correlations array

for i in range(data.shape[0]):
    for j in range(data.shape[1]):
        for k in range(data.shape[2]):
            vox_values = data[i, j, k]
            correlations[i, j, k] = np.corrcoef(time_course, vox_values)[1, 0]