Exemplo n.º 1
def example_getting_started_02():
    path = stormpy.examples.files.prism_dtmc_die
    prism_program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(path)

    model = stormpy.build_model(prism_program)
    print("Number of states: {}".format(model.nr_states))
    print("Number of transitions: {}".format(model.nr_transitions))
    print("Labels in the model: {}".format(model.labeling.get_labels()))

    formula_str = "P=? [F s=2]"
    properties = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program(
        formula_str, prism_program)
    model_for_formula = stormpy.build_model(prism_program, properties)
    print("Number of states: {}".format(model_for_formula.nr_states))
    print("Number of transitions: {}".format(model_for_formula.nr_transitions))
    print("Labels in the model: {}".format(

    formula_str_2 = "P=? [F s=7 & d=2]"
    properties_2 = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program(
        formula_str_2, prism_program)
    model_for_formula_2 = stormpy.build_model(prism_program, properties_2)
    print("Number of states: {}".format(model_for_formula_2.nr_states))
    print("Number of transitions: {}".format(
    print("Labels in the model: {}".format(
Exemplo n.º 2
 def test_build_ctmc(self):
     program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(get_example_path("ctmc", "polling2.sm"), True)
     formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program("P=? [ F<=3 \"target\" ]", program)
     model = stormpy.build_model(program)
     assert model.nr_states == 12
     assert model.nr_transitions == 22
     assert model.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.CTMC
     assert not model.supports_parameters
     assert type(model) is stormpy.SparseCtmc
     model_for_formula = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
     assert model_for_formula.nr_states == 12
     assert model_for_formula.nr_transitions == 21
     assert model_for_formula.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.CTMC
     assert not model_for_formula.supports_parameters
     assert type(model_for_formula) is stormpy.SparseCtmc
Exemplo n.º 3
def example_simulator_01():
    path = stormpy.examples.files.prism_mdp_maze
    prism_program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(path)

    model = stormpy.build_model(prism_program)
    simulator = stormpy.simulator.create_simulator(model, seed=42)
    # 5 paths of at most 20 steps.
    paths = []
    for m in range(5):
        path = []
        state = simulator.restart()
        path = [f"{state}"]
        for n in range(20):
            actions = simulator.available_actions()
            select_action = random.randint(0,len(actions)-1)
            #print(f"Randomly select action nr: {select_action} from actions {actions}")
            state = simulator.step(actions[select_action])
            if simulator.is_done():
    for path in paths:
        print(" ".join(path))
Exemplo n.º 4
def example_building_models_01():
    path = stormpy.examples.files.drn_ctmc_dft
    model = stormpy.build_model_from_drn(path)
    print("Number of states: {}".format(model.nr_states))

    # And the parametric
    path = stormpy.examples.files.drn_pdtmc_die
    model = stormpy.build_parametric_model_from_drn(path)
    print("Number of states: {}".format(model.nr_states))

    path = stormpy.examples.files.jani_dtmc_die
    jani_program, properties = stormpy.parse_jani_model(path)
    model = stormpy.build_model(jani_program)
    print("Number of states: {}".format(model.nr_states))

    # POMDPs should be constructed with choice labels
    path = stormpy.examples.files.drn_pomdp_maze
    opts = stormpy.DirectEncodingParserOptions()
    opts.build_choice_labels = True
    pomdp = stormpy.build_model_from_drn(stormpy.examples.files.drn_pomdp_maze,
    # POMDPs need to be in a canonic representation
    pomdp = stormpy.pomdp.make_canonic(pomdp)
Exemplo n.º 5
    def test_scheduler_ma_via_mdp(self):
        program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(get_example_path("ma", "simple.ma"), False, True)
        formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program("Tmin=? [ F s=4 ]", program)
        ma = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
        assert ma.nr_states == 5
        assert ma.nr_transitions == 8
        assert ma.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.MA

