Exemplo n.º 1
    def compile(self, seq, registers):
        """Try to arrange a quantum circuit into a form suitable for Gaussian boson sampling.

        This method checks whether the circuit can be implemented as a Gaussian boson sampling
        problem, i.e., if it is equivalent to a circuit A+B, where the sequence A only contains
        Gaussian operations, and B only contains Fock measurements.

        If the answer is yes, the circuit is arranged into the A+B order, and all the Fock
        measurements are combined into a single :class:`MeasureFock` operation.

            seq (Sequence[Command]): quantum circuit to modify
            registers (Sequence[RegRefs]): quantum registers
            List[Command]: modified circuit
            CircuitError: the circuit does not correspond to GBS
        A, B, C = group_operations(seq,
                                   lambda x: isinstance(x, ops.MeasureFock))

        # C should be empty
        if C:
            raise CircuitError("Operations following the Fock measurements.")

        # A should only contain Gaussian operations
        # (but this is already guaranteed by group_operations() and our primitive set)

        # without Fock measurements GBS is pointless
        if not B:
            raise CircuitError("GBS circuits must contain Fock measurements.")

        # there should be only Fock measurements in B
        measured = set()
        for cmd in B:
            if not isinstance(cmd.op, ops.MeasureFock):
                raise CircuitError(
                    "The Fock measurements are not consecutive.")

            # combine the Fock measurements
            temp = set(cmd.reg)
            if measured & temp:
                raise CircuitError("Measuring the same mode more than once.")
            measured |= temp

        # replace B with a single Fock measurement
        B = [
                    sorted(list(measured), key=lambda x: x.ind))
        return super().compile(A + B, registers)
Exemplo n.º 2
    def compile(self, seq, registers):
        """Try to arrange a quantum circuit into a form suitable for Chip0.

            seq (Sequence[Command]): quantum circuit to modify
            registers (Sequence[RegRefs]): quantum registers
            List[Command]: modified circuit
            CircuitError: the circuit does not correspond to Chip0
        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-branches
        # First, check if provided sequence matches the circuit template.
        # This will avoid superfluous compilation if the user is using the
        # template directly.
            seq = super().compile(seq, registers)
        except CircuitError:
            # failed topology check. Continue to more general
            # compilation below.
            return seq

        # first do general GBS compilation to make sure
        # Fock measurements are correct
        # ---------------------------------------------
        seq = GBSSpecs().compile(seq, registers)
        A, B, C = group_operations(seq,
                                   lambda x: isinstance(x, ops.MeasureFock))

        if len(B[0].reg) != self.modes:
            raise CircuitError("All modes must be measured.")

        # Check circuit begins with two mode squeezers
        # --------------------------------------------
        A, B, C = group_operations(seq, lambda x: isinstance(x, ops.S2gate))

        if A:
            raise CircuitError("Circuits must start with two S2gates.")

        # get circuit registers
        regrefs = {q for cmd in B for q in cmd.reg}

        if len(regrefs) != self.modes:
            raise CircuitError("S2gates do not appear on the correct modes.")

        # Compile the unitary: combine and then decompose all unitaries
        # -------------------------------------------------------------
        A, B, C = group_operations(
            seq, lambda x: isinstance(x, (ops.Rgate, ops.BSgate)))

        # begin unitary lists for mode [0, 1] and modes [2, 3] with
        # two identity matrices. This is because multi_dot requires
        # at least two matrices in the list.
        U_list01 = [np.identity(self.modes // 2, dtype=np.complex128)] * 2
        U_list23 = [np.identity(self.modes // 2, dtype=np.complex128)] * 2

        if not B:
            # no interferometer was applied
            A, B, C = group_operations(seq,
                                       lambda x: isinstance(x, ops.S2gate))
            A = B  # move the S2gates to A
            for cmd in B:
                # calculate the unitary matrix representing each
                # rotation gate and each beamsplitter
                # Note: this is done separately on modes [0, 1]
                # and modes [2, 3]
                modes = [i.ind for i in cmd.reg]
                params = [i.x for i in cmd.op.p]
                U = np.identity(self.modes // 2, dtype=np.complex128)

                if isinstance(cmd.op, ops.Rgate):
                    m = modes[0]
                    U[m % 2, m % 2] = np.exp(1j * params[0])

                elif isinstance(cmd.op, ops.BSgate):
                    m, n = modes

                    t = np.cos(params[0])
                    r = np.exp(1j * params[1]) * np.sin(params[0])

