Exemplo n.º 1
    def __init__(self, psfs, rho, **kwds):
        super(ADMMLasso, self).__init__(**kwds)

        self.shape = psfs.shape

        # Initialize C library.
        self.c_admm_lasso = admm_lasso.initialize3D(rho, self.shape[0],

        # Do the ADMM math on the Python side.
        # Calculate A matrix.
        nz = self.shape[2]
        A = admmMath.Cells(nz, 1)
        for i in range(nz):
            tmp = recenterPSF.recenterPSF(psfs[:, :, i])
            A[i, 0] = numpy.fft.fft2(tmp)

        # Calculate A transpose.
        At = admmMath.transpose(A)

        # Calculate AtA + rhoI inverse.
        G = admmMath.multiplyMatMat(At, A)

        for i in range(nz):
            G[i, i] += admmMath.identityMatrix(G.getMatrixShape(), scale=rho)

        [L, D, U] = admmMath.lduG(G)

        L_inv = admmMath.invL(L)
        D_inv = admmMath.invD(D)
        U_inv = admmMath.invU(U)

        G_inv = admmMath.multiplyMatMat(U_inv,
                                        admmMath.multiplyMatMat(D_inv, L_inv))

        # Initialize A and G_inv matrices in the C library.
        fft_size = int(self.shape[1] / 2 + 1)
        for i in range(nz):

            # Remove redundant frequencies that FFTW doesn't use.
            c_A = A[i, 0][:, :fft_size]
            c_A = numpy.ascontiguousarray(c_A, dtype=numpy.complex128)
            admm_lasso.initializeA(self.c_admm_lasso, c_A, i)

        for i in range(nz):
            for j in range(nz):

                # Remove redundant frequencies that FFTW doesn't use.
                # We index (j,i) here because this is what gives us results that
                # match admm_3d (the pure Python version of 3D ADMM.
                c_G_inv = G_inv[j, i][:, :fft_size]
                c_G_inv = numpy.ascontiguousarray(c_G_inv,
                admm_lasso.initializeGInv(self.c_admm_lasso, c_G_inv,
                                          i * nz + j)
Exemplo n.º 2
def invU(U):
    Calculate inverse of U Cell.
    nr, nc = U.getCellsShape()
    mshape = U.getMatrixShape()

    assert (nr == nc), "U Cell must be square!"
    nmat = nr
    u_tmp = admmMath.copyCell(U)
    u_inv = admmMath.Cells(nmat, nmat)
    for i in range(nmat):
        for j in range(nmat):
            if (i == j):
                u_inv[i,j] = numpy.identity(mshape[0])
                u_inv[i,j] = numpy.zeros_like(U[0,0])
    for j in range(nmat-1,0,-1):
        for i in range(j-1,-1,-1):
            tmp = u_tmp[i,j]
            for k in range(nmat):
                u_tmp[i,k] = u_tmp[i,k] - numpy.matmul(tmp, u_tmp[j,k])
                u_inv[i,k] = u_inv[i,k] - numpy.matmul(tmp, u_inv[j,k])
    return u_inv
Exemplo n.º 3
def invL(L):
    Calculate inverse of L Cell.
    nr, nc = L.getCellsShape()
    mshape = L.getMatrixShape()

    assert (nr == nc), "L Cell must be square!"
    nmat = nr
    l_tmp = admmMath.copyCell(L)
    l_inv = admmMath.Cells(nmat, nmat)
    for i in range(nmat):
        for j in range(nmat):
            if (i == j):
                l_inv[i,j] = numpy.identity(mshape[0])
                l_inv[i,j] = numpy.zeros_like(L[0,0])
    for j in range(nmat-1):
        for i in range(j+1,nmat):
            tmp = l_tmp[i,j]
            for k in range(nmat):
                l_tmp[i,k] = l_tmp[i,k] - numpy.matmul(tmp, l_tmp[j,k])
                l_inv[i,k] = l_inv[i,k] - numpy.matmul(tmp, l_inv[j,k])
    return l_inv
Exemplo n.º 4
def lduG(G):
    G a Cell object containing AtA + rhoI matrices. The A 
    matrices are the PSF matrices, I is the identity matrix and
    rho is the ADMM timestep.
    nr, nc = G.getCellsShape()
    mshape = G.getMatrixShape()