        # Convert MA to MDP
        mdp, mdp_formulas = stormpy.transform_to_discrete_time_model(ma, formulas)
        assert mdp.nr_states == 5
        assert mdp.nr_transitions == 8
        assert mdp.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.MDP
        assert len(mdp.initial_states) == 1
        initial_state = mdp.initial_states[0]
        assert initial_state == 0

        result = stormpy.model_checking(mdp, mdp_formulas[0], extract_scheduler=True)
        assert math.isclose(result.at(initial_state), 0.08333333333)
        assert result.has_scheduler
        scheduler = result.scheduler
        assert scheduler.memoryless
        assert scheduler.memory_size == 1
        assert scheduler.deterministic
        for state in mdp.states:
            choice = scheduler.get_choice(state)
            assert choice.defined
            assert choice.deterministic
            action = choice.get_deterministic_choice()
            if state.id == 0:
                assert action == 1
                assert action == 0
Exemplo n.º 6
    def test_standard_properties(self):
        gspn_parser = stormpy.gspn.GSPNParser()
        gspn = gspn_parser.parse(
            get_example_path("gspn", "philosophers_4.pnpro"))
        assert gspn.get_name() == "Philosophers4"
        assert gspn.get_number_of_timed_transitions() == 12
        assert gspn.get_number_of_immediate_transitions() == 0
        assert gspn.get_number_of_places() == 16

        # Build jani program
        jani_builder = stormpy.gspn.GSPNToJaniBuilder(gspn)
        jani_program = jani_builder.build()

        # Use standard properties
        properties = jani_builder.create_deadlock_properties(jani_program)

        # Instantiate constants
        jani_program, properties = stormpy.preprocess_symbolic_input(
            jani_program, properties, "TIME_BOUND=1")
        jani_program = jani_program.as_jani_model()

        # Build model
        # Leads to incorrect result
        #model = stormpy.build_model(jani_program, properties)
        model = stormpy.build_model(jani_program)

        # Model checking
        initial_state = model.initial_states[0]
        assert initial_state == 0
        result = stormpy.model_checking(model, properties[0])
        assert math.isclose(result.at(initial_state), 1.0)
        result = stormpy.model_checking(model, properties[1])
        assert math.isclose(result.at(initial_state), 0.09123940783)
        result = stormpy.model_checking(model, properties[2])
        assert math.isclose(result.at(initial_state), 5.445544554455446)
Exemplo n.º 7
def model_checking(tulip_transys, formula, prism_file_path, extract_policy=False):
    """Model check tulip_transys against formula

    @type tulip_transys: either a MarkovChain or MarkovDecisionProcess object.
    @type formula: a string describing PCTL formula according to Prism format.
    @type prism_file_path: a string indicating the path to export the intermediate
        prism file (mostly for debugging purpose)
    @type extract_policy: boolean that indicates whether to extract policy

    @return result
        * If extract_policy = False, then for each state in model.states,
          result[state] is the probability of satisfying the formula starting at state.
        * If extract_policy = True, then result = (prob,policy) where for each
          state in model.states, prob[state] is the probability of satisfying the
          formula starting at state and policy[state] is the action to be applied at

    assert type(tulip_transys) == MDP or type(tulip_transys) == MC
    to_prism_file(tulip_transys, prism_file_path)

    prism_program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(prism_file_path)
    stormpy_model = stormpy.build_model(prism_program)
    properties = stormpy.parse_properties(formula, prism_program)
    result = stormpy.model_checking(
        stormpy_model, properties[0], extract_scheduler=extract_policy
    prob = _extract_probability(result, stormpy_model, tulip_transys)
    if not extract_policy:
        return prob

    policy = _extract_policy(result, stormpy_model, tulip_transys)
    return (prob, policy)
Exemplo n.º 8
def example_simulator_01():
    path = stormpy.examples.files.prism_dtmc_die
    prism_program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(path)

    model = stormpy.build_model(prism_program)
    simulator = stormpy.simulator.create_simulator(model, seed=42)
    final_outcomes = dict()
    for n in range(1000):
        while not simulator.is_done():
            observation = simulator.step()
        if observation not in final_outcomes:
            final_outcomes[observation] = 1
            final_outcomes[observation] += 1

