Exemplo n.º 1
    def test_init_data_eventlist(self):
        el = EventList.from_lc(self.lc)
        mtp_el = Multitaper(data=el, dt=self.lc.dt)

        mtp = Multitaper(data=self.lc)

        assert max(mtp_el.multitaper_norm_power - mtp.multitaper_norm_power) == 0
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_rebin_output_shapes(self):
     Test wether all the rebinned spectral attributes have the same shape.
     mtp = Multitaper(self.lc, norm="Leahy")
     mtp_rebin = mtp.rebin(df=1.5)
     assert mtp_rebin.power.shape == mtp_rebin.freq.shape == \
         mtp_rebin.unnorm_power.shape == mtp_rebin.multitaper_norm_power.shape
Exemplo n.º 3
 def test_lc_keyword_deprecation(self):
     mtp1 = Multitaper(self.lc)
     with pytest.warns(DeprecationWarning) as record:
         mtp2 = Multitaper(lc=self.lc)
     assert np.any(['lc keyword' in r.message.args[0]
                    for r in record])
     assert np.allclose(mtp1.power, mtp2.power)
     assert np.allclose(mtp1.freq, mtp2.freq)
Exemplo n.º 4
 def test_rebin(self, df):
     TODO: Not sure how to write tests for the rebin method!
     mtp = Multitaper(self.lc, norm="Leahy")
     bin_mtp = mtp.rebin(df)
     assert np.isclose(bin_mtp.freq[1] - bin_mtp.freq[0], bin_mtp.df,
                       atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
     assert np.isclose(bin_mtp.freq[0],
                       (mtp.freq[0] - mtp.df * 0.5 + bin_mtp.df * 0.5),
                       atol=1e-4, rtol=1e-4)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_make_multitaper_var(self, lightcurve):

        if getattr(self, lightcurve).err_dist == "poisson":
            mtp = Multitaper(getattr(self, lightcurve))
            assert mtp.err_dist == "poisson"
            assert mtp.var == getattr(self, lightcurve).meancounts
            with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record:
                mtp = Multitaper(getattr(self, lightcurve))
            assert mtp.err_dist == "gauss"
            assert mtp.var == \
                np.mean(getattr(self, lightcurve).counts_err) ** 2
            assert np.any(["not poisson" in r.message.args[0]
                           for r in record])
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_multitaper_lombscargle_consistency(self, norm):

        mtp = Multitaper(self.lc, adaptive=False, norm=norm)
        mtp_ls = Multitaper(self.lc, lombscargle=True, adaptive=False, norm=norm)

        # Check if 99% of the points in the PSDs are within the set tolerance
        assert np.sum(np.isclose(mtp.power, mtp_ls.power,
                      atol=0.022*np.max(mtp_ls.power))) >= 0.99*mtp_ls.power.size

        # Check if the freq vals are the same
        ps = Powerspectrum(self.lc, norm=norm)

        assert np.allclose(mtp.freq, mtp_ls.freq)
        assert np.allclose(mtp.freq, ps.freq)
        assert mtp.power.shape == ps.power.shape
Exemplo n.º 7
    def test_make_multitaper_adaptive_and_low_bias(self, low_bias):
        mtp = Multitaper(self.lc, low_bias=low_bias, adaptive=True)

        if low_bias:
            assert np.min(mtp.eigvals) >= 0.9
        assert mtp.jk_var_deg_freedom is not None
        assert mtp.freq is not None
        assert mtp.multitaper_norm_power is not None
Exemplo n.º 8
 def test_rebin_uses_mean(self):
     Make sure the rebin-method uses "mean" to average instead of summing
     powers by default, and that this is not changed in the future!
     Note: function defaults come as a tuple, so the first keyword argument
     had better be 'method'
     mtp = Multitaper(self.lc, norm="Leahy")
     assert mtp.rebin.__defaults__[2] == "mean"
Exemplo n.º 9
    def test_classical_significances_threshold(self):
        Copied from test_powerspectrum.py
        mtp = Multitaper(self.lc, norm="leahy")

        # change the powers so that just one exceeds the threshold
        mtp.power = np.zeros_like(mtp.power) + 2.0

        index = 1
        mtp.power[index] = 10.0

        threshold = 0.01

        pval = mtp.classical_significances(threshold=threshold,
        assert pval[0, 0] < threshold
        assert pval[1, 0] == index
Exemplo n.º 10
 def test_make_empty_multitaper(self):
     mtp = Multitaper()
     assert mtp.norm == 'frac'
     assert mtp.freq is None
     assert mtp.power is None
     assert mtp.multitaper_norm_power is None
     assert mtp.eigvals is None
     assert mtp.power_err is None
     assert mtp.df is None
     assert mtp.m == 1
     assert mtp.nphots is None
     assert mtp.jk_var_deg_freedom is None
Exemplo n.º 11
 def test_make_multitaper_from_lightcurve(self, lightcurve):
     mtp = Multitaper(getattr(self, lightcurve))
     assert mtp.norm == "frac"
     assert mtp.fullspec is False
     assert mtp.meancounts == getattr(self, lightcurve).meancounts
     assert mtp.nphots == np.float64(np.sum(getattr(self, lightcurve).counts))
     assert mtp.err_dist == getattr(self, lightcurve).err_dist
     assert mtp.dt == getattr(self, lightcurve).dt
     assert mtp.n == getattr(self, lightcurve).time.shape[0]
     assert mtp.df == 1.0 / getattr(self, lightcurve).tseg
     assert mtp.m == 1
     assert mtp.freq is not None
     assert mtp.multitaper_norm_power is not None
     assert mtp.power is not None
     assert mtp.power_err is not None
     assert mtp.jk_var_deg_freedom is not None
Exemplo n.º 12
    def test_multitaper_lombscargle(self):
        rng = np.random.default_rng()
        N = 1000

        white_noise_irregular = rng.normal(loc=0.0, scale=7, size=N)
        start = 0.0
        end = 9.0

