def put_immutable(name, data, privatekey, txid=None, proxy=None):

    Optionally include a txid from the user record update, in order to retry a failed
    data replication (in which case, this txid corresponds to the succeeded name
    update operation).  This is to avoid needing to pay for each replication retry.

    if proxy is None:
        global default_proxy
        proxy = default_proxy

    # need to put the transaction ID into the data record we put
    user = get_name_record(name, create_if_absent=True)
    if 'error' in user:

        # no user data
        return {'error': "Unable to load user record: %s" % user['error']}

    data_hash = storage.get_data_hash(data)
    rc = user_db.add_immutable_data(user, data_hash)
    if not rc:
        return {'error': 'Invalid hash'}

    user_json = user_db.serialize_user(user)
    if user_json is None:
        raise Exception("BUG: failed to serialize user record")

    value_hash = None

    if txid is None:

        # haven't updated the user record yet.  Do so now.
        # put the new user record hash
        update_result = update(name, user_json, privatekey, proxy=proxy)
        if 'error' in update_result:

            # failed to replicate user record
            # NOTE: result will have the txid in it; pass it as txid to try again!
            return update_result

        txid = update_result['transaction_hash']
        value_hash = update_result['value_hash']

    result = {'data_hash': data_hash, 'transaction_hash': txid}

    # propagate update() data
    if value_hash is not None:
        result['value_hash'] = value_hash

    # replicate the data
    rc = storage.put_immutable_data(data, txid)
    if not rc:
        result['error'] = 'Failed to store immutable data'
        return result

        result['status'] = True
        return result
Exemplo n.º 2
def store_name_zonefile_data(name, user_zonefile_txt, txid, storage_drivers=None):
    Store a serialized zonefile to immutable storage providers, synchronously.
    This is only necessary if we've added/changed/removed immutable data.

    Return (True, hash(user zonefile)) on success
    Return (False, None) on failure.

    storage_drivers = [] if storage_drivers is None else storage_drivers

    data_hash = storage.get_zonefile_data_hash(user_zonefile_txt)

    result = storage.put_immutable_data(
        user_zonefile_txt, txid, data_hash=data_hash,

    rc = bool(result)

    return rc, data_hash
def store_name_zonefile_data(name, user_zonefile_txt, txid, storage_drivers=None):
    Store a serialized zonefile to immutable storage providers, synchronously.
    This is only necessary if we've added/changed/removed immutable data.

    Return (True, hash(user zonefile)) on success
    Return (False, None) on failure.

    storage_drivers = [] if storage_drivers is None else storage_drivers

    data_hash = storage.get_zonefile_data_hash(user_zonefile_txt)

    result = storage.put_immutable_data(
        user_zonefile_txt, txid, data_hash=data_hash,

    rc = bool(result)

    return rc, data_hash
Exemplo n.º 4
def put_immutable(name, data_id, data_json, data_url=None, txid=None, proxy=None, utxo_client=None, wallet_keys=None ):

    Given a user's name, the data ID, and a JSON-ified chunk of data,
    put it into the user's zonefile.

    If the user's zonefile corresponds to a legacy profile, then automatically
    convert it into a mutable profile and a modern zonefile, and then proceed
    to add the data record.

    If @txid is given, then don't re-send the NAME_UPDATE.  Just try to store
    the data to the immutable storage providers (again).  This is to allow
    for retries in the case where the NAME_UPDATE went through but the
    storage providers did not receive data.
    Return {'status': True, 'transaction_hash': txid, 'immutable_data_hash': data_hash, ...} on success
    Return {'error': ...} on error

    from backend.nameops import do_update

    if type(data_json) not in [dict]:
        raise ValueError("Immutable data must be a dict")

    legacy = False
    if proxy is None:
        proxy = get_default_proxy()

    user_profile, user_zonefile, legacy = get_and_migrate_profile( name, create_if_absent=True, proxy=proxy, wallet_keys=wallet_keys )
    if 'error' in user_profile:
        log.debug("Unable to load user zonefile for '%s'" % name)
        return user_profile
    if legacy:
        log.debug("User profile is legacy")
        return {'error': "User profile is in legacy format, which does not support this operation.  You must first migrate it with the 'migrate' command."}

    data_text = storage.serialize_immutable_data( data_json )
    data_hash = storage.get_data_hash( data_text )

    # insert into user zonefile, overwriting if need be
    if user_db.has_immutable_data_id( user_zonefile, data_id ):
        log.debug("WARN: overwriting old '%s'" % data_id)
        old_hash = user_db.get_immutable_data_hash( user_zonefile, data_id )