    options = stormpy.BuilderOptions([])
    model = stormpy.build_sparse_model_with_options(prism_program, options)
    simulator = stormpy.simulator.create_simulator(model, seed=42)
    final_outcomes = dict()
    for n in range(1000):
        while not simulator.is_done():
            observation = simulator.step()
        if observation not in final_outcomes:
            final_outcomes[observation] = 1
            final_outcomes[observation] += 1
    print(", ".join([f"{str(k)}: {v}" for k,v in final_outcomes.items()]))
Exemplo n.º 9
def example_exploration_02():
    Example to exploration of POMDPs.
    program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(
    prop = "R=? [F \"goal\"]"
    properties = stormpy.parse_properties(prop, program)
    model = stormpy.build_model(program, properties)
    # Internally, POMDPs are just MDPs with additional observation information.
    # Thus, data structure exploration for MDPs can be applied as before.
    initial_state = model.initial_states[0]

    for state in model.states:
        if state.id in model.initial_states:
        for action in state.actions:
            for transition in action.transitions:
                    "From state {} by action {}, with probability {}, go to state {}"
                    .format(state, action, transition.value(),


    for state in model.states:
        print("State {} has observation id {}".format(
            state.id, model.observations[state.id]))
Exemplo n.º 10
    def test_transform_continuous_to_discrete_time_model_ma(self):
        program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(
            get_example_path("ma", "simple.ma"), False, True)
        formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program(
            "Tmin=? [ F s=4 ]", program)
        ma = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
        assert ma.nr_states == 5
        assert ma.nr_transitions == 8
        assert ma.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.MA
        assert len(ma.initial_states) == 1
        initial_state = ma.initial_states[0]
        assert initial_state == 0
        result = stormpy.model_checking(ma, formulas[0])
        assert math.isclose(result.at(initial_state), 0.08333333333)

        mdp, mdp_formulas = stormpy.transform_to_discrete_time_model(
            ma, formulas)
        assert mdp.nr_states == 5
        assert mdp.nr_transitions == 8
        assert mdp.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.MDP
        assert len(mdp.initial_states) == 1
        initial_state = mdp.initial_states[0]
        assert initial_state == 0
        result = stormpy.model_checking(mdp, mdp_formulas[0])
        assert math.isclose(result.at(initial_state), 0.08333333333)
Exemplo n.º 11
    def _build_model(self, instance, with_origins=True, register_stats=True):
        Build a (sparse) model from the given prism program instance

        :param instance: A highlevel description of the model
        :param with_origins: If the model is to be analysed with highlevel counterex, then this flag should be true.
        :param register_stats: Should the stats for this model be registered. 
            Put to False, when the model is just build for debugging purposes.
        :return: The Markov chain.
        start_mb = time.time()
        assert len(self.properties) + len(self.qualitative_properties) > 0 or self._optimality
        if with_origins:
            raw_formulae = [p.property.raw_formula for p in self.properties]
            if self._optimality:
            options = stormpy.BuilderOptions(raw_formulae)
            model = stormpy.build_sparse_model_with_options(instance, options)
            model = stormpy.build_model(instance, [p.property for p in self.properties])


        building_time = time.time() - start_mb
        if register_stats:
            self.stats.report_model_building(building_time, model.nr_states)
        logger.debug("Build model with {} states in {} seconds".format(model.nr_states, building_time))
        assert len(model.initial_states) == 1
        return model
Exemplo n.º 12
def example_schedulers_02():
    path = stormpy.examples.files.prism_ma_simple
    formula_str = "Tmin=? [ F s=4 ]"

    program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(path, False, True)
    formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program(formula_str, program)
    ma = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
    assert ma.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.MA