        # Generating uneven sampling times by adding white noise. Do tell a better way
        time_irregular = np.linspace(start, end, N) + rng.normal(loc=0.0,
                                                                 scale=(end-start)/(3*N), size=N)
        time_irregular = np.sort(time_irregular)

        with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record:
            lc_nonuni = Lightcurve(time=time_irregular,
                                   counts=white_noise_irregular, err_dist="gauss",
                                   err=np.ones_like(time_irregular) + np.sqrt(0.))  # Zero mean
        assert np.any(["aren't equal" in r.message.args[0]
                       for r in record])

        mtls_white = Multitaper(lc_nonuni, lombscargle=True, low_bias=True, NW=4)
        assert mtls_white.norm == "frac"
        assert mtls_white.fullspec is False
        assert mtls_white.meancounts == lc_nonuni.meancounts
        assert mtls_white.nphots == np.float64(np.sum(lc_nonuni.counts))
        assert mtls_white.err_dist == lc_nonuni.err_dist
        assert mtls_white.dt == lc_nonuni.dt
        assert mtls_white.n == lc_nonuni.time.shape[0]
        assert mtls_white.df == 1.0 / lc_nonuni.tseg
        assert mtls_white.m == 1
        assert mtls_white.freq is not None
        assert mtls_white.multitaper_norm_power is not None
        assert mtls_white.power is not None
        assert mtls_white.power_err is not None
        assert mtls_white.jk_var_deg_freedom is None  # Not supported yet
        assert len(mtls_white.eigvals) > 0
Exemplo n.º 13
    def test_fractional_rms_in_frac_norm_is_consistent(self):
        Copied from test_powerspectrum.py
        time = np.arange(0, 100, 1) + 0.5

        poisson_counts = np.random.poisson(100.0,

        lc = Lightcurve(time, counts=poisson_counts, dt=1,
                        gti=[[0, 100]])
        mtp = Multitaper(lc, norm="leahy")
        rms_mtp_l, rms_err_l = mtp.compute_rms(min_freq=mtp.freq[1],

        mtp = Multitaper(lc, norm="frac")
        rms_mtp, rms_err = mtp.compute_rms(min_freq=mtp.freq[1],
        assert np.allclose(rms_mtp, rms_mtp_l, atol=0.01)
        assert np.allclose(rms_err, rms_err_l, atol=0.01)
Exemplo n.º 14
 def test_rebin_error(self):
     mtp = Multitaper(self.lc)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
Exemplo n.º 15
 def test_fourier_multitaper_with_invalid_NW(self, lombscargle):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         mtp = Multitaper(self.lc, NW=0.1, lombscargle=lombscargle)
Exemplo n.º 16
 def test_init_data_eventlist_no_dt(self):
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         el = EventList.from_lc(self.lc)
         mtp_el = Multitaper(data=el)
Exemplo n.º 17
 def test_fourier_multitaper_with_adaptive_jackknife_combos(self, adaptive, jackknife):
     mtp = Multitaper(self.lc, adaptive=adaptive, jackknife=jackknife)
     assert mtp.multitaper_norm_power is not None
     assert mtp.jk_var_deg_freedom is not None
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_max_eigval_less_than_threshold(self, lombscargle):
     with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record:
         mtp = Multitaper(lc=self.lc, NW=0.5, low_bias=True, lombscargle=lombscargle)
     assert np.any(['not properly use low_bias' in r.message.args[0]
                    for r in record])
     assert len(mtp.eigvals) > 0
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_get_adaptive_psd_with_less_tapers(self):
     with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as record:
         mtp = Multitaper(lc=self.lc, NW=1.5, adaptive=True)
     assert np.any(['Not adaptively' in r.message.args[0]
                    for r in record])
     assert mtp.multitaper_norm_power is not None
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_rebin_factor(self):
     mtp = Multitaper(self.lc)
     new_mtp = mtp.rebin(f=1.5)
     assert new_mtp.df == mtp.df * 1.5
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_rebin(self):
     mtp = Multitaper(self.lc)
     new_mtp = mtp.rebin(df=1.5)
     assert new_mtp.df == 1.5
Exemplo n.º 22
 def test_rebin_smaller_resolution(self):
     # Original df is between 0.9 and 1.0
     mtp = Multitaper(self.lc)
     with pytest.raises(ValueError):
         new_mtp = mtp.rebin(df=0.1)
Exemplo n.º 23
 def test_init_with_wrong_norm_type(self):
     nonsense_norm = 1.0
     with pytest.raises(TypeError):
         assert Multitaper(self.lc, norm=nonsense_norm)