Exemplo n.º 1
    def handle(self, *args, **options):
        settings_obj = Site.objects.get_current().settings

        self.stdout.write("Updating the Strava cache...")
        if settings.STRAVA_ACCESS_TOKEN == None:
            self.stdout.write("You must set STRAVA_ACCESS_TOKEN")

        client = Client()
        client.access_token = settings.STRAVA_ACCESS_TOKEN

        if settings.STRAVA_CYCLING_CLUB != 0:
            cycling_club = client.get_club(settings.STRAVA_CYCLING_CLUB)
            self.stdout.write("Got this many cyclists = " +
            settings_obj.cyclists = cycling_club.member_count

    #        self.stdout.write("Getting cycling activities")
    #        cycling_activities = client.get_club_activities(settings.STRAVA_CYCLING_CLUB)	# Just get all of them, database can dedupe
    #        self.insert_into_db(cycling_activities, ActivityCache.RIDE)

        if settings.STRAVA_RUNNING_CLUB != 0:
            running_club = client.get_club(settings.STRAVA_RUNNING_CLUB)
            self.stdout.write("Got this many runners = " +
            settings_obj.runners = running_club.member_count

    #        self.stdout.write("Getting running activities")
    #        running_activities = client.get_club_activities(settings.STRAVA_RUNNING_CLUB)
    #        self.insert_into_db(running_activities, ActivityCache.RUN)

Exemplo n.º 2
class StravaBot:
    def __init__(self):
        Config = ConfigParser.ConfigParser()

        self.clientId = Config.get('Strava', 'ClientId')
        self.clientSecret = Config.get('Strava', 'ClientSecret')
        self.clientAccessToken = Config.get('Strava', 'ClientAccessToken')
        self.clubId = Config.get('Strava', 'ClubId')
        self.mattermostUrl = Config.get('Mattermost', 'URL')
        self.delay = Config.get('Bot', 'Delay')

        self.client = Client()
        self.client.access_token = self.clientAccessToken
        self.club = self.client.get_club(self.clubId)

        self.http = urllib3.PoolManager(

        print('Bot for club {name} with id {id} is here :^)\n'.format(name=self.club.name, id=self.clubId))

    def post_activity(self, activity):
        payload = {}
        if (activity.athlete.firstname is None):
            activity.athlete = self.client.get_athlete(activity.athlete.id)

        first_name = activity.athlete.firstname
        last_name = activity.athlete.lastname
        distance = kilometers(activity.distance)
        activity_duration = activity.moving_time
        speed = kilometers_per_hour(activity.average_speed)
        climbing = meters(activity.total_elevation_gain)
        activity_id = activity.id
        description = activity.name

        if (len(description) > 100):
            description = description[:97] + "..."

        payload = {'username': '******', 'icon_url': 'https://raw.githubusercontent.com/patoupatou/pymatterstrava/master/icon-strava.png', 'text': u':bicyclist: *{} {} : distance: {}, moving time duration: {}, speed: {}, climbing: {}* [{}](http://strava.com/activities/{}) :bicyclist:'.format(first_name, last_name, distance, activity_duration, speed, climbing, description, activity_id)}
        r = self.http.request('POST', self.mattermostUrl, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/json'}, body=json.dumps(payload))
        print(time.ctime() + ': New activity posted')
        print('payload: ' + str(payload) + '\n')

    def get_activity_details(self, activity):
        return self.client.get_activity(activity.id)

    def get_new_activities(self, old_activities, new_activities):
        new_list = []
        new_activity_ids = []
        old_activity_ids = []
        for new_activity in new_activities:
        for old_activity in old_activities:

        diff_ids = list(set(new_activity_ids) - set(old_activity_ids))
        new_list = [act for act in new_activities if act.id in diff_ids]

        return new_list

    def run(self):

        activities = set(self.client.get_club_activities(self.clubId, limit=5))
        new_activities = activities

        # for activity in activities:
            # details = self.get_activity_details(activity)
            # self.post_activity(details)

            new_activities = set(self.client.get_club_activities(self.clubId, limit=5))
            diff_activities = self.get_new_activities(activities, new_activities)
            if len(diff_activities) > 0:
                print(time.ctime() + ': New activities!\n')
                for new_activity in diff_activities:
                    details = self.get_activity_details(new_activity)
                print(time.ctime() + ': No new activities\n')

            activities = new_activities
Exemplo n.º 3
class Strava(object):
    def __init__(self, client_id, client_secret, refresh_token, club_id):
        # First store the client id, secret and refresh token
        self.client_id = client_id
        self.client_secret = client_secret
        self.refresh_token = refresh_token

        # And store some other fields
        self.club_id = club_id
        self.club = None
        self.club_expires_at = 0

        # Then we get a new access token using the client id, secret and refresh token
        self.token = self.get_access_token()

        # Now we have the access token we can create an instance of the stravalib Client
        self.client = Client(access_token=self.token['access_token'])

    def get_access_token(self):
        # Get a new access token to fetch data from the Strava API
        auth_url = "https://www.strava.com/oauth/token"
        payload = {
            'client_id': self.client_id,
            'client_secret': self.client_secret,
            'refresh_token': self.refresh_token,
            'grant_type': "refresh_token",
            'f': 'json'
        res = requests.post(auth_url, data=payload, verify=False)
        return res.json()

    def update_access_token(self):
        # Update the existing access token

        refresh_response = self.client.refresh_access_token(

        # refresh_response contains the following fields:
        # - refresh_token
        # - expires_at

        # We save the new token
        self.token = refresh_response
        # And save the new refresh token which should be used next time
        self.refresh_token = refresh_response['refresh_token']

    def update_club(self):
        # Get new data of the strava club

        if self.token_expired:
            # If the access token has been expired, we need to update it beofre we can fetch data from strava
            print('access_token has expired, updating access_token')

        # Get the strava club data
        self.club = self.client.get_club(self.club_id)
        # And set the data to expire in 5 minutes
        self.club_expires_at = time.time() + 300

    def get_member_count(self):
        # Get the member count of the strava club

        if self.club_expired:
            # Only fetch data from strava if the club data has been expired
            print('club has expired, updating club')

        return self.club.member_count

    def token_expired(self):
        # Check if the straca access token has been expired
        return time.time() > self.token['expires_at']

    def club_expired(self):
        # Check if the cached club data has been expired
        return time.time() > self.club_expires_at