    # Convert MA to MDP
    mdp, mdp_formulas = stormpy.transform_to_discrete_time_model(ma, formulas)
    assert mdp.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.MDP
    initial_state = mdp.initial_states[0]
    assert initial_state == 0

    result = stormpy.model_checking(mdp,
    assert result.has_scheduler
    scheduler = result.scheduler
    assert scheduler.memoryless
    assert scheduler.deterministic

    for state in mdp.states:
        choice = scheduler.get_choice(state)
        action = choice.get_deterministic_choice()
        print("In state {} choose action {}".format(state, action))
Exemplo n.º 13
 def test_initial_states(self):
     program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(get_example_path("dtmc", "die.pm"))
     formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program("P=? [ F \"one\" ]", program)
     model = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
     initial_states = model.initial_states
     assert len(initial_states) == 1
     assert 0 in initial_states
Exemplo n.º 14
    def test_custom_property(self):
        gspn_parser = stormpy.gspn.GSPNParser()
        gspn = gspn_parser.parse(
            get_example_path("gspn", "philosophers_4.pnpro"))
        assert gspn.get_name() == "Philosophers4"
        assert gspn.get_number_of_timed_transitions() == 12
        assert gspn.get_number_of_immediate_transitions() == 0
        assert gspn.get_number_of_places() == 16

        # Build jani program
        jani_builder = stormpy.gspn.GSPNToJaniBuilder(gspn)
        jani_program = jani_builder.build()

        # Set properties
        properties = stormpy.parse_properties_for_jani_model(
            'P=? [F<=10 eating1=1]', jani_program)

        # Build model
        model = stormpy.build_model(jani_program, properties)

        # Model checking
        initial_state = model.initial_states[0]
        assert initial_state == 0
        result = stormpy.model_checking(model, properties[0])
        assert math.isclose(result.at(initial_state), 0.4372171069840004)
Exemplo n.º 15
    def _indiv_info(self, individual):
        # Create an assignment for the holes
        hole_assignments = self._individual_to_constants_assignment(individual)

        # And construct
        instance = self.build_instance(hole_assignments)
        model = stormpy.build_model(instance,
                                    [p.property for p in self.properties])
        for p_qual, p_quan in zip(self.properties,
            mc_result = stormpy.model_checking(model, p_quan).at(
            threshold = float(p_qual.property.raw_formula.threshold)
            if p_qual.property.raw_formula.is_probability_operator:
                logger.debug("Probability operator: {}".format(
            elif p_qual.property.raw_formula.is_reward_operator:
                logger.debug("Reward operator: {}".format(
                assert False
            logger.debug("Operator's threshold: {}".format(threshold))
                "Computed value for the operator: {}".format(mc_result))
Exemplo n.º 16
    def test_apply_scheduler_ma(self):
        program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(
            get_example_path("ma", "simple.ma"), False, True)
        formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program(
            "Tmin=? [ F s=4 ]", program)
        ma = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
        assert ma.nr_states == 5
        assert ma.nr_transitions == 8
        assert ma.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.MA
        initial_state = ma.initial_states[0]
        assert initial_state == 0

        result = stormpy.model_checking(ma,
        assert math.isclose(result.at(initial_state), 0.08333333333)
        assert result.has_scheduler
        scheduler = result.scheduler
        assert scheduler.memoryless
        assert scheduler.memory_size == 1
        assert scheduler.deterministic
        intermediate = ma.apply_scheduler(scheduler)
        assert intermediate.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.MA
        assert intermediate.nr_states == 3
        assert intermediate.nr_transitions == 4
        for state in intermediate.states:
            assert len(state.actions) == 1
Exemplo n.º 17
    def test_bisimulation(self):
        program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(
            get_example_path("dtmc", "crowds5_5.pm"))
        assert program.nr_modules == 1
        assert program.model_type == stormpy.PrismModelType.DTMC