        # NOTE: can be a list, if the name matches multiple hashes.
        # this tool doesn't do this, but it's still possible for the user to use other tools to do this.
        if type(old_hash) != list:
            old_hash = [old_hash]

        for oh in old_hash:
            rc = user_db.remove_immutable_data_zonefile( user_zonefile, oh )
            if not rc:
                return {'error': 'Failed to overwrite old immutable data'}

    rc = user_db.put_immutable_data_zonefile( user_zonefile, data_id, data_hash, data_url=data_url )
    if not rc:
        return {'error': 'Failed to insert immutable data into user zonefile'}

    zonefile_hash = hash_zonefile( user_zonefile )

    # update zonefile, if we haven't already
    if txid is None:
        _, payment_privkey = get_payment_keypair(wallet_keys=wallet_keys, config_path=proxy.conf['path'])
        _, owner_privkey = get_owner_keypair(wallet_keys=wallet_keys, config_path=proxy.conf['path'])
        utxo_client = get_utxo_provider_client( config_path=proxy.conf['path'] )
        broadcaster_client = get_tx_broadcaster( config_path=proxy.conf['path'] )

        update_result = do_update( name, zonefile_hash, owner_privkey, payment_privkey, utxo_client, broadcaster_client, config_path=proxy.conf['path'], proxy=proxy )
        if 'error' in update_result:
            # failed to replicate user zonefile hash 
            # the caller should simply try again, with the 'transaction_hash' given in the result.
            return update_result

        txid = update_result['transaction_hash']

    result = {
        'immutable_data_hash': data_hash,
        'transaction_hash': txid,
        'zonefile_hash': zonefile_hash

    # replicate immutable data 
    rc = storage.put_immutable_data( data_json, txid )
    if not rc:
        result['error'] = 'Failed to store immutable data'
        return result

    rc = store_name_zonefile( name, user_zonefile, txid )
    if not rc:
        result['error'] = 'Failed to store zonefile'
        return result

    # success!
    result['status'] = True
    return result
def put_immutable(name, data, privatekey, txid=None, proxy=None):

    Optionally include a txid from the user record update, in order to retry a failed
    data replication (in which case, this txid corresponds to the succeeded name
    update operation).  This is to avoid needing to pay for each replication retry.

    if proxy is None:
        global default_proxy
        proxy = default_proxy

    # need to put the transaction ID into the data record we put
    user = get_name_record(name, create_if_absent=True)
    if 'error' in user:

        # no user data
        return {'error': "Unable to load user record: %s" % user['error']}

    data_hash = storage.get_data_hash( data )
    rc = user_db.add_immutable_data(user, data_hash)
    if not rc:
        return {'error': 'Invalid hash'}

    user_json = user_db.serialize_user(user)
    if user_json is None:
        raise Exception("BUG: failed to serialize user record")

    value_hash = None

    if txid is None:

        # haven't updated the user record yet.  Do so now.
        # put the new user record hash
        update_result = update(name, user_json, privatekey, proxy=proxy)
        if 'error' in update_result:

            # failed to replicate user record
            # NOTE: result will have the txid in it; pass it as txid to try again!
            return update_result

        txid = update_result['transaction_hash']
        value_hash = update_result['value_hash']

    result = {
        'data_hash': data_hash,
        'transaction_hash': txid

    # propagate update() data
    if value_hash is not None:
        result['value_hash'] = value_hash

    # replicate the data
    rc = storage.put_immutable_data(data, txid)
    if not rc:
        result['error'] = 'Failed to store immutable data'
        return result

        result['status'] = True
        return result
    Return (True, hash(user)) on success
    Return (False, hash(user)) on failure

    username =

    # serialize
    user_json = None
        user_json = user_db.serialize_user(user)
    except Exception, e:
        log.error("Failed to serialize '%s'" % user)
        return False

    data_hash = storage.get_data_hash(user_json)
    result = storage.put_immutable_data(user_json, txid )

    rc = None
    if result is None:
        rc = False
        rc = True

    return (rc, data_hash)

def remove_name_record(user, txid):
    Delete JSON user record data from immutable storage providers, synchronously.

    Return (True, hash(user)) on success
    Return (True, hash(user)) on success
    Return (False, hash(user)) on failure

    username =

    # serialize
    user_json = None
        user_json = user_db.serialize_user(user)
    except Exception, e:
        log.error("Failed to serialize '%s'" % user)
        return False

    data_hash = storage.get_data_hash(user_json)
    result = storage.put_immutable_data(user_json, txid)

    rc = None
    if result is None:
        rc = False
        rc = True

    return (rc, data_hash)

def remove_name_record(user, txid):
    Delete JSON user record data from immutable storage providers, synchronously.

    Return (True, hash(user)) on success