############################################################# ''' MEASUREMENT''' # generating gate pattern pattern = gate_pattern(target_gate=target_gate, mode='double', data_points=gate_points, shift_voltage= shift_voltage ) # Resistance measurement while modulating the gate voltage count = 0 # couter of step numbers leakage_current = 0 idstring = sample_name if save_data: colnames = ['step ()','gate voltage (V)','leakage current (nA)','Resistance (k ohm)','phase ()', 'demodulation duration (s)', 'temperature (K)', 'time (s)'] my_file_2= stlab.newfile(prefix+'_',idstring,autoindex=True,colnames=colnames) gate_voltage_step = pattern['ramp_pattern'][1]-pattern['ramp_pattern'][0] ramp_time = np.abs(np.floor(shift_voltage/ramp_speed)) END = False INI_time = time.time() TEMPERATURE = np.empty(shape=(0)) RESISTANCE = np.empty(shape=(0)) while (not END) and (low_temp <= mytriton.GetTemperature(8) <= high_temp):
''' Initialize ''' pygame.init() pygame.display.set_mode((100,100)) ## Temperature readout mytriton = TritonWrapper() try: T = mytriton.GetTemperature(8) except: T = -1 ## Output setting idstring = '_at{:.2f}mK'.format(T).replace('.','p') colnames = ['Vmeas (V)', 'Iset (A)', 'Rmeas (Ohm)', 'Vgate (V)', 'T (mK)', 'Time (s)', 'Ileakage (nA)'] myfile = stlab.newfile(prefix, idstring, colnames, autoindex=True) Vglist = np.linspace(Vgmax, Vgmin, (Vgmax-Vgmin)/deltaVg+1) Vg_ini = Vglist[0] END = False total_count = Vglist.shape[0] resistance_array = np.array([]) applied_gate_array = np.array([]) I_leakage_array = np.array([]) ##Inititalizing the devices ivvi = IVVI_DAC(addr='COM5', verb=True) ivvi.RampAllZero(tt=2.)
# IO settings pygame.init() pygame.display.set_mode((100, 100)) ############################################################# ''' MEASUREMENT''' if save_data: colnames = [ 'time (s)', 'temperature (K)', 'gate voltage (V)', 'leakage current (A)', 'resistance (ohm)' ] my_file = stlab.newfile(prefix, '_', autoindex=True, colnames=colnames, mypath=path) END = False INI_time = time.time() t0 = INI_time T0 = 300 TIME = np.empty(shape=(0)) TEMPERATURE = np.empty(shape=(0)) RESISTANCE = np.empty(shape=(0)) ## Estimating for the internal resistances if initial_calibration: I_cal_p = 0
def rcsj(current, damping, prefix=[], fft=False,svpng=False,svvolt=False,saveplot=False,savefile=False,normalized=False,printmessg=True): ''' iv sweep for rcsj model - damping: tuple of either 'Q' or 'beta' and respective value returns IV curve with options: - svpng: save each iteration to png - svvolt: save peak detection of voltage to png - saveplot: save ivc to .png - savefile: save ivc to .dat - normalized: returns voltage/Q - printmessg: print statusmessage after iteration ''' current = current.tolist() # makes it faster ? voltage = [] freq = [] volt_fft = [] t, tsamp = timeparams(damping) y0 = (0,0) # always start at zero phase and zero current idxstart = int(-tsamp*len(t)) # only sample the last tsamp=1% of evaluated time for k,i in enumerate(current): y = odeint(rcsj_curr, y0, t, args=(i,damping)) #y0 = (0,max(y[:,1])) y0 = y[-1,:] # new initial condition based on last iteration idx = argrelextrema(y[idxstart:,1], np.greater) if len(idx[0])<2: mean = 0 voltage.append(mean) else: x1, x2 = idx[0][-2], idx[0][-1] mean = np.mean([y[x1+idxstart:x2+idxstart,1]]) voltage.append(mean) if svpng: path='../plots/voltage/{}={:E}/'.format(damping[0],damping[1]) ensure_dir(path) plt.plot(t[idxstart:],y[idxstart:,1]) plt.plot([t[x1+idxstart],t[x2+idxstart]],[y[x1+idxstart,1],y[x2+idxstart,1]],'o') plt.ylim(0,3*damping[1]) plt.savefig(path+'i={:2.3f}.png'.format(i)) plt.close() if prefix: #timedata = {'Time (wp*t)' : t, 'Phase (rad)' : y[:,0], 'AC Voltage (V)' : y[:,1]} #ivdata = {'Current (Ic)': i, 'DC Voltage (V)': mean, 'beta ()': Q} #idstring = 'beta={:.2f}'.format(ivdata['beta ()']) #savedata((k,len(current)),prefix,idstring,timedata,ivdata) data2save = {'Time (wp*t)' : t, 'Phase (rad)' : y[:,0], 'AC Voltage (V)' : y[:,1]} data2save = stlab.stlabdict(data2save) data2save.addparcolumn('Current (Ic)',i,last=False) data2save.addparcolumn('DC Voltage (V)',mean) data2save.addparcolumn('{} ()'.format(damping[0]),damping[1]) if k == 0: idstring = '{}={:2.2f}'.format(damping[0],damping[1]) ensure_dir(prefix) myfile = stlab.newfile(prefix,idstring,data2save.keys(), usedate=False,usefolder=False)#,mypath='simresults/') stlab.savedict(myfile,data2save) if k == len(current): myfile.close() if svvolt: path='../plots/sols/{}={:E}/'.format(damping[0],damping[1]) ensure_dir(path) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2,sharex=True) ax[0].plot(t,y[:,0]) ax[1].plot(t,y[:,1]) ax[0].set_ylabel(r'$\phi$') ax[1].set_ylabel(r'd$\phi$/dt') ax[1].set_xlabel(r'$\tau=t/\tau_c$') fig.subplots_adjust(hspace=0) plt.savefig(path+'i={:2.3f}.png'.format(i)) plt.close() if fft: F, signal_fft = analyze_fft(t,y[:,1]) freq.append(F) volt_fft.append(abs(signal_fft)) if printmessg: print('Done: {}={:E}, i={:2.3f}'.format(damping[0],damping[1],i)) current, voltage = np.asarray(current), np.asarray(voltage) if savefile: saveiv(current,voltage,damping,normalized) if saveplot: saveivplot(current,voltage,damping,normalized) if normalized: voltage = voltage/damping[1] if not fft: return {'Current': current, 'DC Voltage': voltage} else: return {'Current': current, 'DC Voltage': voltage, 'Frequency': freq[0], 'FFT': np.asarray(volt_fft)}
mode='double', data_points=gate_points, shift_voltage=shift_voltage) # Resistance measurement while modulating the gate voltage count = 0 # couter of step numbers leakage_current = 0 idstring = sample_name if save_data: colnames = [ 'step ()', 'gate voltage (V)', 'leakage current (nA)', 'Resistance (k ohm)', 'phase ()', 'demodulation duration (s)' ] my_file_2 = stlab.newfile(prefix + '_', idstring, autoindex=True, colnames=colnames) ramp_time = np.abs(np.floor(shift_voltage / ramp_speed)) gate_dev.RampVoltage(shift_voltage, tt=10 * ramp_time, steps=100) gate_voltage_step = pattern['ramp_pattern'][1] - pattern['ramp_pattern'][0] # ramp_time = np.abs(np.floor(gate_voltage_step/ramp_speed)) ramp_time = 0.5 plt_Vg = np.array([]) plt_resistance = np.array([]) plt_leak_curr = np.array([]) END = False for count, gate_voltage in enumerate(
# plt.title('Phase (°)', backgroundcolor = 'white') plt.pause(0.1) if save_data: # temp = tempdev.GetTemperature() data['Power (dBm)'] = VNA.GetPower() data['Gate Voltage (V)'] = gate_voltage data['Leakage Current (A)'] = leakage_current data['Temperature (K)'] = temp if count==0: Data = stlab.newfile(prefix,'_',data.keys(),autoindex = True, mypath= path) stlab.savedict(Data, data) for event in pygame.event.get(): # stopping if 's' pressed if event.type == QUIT: sys.exit() if event.type == KEYDOWN and event.dict['key'] == 115: # corresponding to character "s" STOP = True if STOP: break t = time.time() print('measured gate steps:', count+1)
Example script to perform a series of frequency traces on a PNA as a function of input power """ import stlab import numpy as np prefix = 'M' #prefix for measurement folder name. Can be anything or empty idstring = 'Dev1_powersweep' #Additional info included in measurement folder name. Can be anything or empty pna = stlab.adi(addr='TCPIP::',reset=False,verb=True) #Initialize device communication and reset pna.SetRange(4e9,8e9) #Set frequency range in Hz pna.SetIFBW(300.) #Set IF bandwidth in Hz pna.SetPoints(1001) #Set number of frequency points powstart = -45. powstop = -0. steps = 5 powers = np.linspace(powstart,powstop,steps) #generate power sweep steps myfile = stlab.newfile(prefix,idstring,autoindex=True) for i,rfpower in enumerate(powers): pna.SetPower(rfpower) #set pna power data = pna.MeasureScreen_pd() #Trigger 2 port measurement and retrieve data in Re,Im format. Returns OrderedDict stlab.saveframe(myfile, data) #Save measured data to file. Written as a block for spyview. #Create metafile for spyview at each measurement step stlab.metagen.fromarrays(myfile,data['Frequency (Hz)'],powers[0:i+1],xtitle='Frequency (Hz)',ytitle='Power (dB)',colnames=data.keys()) myfile.close() #Close file
