# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>
# Source on github:
#   https://github.com/tbleiker/StreamBug

import multiprocessing
import time
import zmq

from streambug import cmd_interface
from streambug import mplogger

# set up logging
log = mplogger.getLogger()

def server_thread(zeromq_context, address, port_pull, port_pub):
    server = cmd_interface.Server(zeromq_context, address, port_pull, port_pub)

    time2wait = 0.5

    # wait for client to come up
    log.info('### Test 1: Request help.')
    server.send('help', 'c1', 'f1', 1)

    log.info('### Test 2: Do not send a command:')
Exemplo n.º 2
A client can be either a 'commander' or a 'follower'. A follower provides
functions which can be called by a commander. A follower can also send update
information to all connected commanders.

import datetime
import msgpack
import threading
import time
import queue
import zmq

from streambug import mplogger

log = mplogger.getLogger(__name__)

# todo: replace 'commander' and 'follower' by the following constants:
COMMANDER = 'commander'
FOLLOWER = 'follower'

def msg_encode(msg):
    """Encode message with msgpack."""
    return msgpack.packb(msg, use_bin_type=True)

def msg_decode(msg_pack):
    """Decode message with msgpack."""
    return msgpack.unpackb(msg_pack, encoding='utf-8', use_list=False)