        prop = "P=? [F \"observe0Greater1\"]"
        properties = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program(prop, program)
        model = stormpy.build_model(program, properties)
        assert model.nr_states == 7403
        assert model.nr_transitions == 13041
        assert model.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.DTMC
        assert not model.supports_parameters
        initial_state = model.initial_states[0]
        assert initial_state == 0
        result = stormpy.model_checking(model, properties[0])
        model_bisim = stormpy.perform_bisimulation(
            model, properties, stormpy.BisimulationType.STRONG)
        assert model_bisim.nr_states == 64
        assert model_bisim.nr_transitions == 104
        assert model_bisim.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.DTMC
        assert not model_bisim.supports_parameters
        result_bisim = stormpy.model_checking(model_bisim, properties[0])
        initial_state_bisim = model_bisim.initial_states[0]
        assert initial_state_bisim == 34
        assert math.isclose(result.at(initial_state),
Exemplo n.º 18
 def test_apply_scheduler_mdp(self):
     program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(
         get_example_path("mdp", "coin2-2.nm"))
     formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program(
         "Pmin=? [ F \"finished\" & \"all_coins_equal_1\"]", program)
     model = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
     assert model.nr_states == 272
     assert model.nr_transitions == 492
     assert len(model.initial_states) == 1
     initial_state = model.initial_states[0]
     assert initial_state == 0
     result = stormpy.model_checking(model,
     assert result.has_scheduler
     scheduler = result.scheduler
     assert scheduler.memoryless
     assert scheduler.memory_size == 1
     assert scheduler.deterministic
     assert not scheduler.partial
     intermediate = model.apply_scheduler(scheduler, True)
     assert intermediate.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.DTMC
     assert intermediate.nr_states == 126
     assert intermediate.nr_transitions == 156
     for state in intermediate.states:
         assert len(state.actions) == 1
Exemplo n.º 19
 def test_model_checking_prob01(self):
     program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(
         get_example_path("dtmc", "die.pm"))
     formulaPhi = stormpy.parse_properties("true")[0]
     formulaPsi = stormpy.parse_properties("\"six\"")[0]
     model = stormpy.build_model(program, [formulaPsi])
     phiResult = stormpy.model_checking(model, formulaPhi)
     phiStates = phiResult.get_truth_values()
     assert phiStates.number_of_set_bits() == model.nr_states
     psiResult = stormpy.model_checking(model, formulaPsi)
     psiStates = psiResult.get_truth_values()
     assert psiStates.number_of_set_bits() == 1
     (prob0, prob1) = stormpy.compute_prob01_states(model, phiStates,
     assert prob0.number_of_set_bits() == 9
     assert prob1.number_of_set_bits() == 1
      prob1) = stormpy.compute_prob01min_states(model, phiStates, psiStates)
     assert prob0.number_of_set_bits() == 9
     assert prob1.number_of_set_bits() == 1
      prob1) = stormpy.compute_prob01max_states(model, phiStates, psiStates)
     assert prob0.number_of_set_bits() == 9
     assert prob1.number_of_set_bits() == 1
     labelprop = stormpy.core.Property("cora", formulaPsi.raw_formula)
     result = stormpy.model_checking(model, labelprop)
     assert result.get_truth_values().number_of_set_bits() == 1
Exemplo n.º 20
 def test_scheduler_mdp(self):
     program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(
         get_example_path("mdp", "coin2-2.nm"))
     formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program(
         "Pmin=? [ F \"finished\" & \"all_coins_equal_1\"]", program)
     model = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
     assert model.nr_states == 272
     assert model.nr_transitions == 492
     assert len(model.initial_states) == 1
     initial_state = model.initial_states[0]
     assert initial_state == 0
     result = stormpy.model_checking(model,
     assert result.has_scheduler
     scheduler = result.scheduler
     assert scheduler.memoryless
     assert scheduler.memory_size == 1
     assert scheduler.deterministic
     for state in model.states:
         choice = scheduler.get_choice(state)
         assert choice.defined
         assert choice.deterministic
         action = choice.get_deterministic_choice()
         assert 0 <= action
         assert action < len(state.actions)
         distribution = choice.get_choice()
         assert str(distribution).startswith("{[1:")
Exemplo n.º 21
 def test_build_dtmc_from_prism_program(self):
     program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(get_example_path("dtmc", "die.pm"))
     model = stormpy.build_model(program)
     assert model.nr_states == 13
     assert model.nr_transitions == 20
     assert model.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.DTMC
     assert not model.supports_parameters
     assert type(model) is stormpy.SparseDtmc
Exemplo n.º 22
def build_stormpy_model(path):
    """Return the stormpy model created from the prism file