# temp = tempdev.GetTemperature() data['Power (dBm)'] = VNA.GetPower() data['Gate Voltage (V)'] = gate_voltage data['Leakage Current (A)'] = leakage_current data['Temperature (K)'] = temp if count == 0: colnames = [ 'Vset (V)', 'Imeas (A)', 'R (Ohm)', 'Vgate (V)', 'T (K)', 'Ileakage (nA)' ] Data = stlab.newfile(prefix, '_', colnames, autoindex=True, mypath=path) stlab.savedict(Data, data) if STOP: break t = time.time() print('measured gate steps:', count + 1) time_passed = t - t_in time_remain = (time_passed / (count + 1)) * (len(gate_pattern) - count - 1) print('ELAPSED TIME: {:.2f} min'.format(time_passed / 60)) print('REMAINING TIME: {:.2f} min'.format(time_remain / 60))
input_energy = np.array([]) count = 0 destination_current = 0 current = 0 vmeasure_gain = [] if save_data: parameters = [ 'time (s)', 'resistance (ohm)', 'current (uA)', 'sum input energy (J)' 'power (W)' 'temperature (K)' ] my_file = stlab.newfile(prefix, '', autoindex=True, colnames=parameters, mypath=path) print('\n-------------------------------------------------------------------') print('How to start?' '\n "s" : set destination current, currently at:', destination_current, 'uA' '\n "a": adjust current ramp spead, currently is:', current_ramp_spead, '[uA/s]' '\n "u": step up the current by: +', current_step, '[uA]' '\n "d": step down the current by: -', current_step, '[uA]' '\n "z": fast return to zero by 10x voltage ramp speed', '\n "t": go automatic', '\n "k": show keys', '\n "e": stop the experiment') ramp_zero = False
numPoints = 1001 startFreq = 2e9 stopFreq = 5e9 power = -10 KEYSIGHT.write('INST:SEL "NA"') #set mode to Network Analyzer KEYSIGHT.SinglePort() #changed this to from twoport to singleport KEYSIGHT.write("SENS:SWE:POIN " + str(numPoints)) KEYSIGHT.write("SENS:FREQ:START " + str(startFreq)) KEYSIGHT.write("SENS:FREQ:STOP " + str(stopFreq)) KEYSIGHT.SetPower(power) #device.write("SENS:DIF:BAND " + str(bandwidth)) #this crashes the fieldfox error -113 KEYSIGHT.SetIFBW(100.) myfile = stlab.newfile(prefix, '_', autoindex=True, mypath=path) data = KEYSIGHT.MeasureScreen_pd() stlab.saveframe( myfile, data) #Save measured data to file. Written as a block for spyview. myfile.close() stlab.autoplot(myfile, 'Frequency (Hz)', 'S11dB (dB)', title=prefix, caption=caption) stlab.autoplot(myfile, 'Frequency (Hz)',
newstr += 'RFpow = ' + str(measpow) + ' dBm' ax1 = plt.gca() plt.text(0.55, 0.15, newstr, fontsize=7, transform=ax1.transAxes) try: tag = sys.argv[1] except IndexError: tag = '' #Save fitted trace using tag prefix = 'quickQ' idstring = tag myfile = stlab.newfile(prefix, idstring, data.keys(), usedate=True, usefolder=True, autoindex=True) outfilename = os.path.splitext(myfile.name)[0] stlab.saveframe(myfile, data) myfile.close() plt.show() #Save figure fig.savefig(outfilename + '.plot.png') #Save fit parameters myfile = open(outfilename + '.fit.dat', 'w') for q in params: myfile.write("{} = {} +- {}\n".format(params[q].name, params[q].value, params[q].stderr))
span = 10e7 # Hz npoints = 4001 power = -20 # dBm #Setup PNA sweep parameters mypna.SetIFBW(ifbw) mypna.SetCenterSpan(f0,span) mypna.SetPoints(npoints) mypna.SetPower(power) #Setup SMB frequency mysg.setCWfrequency(sgf0) #mypna.write('ROSC:SOUR EXT') for i,P in enumerate(sgpow): #Loop over desired SMB powers mysg.setCWpower(P) #Set the power to current loop value mysg.RFon() #Activate RF power on SMB data = mypna.Measure2ports() #Execute PNA sweep and return data data['Power (dBm)'] = np.full(npoints, power-20.) #Add some data columns to measured data data['SMBPower (dBm)'] = np.full(npoints, P) data['S11dB (dB)'] = 20.