                    U[m % 2, m % 2] = t
                    U[m % 2, n % 2] = -np.conj(r)
                    U[n % 2, m % 2] = r
                    U[n % 2, n % 2] = t

                if set(modes).issubset({0, 1}):
                    U_list01.insert(0, U)
                elif set(modes).issubset({2, 3}):
                    U_list23.insert(0, U)
                    raise CircuitError(
                        "Unitary must be applied separately to modes [0, 1] and modes [2, 3]."

        # multiply all unitaries together, to get the final
        # unitary representation on modes [0, 1] and [2, 3].
        U01 = multi_dot(U_list01)
        U23 = multi_dot(U_list23)

        # check unitaries are equal
        if not np.allclose(U01, U23):
            raise CircuitError(
                "Interferometer on modes [0, 1] must be identical to interferometer on modes [2, 3]."

        U = block_diag(U01, U23)

        # replace B with an interferometer
        B = [
            Command(ops.Interferometer(U01), registers[:2]),
            Command(ops.Interferometer(U23), registers[2:]),

        # decompose the interferometer, using Mach-Zehnder interferometers
        B = self.decompose(B)

        # Do a final circuit topology check
        # ---------------------------------
        seq = super().compile(A + B + C, registers)
        return seq
Exemplo n.º 3
    def compile(self, seq, registers):
        """Try to arrange a quantum circuit into a form suitable for X8.

            seq (Sequence[Command]): quantum circuit to modify
            registers (Sequence[RegRefs]): quantum registers
            List[Command]: modified circuit
            CircuitError: the circuit does not correspond to X8
        # pylint: disable=too-many-statements,too-many-branches

        # first do general GBS compilation to make sure
        # Fock measurements are correct
        # ---------------------------------------------
        seq = GBSSpecs().compile(seq, registers)
        A, B, C = group_operations(seq,
                                   lambda x: isinstance(x, ops.MeasureFock))

        if len(B[0].reg) != self.modes:
            raise CircuitError("All modes must be measured.")

        # Check circuit begins with two mode squeezers
        # --------------------------------------------
        A, B, C = group_operations(seq, lambda x: isinstance(x, ops.S2gate))

        regrefs = set()

        if B:
            # get set of circuit registers as a tuple for each S2gate
            regrefs = {(cmd.reg[0].ind, cmd.reg[1].ind) for cmd in B}

        # the set of allowed mode-tuples the S2gates must have
        allowed_modes = set(zip(range(0, 4), range(4, 8)))

        if not regrefs.issubset(allowed_modes):
            raise CircuitError("S2gates do not appear on the correct modes.")

        # ensure provided S2gates all have the allowed squeezing values
        allowed_sq_value = {(0.0, 0.0), (self.sq_amplitude, 0.0)}
        sq_params = {(float(np.round(cmd.op.p[0], 3)), float(cmd.op.p[1]))
                     for cmd in B}

        if not sq_params.issubset(allowed_sq_value):
            wrong_params = sq_params - allowed_sq_value
            raise CircuitError(
                "Incorrect squeezing value(s) (r, phi)={}. Allowed squeezing "
                "value(s) are (r, phi)={}.".format(wrong_params,

        # determine which modes do not have input S2gates specified
        missing = allowed_modes - regrefs

        for i, j in missing:
            # insert S2gates with 0 squeezing
                       Command(ops.S2gate(0, 0), [registers[i], registers[j]]))