    @type path: a string indicating the path to the prism file

    prism_program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(path)
    return stormpy.build_model(prism_program)
Exemplo n.º 23
def example_getting_started_01():
    path = stormpy.examples.files.prism_dtmc_die
    prism_program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(path)

    model = stormpy.build_model(prism_program)
    print("Number of states: {}".format(model.nr_states))
    print("Number of transitions: {}".format(model.nr_transitions))
    print("Labels: {}".format(model.labeling.get_labels()))
Exemplo n.º 24
 def test_build_dtmc_from_jani_model(self):
     jani_model, properties = stormpy.parse_jani_model(get_example_path("dtmc", "die.jani"))
     model = stormpy.build_model(jani_model)
     assert model.nr_states == 13
     assert model.nr_transitions == 20
     assert model.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.DTMC
     assert not model.supports_parameters
     assert type(model) is stormpy.SparseDtmc
Exemplo n.º 25
 def test_build_mdp(self):
     program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(get_example_path("mdp", "two_dice.nm"))
     formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program("P=? [ F \"two\" ]", program)
     model = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
     assert model.nr_states == 169
     assert model.nr_transitions == 435
     assert model.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.MDP
     assert not model.supports_parameters
     assert type(model) is stormpy.SparseMdp
Exemplo n.º 26
 def test_build_ma(self):
     program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(get_example_path("ma", "simple.ma"), False, True)
     formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program("Pmax=? [ F<=2 s=2 ]", program)
     model = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
     assert model.nr_states == 4
     assert model.nr_transitions == 7
     assert model.model_type == stormpy.ModelType.MA
     assert not model.supports_parameters
     assert type(model) is stormpy.SparseMA
Exemplo n.º 27
 def test_model_checking_all_dtmc(self):
     program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(get_example_path("dtmc", "die.pm"))
     formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program("P=? [ F \"one\" ]", program)
     model = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
     assert model.nr_states == 13
     assert model.nr_transitions == 20
     result = stormpy.model_checking(model, formulas[0])
     assert result.result_for_all_states
     reference = [1 / 6, 1 / 3, 0, 2 / 3, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]
     assert all(map(math.isclose, result.get_values(), reference))
Exemplo n.º 28
    def __init__(self):
        self.target_label = "one"

        program_path = get_example_path("dtmc", "die.pm")
        raw_formula = "P=? [ F \"" + self.target_label + "\" ]"
        program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(program_path)
        formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program(
            raw_formula, program)

        self.model = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
Exemplo n.º 29
def storm_check(program, formula):
    """ Model Checks formula(string) over model """

    properties = stormpy.parse_properties_for_jani_model(formula, program)
    model = stormpy.build_model(program, properties)
    results_for_all_states = stormpy.check_model_sparse(model, properties[0])
    initial_state = model.initial_states[0]
    result = results_for_all_states.at(initial_state)

    return result
Exemplo n.º 30
 def test_model_checking_only_initial(self):
     program = stormpy.parse_prism_program(get_example_path("dtmc", "die.pm"))
     formulas = stormpy.parse_properties_for_prism_program("Pmax=? [F{\"coin_flips\"}<=3 \"one\"]", program)
     model = stormpy.build_model(program, formulas)
     assert len(model.initial_states) == 1
     initial_state = model.initial_states[0]
     assert initial_state == 0
     result = stormpy.model_checking(model, formulas[0], only_initial_states=True)
     assert not result.result_for_all_states
     assert math.isclose(result.at(initial_state), 1 / 8)