Exemplo n.º 1
def terraform_build_handler(options, config):
    """Run Terraform with an optional set of targets and clusters

        options (argparse.Namespace): Parsed arguments from manage.py
        config (CLIConfig): Loaded StreamAlert config

        bool: False if errors occurred, True otherwise
    if not terraform_generate_handler(config=config):
        return False

    target_modules, valid = _get_valid_tf_targets(config, options.target)
    if not valid:
        return False

    return tf_runner(targets=target_modules if target_modules else None)
Exemplo n.º 2
def get_tf_modules(config, generate=False):
    if generate:
        if not terraform_generate_handler(config=config):
            return False

    modules = set()
    resources = set()
    for root, _, files in os.walk('terraform'):
        for file_name in files:
            path = os.path.join(root, file_name)
            if path.endswith('.tf.json'):
                with open(path, 'r') as tf_file:
                    tf_data = json.load(tf_file)
                    resources.update('{}.{}'.format(resource, value)
                                     for resource, values in tf_data.get(
                                         'resource', {}).iteritems()
                                     for value in values)

    return {'module': modules, 'resource': resources}
Exemplo n.º 3
def deploy_handler(options, config):
    """CLI handler for deploying new versions of Lambda functions

        options (argparse.Namespace): Parsed argparse namespace from the CLI
        config (CLIConfig): Loaded StreamAlert config

        bool: False if errors occurred, True otherwise
    # Make sure the Terraform code is up to date
    if not terraform_generate_handler(config=config):
        return False

    functions = options.function

    if 'all' in options.function:
        functions = {

    if not deploy(functions, config, options.clusters):
        return False

    # Update the rule table now if the rules engine is being deployed
    if 'rule' in functions:
        _update_rule_table(options, config)

    return True
Exemplo n.º 4
def terraform_init(options, config):
    """Initialize infrastructure using Terraform

        config (CLIConfig): Loaded StreamAlert config

        bool: False if errors occurred, True otherwise
    # Stop here if only initializing the backend
    if options.backend:
        return _terraform_init_backend()

    LOGGER.info('Initializing StreamAlert')

    # generate init Terraform files
    if not terraform_generate_handler(config=config, init=True):
        return False

    LOGGER.info('Initializing Terraform')
    if not run_command(['terraform', 'init']):
        return False

    # build init infrastructure
    LOGGER.info('Building initial infrastructure')
    init_targets = [
        'aws_s3_bucket.lambda_source', 'aws_s3_bucket.logging_bucket',
        'aws_s3_bucket.terraform_remote_state', 'aws_s3_bucket.streamalerts',
    if not tf_runner(targets=init_targets):
        LOGGER.error('An error occurred while running StreamAlert init')
        return False

    # generate the main.tf with remote state enabled
    LOGGER.info('Configuring Terraform Remote State')
    if not terraform_generate_handler(
            config=config, check_tf=False, check_creds=False):
        return False

    if not run_command(['terraform', 'init']):
        return False

    LOGGER.info('Deploying Lambda Functions')

    functions = ['rule', 'alert', 'alert_merger', 'athena', 'classifier']

    deploy(functions, config)

    # we need to manually create the streamalerts table since terraform does not support this
    # See: https://github.com/terraform-providers/terraform-provider-aws/issues/1486
    alerts_bucket = '{}.streamalerts'.format(
    create_table('alerts', alerts_bucket, config)

    LOGGER.info('Building remainding infrastructure')
    return tf_runner(refresh=False)
Exemplo n.º 5
def cli_runner(args):
    """Main StreamAlert CLI handler

        options (argparse.Namespace): command line arguments passed from the argparser.
            Contains the following keys for terraform commands:
                (command, subcommand, target)
            Contains the following keys for lambda commands:
                (command, subcommand, env, func, source)
        bool: False if errors occurred, True otherwise
    config = CLIConfig()


        'Issues? Report here: https://github.com/airbnb/streamalert/issues')

    cmds = {
        lambda opts: app_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: athena_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: terraform_build_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: terraform_clean_handler(),
        lambda opts: configure_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: _create_alarm_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: _create_alarm_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: _custom_metrics_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: deploy_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: terraform_destroy_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: terraform_generate_handler(config, check_creds=False),
        lambda opts: terraform_init(opts, config),
        lambda opts: kinesis_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: terraform_list_targets(config),
        lambda opts: output_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: rollback_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: rule_staging_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: _status_handler(config),
        lambda opts: test_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: _threat_intel_handler(opts, config),
        lambda opts: threat_intel_downloader_handler(opts, config),

    result = cmds[args.command](args)
    return result