        # Check if matches the circuit template
        # --------------------------------------------
        # This will avoid superfluous unitary compilation.
            seq = super().compile(seq, registers)
        except CircuitError:
            # failed topology check. Continue to more general
            # compilation below.
            return seq

        # Compile the unitary: combine and then decompose all unitaries
        # -------------------------------------------------------------
        A, B, C = group_operations(
            seq, lambda x: isinstance(x, (ops.Rgate, ops.BSgate, ops.MZgate)))

        # begin unitary lists for mode [0, 1, 2, 3] and modes [4, 5, 6, 7] with
        # two identity matrices. This is because multi_dot requires
        # at least two matrices in the list.
        U_list0 = [np.identity(self.modes // 2, dtype=np.complex128)] * 2
        U_list4 = [np.identity(self.modes // 2, dtype=np.complex128)] * 2

        if not B:
            # no interferometer was applied
            A, B, C = group_operations(seq,
                                       lambda x: isinstance(x, ops.S2gate))
            A = B  # move the S2gates to A
            for cmd in B:
                # calculate the unitary matrix representing each
                # rotation gate and each beamsplitter
                modes = [i.ind for i in cmd.reg]
                params = par_evaluate(cmd.op.p)
                U = np.identity(self.modes // 2, dtype=np.complex128)

                if isinstance(cmd.op, ops.Rgate):
                    m = modes[0]
                    U[m % 4, m % 4] = np.exp(1j * params[0])

                elif isinstance(cmd.op, ops.MZgate):
                    m, n = modes
                    U = mach_zehnder(m % 4, n % 4, params[0], params[1],
                                     self.modes // 2)

                elif isinstance(cmd.op, ops.BSgate):
                    m, n = modes

                    t = np.cos(params[0])
                    r = np.exp(1j * params[1]) * np.sin(params[0])

                    U[m % 4, m % 4] = t
                    U[m % 4, n % 4] = -np.conj(r)
                    U[n % 4, m % 4] = r
                    U[n % 4, n % 4] = t

                if set(modes).issubset({0, 1, 2, 3}):
                    U_list0.insert(0, U)
                elif set(modes).issubset({4, 5, 6, 7}):
                    U_list4.insert(0, U)
                    raise CircuitError(
                        "Unitary must be applied separately to modes [0, 1, 2, 3] and modes [4, 5, 6, 7]."

        # multiply all unitaries together, to get the final
        # unitary representation on modes [0, 1] and [2, 3].
        U0 = multi_dot(U_list0)
        U4 = multi_dot(U_list4)

        # check unitaries are equal
        if not np.allclose(U0, U4):
            raise CircuitError(
                "Interferometer on modes [0, 1, 2, 3] must be identical to interferometer on modes [4, 5, 6, 7]."

        U = block_diag(U0, U4)

        # replace B with an interferometer
        B = [
            Command(ops.Interferometer(U0), registers[:4]),
            Command(ops.Interferometer(U4), registers[4:]),

        # decompose the interferometer, using Mach-Zehnder interferometers
        B = self.decompose(B)

        # Do a final circuit topology check
        # ---------------------------------
        seq = super().compile(A + B + C, registers)
        return seq
Exemplo n.º 4
    def compile(self, seq, registers):
        # the number of modes in the provided program
        n_modes = len(registers)

        # Number of modes must be even
        if n_modes % 2 != 0:
            raise CircuitError(
                "The X series only supports programs with an even number of modes."
        half_n_modes = n_modes // 2
        # Call the GBS compiler to do basic measurement validation.
        # The GBS compiler also merges multiple measurement commands
        # into a single MeasureFock command at the end of the circuit.
        seq = GBS().compile(seq, registers)

        # ensure that all modes are measured
        if len(seq[-1].reg) != n_modes:
            raise CircuitError("All modes must be measured.")