    assert (nr == nc), "G Cell must be square!"
    nmat = nr
    # Create empty M matrix.
    M = admmMath.Cells(nmat, nmat)
    for i in range(nmat):
        for j in range(nmat):
            M[i,j] = numpy.zeros_like(G[0,0])
    # Schur decomposition.
    D = admmMath.Cells(nmat, nmat)
    L = admmMath.Cells(nmat, nmat)
    U = admmMath.Cells(nmat, nmat)

    for r in range(nmat-1,-1,-1):
        for c in range(nmat-1,-1,-1):
            k = max(r,c)
            M[r,c] = G[r,c]
            for s in range(nmat-1,k,-1):
                M[r,c] = M[r,c] - numpy.matmul(M[r,s], numpy.matmul(numpy.linalg.inv(M[s,s]), M[s,c]))
            if (r == c):
                D[r,c] = M[r,c]
                L[r,c] = numpy.identity(mshape[0])
                U[r,c] = numpy.identity(mshape[0])
            elif (r > c):
                D[r,c] = numpy.zeros(mshape)
                L[r,c] = numpy.matmul(M[r,c], numpy.linalg.inv(M[k,k]))
                U[r,c] = numpy.zeros(mshape)
            elif (r < c):
                D[r,c] = numpy.zeros(mshape)
                L[r,c] = numpy.zeros(mshape)
                U[r,c] = numpy.matmul(numpy.linalg.inv(M[k,k]), M[r,c])

    return [L, D, U]
Exemplo n.º 5
def transpose(A):
    Returns the transpose of Cell.
    nr, nc = A.getCellsShape()

    B = admmMath.Cells(nc, nr)
    for r in range(nr):
        for c in range(nc):
            B[c,r] = numpy.transpose(A[r,c])

    return B
Exemplo n.º 6
def invD(D):
    Calculate inverse of D Cell.
    nr, nc = D.getCellsShape()
    assert (nr == nc), "D Cell must be square!"
    nmat = nr
    d_inv = admmMath.Cells(nmat,nmat)
    for i in range(nmat):
        for j in range(nmat):
            if (i == j):
                d_inv[i,j] = numpy.linalg.inv(D[i,j])
                d_inv[i,j] = numpy.zeros_like(D[0,0])
    return d_inv
Exemplo n.º 7
def multiplyMatMat(A, B):
    Multiply two Cell objects following matrix multiplication rules.
    nr_a, nc_a = A.getCellsShape()
    nr_b, nc_b = B.getCellsShape()

    assert(nr_b == nc_a), "Cell sizes don't match!"
    C = admmMath.Cells(nr_b, nc_a)
    for r in range(nr_b):
        for c in range(nc_a):
            C[r,c] = numpy.zeros_like(A[0,0])
            for k in range(nr_a):
                C[r,c] += numpy.matmul(A[k,c], B[r,k])
    return C
Exemplo n.º 8
    def __init__(self, psfs, rho, **kwds):
        psfs is an array of psfs for different image planes (nx, ny, nz).
        They must be the same size as the image that will get analyzed.
        super(ADMM, self).__init__(**kwds)

        self.A = None
        self.At = None
        self.Atb = None
        self.G_inv = None
        self.rho = rho
        self.shape = psfs.shape
        self.u = None
        self.z = None

        # Calculate A matrix.
        nz = self.shape[2]
        self.A = admmMath.Cells(nz, 1)
        for i in range(nz):
            tmp = recenterPSF.recenterPSF(psfs[:, :, i])
            self.A[i, 0] = numpy.fft.fft2(tmp)

        # Calculate A transpose.
        self.At = admmMath.transpose(self.A)

        # Calculate AtA + rhoI inverse.
        G = admmMath.multiplyMatMat(self.At, self.A)

        for i in range(nz):
            G[i, i] += admmMath.identityMatrix(G.getMatrixShape(), scale=rho)

        [L, D, U] = admmMath.lduG(G)

        L_inv = admmMath.invL(L)
        D_inv = admmMath.invD(D)
        U_inv = admmMath.invU(U)

        self.G_inv = admmMath.multiplyMatMat(
            U_inv, admmMath.multiplyMatMat(D_inv, L_inv))