*np.log10( [ np.sqrt(np.power(a,2.)+np.power(b,2.)) for a,b in zip(data['S11re ()'],data['S11im ()'])] ) data['S21dB (dB)'] = 20.*np.log10( [ np.sqrt(np.power(a,2.)+np.power(b,2.)) for a,b in zip(data['S21re ()'],data['S21im ()'])] ) if i==0: #if on first measurement, create new measurement file and folder using titles extracted from measurement myfile,fullfilename,_ = stlab.newfile(prefix,idstring,data.keys()) stlab.savedict(myfile, data) #Save measured data to file. Written as a block for spyview. #Create metafile for spyview at each measurement step stlab.metagen.fromarrays(fullfilename,data['Frequency (Hz)'],sgpow[0:i+1],xtitle='Frequency (Hz)',ytitle='SMBPower (dB)',colnames=data.keys()) myfile.close()
ax1 = plt.gca() plt.text(0.55,0.15,newstr,fontsize=7,transform=ax1.transAxes) try: tag = sys.argv[1] tag = os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(tag))[0] except IndexError: tag = '' #Save fitted trace using tag prefix = 'quickQ' idstring = tag print(idstring,prefix) myfile = stlab.newfile(prefix,idstring,data.keys(),usedate=False,usefolder=True,autoindex=True) outfilename = os.path.splitext(myfile.name)[0] stlab.saveframe(myfile,data) myfile.close() #Save figure fig.savefig(outfilename + '.plot.png') plt.show() #Save fit parameters myfile = open(outfilename + '.fit.dat','w') for q in params: myfile.write("{} = {} +- {}\n".format(params[q].name,params[q].value,params[q].stderr) ) myfile.close()
#mypna.write('ROSC:SOUR EXT') for i, P in enumerate(sgpow): #Loop over desired SMB powers mysg.setCWpower(P) #Set the power to current loop value mysg.RFon() #Activate RF power on SMB data = mypna.Measure2ports() #Execute PNA sweep and return data data['Power (dBm)'] = np.full(npoints, power - 20.) #Add some data columns to measured data data['SMBPower (dBm)'] = np.full(npoints, P) data['S11dB (dB)'] = 20. * np.log10([ np.sqrt(np.power(a, 2.) + np.power(b, 2.)) for a, b in zip(data['S11re ()'], data['S11im ()']) ]) data['S21dB (dB)'] = 20. * np.log10([ np.sqrt(np.power(a, 2.) + np.power(b, 2.)) for a, b in zip(data['S21re ()'], data['S21im ()']) ]) if i == 0: #if on first measurement, create new measurement file and folder using titles extracted from measurement myfile = stlab.newfile(prefix, idstring, data.keys()) stlab.savedict( myfile, data) #Save measured data to file. Written as a block for spyview. #Create metafile for spyview at each measurement step stlab.metagen.fromarrays(myfile, data['Frequency (Hz)'], sgpow[0:i + 1], xtitle='Frequency (Hz)', ytitle='SMBPower (dB)', colnames=data.keys()) myfile.close()
span = 10e7 # Hz npoints = 4001 power = -20 # dBm #Setup PNA sweep parameters mypna.SetIFBW(ifbw) mypna.SetCenterSpan(f0,span) mypna.SetPoints(npoints) mypna.SetPower(power) #Setup SMB frequency mysg.setCWfrequency(sgf0) #mypna.write('ROSC:SOUR EXT') for i,P in enumerate(sgpow): #Loop over desired SMB powers mysg.setCWpower(P) #Set the power to current loop value mysg.RFon() #Activate RF power on SMB data = mypna.Measure2ports() #Execute PNA sweep and return data data['Power (dBm)'] = np.full(npoints, power-20.) #Add some data columns to measured data data['SMBPower (dBm)'] = np.full(npoints, P) data['S11dB (dB)'] = 20.*np.log10( [ np.sqrt(np.power(a,2.)+np.power(b,2.)) for a,b in zip(data['S11re ()'],data['S11im ()'])] ) data['S21dB (dB)'] = 20.*np.log10( [ np.sqrt(np.power(a,2.)+np.power(b,2.)) for a,b in zip(data['S21re ()'],data['S21im ()'])] ) if i==0: #if on first measurement, create new measurement file and folder using titles extracted from measurement myfile = stlab.newfile(prefix,idstring,data.keys()) stlab.savedict(myfile, data) #Save measured data to file. Written as a block for spyview. #Create metafile for spyview at each measurement step stlab.metagen.fromarrays(myfile,data['Frequency (Hz)'],sgpow[0:i+1],xtitle='Frequency (Hz)',ytitle='SMBPower (dB)',colnames=data.keys()) myfile.close()