        # Check circuit begins with two-mode squeezers
        # --------------------------------------------
        A, B, C = group_operations(seq, lambda x: isinstance(x, ops.S2gate))
        # If there are no two-mode squeezers add squeezers at the beginning with squeezing param equal to zero.
        if B == []:
            initS2 = [
                Command(ops.S2gate(0, 0),
                        [registers[i], registers[i + half_n_modes]])
                for i in range(half_n_modes)
            seq = initS2 + seq
            A, B, C = group_operations(seq,
                                       lambda x: isinstance(x, ops.S2gate))

        if A != []:
            raise CircuitError(
                "There can be no operations before the S2gates.")

        regrefs = set()

        if B:
            # get set of circuit registers as a tuple for each S2gate
            regrefs = {(cmd.reg[0].ind, cmd.reg[1].ind) for cmd in B}

        # the set of allowed mode-tuples the S2gates must have
        allowed_modes = set(
            zip(range(0, half_n_modes), range(half_n_modes, n_modes)))

        if not regrefs.issubset(allowed_modes):
            raise CircuitError("S2gates do not appear on the correct modes.")

        # determine which modes do not have input S2gates specified
        missing = allowed_modes - regrefs

        for i, j in missing:
            # insert S2gates with 0 squeezing
            B.insert(0, Command(ops.S2gate(0, 0),
                                [registers[i], registers[j]]))

        # get list of circuit registers as a tuple for each S2gate
        regrefs = [(cmd.reg[0].ind, cmd.reg[1].ind) for cmd in B]

        # merge S2gates
        if len(regrefs) > half_n_modes:
            for mode, indices in list_duplicates(regrefs):
                r = 0
                phi = 0

                for k, i in enumerate(sorted(indices, reverse=True)):
                    removed_cmd = B.pop(i)
                    r += removed_cmd.op.p[0]
                    phi_new = removed_cmd.op.p[1]

                    if k > 0 and phi_new != phi:
                        raise CircuitError(
                            "Cannot merge S2gates with different phase values."

                    phi = phi_new

                i, j = mode
                    Command(ops.S2gate(r, phi), [registers[i], registers[j]]))

        meas_seq = [C[-1]]
        seq = GaussianUnitary().compile(C[:-1], registers)

        # extract the compiled symplectic matrix
        if seq == []:
            S = np.identity(2 * n_modes)
            used_modes = list(range(n_modes))
            S = seq[0].op.p[0]
            # determine the modes that are acted on by the symplectic transformation
            used_modes = [x.ind for x in seq[0].reg]

        if not np.allclose(S @ S.T, np.identity(len(S))):
            raise CircuitError(
                "The operations after squeezing do not correspond to an interferometer."

        if len(used_modes) != n_modes:
            # The symplectic transformation acts on a subset of
            # the programs registers. We must expand the symplectic
            # matrix to one that acts on all registers.
            # simply extract the computed symplectic matrix
            S = expand(seq[0].op.p[0], used_modes, n_modes)

        U = S[:n_modes, :n_modes] - 1j * S[:n_modes, n_modes:]
        U11 = U[:half_n_modes, :half_n_modes]
        U12 = U[:half_n_modes, half_n_modes:]
        U21 = U[half_n_modes:, :half_n_modes]
        U22 = U[half_n_modes:, half_n_modes:]
        if not np.allclose(U12, 0) or not np.allclose(U21, 0):
            # Not a bipartite graph
            raise CircuitError(
                "The applied unitary cannot mix between the modes {}-{} and modes {}-{}."
                .format(0, half_n_modes - 1, half_n_modes, n_modes - 1))

        if not np.allclose(U11, U22):
            # Not a symmetric bipartite graph
            raise CircuitError(
                "The applied unitary on modes {}-{} must be identical to the applied unitary on modes {}-{}."
                .format(0, half_n_modes - 1, half_n_modes, n_modes - 1))
        U1 = ops.Interferometer(U11,
        U2 = copy.deepcopy(U1)

        for Ui in U2:
            Ui.reg = [registers[r.ind + half_n_modes] for r in Ui.reg]

        return B + U1 + U2 + meas_seq